Kayla Episode Two: A Smallara Side Story

Kayla Episode 2

Kayla walked into the bathroom thinking about how while it was 300 dollars that was the best purchase she had made. It allowed her to leave Kelli in her room and not have to worry if she’s going to get attacked by a bug. Which meant she could come into the bathroom truly alone without her sister tagging along. She loved Kelli, but she was also alot. Having to hear the near constant critique of everything she did being wrong sometimes got old. She also missed having her own life to herself.

Kayla stepped into the shower and relaxed as the hot water ran down her body and she washed her hair and body. Being able to use her 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner without having to hear the disapproving glare of Kelli over how it damaged her hair, and she should go and get the stuff from her room. Made the entire process peaceful.

10 minutes later Kayla was stepping out of the shower and grabbed her towel to dry herself off with. She put on the clothes she grabbed from her closet before walking back into her room. As she entered her room she could see Kelli standing in front of her compact using the mirror to put on makeup. They didn’t have much for little cosmetics, so it was a bit comical watching Kelli use full size make products.

“Is that what you are wearing?” Kelli said seeing Kayla in the reflection of her mirror.

“Yeah, why? What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Kayla said

“Nothing, it’s just would it kill you to dress a little feminine. I can’t remember the last time I saw you in a dress or a skirt, or any kind of shirt that had any kind of showy cut.” Kelli said closing the compact and putting on her jacket.

“I don’t like wearing that kind of stuff. If you are just going to criticize…’ Kayla said before Kelli interjected.

“No, no, I’m sorry. You’re right.” Kelli said not wanting to upset Kayla. Before all this she would have doubled down a bit, maybe picked out a different outfit for her. But she knew better than to push Kayla like that now.

“This is just how I like to dress. Its comfy and its me.” Kayla said bending down ruffling Kelli’s hair.

“No, Kayla not the hair. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Kelli yelled unable to push even her fingers away as Kayla continued to mess with her hair. “No wait i need to look at mirror quick.” Kelli said as Kayla lifted her off the ground and stood back up.

“Kayla! You’re such a butt.” Kelli said as she stomped her foot and held an upset glare as long as she could before smiling as laughing with Kayla.

“You look fine Kelli. You can live with one hair out of place.” Kayla said as she started walking towards the door.

“Oh my god, which one. This is why I wanted that little mirror and purse.” Kelli said.

“I’m not buying you a little mirror to carry around. It would just be a gateway into you wanting a little brush.” Kayla said as she walked out of her room, closing the door.

“They have little brushes? We need to go and look while they are out. I do my best with what I have but a little brush would be great.”Kelli said. Knowing though Kayla would never do such a thing. She had been pretty adamant that she wanted minimal help from Mom and Dad when it came to finances. Which meant things like new outfits and accessories and makeup were all dependent on Kayla.

It was annoying, but also very Kayla. She liked doing things herself and now that she belonged to her. She now found herself in a supportive role to Kayla. There weren’t many jobs available to someone like her. She could be a medical technician but they were often purchased directly by a hospital and registered with someone on staff who was then contracted to the hospital. It was starting to become more popular with other fields as well. So, the few little positions that were availale were almost always filled internally.

Kelli tried not to dwell on such facts. At the very least she still got to be with her family. She was thankful for what Kayla did for her. She knew many of the people at the facility she came from wouldn’t be so lucky. It was a big financial commitment, and many people just couldn’t afford it.

“At least she got her off that game.” Kelli said to herself wanting to think about other things. Most weekends Kayla spent lounging about playing this game called Final Fantasy 14. Before Smallara Kelli was mostly unaware of the games and activities her sister did. She knew she played games but that was just something she assumed her dorky sister did because it was an activity she could do alone. She had no idea she had an entire online social group she hung out with and played games together with in addition to her couple of in person friends.

Normally when Kayla got deep in what Kelli called her antisocial bubble, she would drag her out to do things and get her a bit outside her comfort zone but mostly she was trying to help in her own ways. But since catching Smallara she found that she could no longer force Kayla to do anything she really didn’t want too. If Kelli used all the strength in her body, she was painfully aware Kayla could overpower her with the use of a single finger as she was once again reminded of just minutes ago.

The only thing she could really do was pester Kayla and sometimes she would relent and at the very least leave her room. Which is just what she managed to do on this day. Both of her parents often made jokes when Kayla would leave her room that the great hibernation must be over or how they had forgotten what she looked like. However, on this day Kelli found herself gripped in Kayla’s hand, she was greeted by her sister’s best friend Talisa. She was very similar to Kayla as far as interests and personality, so she wasn’t ever shocked they were friends.

“I’m going out with Talisa and taking Kelli with me.” Kayla shouted to her mother.

“Okay, try to be back by dinner we are making your favorite,” Their mother said as Kayla quickly shuffled out of their apartment. While Kelli knew her parents still loved them both and no matter how many times, they tell her nothing has changed, and they love both their daughters. She knew they loved Kayla a little more. Especially now that she was a purebred human like them, and she was just the family underbred.

“Why did you grab your skateboard?” Kelli asked as Kayla closed the door to the apartment, and she walked down the hall with Talisa. Who as she looked over at her could see was also clutching her skateboard.

“We’re going boarding. Since you wouldn’t stop about wanting to go out.” Kayla said as they approached the elevator.

“I mean we have been going pretty hard all week. You can’t blame her for getting bored. They have little computers. It wouldn’t be optimal as i doubt she’d be above 60 fps but we could probably carry her through most content.” Talisa said.

“Kelli? Play a video game? She would never.” Kayla said laughing at the thought.

“Hey I played candy crush on my phone thank you very much.” Kelli said defensively.

“Thats not a real game though. You always suck when we play games. You died so much when we played Donkey Kong together before you left for college. I was doing everything I could to get extra and bonus lives just to keep us afloat” Kayla said as they walked into the elevator. As the elevator traveled down several floors it stopped letting in a couple in their mid-thirties. They smiled politely at Kayla and Talisa ignoring or not noticing Kelli who was held in Kayla’s hand. It wasn’t until Kelli greeted them, they looked down noticing her.

“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t notice you there. Hello to you too.” The man said to Kelli before looking over at Kayla. “You have trained your little to be quite polite and well mannered. Those are good skills for it to have. It says a lot about you.” The man said as he smiled warmly as he stepped off the elevator with his partner. Talisa and Kayla followed suit a few moments later as Kelli raged in Kayla’s hand.

“Sorry Kelli. I don’t think they meant anything by it. They were just trying to be nice.” Kayla said

“Yeah, I mean we know nothing has changed. I fully expect to be bossed around and teased like you always have.” Talisa added, trying to cheer Kelli up. Kelli had always been there for her growing up. All the time she felt awkward like when she was trying to buy her first bra or figure out what tampon size to get. She could have gone to her mom but it felt weird to talk to her parents about that kind of stuff. Her own sister would never. Kelli always took the time to help her out and make her feel like family. So, seeing her saddened like that really hit home.

“Well, someone has to keep you dorks in line.” Kelli said “And secondly could you two wear anything more boyish? I’ve seen guys wear clothes that show off more curves than you two are and don’t get me started on the fact I’d sooner find water in the Sahara then a drop of make up on either of you two.” Kelli said from Kayla’s hand.

“She’s back.” Kayla said before Talisa and Kayla both laughed before walking outside. Kayla watched Talisa drop her board and in a single motion started riding down the sidewalk. Kayla more gently set her board down before setting Kelli on the front of the board.

“What are you doing? I thought we were going out. Pick me up and let’s go. I can barely see Talisa already.” Kelli said as she saw Kayla set one foot on her board.

“Wait a minute. Don’t you dare. Kayla!” Kelli said before Kalya used her other foot to push off and in seconds, they seemed to be moving faster than Kelli had ever felt them going.

“Kayla! Pick me up right now! Can you hear me, Kayla!!” Kelli shouted but the wind beating against her face made her unsure if her sister could hear her until she heard her giggling from above.

“You’re fine, I’ve been boarding my whole life. We’re still in season so I can’t do any tricks or anything. Coach would kill me. You’re plenty safe. Oh-oh” Kayla said as she quickly moved the board from left to right as safely as she could but the shrieks of terror from Kelli told her it was more than enough to scare her.

“You’re such a brat!” Kelli shouted with a bit of a laugh of herself. As she remained lying flat on the board, not being nearly bold enough to stand up while also not wanting the wind to overpower her.

“What took you so…..oh my god is that, Kelli? That’s so cool” Talisa said as she bent down on the board to get a closer look at her. Kelli turned her head to see the giant Talisa bent over looking at her as she crouched down on her board as they rolled down the sidewalk. She knew both girls were fairly skilled at skateboarding. Moreso then most she had seen. She didn’t realize how skilled they were until she saw her friends’ boyfriends skateboarding around in college. They didn’t move around much on the skateboard, none of the movements seemed natural. The slight jump they did caused all her friends to react excitedly and in a bit of amazement at the tricks but compared to what she had seen Talisa and Kayla do it seemed quite amateur hour. She always considered them barely average, but it turns out they are well above average.

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4 months ago

Nice episode. So happy to finally see more of Kayla and Kelli, just sucks it’s during a period where im sleeping like shit and my ac is out so I have little to no real brain power lol good to know talisa sees Kelli as a sister figure. Speaks a lot about how Kelli was prior to smallara.

I don’t remember who brought up the idea of the little computer but it’s cool it got brought up, just bizarre that they can’t do 60fps when a smartphone can do 4k, unless they’re thinking about price point.

Still the best pairing in the story. I wish Kayla would let her parents help more but I guess on some level she wants to be the rock for Kelli that Kelli was to her which I respect

Reply to  C M
4 months ago

THat sucks no A/C and poor sleep generally go hand n hand. Hopefully your A/C gets fixed soon and you have some good high velocity fans to hold you over.

Its more about pricepoint. As it would need to be something within the budget they could reasonably afford plus also playing the games Kayla plays on that smaller form factor is also complicated.

As Kayla is more playing actual computer games. Where Sara just got a tiny controller that can interface with a phone. Kelli would need an actual useable tiny PC or laptop which is much more expensive and performance wise would be difficult to equal kayla’s PC or come close at most any pricepoint.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

2 weeks at the earliest for ac….lol

And that makes sense. I think you had mentioned that the scaled down stuff for Littles is actually reall expensive because it’s more or less meant to be the exact same thing as something at normal sized, just smaller, though I could just be applying that logic from the nonpellet food and the real toilets to everything. Like I bet something that is only or little to little activities is probably cheaper, maybe not affordable for everyone, but still not as pricey

Somewhat related, is there a, no pun intended, little league for sports that Kelli could do? I don’t think Kayla would be against something like that for Kelli since she empathizes to a degree with Kelli and probably doesn’t want her to be sad about the life she lost out on

J - vader
J - vader
4 months ago

Good heavenly day I love this pair of sisters they are adorable and they feel so healthy and Talisa is growing on me so much honestly the best mix size trio with Sara Chloe and Jordan as the second.

Sadly no FanFic today but I’m working on a hopefully interesting storyline for next time so be ready for that haha

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

Well Talisa is new and she is Kayla’s friend so shes relatively obscure from Sara’s perspective. She will appear more in Kayla’s life as she is strictly Kayla’s friend. There are times she would interact with other Smallara characters

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

I’m liking talisa more now. Her intro earlier in the main story was a little curt and I thought she looked down on Kelli now but this added needed perspective. Kelli seemed to be a very caring person pre smallara. Part of me was actually thinking that she’s the reason Mallory dyes her hair blonde because of how much of an impact Kelli had. Like a part of me thinks Mallory probably really struggled more than her pride allows her to let on and Kelli really did a lot for her

Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

1) I understand Kayla wanting to be financially independent regarding Kelli, but it feels like their parents have written Kelli off, talking about how Kayla had to save up for things for Kellu, and we know Kelli would be struggling without certain things.

2) Talisa remembering how Kelli had been their for her in the past was nice, it felt like in their last encounter Kelli didn’t like Talisa.

3) fuck that dude was rude, idk about America but people generally don’t even call dogs or cats “it” here, and with littles the difference would be easily seem. Did chuckle that the rude dick was praising her manners though.

4) Kayla and Talissa immediately switching to trying to cheer Kelli up was nice to read.

5) Skilled or not, skateboarding with a little sounds extremely dangerous.

6) Kelli, if you want these two dressing less boyish, they could always raid what’s left of your wardrobe, I’m sure there’s plenty feminine clothing in there.

7) Kayla’s right, comparing Candy Crush to an actual video game, is like comparing a Rose’s door to the Titanic it came from by claiming “they’re both boats”.

Last edited 4 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

1) righto I get it, it struck me as odd cause last time she mentioned having to save up if she wanted enough of those bug deterrent things so Kelli could be in her own room. I was wondering why not ask her parents.

2) yeah, but this made it seem like Talisa had her own friendshipwith Kelli, not just as her younger sisters friend. I’m glad they’re not enemies.

3) That’s goid, but it’s not like littles haven’t been called “it” before.

5( my main issue is no matter how skilled Kayla is, she’s not incontrol of the environment or other people, one of them messing up and Kelli’s airborne.

6) indeed, she’d likely hate it, but under certain circumstances might enjoy using Kayla, Talisa, (and maybe some of Mal’s clique) as giant dollies lol.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

1) That’s fair, though I wonder if Kelli could ask them directly, They may discuss with Kayla or if they’d just go along with Kelli’s request. And not just the deterrents, she wanted a comb and mirror and probably other random things. I’m also wondering if Kalgoorlie would feel undermined or respect that Kelli is aloud to make requests of their parents just like she is.

2) perhaps, but at least they can get along and there’s definitely trust between them.

5) agreed, but in my opinion there’s a world if difference between “Kayla risking her own safety” and “Kayla risking her vulnerable sister’s safety”.

6) It’d be something like “If you wajtvje to dress more like you I’m not buying my new clothes, we’ll find something that’s already in your closet” type deal Kayla may offer her sister, Talisa ans others tagging along optional.

Last edited 4 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

I am popping back in as these 2 sisters are my favorites.

1 – 300 dollars for a bug repellent is still high. Unless that thing has a warranty for 10 years at least.

2 – Tiny computers should be available and affordable. You already demonstrated the technology exists. A tiny chip capable of wirelessly connected to Gentiech Severs and cellphones. Delivering detailed body information and GPS coordinators in real time. All powered by a Tiny’s small body. All given for free!

Yeah there is no excuse Tiny computers can’t be possible. Even if you somehow do. Just buy a normal computer and connect a tiny monitor and keyboard to it. Cellphone screens can reach 4k resolution. Not very portable but you can’t dispute the performance.

Keeping my fingers cross for Kelli on becoming a tiny live streamer. Even if she is bad at videogames. Plenty of steamers get popular from their terrible game play. Haha.

(Anyway back into the shadows I go.)

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

I understand what you are saying but you kind of cornered yourself when you introduced a the super high-tech microchip that is way beyond our current technology.

You are underestimating what current technology is possible. Pixels are getting smaller all the time and many people struggle to see the difference between 1080p and 4K screens. The resolution shouldn’t be a problem.

Even if the screen looks a bit pixeled (which it shouldn’t be) that doesn’t necessarily impair your gaming ability that much. It really depends on the games you play.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

I don’t expect Kelli to enter game tournaments or such. Yes they could perceive the pixel density but I think you are exaggerating how important it is or noticeable it is.

Do you notice pixel denitsity at the movie theater?

If this is still an issue. Just buy a normal high end computer with a normal high resolution computer screen. Aside from a tiny controller or keyboard it would be like sitting in front of a movie theater screen.

But yes. Kelli probably wants other things before a gaming computer. Just pointing out the technology is there. Also find it odd that Kelli still doesn’t have a normal computer for recreational uses. She is a social butterfly. Does she do everything on her huge normal cellphone?

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

Wait, so Kelli never owed a computer? I find that hard to believe. I imagined she must have had at least a laptop if she was going to college. Or did she do all her school assignments at the library?

Can’t she use her old computer? Just need a tiny keyboard which I don’t believe would be expensive.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
4 months ago

not like a computer proper. She had iPads and iPhone and stuff along those lines but nothing like Kayla’s Rig.

If she had to write a report its not like she didn’t have access to a computer at home. She would just use the family computer or Kayla’s computer.

In college she had a very basic ultrabook she used just for school. It just needed to be able to run Word, Excel and outlook. As thats all she used it for office suite.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

I see. I couldn’t work without my own laptop in college but I suppose everyone has their own preferences.

Maybe Kelli’s parents will gift her a computer on her next birthday. I know Kayla wants to be financially independent but I hope she wouldn’t deny birthday gifts to Kelli.

I wasn’t planning to discuss tinies using computers for so long. Anyway thanks for answering my computer questions.

Guess I will check back whenever the next Kayla/Kelli part gets drop.

(Creeps back into the shadows)

Reply to  yoshiegg64
4 months ago


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