Smallara Episode 481: A Giantess Story

Smallara 481

“Sara adores you. You’re her widdle man. It’s not like you have to do a bunch of extra stuff or anything you just have to be there. Sara will do all the heavy lifting.” Ellie said.

“You say that as the person who isn’t the one charged with being part of her recovery.

“She likes caring for you Jordy. Taking care of you gives her a purpose and she can slow down a bit. Everyone deserves that. As far as littles go you are in a pretty good setup. You have a good home, a good guardian. Mrs. Reeves will warm up to you in time. She didn’t care for Mocha at first either.” Ellie said casually.

“She almost made me eat on the floor if it weren’t for Sara stepping in. It feels a long way from warming up.” Jordan said with a huff.

“Well, you’re new and it’s just the fact you’re a little. She has to work with them all day and then come home which is supposed to be her time away from all that and then have another little to deal with. Things won’t be like this forever and as they die down, she will warm up.” Ellie said encouragingly.

“I guess and for the most part I don’t see her as I’m with Sara and you all.” Jordan added trying to see the Brightside.

“See it won’t be so bad and I’ll be there a ton. So, it will work out. We all want this to work for you and Sara. She’s important to us and we want to see you both happy. She’s been happier than I’ve seen her in a long time with you and Chloe coming into her life. Things are trending upward, and she deserves it.” Ellie emphasized.

“Well hopefully it works out. I mean my wagon is hitched as they say. Sara’s my guardian. I can’t change that now.” Jordan said understanding the reality of his situation.

“It will workout. I know this must be a lot for you in a short amount of time, but it will get easier as time goes on. Trust me, we aren’t even through the first week. Sara sees a therapist, she has medication, she’s surrounded by friends and family who want to support her. You are just a small part of all this. It’s not as if you are being tasked with being sole support system.” Ellie added.

“I know, I know.” Jordan said.

“Tomorrow will loosen you up a bit. You can kick back at the party and not be so wound up in this little stuff. I get it’s who you are now, but we all accept you for who you are. We’re all going to be looking out for you. It should be fun, and you got a date with that hot little number Kelli.” Ellie said with a wink. “I know you’re a bit heartbroken I can’t be your date, but I don’t date littles. Especially as your godparent and aunt it would be a little weird.”

“Yeah, I’m just devastated over here.” Jordan said with a bit of sarcasm. “It’s just an innocent first date at this party. It’s no big deal.” Jordan said.

“Jordy, jordy, jordy, this is the event of the season. It’s a very big deal. Who you take means everything. Sara has already been curating your outfit. You’re little suit looks adorable.” Ellie added.

“Suit? I’m not wearing a suit. I’m more of a casual guy.” Jordan said.

“You are so funny. Don’t worry you’re the prince. Everything is being handled for you. Sara will make sure you’re ready to pick up Kelli in style before going to Chloe’s. Don’t worry, I got you. I know you’ll want to handle some business with Kelli. I already talked to Chloe about it. We’ll get you some little rubbers and a bit of alone time with Kelli.” Ellie said with a smile.

“YOU WHAT! You spoke with Chloe about this? Look Ellie-” Jordan started to say.

“I know no need thank me. Chloe said he would be able to get some. Sara doesn’t have to know. We got your back. The party will be a bit noisy, so we’ll suggest taking you and Kelli back to Chloe’s room for “safety”. Then you can work your little Jordy magic.” Ellie said flirtatiously.

“Ellie!” Jordan said.

“You’re right. We should be getting back. I have this all under control. I think it was Maverick who said Just stay on my wing, and I’ll take you all the way in.” Ellie said knowing the line well from Gavin having made her and Sara watch the movie several times. As she pushed herself away fromthe wall she moved down the hall quickly towards the locker room.

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4 months ago

These last 2 episodes have been really good. It’s nice to see the real person ellie is. Guardian ellie still leaves a lot to be desired just cause of the sexual stuff she pushes in Jordan, though I guess I can let it slide in this one chapter as she seemed to be lightening the mood more than anything else. But person ellie is a great revelation. Plus she’s kind of communicating some of the behind the scenes stuff sarah is too guarded to let Jordan hear. Look forward to her develop a bit more.

This party piece though, man it feels like a penultimate build up for something bad to happen lol part of me was thinking that Ashley would call the cops anonymously to get revenge on sarah and ellie, and part of me thinks charity is gonna mess with sarah

Edit: just thought of this and it must really, really suck for gavin that he can’t be there for sarah like he wants to. I’m sure sarahs still frustrated with him and he still feels terrible but eventually that’ll subside and the only one suffering at that point will be gavin

Last edited 4 months ago by C M
J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

Totally agree what can go wrong will go wrong !!!! It’s like the spidey senses are tingling and they say something bad is going to happen

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

Yeah. I try not to overthinking this stuff but I believe the party is a season finale and that makes me think something major happens.

J - vader
J - vader
4 months ago

Well damn talk about a change in mood lol Ellie I thank you for supporting the Kelli X Jordan movement and Chloe thank you for helping 😏

As for you Jordan my man my fellow man of culture I got some words for you….so listen closely and listen carefully……GROW SOME FUCKING BALLS!!!!!!! The hell do you mean a fucking innocent date the hell are you saying there no such thing!!!!!! It’s either you smashing or passing god damn it !!!!!!! If you want to be seen and treated as a man then start acting like one for fuck sake so you put on that suit and you get in that room and get the grove on then get BUSY !!!!!! that is final and end of discussion damn it!!!!!!

Don’t forget protection we don’t want babies this some say that for college years or at least after!!!!

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

Zoomed in on my phone to make sure I up voted this time 😏

I think Jordan’s just a mix of modest and being out of the game for way too long. He probably doesn’t like talking about this stuff with people under 18 and has spent a long time pining for Emily. We’ve seen him have some gentlemenly rizz with Kelli when he thinks it’s just them

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

Fine I guess but damn it is hard to watch this man crumble when everyone knows what’s going on even Gavin a fellow little guy sigh 😔 I’ll wait until the party but Jordan I swear if don’t step up the Rizz game I’m going to lose it for real 😤

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

I think Jordan’s got it more locked down than we think. Kelli probably finds his personality endearing plus she likes talking to him already and he’s shown to be supportive of her, which goes a long way with certain women

Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

1) Ellie really doesn’t realise how creepy she seems casually talking so sexually to a man almost a decade older than her. Little rubbers don’t exist so it can’t all be serious but damn.

2) “Things are trending upward, and she deserves it.” but not at Jordan’s cosy she doesn’t.

3) Mal’s party is at Chloe’s house?

4) it’s Good Jordan doesn’t need to do much jor Sara’s recovery, cause it’s not like she’s earned him doing anything for her

5) Suits are uncomfortable as hell, I wS wondering when Sara’s insistence on dressing him would cross a boundary like this.

6) “You say that as the person who isn’t the one charged with being part of her recovery.” That was rough to read, you know Ellie would be moving Heaven and Earth for Sara’s recovery if she could, I get were Jordan’s coming from it’s just a bit tone deaf to say it like that.

I’m glad Ellie’s responded was showing him more of the bigger picture not lashing out at the comment.

7) Is Tiff some sort of specialised little nurse or something?

8) So it IS a date, oh poor Emily, you just know Sara’s gonna find a way to rub her face in it.

Last edited 4 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

1) agreed. The fact that she’s thinks it’s find just cause he’s a little is kind of predatory. Like I’d be nervous to be alone with her in a moments where a less serious conversation had happened.

2) yeah. A lot of it does come at Jordan’s expense it seems. She’s doing more now for him, but I agree with a lot of your points regarding her current actions not making up for prior actions and that a lot of the good she does always seems to have strings attached, but the former to me, just to play devils advocate, might have to do with her insecurity issue and mental health. Like I personally would rather be in control of every possibility if I was in sarahs position and I think she projects that onto her control of jordan. Time will tell if that changes

5) just depends on the suit. Some materials are better than others for comfort.

6) true. I wonder if Jordan would have still stayed if he knew all of this up front. I assume so, but you never know.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

1) I think it’s more likely she thinks “I’m a girl it’s different for us” more than the different species thing. I don’t think she’d rape or SA him, but I don’t want them seeing eachother naked any time soon, and certainly not Ellie washing him.

2) she’s definitely a control freak, her therapist even mentioned her “not needing to control everything” during her session. Her insecurity would be a factor, her ability to look down on littles is a part of her recovery mentally from the bullying she’s endured, but that doesn’t make it OK. I’m hoping it changes too, and Jordan starts setting boundaries with her and she makes up for her wrong doung, starts showing him the actual unconditional kindness people already act like she does..

5) That’s true, but bare in mind Sara purchased these clothes without his input, so his comfort clearly wasn’t a priority.

6) he knew part of it, certainly enough that this wouldn’t be a game changer for him. He stayed on the logic of “better the devil he knows”.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

1 &2) my thoughts of were addressed in the response to cm in your thread. reply to him. So i won’t restate here as it was quite long.

5) Its also been stated that Jordan has no fashion sense. The clothes Sara has bought him so far have all been high quality and nice. There is no reason to believe she wouldn’t have similar or higher quality formal wear for him.

We her getting his measurements before during the stream SO she knew what size to get things. JOrdan probably just didn’t understand the full reasoning behind her wanting to get his sizing with the ruler.

6) I agree with you.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

1&2 understood, fair enough.

5) did he have no fashion sense, or was it just different to hers?

She measured him during her stream true but also took the clothes off his back to get his sizes, but being the right size and being comfortable isn’t automatically the same, I don’t like wearing dresses, or jeans, or high heels, so even a dress, pair of jeans or high heels that fit me perfectly would still be uncomfortable.

Reply to  C M
4 months ago

1) I think a few things are often overlooked when it comes to Ellie’s teasing which has been stated canonically.

A) Ellie doesn’t date littles or people shorter then her.

b) They are a different species and dating jordan would be a bit taboo. When ellie talks about being attracted to Jordan its always in the context of his prior form. She hasn’t ever said anything about being attracted to him as a little/underbred. She has said he is cute and little, and has pet him.

At most I can think of a couple points where in jest it could be construed as her saying something more but the intent was jovial and not serious.

C) Canoncially they are different species. While a cat could be attracted to a dog. Its not common or considered typical.

2) I personally think while you can argue that things happen at Jordans expense. Jordan is often viewed as the victim by default and anything that happens that is not pro jordan is somehow being done at his expense.

The reality is as harsh as it is. Jordan put Jordan in this situation. No one told Jordan not believe in Smallara. Not to get tested, not to have safeguards, not make smart decisions. Those were all things Jordan chose to do. Those choices have consequences that fall directly on Jordan.

No one is at fault his bad choices other then Jordan.

Jordan chose to run aimlessly through his yard, Jordan chose his teenage neighbor to get help from. Jordan chose to be uninformed about his rights and its no ones responsibility to educate a 24 year old man on his rights accept for that 24 year old man. He’s grown

So if Sara or anyone took advantage of his poor choices, and ignorance that’s on him. Because as an adult your own ignorance is your own fault. He put himself in a situation where he was at a disadvantage.

DId Jordan ask for help from Sara? Sure, but she could have also thought a 24 year old would be able to work out verbally a situation with a 12 year old. Which she also was watching to make sure it didn’t escalate with dayton. But its also important for Jordan to learn how to difuse and how to bargain, and how to exist in those situations just as it is important for dayton to learn in those situations.

Also, to be fair to Sara. Sara bought Jordan. She paid an exorbitant amount money for him. She bought him the same way you buy a dog, or a cat, or hamster, or a ferret.

When you buy something you have a certain amount of control over what you bought. So while Sara is a control freak so she probably does as you said want to control every possibility and does have final say in the choices because he belongs to her.

It could be argued that the fact she gives him a certain level of autonomy and freedom is a sacrifice for Sara because she is giving up that control which for her is probably hard.

She was to her credit willing to give up what is a years salary for a lot of people and give Jordan up with no guaranteed way to get money back and after her girlfriend had spent what amounts to a house for some people on a collar with once again no guaranteed way to get that money back. BUt she was willing to sacrifice that.

So while some things are at Jordans expense I do think the main person culpable for that is Jordan. Jordan put Jordan in this situation. Jordan put Jordan in a position where he was no longer the controller of his own fate or destiny.

Jordan put himself in the situation to be bought by his neighbor. Sara didn’t orchrestrate all that. The main thing shes guilty of is probably not being as honest as she could be and taking advantage of joardans situation for her own gain.

But that’s something many a people older and wiser than her have done to many people poorer and far richer then either of them will ever be. Thats just life. Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you.

5) I agree with you. It does depend on the suit. I said similar to lethal. If its a nice suit it could be quite comfy

6) Hard to say for certain. I think he would have though as it was the prospect of the unknown that was a large driving force. Sara for all her faults hasn’t done anything truly bad or harmful to Jordan. She has tried to make his life better or at least what she views as better.

Which if you are just putting yourself in the system and its being left up a random pull there is a lot of what ifs. What if you got someone like Dayton or dayton herself? That would be far worse or even someone like Sadie.

As while you could get lucky and get someone like Chloe. That’s a pretty big risk.

Sorry for this long post. You and Lethal have both had some similar points. So I had a good amount of time to think about this as I didn’t get a chance to say all this yesterday as works been a wild past 6 or 7 days. Major tech failures that are finally resolved.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

No worries! Work should be the priority lol

1) I guess those are all true, but if you look at it from Jordan’s perspective, it’s really hard to tell all of that isn’t serious/teasing. Ellie and sarah know he’s pretty susceptible to falling for it, but at least sarah more or less clues him into when she’s messing with him. I don’t recall ellie being like that so, if I was jordan and still adjusting, I’d be freaked out a little as ellie is kind of relentless.

1c) I get what you mean, but cat and dogs a bad example lol they’re a different family entirely vs dog and fox being different species. In fact, I’m guessing humans and Littles are the same genus. So yeah it’s taboo but probably not as much as people think. A lot more compatiblity than dog and cat

2)i think that’s fair. This is why I try to keep the guardian and the person separate when I evaluate. I still think some of sarahs previous actions were a bit blunt (selling his stuff, forcing him into letting her drive his car, calling him bodyhottie to test what she can get away with) but I guess that’s just what guardians of smallara victims do to help hammer home the change. Madison doing it, malloty is doing it too. That’s probably what I take issue with the most, just no empathy.

But to your point, you’re right about Jordan’s choices too. He should have followed whatever his and his parents emergency plan was, albeit he’d probably be owned by his sister lol. I still think sarahs mental health plays a big part in her controlling nature. She wants to take the ammo out of others guns, and the best way to do that is to always been in control. And as is mentioned, it’s the first week. So while I think past transgressions aren’t being mended, at least there’s signs of change if that makes sense.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

“I’m guessing humans and Littles are the same genus.” They both in the Genus Homo Humans are Homo Sapien (meaning Wise human) and littler are Homo Parvus (meaning Small human)

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

Thank you. Biology was never my strong suit lol I googled but wasn’t certain I had it right

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

1) these are things that I may have overlooked.

a) Sexual harassment doesn’t actually require the person to be attracted to or want to date the person they are harassing.

b) while you’ve mentioned the Taboo before it can’t be all that serious as Mal is openly dating Gavin still and hasn’t lost any of her popularity or power in the school (the only person who seems against the relationship is Mrs Bak, and I suspect her objections pre-date Gavin’s infection). Lauren also asked if Jordan was Sara’s boyfriend like it was normal.

Her comments certainly sway to how he was prior, but it’s not like she stopped calling him “Body Hottie” after, or gawking at him.

I get that her intent may be jovial, but somehow I don’t think she’d find it as funny if a male human spoke to Kelli like that.

c) While they are different species I wouldn’t say it’s as far apart as cats and dogs, It’d be more like crossbreeding to species of dog, and that’s quite common.

2) that is true, I try to mostly only say it if it’s someone’s choice to take advantage of Jordan’s expense, though I know I’m not as fair about it as I’d like to be.

Jordan didn’t choose not to believe in Smallara, he underestimated it and was sceptical but I’m not convinced he didn’t believe.

Jordan did get tested, that’s how he and his parents knew they were vulnerable and made a pact to keep it from Alison, Jordan did have safeguards and precautions taken, they just weren’t enough, and the way some characters have spoken about it, they may never have been for anyone.

“Jordan chose to run aimlessly through his yard” he was looking for help, he knew he only had 24hrs

“Jordan chose his teenage neighbour to get help from” as opposed to what other option he had? again 24hrs remaining.

I do completely agree with you about him not researching little rights, that’s on him 100%

If Sara chooses to take advantage of someone’s ignorance or poor decision making that’s on Sara, Jordan is the victim here. If someone decides to get drunk and then is taken advantage of in their intoxicated state and tricked into sex they wouldn’t have had sober, it’s still rape on the part of the person taking advantage.

“she could have also thought a 24-year-old would be able to work out verbally a situation with a 12-year-old.” Sara knew Mrs Harris hates littles seeing them as “pests” and was smart enough to realise the influence would have likely impacted Dayton and her perception of them, Sara even told Dayton “Not to think of him as a real boy” especially since Dayton’s treatment of littles is more typical than Sara’s she should have known to intervene, and acting like she thought Dayton was in the right only reinforced Dayton’s sense of superiority sabotaging any chance of Jordan talking it out with her. The only reason she didn’t intervene was because was pissy that he’d giving her his first “no” response after treating him poorly in what was his own home, not some teaching moment as all he learned was not to rely on her, a lesson that got reinforced later.

Sara did buy Jordan, but his loyalty trust and obedience she’d need to earn separately from that purchase. Same as if she bought most pets. they aren’t instantly attached to you, you need to earn their trust and love.

while she does have the final say in matters she doesn’t realise that decisions have consequences, if she goes against Jordan too often it’s going to turn him against her, and build resentment and spite.

Giving him some autonomy was good for Sara, certainly more than other guardians have with their littles, but Sara still gives and takes it as another method of controlling him.

That is a big sacrifice Sara was willing to make for him, it’s definitely the best moment from her, to the point it seems out of Character for her, though I agree, good moment for her.

Jordan’s not without fault, but he’s also been tricked manipulated and threatened so I wouldn’t put it all on him.

“Sara didn’t orchestrate all that” No she didn’t but she defiantly manipulated what she could to have things sway her way, starting with tricking Jordan into consenting to her being his guardian when she knew he though he was consenting to being taken to the hospital.

“The main thing she guilty of is probably not being as honest as she could be and taking advantage of Jordan’s situation for her own gain” I would say that’s her main guilt, I feel it’s a little understated but that is my main issue with her, and the fact she isn’t ever called out for and punished for it, or makes it up to Jordan in any way is my largest annoyance regarding her.

I get that others have done it but that doesn’t make it OK. “Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you” I like that saying, never heard it before, we have a similar one about pigeons and statues. I just hope Jordan gets to eat some bear soon. he’s owed that much.

A long post is fine (though if I wasn’t on holiday rn I’d have likely needed to skip responding to it, lol)
work is certainly the priority , glad you resolved your issues.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

1) A key difference is technically, she’s not talking to a man. She’s talking to a Little about having relations with another little.

She’s also not being all that serious with him in that moment.

2) Sara improving getting better is a benefit to Jordan. He belongs to her legally. So her health and happiness being good is only ever a benefit to him. As Sara doing badly means Jordan is also doing badly. He is intrinsically tied to Sara whether that’s fair or right. Thats the reality he is living in.

Jordan should want above all else Sara to be happy as if shes not happy or doing well he has no chance of achieving either himself.

3)It’s always been at Chloes. This isn’t even the first time that’s been stated. As its Mallory and Chloe’s party but its always held at Chloe’s house for obvious reasons.

4) It’s his job though. She doesn’t have to earn the ability for him to do his job any more then your employer has to earn the right for you to do theirs. You do your job and are compensated for it.

Jordan does his job and is compensated for it in room/board, points, allowance, etc. Thats just kind of the deal.

While it may or may not be fair. That is the reality of his situation. Jordan’s fate is intrinsically tied to his ability to perform his job. How much work he has to do is also dependant upon how well he does his job.

The better support he provides the less he has tangibly do.

5)Suits aren’t inherently uncomfortable. It depends on the quality of the suit, what materials its made from etc. I wouldn’t say wearing a suit to a party is crossing a line depending on the parties dress code. Being that this was described as the “event of the season” and its been described as a big deal and prestigious event that the who’s who of their school goes to. It wouldn’t be shocking that it would be a bit more formal then a we got a keg of beer and placed it next to the pool.

6) That was not Jordan’s greatest moment. As Ellie probably has done more for Sara then Jordan ever will. She handled it well though.

7) Tiffany specifically works in the little wing. She works with those afflicted with smallara. She only sees full sized people who are not immune or littles. Its why she is always so busy working

8)lol it was always a date. I think the only person not knowing it was a date was probably Jordan. Who even now its probably questionable if he understands its a date.

I personally think of it as in this case Sara is saving. Jordan from himself. As if he showed up in a t-shirt and jeans Kelli would have probably been hurt and/or embarrassed.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

1) true enough, but somehow I don’t think she’d find it as funny if a male human spoke to a female little in such a manner.
It’s good to have levity after such a heavy scene (just wish it was any other joke).

2) Sara is improving slowly. While her health would benefit Jordan it’s not like it should be his responsibility to take care of her.

And there is no way Sara should ever be Jordan’s priority, she’d never make him hers, everything he does for her should come with the question “What’s in it for Jordan?” seeing as how Sara asks “What’s in it for Sara?” before doing anything for him.

3) I remember it’s been called Mal and Chpe’s party once before, and that Sara would help Chloe with the clean up. But it does make sense that Mal wouldn’t be allowed to have it at her house.

4) I don’t know about you but My employer absolutely has to earn my work, I need to be paid (and negotiate said pay) and respected and given a certain amount of time off in relation to the time on. I’ve quit and moved on from employers that weren’t good enough to deserve me, and that’s the difference, Jordan doesn’t get to quit and move on if Sara doesn’t start acting better towards him, her toxicity is never questioned or called out in a way she takes seriously.

and the more support he provides the more Sara will shuffle him off to more menial labour.

5) that’s true, but it’s not like what she dresses him in hasn’t been questioned before, they aren’t his style, and Sara was completely dismissive when he wanted alterations to an outfit for his comfort.

How prestigious can it be? it’s a high school party where one of the first steps in preparation is “fifteen-year-old illegally buys alcohol underage”.

6) I wouldn’t say ever will, Jordan looks like he’s gonna be dedicating his life to helping Sara (not that I think he should) while as much as she loves Sara, helping her will only be a small part of Ellie’s life.

7) Little wing? don’t guardians usually just take their littles to their normal doctor, Like Sara and Maddison taking Jordan, Greg and Cindy to Dr Wilson? what kind of specialised care does the Little Wing offer?

8) I knew they called it a date before, I’d just written that off as teasing. (though I know certain of your fans will like this)

I’m sure Kelli would get over it, I doubt she’s actually expecting too much from him giving the situation he’s in.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x