Smallara Episode 478: A Giantess Story

Smallara 478

“I really don’t think Kayla would tease you over the collar. She doesn’t seem like that kind of person.” Jordan said glancing out at the pool waters.

“You don’t know Kayla as well as I do. She can be relentless at times. You have a sister. You honestly think she wouldn’t poke fun at you wearing a collar branded with Sara’s name on it?” Kelli said as Gavin chuckled a bit.

“Okay, okay i see your point. I just don’t see a way around it. I mean it is the law and you are a Little. There isn’t exactly a way to circumvent those facts. It’s not like Kayla is maliciously putting a collar on you as some way to punish you.” Jordan said.

“Well I don’t understand why it can’t be a belt or an anklet or something. Either would be less demeaning than a fricken collar around my neck display to the whole world that I belong to my little sister. “ Kelli vented as she looked at Ms. Sanchez gathering the class at the far end of the pool, leaving them by themselves in the boat.

“The collar interfaces with the chip implanted at the base of your spine. They both communicate with each other. Depending on the collar you have the level of communication and data exchanged changes. Is what I learned from the Queen of the Littles.” Jordan answered.

“Queen of the Littles? We have a queen? I don’t remember being told we have a royal family of little people.” Kelli spoke questioningly as she considered how such a thing could be possible.

“You’ve already met her. It’s Chloe. Next in line to run all of Generitech.” Gavin said casually

“Wait what? I know I’m new here I must have really not been paying attention. Sara’s girlfriend is going to run Generitech. If anything, they should call you the prince because of that.” Kelli said

“Well Chloe doesn’t brag about her family or anything. She doesn’t like people treating her differently because of who she is. But yeah Chloe is kinda a big deal but shes always just been kind of Chloe to those of us who are friends with her.” Gavin added.

“I guess it’s hard to refute that logic. However, I still don’t like the idea of having the collar wrapped around my neck. Doesn’t it bother you?” Kelli asked Jordan

“I would rather be without it. I’m not brainwashed or something where I’m going to say I want to wear a collar and I definitely don’t like that I can’t remove it. Knowing that its the law and it tells people in public situations that I belong to Sara and I’m not just some wild or registered little is helpful. But Ideally I would just have to wear it in public situations and at home I would be able to go around without it.” Jordan explained.

“I suppose on a day like today if I had a collar it being public knowledge I’m registered to Kayla and not just up for grabs by someone like what was her name Lameara?”Kelli said.

“Ironically her dad caught Smallara. I had a little run in with her this week. She would probably love you. She felt i was rolling over to easily with Sara and getting comfortable being her pet person. So that caused issues between us.” Jordan added.

“I understand the idea behind it. I don’t agree with the term but I understand why someone would make that claim about people like us. We are in unique circumstances.” Kelli said

“I don’t see why it matters what we are called personally. It doesn’t change how they actually feel about us. Look at Mallory for instance. She doesn’t think Littles are pet’s or pet –like people as Sara does as she dating me a little. Yet, she still makes Jordan call her Ms. Bak. Yet you Kelli can call her Mallory or Mal without her flinching. It’s clear she thinks of Jordan differently, but not because he’s a little.” Gavin added

“So, you really don’t know why I have to call her Ms. Bak?” Jordan asked.

“No, she hasn’t ever told me,” Gavin said as the three watched their guardians and the rest of the Smallara Back Smallara Fast Fowardclass compete in some kind of race to see who could swim the fastest.

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J - vader
J - vader
5 months ago

I’m loving this trio moment between them talking about how they feel about their situation and how unique it is with each other and how they feel about the collars and Gavin not sure why Jordan has to call Mal Mrs Bak was hilarious.

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEP I’m back with another FanFic baby this time it’s going to shock everyone and I think could possibly be a thing to happen in actual cannon ….Maybe

FanFic – The Impossible is possible? – set 4 years after the girls graduate college

Gavin was lying on the bed, to him was like a whole football field, waiting for his wife Mal to come out of the bathroom to see if they had finally done it or if it was another failed attempt. After 30 minutes, Mallory finally came out causing Gavin to Jump to his feet ready to ask if it finally happened but he looked at her face which looked disappointed and sad “Once again failed huh…figured…even getting a positive is impossible with me at this size” Gavin thought as Mal sat down near Gavin which shook him still but he didn’t care that much “Another negative huh ?” Looking at the urine test in Mal’s hand ready for her to say her answer which he heard hundreds of times at this point. The young couple were trying to make a baby but knew with Gavin’s size now it would be hard let alone possible with the very slim chances of working but they tried anyway. They have been at this for 2 years now with little to no success with most of the time Gavin Blamed himself for his shortcomings but Mal would always tell him it is not his fault and they’ll keep trying.

“Gavin….I know it has been hard…but” she said “Here it comes yea more petty party for me tonight,” he thought “I’m…” she said “This might hurt more than last time,” he thought again “Pregnant,” she said excitedly “Mal I’m sorry I can’t give this it’s all my……wait? Did you say you’re pregnant,” he said but shocked “yep,” she said and smiled “OMG !!!!! I’m…” “So excited I know right and I was starting to think about giving up but we did it we finally did it Gavin” Mal interrupted but Gavin didn’t even mind her interrupting him because that was exactly what he was going to say. “We did it sweety we actually did it,” Mal said picking Gavin up and kissing him as he tried to kiss back “I love you, Mallory,” He said while hugging her cheek “Love you to Gavin,” she said back.

9 weeks later

“Okay Mr. and Mrs. Bak we should be able to see the baby’s ultrasound now are you ready,” the doctor said to Gavin and Mal “Yes Doctor we are ready,” Mal said Gavin was jumping a bit ready to see it on the screen showing the fetus growing “as you can see the fetus is growing and with no signs of any complications on either of you parts now it rare to see a smallara victim and an immune person having a child but not impossible and let alone with issues that could be concerning but here we have a young healthy newborn growing inside you Mrs. Bak congratulations,” the doctor said “it happing Gavin it’s really happing were going o be parents oh I hope it a girl what should we name her ?” she asked “UHH Sally maybe Rebecca” Gavin said “Really Gavin sally and Rebecca,” she said in an annoyed tone “sorry I’m new at this” he said in his defense.

“Huh?” the doctor said in a surprised voice which got the couple’s attention “What is it, doctor ?” Mal asked “Well I’m reading two heartbeats but I don’t see another baby in you Mrs. Bak maybe the machine is not working properly hmmm nurse could you come in and help me really quick I think there is something wrong with the ultrasound’’ the doctor said which got some concern from Gavin and Mal. a few minutes later “um doctor you might want to look at this,” the nurse said “what is i-t…it…oh my god…Oh my lord….OH MY GOD…that’s not possible it’s unheard of umm..but how ?!!!” the doctor said both in shock and amazed tone which got worried looks from Gavin and mal “Docotr what is it is there something wrong with my baby!!!” Mal almost shouted but did make Gavin cover his ears “UMM okay…I don’t know how to tell you this Mr. and Mrs. Bak but… you are not having a baby you are having twins” he said “The fuck …. I mean…The fuck !!” Gavin said wanting to keep it PG but it was kinda hard after hearing this “But you said we were only having one doctor” Mal said.

“I know but …it wasn’t because we did know but we didn’t see it at the time because the second baby was too small,” he said causing the couple to look at him weirdly “I’m sorry what do you me too small?” Mal asked, “Mrs. Bak you’re giving birth to a normal baby and a smallborn..” he said calmly but still shocked himself Mal was in a state of shock while Gavin just stared and let the words sink in “WHAT THE FUCK!!!” they both said.

Breaking news the TV station said, “The first-ever smallborn baby being born from an immune person Mrs. Mallory Bak what people thought was impossible is now possible?”
The debate was broadcast “Bob do you think this will be the last and only or a start of many cases of smallborn being born from an immune?” a lady said “Well this case is something most would think only in fantasy… we were told that only a smallara victim could give birth to smallborn both stated by the government and Generitech who have done research saying it was not possible…but here we are” the man said. We cut to the vice president Chloe Gracewood “yes we have heard about this new case and promise to find out more about this new development…no more comments” she said. Another debate “These cases could be the start of this new race of subhumans which we thought wouldn’t cause harm to the immune but if the immune started giving birth to these smallborn it could be a domino effect to the human race” a man said “Lenared we can’t jump to massive conclusions like this we have to accept this new species of human beings we did when smallara started and now it reaches a new level within the human race…” a woman said, “yeah a new level of brings us back to the stone age or extinction we can’t let this be a thing or else we lose what dominance we have on this planet!!!”.

The outcry and debates were long and loud as the weeks went by “Mal I’m so proud of you” Chloe said to Sara who came to visit her as Gavin and Jordan sat at the table to talk “Wow Man didn’t think you had it in you and to top it all off you got the whole world talking about you” Jordan said “I know…I totally love it…holy shit man this is crazy…by the way where is Kelli?” “Back home with Kayla and Ellie planning the baby shower just like you I’m about to be a father … of triplets …lord have mercy,” Jordan said “Wow cool…things are changing fast huh?” “yep things are about to get crazy around here are you ready for that Gavin?” he asked as Gavin looked at his wife and her belly thinking about his children and smiled “Ready as I’ll ever be”

Tell me what you guys think 🤔

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

That’s a really good scenario. They’re in the same family of species so I don’t see why a normie couldn’t get impregnated by a little outside of social stigma

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Thanks I was like huh I don’t think it was said a little couldn’t get a normie pregnant so let’s do this idea lol

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

Exactly. With Asuka doing side story postings on Friday every now and then, I hope we get more lore on the biology and what not on Littles and smallborns. Like I’d think a smallara victim would differ from a smallborn in someways. I just want more info about the world up front lol

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

True i want to see more of this world like what it’s like in other countries or focus on a little character in a 3 rd world countries and how they try to survive or more stuff I don’t know I just want to learn more

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

The size variable would be to much trouble realistically, like trying to cross breed a chihaha with an Irish wolf hound would potentially easily to birth defects

There’s also issues like the big one consuming the little in utero, or Mal’s immune system taking it out.

Though J-Vader seems more wholesome than that, I’m sure the kids will be fine.

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

I mean you never know I honestly think it’s possible but yeah I kinda went the more wholesome route 😆 lol man lethal you went really realistic with it more than I expected haha damn

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

Today’s was so damn good. (They’re all good but damn)

I’m surprised she’s having a purebred and an underbred, I was expecting some kind of “halfbred” or “hybred” (though I’ve been using thise terns to mean something different) 75cm tall and has all the rights of a human, but the natural life expectancy of a little.

Did the conception occur through IVF or the old fashioned way?

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

Thanks I’ll say the concept came sorta the old fashioned way and how I think about Gavin and Mal’s relationship will go in some ways so yeah but I’m glad you liked it hope Asuka likes it too

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

That’s a good idea too. Like if a nonaffected human cna give birth to a person that is suseptible to smallara, why can’t these traits eventually result to hybrids?

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

This update was wild. Interesting to see you tackle a full-sized person giving birth to a small born. Its been talked about in comments but not ever addressed canonically.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

I love to hear stuff like that lol how developed is the lore regarding smallara victims and nonafflicted sexual relationships, excluding smallborns as I believe you mentioned that’s a pretty taboo thing or will be as time goes on

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

I think it’s seen as taboo but not against the law per say of course if it’s a family member of course but if it’s a random person or girlfriend or boyfriend or husband or wife it gets more complicated and more up for debate I think

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Well if it does happen in cannon it will be interesting and exciting because of that would be a game changer right there especially for the world

5 months ago

Not a lot to say today. Probably a good thing cause I’m exhausted lol I’ll leave it to lethal and go from there

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

lol can’t wait to see what Lethal has to say

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

I enjoy it cause lethals well versed in everything lol adds a lot of perspective to the story. I bet they write notes on the story 😂

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Of course lethal takes notes he remembers almost everything about this story lol

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

Conspiracy theory says lethal is asukas alter ego

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

I dont “take notes”persay but I do have a list of things I want to see happen or get elaborated on, and I even made I timeline listing off all the major events in this world based off what’s in the stories and Asuka’s said in the comments, and my own fanfic on DA so you’re not too far off.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

I picture in your home a bulletin board with picture and story bits with string running between them connecting all the points as they flow into future predictions.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

I got you buddy.

Reply to  C M
5 months ago

you got to save up your energy for 480.

Last edited 5 months ago by Asukafan2001
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

Is something big happening at 480?

Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1a) I am so glad Gavin’s acknowledging the “Miss Bak” thing, and I knew it was only Jordan being singled out.

1b) Mal hasn’t told Gavin, but has he asked her.

1c) and why dies she view Jordan differently? Is it because he’s called a “pet” while Gavin and Kelli aren’t?

2) Damn it Jordan you can’t just go around telling people’s secrets, Tamara might not have wanted her father’s infection status broadcast, and Chloe obviously didn’t want you finding out her roll as the Genritech heiress.

3) “they should call you the prince because of that.” yep, that’s why they call him the prince, no other reason.

4) “not some wild or unregistered little” buddy, you’re a person, when at full size you were domesticated.

5) So glad the littles are getting to chat without their guardians looming over them, Jordan and Gavin don’t have to watch what their saying for fear of eavesdroppers.

6) I’m glad their talking candidly about the collars, I can also understand the logic and benefits, but it’s clear that there’s an undertone of humiliation and reinforcing the idea that their just let’s behind their enforcement.

7) mentioned it before, but Kayla getting a matching collar to support Kelli would be such a sweet gesture if it wasn’t Tamara’s idea.

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

7) maybe not a collar, but a beanie like she normally wears would be good.

5) especially gavin. He needs to talk the most while he can and get some emotional support that sarah can’t openly provide and Mallory is too oblivious to give. Maybe jordan relays it to sarah and sarah to chole, or jordan tells them both

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

7) a beanie like she normally wears wouldn’t be as special, but it would still be a nice gesture.

5) Gavin’s definitely the most in need. Sara could also just check the footage from Jordan’s collar.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

Oh yeah I forgot about that. Jesus when gavin gets his collar it’s all over lol no more talking period. Unless it has a unbelievable effect on Mallory that wakes her up to hisnfeelings

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

I’m imagining that little culture will develop to the point where it becomes normal for them to talk whle blocking the cameras and microphones of their collars, but visually would look their touching their necks.

Also did you notice in the image, it doesn’t look like Jordan’s collar rendered, he’s not wearing it. Lol

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Wait, that was on purpose? LOL I thought I was poking fun at a mistake. Still, it’s funny that the conversation about wearing a collar happens when no collars are depicted.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Smallborns would definitely be more use yo it from a young age, but there still gonna want their privacy from tine to time, and naughty kids are gonna do mischief and not wish to get caught. Also the desire to just talk with their little friends without watching their words would be ever present.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1a) you were right about that.

1b) That wasn’t asked, and Gavin didn’t volunteer if he asked Mallory or not.

1c) No, him being a pet wasn’t even a thought in her mind.

2) This is probably why he isn’t told everything lol. Sara even told him not to air the laundry so to speak.

3)I certainly cant think of.

5)Kind of like getting to talk shop and share experiences.

6) Most certainly for Kelli. Gavin and Jordand seem less embarassed/bothered by it then her. THey aren’t excited but its not as big of a point as Kelli.

7I feel like Kayla probably has enough trouble without taking Tamara idea’s. But it woudl be a good gesture.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1b) That’s true, and it’s like like Jordan’s expressed curiosity as to the why before
1c) well, I hope to learn what was.

2) No lie, I was so disappointed in him. It’s not that had to not broadcast other people’s business.

5) it’s probably good for them to talk to thers who can relate.

6) obviously Kelli would be the most bothered, she’s the most invested in her own looks.

7) I could see it becoming an internet trend, or something like a little rights symbol, But if Tamara hadn’t said it, it’d be a good idea for Kayla.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1a) I have been right before, but it never stops being fun.
1b) here’s hoping.

2) it’s just dumb on Jordan’s part, Chloe clearly wasn’t happy about him learning it, so obviously don’t pass that on.

The Tamara stuff would probably thrill Sara, assuming she doesn’t already know. Tamara didn’t hesitate to tell Jordan so it might not be a secret, but if it is Chloe could also have told Sara, though sge is against gossip, she’d hardly be the first hypocrit in the series.

If I was reaching I could point out that Sara pretty loudly declared Chloe able to fomire Tamara’s father from his Genritech job, but still that’s no excuse.

5) “Sara’s friend group” I think you’ll find it’s called “Mallory’s Clique” and yeah, it’s a group of lutles within a group.

6) yeah, I’d say Jordan dresses for comfort rather than fashion, sane with Gavin.

7) I actually had thoughts about “my body my choice” when Jordan was getting chipped and vexed, but at the end of the day, from a legal standpoint, it’s not hos body, it’s Sara’s.

So their not Kelli, Gavin and Jordan’s necks, their Kayla, Mallory and Sara’s. 😢

Which is why my thought was solitary not rebellion as that would just end up with littles being confiscated.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x