Smallara Episode 474: A Giantess Story

Smallara 474

“You are loved and cared for here. It won’t be long before you get to go on your first flight as an underbred. When we go on our annual family trip out to the beach slash lake house. You are going to love it.” Sara said.

“I’ve never flown before for starters and I’m not crazy about not being told ahead of time.” Jordan said.

“This is ahead of time. It’s not like we are leaving after school. You have weeks to prepare yourself and I was going to tell you ahead of time. I was still gathering all the information. As now we know you just travel with me and use your little ID so we don’t have to do anything else, and you already have your collar so you should have no issue. You can be on my lap the whole time, or you can nap in my carry on or Ellie’s if you want.”

“I’d like to be in the loop as soon as you’re made aware of these kinds of things.” Jordan said.

“Does my widdle man not like being left out? I will let you know as early as I can when it’s appropriate. You are almost always with me, so I forget the few times you aren’t. You are my support underbred.” Sara said

Jordan knew this was the best he could hope for. So accepted words as face value. As he trusted her. What soon came to Jordan’s mind was that this was but a simple pool in a private school however it stretched out in every direction. Even earlier swimming in the warm waters was surreal. He was thankful the pool was heated but he couldn’t get past how much denser the water seemed. His arms and legs still burned from the exertion as he looked at Sara’s massive body lazily floating in the water displacing it as if it’s nothing.

Now more than ever Jordan found himself humbled by the sheer size of Sara. He had spent the past few days noticing the height differences between Sara and her friends along with Sara compared to other people. He couldn’t help but notice Sara was on the shorter side of average. Compared to him though it mattered little. As even now he was standing on her stomach as if she was island. The pool waters lapping up against her from the other students in the class swimming or moving about in the waters.

Sara’s smallish breasts completely blotted out any view he had of her face. He had thought about climbing them at first to see her face until he realized what he was proposing in his mind. These weren’t simply hills, they were her breasts, and he couldn’t possibly be so bold or forward. Simply standing on her stomach was enough. Sara was a rather fit girl, especially for someone who doesn’t partake in any kind of sports or athletic competition. She claims she merely works out to stay healthy, but her body is impressively toned. He has no doubt about the amount of work she had put into getting it that way. He was sure it was because her family expects nothing short of excellence.

It was still hard for him to fully accept it. But her family is now his family. After this Smallara laden transformation he had been brought into the Reeves household. Which found himself in a weird position in this Reeves household. He was part of the family via Sara. Her father seemed nice enough and inclusive, but Ms. Reeves very much seemed to view him as just Sara’s. Mrs. Reeves was nice to him and welcoming mostly outside of a few quirks like this morning when she wanted him to eat on the floor. Luckily Sara put her foot down though. However, not having her as fully on board as Sara or her father makes these situations more troubling as she is head of the household.

It made Jordan understand more why Sara viewed things the way she does. While she seems more accepting of littles than her mother who he was sure for all her nicety would have shipped him off to the facility day one. As being doctor or nurse it’s just what is done from, what he understood. Especially for someone like him who she had no reason to keep. No, he got to stay here because of Sara. There was no world where he would have gotten to live with Emily or Daniela. They didn’t have the resources to care for someone like him. They didn’t have the ability to cover the recurring fees he understood that existed not only for the license of being a guardian but to have a little like him. Things like his house and credit debts would have weighed them down.

He could never put that kind of burden on his friends. He could never ask such a thing of them. A little as he understood now, it is such a commitment. He felt stupid now for not believing what was clearly true. What was factual. Maybe he didn’t want to accept that this could be a reality. Maybe just burying one’s head in the sand was just easier. Either way Jordan understood his place in the world. He had undergone a metamorphosis and became a Little. A change he thanked everyday that his little sister would never have to go through.

More than anything though Jordan found himself wishing Allison had just listened. If Allison had just accepted what he and his parents had set up for this one in a million situation. As while never thinking this disease was any more than a hoax. Jordan knew the one percent chance that it was real meant if something did happen to his family the burden of caring for invalids could not fall upon her.

Allison was bright, she funny, she was good at most sports but never great. She excelled in school but wasn’t top of the class. It was all effortless to her. She deserved a future free of struggling to pay for license fees and having to worry if some cockroach had devoured her parents or brother. Knowing she went against their wishes bothered him, but he knew there was little he could do as everything he thought ended up being wrong and the emergency plan, they had enacted ended up being for naught as Allison had the authority and power to do what she wanted now.

Sara laid her head back in the warm water of the pool. The sound of the water splashing slightly against her ears creating a suction-like noise was somehow relaxing. While she couldn’t see Jordan, she could feel his every move. He was on her stomach moving about. She could feel him trying to get used to his surroundings.

She hated that she had to make nice with Daniela but she wasn’t about to let Ms. Hottie into her life. She gave Jordan the chance to be released to the facility. It would have caused alot of problems for her if he wanted to do it. Financially it would have been messy, but she would have kept her word if he truly wanted it. Luckily, that’s a reality she never has to envision. He gave himself to her as being her little pet person is a great life compared to any other future he has access too.

Sara was relieved that in his moment of doubt he made the right choice. He made the sound choice. She knew most people wouldn’t give a little such autonomy. While they were small, fragile creatures. They were susceptible to temperature changes. Even a day that was as cold as thirty degrees could be deadly to a little becuase their body not being able to generate enough heat. A day too hot they would slowly cook from the temperature being too hot.

Bugs and insects without human intervention are deadly forces to them. When to a regular person like her they were but a nuisance. Jordan seemed to slowly be understanding that. He was still not comprehending that she wasn’t better than him because she is immune. She hated how people equated size to better. There is something unique about being small, being fragile, being precious that sets a little apart from people. She learned at a young age that all creatures are equal before the eyes of god. It’s a lesson she remembered well from church. Underbeds like Jordan are just a domesticated form of the homo genus.
They are the perfect pet as they are smart, they are intellectual, they can do tasks and hold conversations that other animals can’t. That’s why they are pet people. They just require the guiding hand of another to steer them in the right directions, to care for them, for another to love on them and cuddle them. They can assist there human counterparts like a highly trained service animal.

In time Jordan would come to understand this she was sure. It’s only been a week and he has already learned and came so far. The only thing holding him back are those troublemaking friends of his but Chloe was probably right. There are some parallels but just like i have to accept Gavin is now Mallory’s pet. They will have to accept that Jordan is mine. Sara thought.

“It would be easy to cut out Ms. Hottie and Ms. Sanchez if only my conscious would let me. I couldn’t do that to Jordan though. Not both his friends. That’s to cruel. I wouldn’t be able to live myself“ Sara thought further to herself. “ Letting him have his little moment with an old friend like Daniela is an acceptable tradeoff for cutting Ms. Hottie out of his life. She won’t ever get the opportunity to take him away. She won’t ever accept Jordan as mine. But, I can probably get Ms. Sanchez to relent. She can keep her friend in her life as long as she accepts that he belongs to me. If she doesn’t then it’s her fault not mine that prevents Jordy from being friends with her. Besides, after we graduate Chloe, and I are going to get a place. Just like we talked about. If Ms. Sanchez is good and accepting she can come over for visits when Chloe or myself are around.”

Sara knew it wasn’t fair. However, Ms. Brooks is a horrible person. Jordan just doesn’t know that side of her. He hasn’t seen her deny you extension when you’re at lowest. When you’re just trying to find a reason to live. When you’ve been berated by the likes of Charity for the last time. When Kaitlyn delivers you an ultimatium. Ms Brooks is the kind of teacher who doesn’t take life into account. She doesn’t take humanity or kindness or decency. She just bitter. Someone like her doesn’t deserve Jordan in their life. The fact she just walked away from him for her career is exactly the kind of thing that heartless banshee does.

Sara continued to think until she saw Tamara talking to Kayla out of the corner of her eye. Kayla, she knew, wasn’t all that different from her. Less outgoing, less social, but she was kind and dealt an unfair hand. Sara knew she was given a second chance on life after her suicide attempt. Kayla was the exact person she needed to reach out too. Kayla just needed a little nurturing and a real friend. Sara knew she could not only do both, but she could be both. Be the change you want to see. Sara thought as she swam towards Kayla while she signaled Mal to run clean up

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J - vader
J - vader
5 months ago

Okay I need time to digest this chapter because it was a lot to take in and I think I’m getting a bit of an understanding of Jordan and Sara and where they go from here.

So far I love that Sara doesn’t believe size means that they are better and stuff and she is able to understand that cutting out all of Jordan’s friends would be horrible and cruel and she is willing to put aside her pride for Jordan’s happiness and well being. I do think that Emily and Sara dispute is interesting because I didn’t get the whole Emily is pure evil and cruel person honestly and maybe they both can talk it out maybe but who knows.

I do like seeing Jordan thinking about his current life and situation and understanding of his place in the world although it sounds like he can use a therapist and personal counseling I don’t know just a vibe I get when reading his pov.

Overall a good character insight chapter and I hope Daneila stays in Jordan’s life because she is his oldest friend and does at least see Sara as good guardian at least and damn it when are we going to see Allison and Jordan’s parents reunion I want to see them together again I’m ready for that emotional chapter dang it

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

Sarah might not think size matters, but her attitude reflects that it’s kind of everything else that does. Like if she keeps Jordan fully informed on everything going forward and things involving him, that’ll probably be enough to change my mind, but because she doesn’t see it as his business and hasn’t really made an effort to keep him in the know, to me, she doesn’t really see him as an equal and sees him as less, even though she says he’s just “different”. They can’t be a team or have homo genus symbiosis if she can’t do that. Jordan will always be less to her whether she is aware of it or not in that case.

everything else I think I agree with. I actually want to see another therapy chapter and have the therapist take Jordan aside to talk to him about Sarah with Sarah not in the room. I think that should be a standard practice with a little that is registered as emotional support. Also why I think Jordan needs some kind of specialized training as a councilor lol like i wish the mere fact Sarah said that to her therapist made it a requirement that she wasn’t aware of. it’d be a good blind side for her and give jordan more purpose in sarah’s life

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Fair point and him and Sara’s counselor talking privately would be interesting and I think more helpful than Sara would realize

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

I think it makes sense from a cannon stand point. It sounds like smallborns (I hate that term btw lol sounds like a slur but idk what else to use. Natural born Littles?) get a lot of training an education right from the get go and are taught to recognize what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior to receive from guardians, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they had some basic emotional support and coping skills taught to them for when a guardian gets out of control and they need to calm them down. Real emotional support animals get really strict training, so I would think jordan would qualify for that and more since he is a rational being despite what the law says.

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

True this would make it seem and prove that Littles have more value in people’s lives than they realize it could decrease mental health issues, show that Littles have more value and maybe convince people that littles are still equal and matter just much as people

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

Exactly. I’d imagine there’s some ongoing research still and that generitech either hasn’t discovered or released info as it pertains to things Littles are better at than the biggles. Like their ability to go longer without oxygen makes them better suited for some things. I bet that they have better overall endurance as smallborns too as they’re more youthful. Just stuff like that would make a difference in the relationships imo. I can’t imagine Asuka not working on that or having things planned in the future. Not to get too meta but Asukas story and world seems too well developed to go without there being things that Littles excel at better than their larger counter parts. Genetically speaking it’s true for humans irl in general that we all evolved to fit better in different situations than others in our same species

5 months ago

sheesh…kind of a hard one to talk about lol

  1. I supposed it’s good that Jordan is accepting things more and more. It’ll probably make his relationship with Sarah easier and maybe help him get sarah to do things he wants a bit more often. Also him recognizing neither Daniela or Emily can really do anything in this situation probably helps too. I understand what he means about Allison, though. He and his parents being Littles and under her care alone would probably be a huge burden, but I imagine she’s an extremly caring person that didn’t want them to go to just anyone. wouldn’t surprise me if Sarah is being extra nice because Allison did every possible thing she could to convince her to give Jordan up to her. I’m assuming at some point there will be a reunion. Theres no way sarah doesn’t let that happen if shes willing to make peace with Daniela.

Sarahs thoughts….for the first time in a long time haha I have a few thoughts on this

  1. Yes Sarah, you do seemingly give him autonomy that might be more than other littles, but at the same time you seem to never make him feel like he’s above his station in life. Maybe stop calling him and other littles underbreds? Keep him more in the loop like you say you’re going to? you know, don’t put his thoughts to the wayside. That would probably help change how he thinks you see him
  2. It’s not “size means Better” it’s “being able to have rights and be seen as an individual and taken seriously” that means better, which Sarah has. She’ll never grasp that concept, which is totally bizarre given her experiences with Charity. I bet if she talked about all of that a bit more with Jordan and Jordan was just like “yeah, you more or less do a lighter version of that to me, like when (example A, B, C)” she’d snap but maybe understand why he feels like she sees him inferior. either that or she can try to have a real open mind. but, that’s teenagers I guess. I wasn’t the most empathic at that age, hard to expect sarah to be, especially when she’s got her own stuff shes going though
  3. 2A) “All creatures are equal under the eyes of god” but in the eyes of humanity anything that isn’t relatively the same in every way is less lol but that all goes back to what I said at the end of point 2
  4. Sarah, if you view them as trouble making friends, you may as well stop trying with Mallory and Gavin. seriously, you’re Mallory’s problem now, her enemy. Chloe is 10000000% right that there are parallels. figure it out and keep letting Jordan talk with Daniela and Emily, or just stop trying to “help” Gavin or improve his situation. Again, probably another reason why Jordan thinks you see him as less, because you can be a hypocrite and get away with it anyway while he’s stuck hoping you’ll let him see people he cares about and vice versa.
  5. Daniela is gonna do whatever it takes to see jordan. It probably hurts, but she clearly is going to take the blows to do it. Sarah will probably be pissed about that as it’s something she isn’t fully doing with Gavin. Also, it won’t be a “little moment”. Sarah is going to hear inside jokes and everything and be pissed off lol
  6. Jordan doesn’t know Emily, his ex girlfriend and friend from College, the way Sarah does? Sarah, you are looking at it from your traumatic perspective, which I don’t blame you, but come on. Jordan knows what Emily is about a bit more than you do. I guess it all comes down to if we will ever get any info about that period of Sarah’s life, but I’m willing to bet Emily is a way better person than Sarah is giving her credit for.

that does it for now haha just a lot happening in this chapter. Also, Tamara is about to get fucked up

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

I completely agree with all these points and hopefully Sara and Jordan can dig a little deeper “referencing the princess and the frog lol” on some of these points in later discussions

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

I desperately want them to have a real, 3 Day posting irl, 1 on 1. Same with Kayla and Kelli. Hell, I’d get my 235lb ass doing back flips if Mallory allowed gavin to talk to her 1 on 1 about everything lol maybe I’m just misremembering high school that badly and I know I was melodramatic, but these are the most emotionally closeted people ever

Last edited 5 months ago by C M
J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Hahaha 😂 back flipping huh haha okay now I really want Asuka to do this in Mallory or in main story for this to happen because I want to see those backflips lol but yeah this three pairs would probably benefit from some long conversations

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

Lol haven’t been able to do one since I was probably 10 but it’s worth the try for a dedicated heart to heart between gavin and Mallory so they get their shit out in the open vs Mallory constantly rubbing in the fact that gavin was so close to getting out of the relationship until he became a little.

The other thing I actually just noticed, on a n unrelated note, is that sarah doesn’t consider gavin Mallorys boyfriend, just a pet, and that’s really gotta hurt gavin if he finds out. Like that’s probably the one hope he has and if sarah ever said it out loud that’d break him. I know it would break me to know my supposed best friend looked down on me like that

Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1) I’m glad Jordan confronted her about not telling him about the holiday, and Sara actually admitted it was an oversight on her part.

2) Sara admitting what she was doing, cutting Emily out of his life wasn’t fair was goid to read.

3) this world seems worse and worse for littles, hate how Sara’s horrible treatment of him is being made to look better via worsening everything else.

4) Jordan can ride on Sara’s lap in the plane? Wouldn’t the air pressure in the cabin mess with him?

5) getting a more detailed view of how Sara views littles was nice, she’d gotten worse recently in that she’d been lumping littles in with animals, where as previously she saw humans, littles and animals as three separate categories, which she seems to be back to.

6) It sucks that it sounds like he can’t go to Tiff if he’s having issues with Sara, as the way he described implies she just wouldn’t care, and given what we’ve seen her let Sara get away with, I was expecting it.

7) Sara is happy Jordan chose to stay with her, but I’d like to see that gratitude reflected in how she treats him, in more than just not calling him “Boddy hottie” any more.

8) interesting that Sara doesn’t see immune people as better, all of her action and comments on the matter have been to the contrary.

9) Sara hates having to make nice with Jordan’s friends, well Jordan does the same for you, alot better than you are for him, you owe him at least that, probably more.

10) Return of Tamara: With A Vengeance.

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

Agree with everything. Especially 8. As for 9, I feel like there’s gonna come a point when sarah explains her side of the story regarding Emily and, since Jordan actually knows Emily better than sarah, he can see if it tracks or clarify Emily’s actions. Daniela is a different story. She cares more for jordan than she is prideful, so she’ll do what it takes to see him. I just think sarah is gonna be pissed that Daniela is cooperative with her rules, as sarah is probably too headstrong to be that way with Mallory if given the chance.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

The thing with Emily is her side if the start is probably something along the lines of “life doesn’t give you extensions, so neither will I” from her perspective she’s providing a lesson about how the world doesn’t care about why you’re late, just that you’re late. We also know Sara isn’t exactly “Little Miss Kindness,” so it could also be her own fault if she’s onto receiving all the empathy and sympathy she thinks she’s entitled to.

Danielle is different, does seem more willing to play ball with Sara, which Sara would still try to find ways to keep the two separated I agree.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

I could see that for Emily. I’ve had hard ass teachers like that. And yeah, sarah can be a lot rougher around the edges than she let’s on. I will say though that, based on Emily’s bio, she is a bit jealous of how easily everything comes to sarah, so to play devils advocate, that could really make her bias and a lot harder on sarah just because she wants to see her struggle a bit, so that could be why she’s like that.

And yeah, that’s the shitty thing. Daniella is to sarah as sarah is to Mallory. I bet if it wasn’t for Chloe and ellie that Mallory would have cut sarah out completely when she got gavin

Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Good points on Sara and Emily. Those are definitely factors.

Well I would say there is a difference between Daniela and Sara and Mallory and Sara. Mallory and Sara are good friends. Where Daniela and Sara had no prior relationship beyond just teacher and student. Sara also doesn’t want to hang out with her teacher. Also from Daniela’s point of view it could be viewed as a job risk to hang out with a student as it could open her up to a greater level of scrutiny even if nothing is happening.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Oh yeah, that’s a good point for Daniela. The student teacher thing slips my mind. And yeah I guess that’s true for Mallory and sarah but, at the same time, Mallory is so controlling and overbearing with gavin I could see her thinking sarah is a potential cause for gavin to be his normal happy self and try to put more space between them

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

9) Well none of Sara’s friends actively dislike Jordan though. Where the same can’t be said of Jordan’s friends. Both of them tried to get Jordan removed from Sara which regardless of how you feel if you personally feel like this is something that belongs to you. YOu aren’t going to take kindly to people saying that thing you paid for not only isn’t yours but you should give it to me, or give it to these people.

That alone isn’t going to ingratiate yourself to the person. Especially in Emily’s case when her and Sara already head beef.

Not saying Sara is right but I can understand her perspective and why she feels the way she feels about them and how its not exactly apples to apples.

8) She was specifically saying she doesn’t see littles as beneath her because of they aren’t immune or their size. They aren’t equal because because they are controlled by man as domesticated race.

7) In her eyes she is though. Shes loving him, cuddling him, taking him with her, feeding him and caring for him. She is making changes to her life for him. Those are things she is doing for him. While they may not be meaningful to you, they are meaningful sacrifices to her. So this not necessarily fair to belittle her sacrifices.

As I personally don’t like cats. So, to me, giving a cat would be a nothing burger. However, Sara loved Mocha so it was a sacrifice to her.

So I do think that the gratitude is reflected but it may not be in the ways you are specifically looking for but it doesn’t mean she isn’t reflecting

6) Tiffany is also busy and he’s also Sara’s. So she shouldn’t have to be involved in her eyes.

5) More information si always helpful.

4) He should be fine. There is nothing canonically that would prevent him or give him trouble.

3)I wouldn’t say its worsening I would say the reader is getting a larger picture of how the world works. Where originally you were told Sara was doing good by him considering he’s a underbred. Now you are tangibly seeing it.

2) She doesn’t like Emily. Theres little Jordan or Emily can do and Emily hasn’t done anything to make Sara want to extend an olive branch. Also Jordan hasn’t even directly asked her to be nice or do anything specific with emily. He probably sees its a loss cause. Even Kelli mere minutes into meeting Emily could see that there was problems.

1)Fair is fair.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

9) yeah that makes sense. Idk about Emily’s perspective but Daniela probably didn’t mean it as intentionally rude, just that she is genuinely concerned for jordan and wanted him to be with people that already knew him and cared for him prior to his smallara kicking in. Probably even more of a reason why she wants to move past all of it and be friends with sarah now. I’m sure she’ll struggle with not giving sarah advice on things regarding jordan and even using “jordy” in place of Jordan, but, like sarah said, Daniella will probably relent for Jordan’s sake. Hell I bet sarah seeing Daniela like this will make things easier for her acceptance of gavins situation.

Is there ever going to be more revealed to pre-jordan sarah?

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Just curious about the events and her life prior to her suicide attempt. It’s had a profound impact on on her, but I want to see a bit more of her before just so I have kind of an idea on how it impacted her, what she and Kaitlyn were like.what gavin was like, how much she’s really lost because of smallara. I want to empathize a bit more since the internal monologuing isn’t very frequent

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

2) That’s true, but she says she treats him fair than admits to herself she isn’t, she’s knowingly being a hypocrit here.

Jordan should ask her to be nicer to his friends though, he puts up with hers after all.

3) That’s more accurate way of putting it, yeah, the world building is expanding the depravity that littles are exposed to.

6) yeah, but she’s fallen so far in my eyes. She was the first person to stand up for Jordan after he shrank.

7) in Sara’s eyes she’s fucking perfect. I don’t mean to belittle her sacrifice, but everyone of them she’s made him pay for, separate from agreeing to stay with her. She gave up Mocha but forced him to give up his say in where his personhood ends and his pet hood begins, that’s not doing it because he agreed to stay, and shortly afterwards started giving him dog commands, something only Dayton or Maisy had done to him.

8) how is that different? She sees them as less because they’re controlled, but they’re controlled because they aren’t immune.

9) Sara’s friends viewed Jordan’s situation they way Sara views Gavin’s. They see someone they care for deeply trapped with someone they don’t fully trust has his best interests at heart, which given how she’d been treating him at that point, and even now to a slightly lesser degree, they were right.. While they were both more forward than Sara is about it, they’re looking at the situation very similarly. Sara and Mal have a pre existing friendship so that does give her better position to voice her own concerns, but that doesn’t make them any less valid than theirs.

As for her friends not liking Jordan, Mal has singled him out as the only person not allowed to use her first name, and Ellie sexually harasses him frequently, her only friend who he has reason to like is Chloe, and she’s agreed to ease up on the importance of his rights, so that’s not wonderful either.

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

7) I just meant she see’s herself as a perfect guardian, Having the top spot in guardian training went straight to her head, any issues she faces as a guardian are Jordan’s fault, either through not adapting/accepting fast enough, disobedience or poor judgement. I didn’t think she believed herself a perfect human and fully agree with the points you made.
8) I get what you’re saying, how ever I’m not sure how you separate him being a “domesticated species” from his “size, or sickness”. The two concepts are intrinsically linked, he wouldn’t be a domesticated species if the sickness didn’t change his size.
And she views him as slightly higher because she acknowledges his intelligence while most people don’t.
So, if I’m interoperating you correctly, she isn’t a bigot because Jordan and the other littles don’t qualify to be victims of bigotry? At least in Sara’s mind? And Sara see’s him as slightly higher than an average person might see him, or at least how Sara thinks the average person views him?
What do you mean she “the world she grew up in”? Sara didn’t grow up in a world where littles are treated as lesser, she didn’t grow up with them at all, Littles first came to the world ten years ago, became public knowledge five years ago and in the US less than a year ago. Sara only confirmed she wasn’t one a few months ago and has only had regular contact with one since July. So, for all this to be ingrained in her mind, and society so strongly feels weird to me.
She has shown him kindness and love, but always selfishly, her “kindness” has a price, and her “love” is rarely with his consent.
9) Gavin reaching out to Sara does validate her claim more than Dani and Emily’s I hadn’t thought about it like that.
While Jordan didn’t ask for his friend’s help, I don’t think they’re in the wrong for wanting to help him, as they say, a true friend reaches out because you need it, not because you want them to. When Emily asked to hold Jordan Sara intimidated him into denying her, which could prevent him from reaching out to them. Jordan didn’t want to reach out to his family when he was under the impression, he was going to get the treatment and go back to business as usual, and since most were vulnerable anyway and he didn’t want Alisson burdened it makes sense not to reach out after. I can’t say I agree with Jordan not wanting to reach out to his past life, but it could be too painful for him, or them.
That’s true, if they weren’t teachers their paths likely wouldn’t have crossed or been mentioned, but that being a coincidence doesn’t make it less valid of a reason for them to care about him, and worry for his wellbeing. 

5 months ago

Thanks for the longer chapter! I wanted to highlight that since most of the other chapters are shorter.

It was cool to see the deep dive into Jordan and Sarah’s thoughts. Even after only a week they are quite close and I can’t wait to see how their bond grows.

5 months ago

I extremely love it so much!!!!!!!!! How Sara doesn’t view baby jordy as an adult anymore the baby talk please let that never end🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💯💯 she doesn’t care she lets him on her huge teenage tits now. Incredible hopefully more of that especially cleavage carry💯💯💯🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I would love for him here to be humiliated more in front of Daniela by the girls or maybe his itty bitty swim trunks come off in the pool just to have Sara grab him and put them back on him. His little guy hanging out especially for Ellie to see. Ellie would love that!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💯♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ can you imagine Sara carrying Whittle baby jordy back to the locker room between her breasts as Daniela watches ohhhhhhh!!!!! I really want to see that. I do feel Sara is giving him a little too much freedom and rights plus talking back so hopefully he messes up real soon please I want to see that punishment badly🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💯💯💯💯💯💯♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ P.S love the side story with Mallory’s legs and giantess feet 🦶🦶🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💯💯 hopefully Jordy will be pampering so feet in the future maybe step mommy Ellie needs a foot rub from somebody with tiny hands🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💯

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