The Birthday Shipment Episode 10: A Smallara Side Story

Birthday Shipment 10

Bryce felt himself yanked backwards. He was uncontrollably flying backwards the world transformed into a blur of colors while his limbs flailed wildly. Bryce screamed in a bit of terror before everything to a sudden halt. He felt his body jolt before coming completely to a stop.

“Wha-wha-what happened?” Bryce said a bit confused at first as he looked down at the now distant floor of Mia’s room. He craned his head from left to right struggling to see what pulled him back. What took control of him. Looking behind him he could see the line of the leash Mia had attached to him had contracted into the large red plastic contraption that she held onto with a singular hand.

Bryce struggledd trying to pull himself away or get the line to release but it had contracted all the way in. He felt his neck pressed firmly against the red plastic device that held the majority of the leash. Bryce found himself able to do nothing as Mia grabbed her bag and keys before opening and closing her bedroom door.

As Mia walked through the door it felt like some kind of portal almost. Bryce had seen this door, he had seen this entry way. Never since he had been gifted to Mia had he passed through it. Mia had kept him in her room day and night. Her room had literally become his world in so many ways. As Mia walked down the hall he could feel his heart racing. He felt like he was doing something wrong. It was a thrill he hadn’t experienced since he was a high school boy sneaking out of his parents house late night at night.

Bryce had to tell himself he was doing nothing wrong. Mia had taken him out. He had every right to be here. It was odd to think that way. It was embarrassing that Mia had this level of control over him physically and mentally. As she continued down the hallway finally coming to a staircase she bounded down before walking into the kitchen. Bryce was already turned around in this sorority house. He was doubtful he could easily make it back to Mia’s room alone. It was even stranger that now that he was away from it her familar walls of her room and even his cage felt like home. The security he had known and taken for granted was now apparent.

“You’re up awfully early. Normally I don’t see you existing till late in the afternoon on a day like this.” Bryce heard a female say but he couldn’t see who as Mia held the leash facing downward in her hand. He could only see the floor and her feet.

“Yeah I’m meeting up with Logan and her sister Londyn for lunch.” Mia casually said as she leaned up against the counter in the kitchen. Bryce heard the whirl of the gears twisting and turning before his leash begun to lower and in seconds he was back down on the tile floor. Looking up he could see Mia pressing down on a button that had released all the tension on the leash. He could move about mostly freely but he knew his range was limited to some amount of length he suspected six to nine feet as that was a somewhat standard length for dog leashes so an underbred leash is probably similar.

“Oh, my goodness is this little Wexie we’ve all heard about so much? Just look at him he’s so adorable Mia.” Bryce looked forward staring into the coed’s giant bare feet while her short blonde hair seemed to dance just above her shoulders. Taking a couple steps forward her multicolored skirt fluttered in the air as she took a couple steps forward before crouching down near him.

“I have him mostly trained so we’re seeing how this goes today. If he proves he can handle it you could see him around more, but I’m skeptical I’ve only had him a few months.” The words mostly trained stung. He didn’t even know what she was referring to exactly. Mia hadn’t done any kind of training that he could recall.

“Hi Wexie, I’m Oakley. Come’ere little one.” Oakley said in a sweet almost singsong voice. It was a stark contrast to how Mia spoke to him. As he took a couple steps towards her he could feel a bit of trepidation fill through his body. He soon found himself moving towards Mia. As he neared her foot he extended his hand out towards it. The warmth of Mia’s body radiated into his hand and up his arm. As he touched Mia he felt a calming security.

“He’s a timid little thing, isn’t he? Just look at him clutching at you for security.” Oakley said as she looked down at Bryce. The closer he got to Mia she could see a secure look spread across his tiny body. The rigid movements he was making relaxed as he held his body more relaxed and unguarded near Mia.

“He really only knows Me and Logan. Like I said before this is his first real outing since I got him. He was at a facility before I became his guardian.” Mia said as Bryce noticed a slight smirk on Mia’s face as she looked down at him reaching out towards her foot.

“That’s so adorbs. Don’t worry lil’ fella I’m not going to hurt you come here.” Oakley said extending her hand towards Bryce. ‘

“Are you extending your hand so he can sniff you? He’s not a dog.” Mia said laughing

“Well, what do you do?” Oakley asked looking up at Mia.

“I guess he normally just come when I tell him.” Mia said answering Oakley’s question before looking down at Bryce “Wexie go say hi to Oakley.” Mia said

Bryce struggled with the idea that had unfolded in his mind. Somehow Mia had managed to create a reality where she was his safe space. This ungrateful, spoiled, lazy, bitch had left him fearful of the strangers around him. As he looked over Oakley as nice as she seemed he could feel his pulse rate elevate and as a level of nervousness he had never expierenced before as he looked at Mia’s sorority sister.

Hearing her tell him to approach her eased his skepticism slightly but he couldn’t help but still feel his nerves on edge as he took several steps forward. As he did so he felt the floor rumble and shake before he ever saw a new girl walk into the kitchen and head towards the sink.

“Watch your step Blake. Mia is letting Wexie visit us.” Oakley said causing Blake to stop and look toward floor. She was still covered in sweat having just came back from her run. She took a step over Bryce with ease as she headed to the cabinet and pulled at glass before filling it with cool water from the sink and drinking down what looks like enough water to fill a whole water tower.

“I forget you have a little as well Mia. You just got him didnt you? He looks a bit skittish from what I can tell. Baxter was like that as well at first.” Blake said speaking more casually as Bryce had no novelty to Blake.

“Where is Baxter anyway?” Oakley asked looking down at Bryce before taking a step forward before lowering her hand to the floor.

“Oh, he’s probably upstairs watching tv on my iPad. He’s been obsessed with some Netflix show and been a real bum the past couple days.” Blake said. “Normally he loves coming on my runs with me as he loves the outdoors but is quite limited in his exposure to them for obvious reasons. “ Blake said

“I want one so bad, but they are just so expensive. I’ll have to live vicariously through you guys. You’re the only ones I know who own a little.” Oakley said as Bryce climbed into Oakley’s hand mostly becuase of Mia’s encouragement.

Climbing into Oakley’s hand was vastly different then Mia. He could feel her carefully lift him up before gently petting him. As soon as she pet him Bryce’s body relaxed slightly but he noticed it wasn’t nearly as powerful as when Mia did it. Although she didn’t do it often when she did pet him or cuddle him as much as he hated to admit it. It felt wondrous.

“Look at him melt,” Oakley said.

“Baxter likes that too but he won’t quite ask for it as he’s too proud so he will kind of inch up to me and position himself. It’s too funny. “ Blake shared before opening the dishwasher and placing her glass inside.

“Nice meeting you Wexie. “ Blake said before Oakley set him back down on the floor.

“I should get back to the studying. This was a nice distracting though.” Oakley said before leaving the kitchen.

“I saw how terrified you were of them Wexie. I’m glad to see you understand all that I do for you. How much work it is to provide you with a safe place and not so much as a thank you Mia.” Mia said crossing her arms.

“Th-thank you Mia. I didn’t mean to come off as ungrateful.” Bryce said not wanting to upset Mia.

“I don’t want your pity thank you, Wexie” Mia spat back as she pressed a button on the handle of his leash. Immediately Bryce heard his leash retract into the red plastic device. A second later he was back flying through the air before coming to a familar halt. He was dangling once again in the air with his back pressed against the red plastic holster that the retractable leash feeds into. As much as Bryce would push against it he found he no longer had the strength to push away from it. A simple retractable leash was enough to over power him. He could do nothing but give in to Mia. As she walked through the Kitchen headed towards the door.

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Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

Early one woo, I haven’t been first in a while.

1) how strong are littles’ necks? That pully would have killed a human in proportional circumstances

2) Bryce is really broken, damn.

3) I’m with Bryce, what training?

4) how the fuck did he get that bonded to Mia?

5) Oakley is now the second person to offer their sent to a little, lol.

6) Is Bryce gonna make a little frien in the “Baxter”?

7) When has Mia pet and cuddle him? Wasn’t this his first time out of his cage since she got him?

8) It’s such a pity Bryce was so scared of thise two, they both seem infinitely nicer than Mia.

9) once again guardian feels entitled to gratitude she hasn’t earned

Last edited 4 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

1) Strong, as found out in Madison’s world Littles are different on a molecular level. So the principals that traditional people fall under are not necessarily true for littles. They are different and not just people but smaller. They have biological and tangible differences.

2) His perspective is warped that’s for sure. But you have to remember he was in the facility for several months and released to Mia’s brother who then shipped him through the mail to Mia almost killing him as he didn’t have any water or anything like that.

Then with Mia she has kept exclusively in her room and mostly in the habitat she bought him. So his perspective is certainly warped.

4) well their are time gaps between episodes. So bryce has been with Mia awhile now. So it shouldn’t be surprising that he is bonded to her.

3) Mia considers the behavioral training to be training. As his good behavior and obedience provided him the opportunity to be apart of this outing. So his learning of what to do and what to not to do is training in her eyes.

5)lol yeah. The idea behind it is that people don’t know what to do necessarily if they haven’t been exposed to being around a little. so they just kind of revert to what they know.

6) Anything is possible.

7)It’s his first time out with any kind of freedom. Mia would take him out and hold him in her hand from time to time if the situation called for it. She normally just would reach in and pet him when he did well in her eyes or performed obediently. She wouldn’t need to take him out to pet or cuddle him

8)He hasn’t really seen people in quite some time at this point and the size disparity between them would be frightening.

9) In mia’s eyes caring for him and keeping him around is gratitude worthy.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

1) even so, it’d have to hurt, and would be disorienting as fuck. But now a malicious part of me wants to see what else they can take.

2) yeah, he’s definitely had it rough, braking him was likely very easy.

3) That’s the laziest form of training we’ve seen yet, lol. But that dies maje sense, plus he’s little trained so that’d be to his benefit.

5) That’s still hilarious to me, but another level of demeaning to them.

7) if she took him out for cuddles why not collar him then? Why wait until now? surely she knew what a risk that would have been for her.

8) that does make perfect sense, I just wish he could enjoy the relative kindness he’s being shown here

9) well in that case she can accept his pay check as gratitude! Greedy cunt.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

1) Dark Lethal Achievement Unlocked

2) I agree based on his situation it probably wasn’t overly difficult.

3) Would you expect anything less from MIa other then the laziest form training possible?

5)its probably demeaning to dogs too in reality.

7) Are you telling me you think Mia would expend the energy to take Bryce out and then walk all way back across the room for no reason other then to take his collar out of a drawer put it on him?

You expect Mia to do that? Are you feeling okay? I guess it is almost 2am in the land down under.

8) Well in theory if Mia would socialize him more he probably could. Mia did say they were trialing. So perhaps if Bryce doesn’t mess things up.

9) I’m sure she does already. Quite happily.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

1) you didn’t think an edge lord name like “Lethal Ledgend” was gonna be all sunshine and rainbows did you? LOL, but seriously it’s just morbid curiosity.

3) well I certainly didn’t expect more.

5) I wouldn’t think so, unlike humans dogs do use scent to communicate, that’s why they sniff eachothers asses, it’s where humans learned the behaviour because dogs use smells to tell as apart along with looking.

7) not without the high legal penalty I was assuming was out there if she didn’t.

It was actually 12:30am when I wrote that, but I take your meaning, I was tired.

8) I hope he gets more socialising, he deserves better than just Mia and Logan.

9) then she can stop saying shit like “not so much as a thank you Mia.”

4 months ago

Need to catch up on this at some point, but the 2 sorority girls seem much nicer than Mia on the surface at least.

From a lore perspective, I was always curious how the executive branch was able to move the legislative and judicial underneath it. Like is the American government in this world that corrupt?

Story wise, how many different side stories do you have going? I know Kayla, birthday shipment, Madison world, good day for detention, good girlfriend, tucker, and skaters, but are there more? And do you plan on doing one shots/two parters that just expand the world and the lore a bit more? Like I’d love seeing Chloe at work or seeing shorts from generitech just to learn more about Littles and see how the employees view Littles and small borns

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

Right, but a consolidation of power would be a constitutional violation. Though I guess it was never stated if it was permanent, but if it is, then they’d had to have/begin rewriting to constitution in order to do so, which to me would be a sign of major government corruption.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

That’s fair. I was thinking it had to be something like that. I wasn’t too certain how mirrored the government in this story was to ours, as it would be insane if any one branch was okay with power consolidation under the others lol the real constitution was specifically designed to not allow

4 months ago

Been wondering about Wrexie.Of the Littles that we know of he certainly got the worst Guardian in Mia.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

Agreed, heck Dayton would be a better guardian than Mia.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

Pretty sure that negative has been present in every single guardian, even Kayla to a degree.
Most non guardians also show this trait to a point.

Last edited 4 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
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