Smallara Episode 473: A Giantess Story

Smallara 473

Jordan swam in the pool waters below him. He saw Sara’s hand lurking beneath him as if the maw of some kind of creature waiting to come up from the water and grab him. Jordan had never been much of a swimmer in his pre-Smallara life, but he had taken the time to learn. As he continued to swim towards Sara, he found it to be rather annoying that what should be such a short distance is actually a decent swim.

“You’re doing so good, Jordy. Look at my whitto man is swimming so strongly.” Sara said in a babyish voice as she watched him kick his little legs in the pool waters. As Jordan neared Sara he saw her massive frame tilt back into the water. Underneath him her stomach rose out of the water around him. He could see the chlorinated ocean like waters running down either side of Sara’s body as Jordan felt himself rise up and out of the water until he was laying on Sara’s stomach as if it were island in the middle of this pool like ocean.

“Sara, this is inappropriate. What would your parents say? What would other people say.” Jordan said a bit panicked as he looked about at everything from his spot on Sara’s stomach. He could tell she was doing a realxing back float every so often she would kick her feet to propel forward but mostly she was just floating.

“Why would my parents care? You’re my wittle pet man. We aren’t even doing anything. You worry so much. It’s not like you are a boy or something and even if you were boy are so gross and most are unattractive. Chloe is so much better looking then most guys not that looks should be why you date someone. But she definitely gets my engine going, if you know what I mean.

“You realize I am a boy erm man still right. Just because I’m small doesn;t change that.” Jordan said as he walked forward a bit. From his current vantage point Sara who he would never say was blessed with large breasts. However, from this angle they looked simply massive.

“You are a boy, but you’re an underbred boy. It’s different, Jordy. I know you are still trying to adjust to all this. I don’t blame you. I’d be feeling a bit like Pinocchio if I were you too. But I’m here for you. We’re going to get you adjusted to all this and before long this will just feel normal to you. You’re meeting little friends so that should help too. I mean, just think, assuming we have our health, the next one hundred-plus years is just you and me, little buddy. There are so many people in this world who are going to think less of you because you’re an underbred. They just keep you in cages like some kind of exotic show pet. Thats why I’m working so hard to educate you and as annoying as it is that Mom wants you to take the LAT’s that’s going to help you too. “ Sara said giving Jordan some pets.

“Uhhh, not to sound ungrateful, as I appreciate what you have done, but don’t you think less of me?” Jordan asked.

“Jordy, I’m hurt. What do you mean? You’re my wittle pet man. I don’t think less of you. How could you think that? I’ve elevated you from just simple pet to pet person. We’re securing you an education and getting you tested. You fell into such a good situation Jordy. I would never want you to get the full picture of the horrifying reality that awaits a underbred on the other side. My friends and I are all very pro underbred. I could show you some videos if you really want. It’s super gross but there is this one French girl on TikTok who just livestreams her underbred cleaning her shoes with nothing but his tongue then she takes donations on what shoes of hers he is going to clean next. The third world stuff is where the super nasty stuff is at the moment where nothing can be done. But even Sadie skirts what’s legal here if you remember her from lunch the other day. Her mom is basically a prisoner to her whims.” Sara said

“I see your point.” Jordan said as Sara gave him several pets on her stomach before lifting him up while floating her back and giving him a kiss followed by a playful smile as she drops him down onto her chest.

“You have more rights and freedoms with me than most any other underbred. I think highly of you, Jordy. Now if you want to say you have fewer rights than me. That’s fair, but that’s just how the world works. We can’t change the fact you’re a underbred. But you’re my widdle underbred who I love very much.” Sara said as she gave him a few more pets to show her affection.

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5 months ago

Jordan needs to press sarah more on that. I don’t think she’s mature enough to see where he’s coming from or is just that oblivious to it due to the current norms. Yeah she’s probably better than other guardians, but when you consider the fact that there may have been some way for Emily or Daniela to keep him as her little and that they view him as a person still, he could still be better off. Either that or he starts purposely acting more rash with certain things and feigning ignorance cause he is “just and underbred” and catching sarah in her hypocrisy though I guess that wouldn’t go over very well.

Actually, I think the best question he can ask is, if on a voting ballot there was a chance to legally reclassify Littles as autonomous beings, like they are, if she would vote yes on it, as that’s a real possibility in the future. If she genuinely cares about him, she’d do what’s right and help him get his rights expanded and recognized. Again, probably too immature to really consider it, but it’s something that could come up

And funny enough, the fact she calls him an underbred is, in itself, a sign that she looks down on him, as it’s a slur and has been depicted as much in the story

Last edited 5 months ago by C M
J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

I know right like she a total hypocrite on this topic like does she not her herself sometimes I understand she care and loves Jordan and wants the best but my goodness she needs to check herself before saying “I don’t think less of you” and use the whole “see Sadie and other people will treat you worse the world is a bad place for you” like damn girl why you got to use others to prove yourself as better it helps but it come off as insecure of yourself sometimes like if you’re so good you wouldn’t need to use others to prove your better option for Jordan …..sigh I don’t know it another grey area and complicated situation of discussion….which surprisingly I enjoy lol

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

Right. It’s a good long term plot device for Asuka to play with, which is good us as it means burn out might be less of a possibility.

That being said and all things considered, I’ve settled that fully autonomy and complete independence under the law isn’t something we would see for many, many years, probably long after the main story characters pass on. But in the mean time, the guardians could put more of an effort in being a bit more cooperative with their Littles. That’s why I like Kayla and Kelli so much, albeit they’re siblings, but I see such potential for them to help each other improve their Station in life and I really, really have a hard time seeing Kayla as a opportunist that’s just gonna use her sister until she can stand on her own and then treat her like any other little. That’s my near future hope for sarah and Jordan and that Kelli and Kayla continue to trend towards, and thus far for the latter, it seems like it could go that direction

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Maybe we see some half way change in the future with Sara and Jordan and we then see main story focus on the children of Sara and Jordan who are still struggling with the current state of Little rights and recognition of being seen a person regardless of being small and fragile or something like that

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

That’d be interesting. I had been curious about what a real small born and guardian relationship would be like, but it being based around Jordan and Sarah still would be interesting.

I wanna see what chloe and generitech are like when she’s running the business and see if she can lobby for better laws for them. And the Kayla Kelli story I’m excited to see too.

Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Canonically, I can say there was no way Daniela or Emily could financially afford Jordan without a substantial loan which would create financial hardships then they would have loan payments plus after 1 year all the recurring fees would be due like guardian license renewal, little registration renewal, little shots, etc. All of it costs money and time.

Plus in theory they aren’t immediate family so they have no familial claim. Sara would be entitled to recoup her investment into her asset in any kind of direct transaction and that would be on top of al the other fees and guardian training which neither are.

They are teachers and paid accordingly to how teachers are paid. Just because its fancier private school doesn’t mean the teachers make millions or anything. They are paid more then public school teachers but are still very much middle class. Where they aren’t living paycheck to payback but they aren’t loaded. They couldn’t afford to just quit their job or anything without something line d up if that makes sense.

Sara wouldn’t have the answer to the ballot question nor would she even think to bring it up. I wouldn’t think most teenagers would think to specifically bring that up but also Sara can’t vote. Shes not of voting age nor are her friends.

I doubt Sara would vote for littles being autonomous beings because she doesn’t view them that way. as they aren’t capable of living without the support of another.

If a little is just left outside it would be dead in under a year form either weather, predators, or other littles, a person not seeing them and killing them, the wind blowing them into something, etc.

So in Sara’s eyes that woudl be a inaccurate statement to say there autonomous as they are closer to parasitic beings similar to remora that attaches itself to a shark or whale. While both organisms benefit from one another. The remora is dependant upon the larger creature to survive.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

In regard to the Emily and Daniela stuff, that makes sense. Idk if it’s a site limitation or something with my phone but I was gonna fix that as yeah, they’re on a teacher salary and being a guardian for a little is a massive expense. That being said, it’s the premise I’m highlighting, as he’d have been better off with either of them or even his sister maybe though that hasn’t been discussed too much. But as you said in another reply and in a few other chapters, Emily and Daniela aren’t the norm in terms of attitudes to Littles, and I really don’t have a good grasp and what that ratio is in terms of they’re individuals vs they’re not.

For the ballot and autonomy stuff, yeah I see your point. Sarah doesn’t seem to deal in hypotheticals so I guess she wouldn’t consider voting, but at some point she’ll need to, especially when she’s at least once said she hated the rights start at 19 inches stuff. That being said, while I could see her arguments about why they aren’t autonomous and I’d agree with that due to the physical limitations but not mental, I’d still want to see how she’d respond if there was a push to expand the rights of Littles to the point where they’re not classified as pets but people with disabilities or something in that group. Does she care enough about Jordan and is she pro little enough to help them have a better place in society or is?. Like realistically speaking there is a very good possibility that could happen in the future in my opinion. Especially if Chloe lobby for it when she’s in charge of generitech. She’s seeing little treatment first hand in varying degrees and probably could put a good campaign together when she’s in charge that would appeal to people.

But that’s just based on my understanding of American government lol this world is vastly different from ours in that regard as the consolidation of power under the executive branch is unconstitutional be design and never should have happened, so there something I’m missing with that

J - vader
J - vader
5 months ago

Sigh on some points Sara isn’t wrong and she is the better of two options in this current world for little but damn it she is being so hypocritical about her views on Jordan and him being a little. Like it’s bad enough that she continues to use the slur or what is considered a slur rather than calling him him a little which in itself is basically looking down on him, second she right people like that girl from tik tok and Sadie are worse guardians to be around but their still some good guardians to like Kayla and as much as I hate to say Madison and her sister like I can’t agree with Sara basically saying everyone outside her and her friends are the only good ones like wtf and she dismisses the possibility that maybe the world will change for the better like it always does for certain people and demographics in the world.

Again I understand what she saying but she isn’t completely correct about this topic and views not completely and I hope in few years she is proven wrong about this topic and called out for her hypocrisy…..again

Last edited 5 months ago by J - vader
Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

Well i think her point is that society has a baseline that most people view littles at which is along the lines of a pet or exotic pet but not equal. Now there is a sizeable portion who think differently but sizeable as in still less then the majority. That sizeable portion would be even less if you add in people outside of America.

So in Sara’s eyes since he is more then a pet to her he is a pet person. She is thinking of more of him and giving him more rights, and more status then most. She is doing more for him then the minimum even if its less than what some people would want. IT is more than most people feel someone in Jordan’s situation deserves in their world.

which is where her viewpoint is coming from.

I don’t think her intent was to say everyone but her friends are horrible. I think she more means that her and her friends think better of littles then the societal average. So statistically speaking most situations would be worse as they are going above and beyond what is considered average and typical.

Now could that change over time? Sure, but progress is generally slow. In the real world minorities still aren’t equal or treated the same and humans have had over a 1000 years to figure it out as one example. Another example would be equal pay amongst humans. etc. All of that has gotten better but its not where its needs to be. THe progress is there but its slower then people want. as Change is hard.

Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1a) I have a feeling that “pro underbred” and “pro little” are wildly different.

1b) other than Chloe, I wouldn’t say any are pro little.

2) Sara does think less of Jordan, she’s made that point very clear, she’s also expressed disgust at people who view underbreds as equal. she seems to be making an exception for Chloe, but we know they fight about it, and Chloe’s agreed to try and dislike back on it.

3) I really hate that this world is presenting Sara as “one of the good ones”

4) is not with her tongue, how was Charity going to be cleaning Mal and Kayla’s shoes?

5) I like that the life expansions have been acknowledged in universe.

6) Sara dismisses the concept of her action bring in inappropriate like two of her best friends aren’t in an little/human relationship

7) these stories are more gratitude manipulation, hate how she does that to him, he deserves better.

8) lovely idea about Jordan floating on Sara like she’s a meat raft, that’d be SO cool to do.

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1a) yeah, that’s what I was thinking.

1b) Kayla was a thought as well, but she’s not as vocal about her opinions ad Chloe has been.

2) That’s really fucked that most people are even worse than Sara. I was hopishe only looked good in a vacuum and that the average guardian was nicer and more respectful to their littles.

3) I like to stay consistent, lol.

4) I wouldn’t have her do it, she’d take ages and do a less good job. but I thought Sara would treat Charity like Saddie treats Christine, as in tongue out, dirt off.

Sara has provided tools, but not always size appropriate tasks, lol

5) yeah, it just felt like it happened randomly and was never brought up again in the story.

6) true, it just seems weird that the only hint we have about Sara’s opinions was calling Gavin “Mal’s pet”.

7) Intent matters, she wants him to feel like she’s doing better for him than she is. She wants the perks of improving without doing the work, and to praise herself. It’s something shitty parents do a lot, like in Shameless when Frank asks his kids “do you know how many parents murder their children?” To try and make his kids think he’s a good father (he’s not), same energy as when Sara brings up these points.

These conversations are often just conversational, or gossip, morbid curiosity and such.

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

2) yeah that was a hard pill for me to swallow the other day. I didn’t know smallara and everything had been around for as long as it had been and thought maybe people were still wrestling with the ethics and things like that, but I think Asuka said it’s been present since 2010 and (I think) the story is set in the current year or close to it so it sounds like there had been a huge push to make these views the norm. If anything madison and Mckenzie are closer to the average view point of Littles depending on if they out grow their moms racial bias’

5 months ago

I am curious as other similar premesis like this exist like Ohh “On the shelf” comic. Do littles have a standard size or do they vary? Like how big is the biggest and small is the smallest?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lemarkhan
5 months ago

Littles have slight variations like humans, but their all around 3″-4″ as adults, also woman are bigger than men after infection

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