Good Girlfriend Episode 12: A Smallara Side Story

Good Girlfriend 12

Enjoy a new Good Girlfriend Episode today! I’m toying with the idea of mixing up some of the Fridays with different content. So all the different sub-series can get a bit more love. 


“Babe, I am so glad you decided to do this. It really shows how committed you are to us. Even Mom and Dad were surprised that you are willing to learn Korean. You have no idea how big this is for us. It really shows them how important I am to you. I’m fluent in both English and Korean so I’ll be able to help you all the way.” Mallory said excitedly as she stretched her legs up the side of the house as she looked up at the night sky while on her balcony. It was one of her favorite places. The way the tree hung over it, the way the stars were so visible from her home, unlike so many parts of the city.

“Mal, I -” Gavin started to say.

“Am just as excited. I know babe. Thats why you just need to start on those flash cards I made you in PowerPoint. It’s probably best if we start with commands in Korean so I just made some popular ones. I know what you’re thinking babe but full sentences I feel like would be too much for you right now. So just being able to understand simple one-word commands and then be able to say back some simple phrases will be a huge start.” Mallory said gleefully as she turned the page in the book she was reading.

“No -Mal i don’t think you-”

“Understand how badly you want this to work. I know babe. Thats why we are devoting everything to this. We’re going to submerge your brain in Korean basically and in time English will sound almost like a foreign language to you. Even my parents are helping, and we are all going to speak nothing but Korean in the house for you. So, it’s important you start learning these commands and phrases.” Mallory said happily.

“I think that -”

“School will slow you down. I’m sure it will because obviously that’s a large source of English that you are exposed to. But it will only be for a few years we have over a 100 years together babe like a good 150 years if we are lucky. Once I graduate college we could always move to Korea. My parents and I all have dual citizenship and as an underbred you don’t need citizenship in Korea. You fall under my citizenship. I just have to register you with the Korean government.” Mallory said before reaching over and clicking on the thumbpad of her laptop to bring up the flashcards she made.

“It’s not going to work well with the screen off and the program not opened babe. “ Mallory said encouragingly as she looked over at Gavin. “This is still something you want to do right Babe? I mean you do love me, don’t you?” Mallory asked as she looked over at Gavin.

Gavin melted as he saw her large puppy dog eyes focus in on him and He did love Mallory. They had their problems in their relationship but what relationship doesn’t. He just hated how controlling she was. He get that he messed up and he sold out his best friend. So maybe this was just Karma catching up with him.

“Of course I love you Mal. You’re the love of my life.” Gavin said as loud as he could.

“Awww babe, that’s so sweet. I love you too. I knew it was just me over thinking and reading too much into things. I’ll try not to jump to conclusions as I can see how badly you want to learn Korean.” Mallory said before turning another page in her book as her mind drifted back to the peacefulness of the balcony, the night air caressing her as she sunk into the soft pillows.

Gavin used the arrow keys on Mallory’s laptop to turn the pages as he went through the PowerPoint slides she had made him. As he cycles back through, he realizes there would be no shortcuts. He was going to have to actually learn these commands. If only her parents would mind their own business instead of butting into their relationship.

“Mal, why is good job on here three times? I think you messed this up.” Gavin said

“Babe, those are the formal, informal and standard versions. So, you would say good job differently to me than you would to my parents.” Mallory said trying to explain the concept to Gavin.

“Okay but can’t we just start out with one version. Even if it isn’t completely right for the situation, they would at least know what I’m saying and vice versa.” Gavin argued.

“I suppose,” Mallory relented. “You’re lucky…” Mallory said as her mother slid door open. The two conversed back and forth in Korean for several minutes. Gavin couldn’t help but feel a bit inferior not being able to understand them at all. He started going back through his flash cards.

“What was that about?” Gavin asked a couple minutes after the sliding the door had closed. HE wanted to be sure her mother was out of earshot.

“It was nothing babe.” Mallory said her eyes returning back to her book.

“It didn’t sound like nothing.” Gavin said

“It was just our normal disagreement.” Mallory said once again this time curtly.

“I thought we didn’t keep secrets but whatever.” Gavin said quietly in a annoyed tone.

“Babe seriously its nothing. She was just nagging me about all the chores I didn’t do because I was busy making that power point for you. She heard us speaking English and I was telling her I need to use English to teach you Korean. It’s nothing you can do anything about. If you want to help you can get back to work on learning that Korean.”

“Sure, your right.” Gavin said a bit dejectedly

“Babe, I’m sorry okay. I didn’t mean it like that. She just pushes my buttons. You have no idea what it’s like when someone doesn’t let you get a word in edgewise. They constantly tell you to do things. Mom isn’t as patient as I am. You’re just lucky you have a girlfriend who loves you.” Mallory said reaching over and giving Gavin a gentle pat before giving him several relaxing pets to apologize when Mallory’s phone rang interrupting them.

“Hello? Oh, hey Sara, what’s up? Yeah, I can hang out tomorrow after school. Yeah, we can meet up after practice I will just send the workout plan to Kayla and tell her to have Kelli run her through it at home. It’s nothing Kelli can’t handle. It’s nice having someone reliable to outsource this kind of thing too.” Mallory said aloud as Gavin tried to get Mallory’s attention.

“Just a sec Sara. Gavin might have to use the bathroom.” Mallory said before looking down at Gavin. “What is it babe? I’m on the phone. I don’t see the flash cards flipping very quickly.” Mallory said

“Well can you at least put Sara on speaker so I can talk to her as well?” Gavin asked.

“Babe, you haven’t been working on those flash cards enough. If you had been studying harder maybe I would. I hate to be so hard on you. But you need to buckle under. I say this out of love, but No Sara time for you tonight.” Mallory said before turning her attention back to her phone call. “Sorry Gavin was trying to get out of his work. He was trying to use you as an excuse. Ha ha, yeah still same old Gavin. He is making progress though albeit slow when it comes to Korean. Chloe learned it in like six months or so. So, I think Gavin should be fine. He just needs to apply himself. I was thinking of about only taking him to school three days a week so he can focus on Korean two days a week.”

“You could just take him to school but have him work on the Korean at your desk.” Gavin heard Sara say through the phone as Mallory had it slightly pulled away from her ear as she got comfortable.

“Thats a brilliant idea Sara. I know you were my number one girl for a reason.” Mallory said. “I should maybe splurge and get him one of those little iPads you got Jordy. It is pretty adorable. I know Gavin has been eyeing it.” Mallory said.

“If you want, we go to the store and look at them after school and then get our nails done. We could leave Jordy and Gavin with Ellie. She loves little sitting. Oh, I might have to bring Dayton along though. I forgot I have to watch her tomorrow.” Sara said.

“That’s okay the plan is still Perf. See you tomorrow, Chica.”

Smallara Back Smallara Fast Foward

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5 months ago

“Babe, I’m sorry okay. I didn’t mean it like that. She just pushes my buttons. You have no idea what it’s like when someone doesn’t let you get a word in edgewise”

Me Shouting at my phone “Damn you Asuka! The irony is too much!”

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

It’s more hypocrisy than irony, but I had the same reaction.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

I guess that’s true. I could see either word working in this based on context. Had to Google to make sure I fully understand irony though lol

5 months ago

In regards to your idea for side stories on firday, I’m all for it. Does that mean the Kayla and Kelli story will be out soon?

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

I’d be totally down for that. I wanna see more of the world. Hell I’d be happy with some short stories from with generitech and with other random guardians and Littles and, if they exist, stories from wild little colonies

J - vader
J - vader
5 months ago

Huh ….. I didn’t think it was possible but Mal is growing on me and although she is a control freak but this chapter did show her in a better light albeit with some irony apparently lol no Mal he doesn’t know what it’s like to have someone who won’t let him speak not at all…..sigh this girl

Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

Love the idea of the side stories getting more content, I hope this means your one-offs get additional attention

1) Mal doesn’t seem to worried about taking Gavin to Korea, hoping that means it’s a little friendly country.

2) She’s teaching him commands? I thought she didn’t want that.

3) “You have no idea what it’s like when someone doesn’t let you get a word in edgewise” Gee Mal, that must be so horrible for you.

4) Sara’s Mal’s “#1”? I though she was bottom of that group’s hierarchy.

5) It sounds like Sara’s bringing Jordan around Dayton again, another broken promise.

6) Mal depriving Gavin of Sara, is a very Saraesque thing to do. (Though Sara convincing Mal to still take him was nice)

7) Gavin learning Korean isn’t a bad thing per say, but it should be his choice rather than a forced arrangement, especially not by her parents.

8) Warmed my heart to hear Gavin does actually love Mal.

9) Does Mal have glasses?

10) Love how Gavin actually called Mal out for keeping secrets, I don’t think that “didn’t understand why they were speaking english” like she told him was all they argued about.

11) Interesting to learn about Mal’s duel citizenship, so is she first gen American? Second? Imigrated as an infant?

12) I like that Choe knows Korean, probably learned it for her own international tavels.

13) Man I hope we get to see Ellie’s littlesitting at some point.

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

2) Okay, so its not commands like “sit” and “stay” more just general short, conversational phrases?

3) Certainly not something she’d emulate

4) That’s fair, I do have issues taking things to literally at times.

5) Sara does get my guard up, especially when it comes to her habit of breaking her word. So looking for it may be something I should pull back on.

Sending him off with Ellie was a good move, but even when she first promised it, I figured it would only last a month or so before she pressures Jordan to “give Dayton another chance” or straight up forgive her.

6) Slacking on something he was being forced to do? what an unusual reaction.

7) I get that, I’m not against him learning Korean, I’m against it not being his decision, I wouldn’t be surprised if he at some point asked her to teach him in another timeline where her parents didn’t force him, especially since it’s clear her and her mum clearly have no manners and will openly use it in front of him to keep things from him.

8) Yeah, that’s nice, I was under the impression that the love was onesided and that Gavin had fallen out of love with her a long time ago and was only staying pretending for his own safety, but I’m glad it’s more neutral.

and Yeah, he’d be better off with Sara, and you’ve confirmed she’d be a better guardian if she had Gavin instead of Jordan.

11) Cool, that makes sense.

13) I’m looking forward to it, We saw a little in 203-206, But I’m curious what she’d do with more than 5 min alone with him, as well as her friendship with Gavin being shown sans Mallory.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

2) That makes sense, warnings and directions are important, it just sounded like it was all commands without these extras.

but couldn’t such things be said in English? like wouldn’t their importance supersede his lessons?

5) Sure. I get it, but I also think Sara would want them to reconcile, both because she wants Dayton to be better and she’d want Jordan to see a human’s opinion of littles improve.

6) not in 1000000 years.

7) Still, it’s quite rude, especially with Mal lying about what they’re talking about afterwards.

8) yeah, that’s a good sign

5 months ago

So I guess it’d be in his best interest not to bring up the phrase “like mother like daughter”, on the off chance she lets him finish his sentence.. 🤣🤣
Really great side story with these two.

Last edited 5 months ago by daynar
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