Step Monster Episode 2 by Asukafan2001

Step Monster 2 1

Nancy pounded against the ceramic wall, hoping that she could break the wall. However, after a few punches, she quickly thought better of it as her fist turned a deep red and swelled. Knowing that the walls were much too smooth for climbing to be viable, Nancy walked backward until her bare back pressed against the cold ceramic wall. A shiver went up her spine, reminding her of her lack of clothing. She then took off running and leaped at the ceramic wall opposite her. She hoped that the force and momentum of herself running and slamming into the wall would be enough to knock over the pencil holder onto its side so she could get out. However, the pencil holder didn’t budge, not even a wobble.

“What am I going to do now?” Nancy mumbled under her breath in frustration. She slinked down to the floor and looked up at the lip of the pencil holder, which almost appeared to be getting further and further away with each failure. The thought that the discarded sock of her stepdaughter covered the floor of her prison was humbling. The idea that this could be her life was overwhelming.

Time slunk by at a crawl for Nancy as she stared up at the ceiling. From her vantage point at the bottom of a cup, she couldn’t see much except the walls, pictures, and posters on the wall of Peyton’s room. A glow spread across the ceiling from the light on her nightstand. This light provided just enough brightness so that she could still see. The only noise in the otherwise quiet room was the sound of the central air kicking on to blow out cold air for a bit before cycling back off.

“Peyton!” Nancy shouted with desperation in her voice as tears slid down her face. She punched the ceramic wall behind her in defeat before yelling Peyton’s name again. She knew it was fruitless, but she felt some relief by doing so. A few more minutes passed before Nancy stood up and paced about the small room that had grown to become her cell. She wished that Peyton had left a pencil or pen in here. Nancy could have shimmied up the writing utensil to gain her freedom. The fact of how she would have gotten down once at the top of the pencil holder had not entered Nancy’s mind.

Everything went from bad to worse when Peyton turned off her light. Nancy listened to the squeak of her bed springs as she tossed and turned a few times, trying to get comfortable. Once Peyton was comfortable and the sounds to distract her were gone, all that was left for Nancy was the cold air pushing down on her from the vent above and the cool ceramic walls trapping the coldness. This mixture of circumstances caused her to shiver in the darkness.

Nancy looked down at the dingy sock lying across the floor. It looked as gross as she felt. A slight odor still wafted off it from the oils, sweat, and grime that had gotten trapped in it from whenever it had been last worn. She knew from having done the family’s laundry that garments such as these were not like fine wine and didn’t get better with age. As repulsive as the thought was, Nancy couldn’t stop herself from shivering and shaking.

Since her body was now more petite, she was much more susceptible to the elements of temperature. The sheer notion sounded ridiculous in her mind. That the central air blowing cold air down at her and a cold ceramic structure could be enough to defeat her. She didn’t want to believe it. She was a person, and now here she is cowering before her stepdaughter—a prisoner in her own home on the verge of freezing to death because of an air conditioner.

Having no other choice, Nancy grasped the Cotton sock Peyton had tossed into here. At her new size, Nancy was surprised at how thick the simple cotton sock now was. When she had previously washed Peyton’s clothes, she could remember how thin the cotton felt. Now, as she wrapped the cotton sock around her body, it felt more like a thick, luxurious blanket. She could feel the warmth starting to return to her body, and she absolutely hated it.

She hated that Peyton had tossed this sock in here on a whim, probably to belittle her and demonstrate that she was no better than a used sock. Now, though, she was forced to wrap this used sock around her nude body for warmth and survival. It felt like she was letting Peyton win. This is another example of her newfound reliance on her stepdaughter to survive in this gigantic world. She knew Peyton would use this helplessness to lord over her. It was just a matter of when and where.

The sound of a blaring alarm pierced the air and caused Nancy to jump several feet into the air, startled by the loud noise. She climbed to her feet, spinning around, taking in this new reality that had been forced upon her. She knew that her hope that this was all some horrific nightmare instead of a twisted reality was too much to wish for.

The sound of Peyton getting out of bed was surreal. If she didn’t know that it was just her stepdaughter climbing out of bed, she would never, in a million years, have guessed that those were the noises she was hearing. The squeaky bed and rustling covers sounded completely foreign at her newfound size.

The heavy-sounding footfalls of a girl Nancy knew walked lightly were quite humbling. She could feel her heart begin to race as Peyton’s footfalls grew closer and closer. Her eyes locked onto the pencil holder’s rim, awaiting that moment to catch a glimpse of her. She wondered what she would see first. Would it be her fingers creeping over the rim of the pencil holder, or would her monolithic-sized body slowly come into her field of view?

Much to her surprise, none of those came true. She could hear the closet door open as Peyton pushed some discarded clothes out of the way, followed by hangers sliding along the rack. Each collision sounded powerful, like thunderclaps directly above her. It wasn’t long after the familiar thuds from Peyton’s footfalls returned. If Nancy had looked down at herself, she would have seen her body shaking unconsciously in fear.

The footfalls became louder and louder until they sounded like they were right next to her. “Peyton has to be directly on top of me,” Nancy thought to herself. Why can’t I see her?” she questioned. However, slowly, the powerful footfalls faded until she finally heard the slap of her bare feet against the tiled floor in Peyton’s bathroom.

The pipes groaned as the hot water gushed through them for the first time in hours. Nancy could see the steam from the bathroom billow out like fog rolling over a city skyline. The sound of top 40 pop music blared through the room like an anthem as it filled the otherwise dormant-sounding room. The noise shifted from water hitting the tub and shower walls to hitting Peyton’s body. The sounds of the shower reminded Nancy of just how dirty she felt. Her skin felt itchy, and a slightly rank odor emanated from her, which she didn’t want to admit.

The sound of water began to calm her. It was familiar and normal, comforting, and still how it should be. However, the sense of normalcy was quickly cut off as the creaking from the water spigots being turned off broke the euphoric trance Nancy had fallen into.

It wasn’t long before what could only be described as a hurricane filled the room, drowning out even the music for Nancy. She heard the whirling vortex grow louder until it sounded like a tornado was directly on top of her. The creaking of from Peyton’s desk chair told her that she was right there. Her pulse rate had gone from calm to beyond measure.

She saw flickers of Peyton’s hair billow into her plane of view. Then, the monument-sized black hair dryer appeared, followed by all of Peyton as she walked into view for the first time today. Nancy stared up at her stepdaughter, dreading what horrors she may have in store for her.

However, Peyton never once looked down at Nancy. Nancy could only watch as Peyton blew her hair dry. After several minutes, which, due to Nancy’s sky-high heart rate, felt like hours, any movement or fidget caused her to jump with fright at first, but as time unfolded, she began to grow used to the situation.

As Nancy looked on, Peyton’s eyes never once deviated downward, and she did not pay her the slightest attention. It was then that she remembered the mirror on the wall behind this desk. Peyton’s desk is on a wall adjacent to her, and this is her vanity table.

“She’s not even paying me a single thought,” Nancy declared to herself as she watched her stepdaughter get ready. It was then that she saw Peyton’s arm dip downward and the mouth of the hair dryer angle towards her. What started as a slight breeze at first quickly changed from a slight warm breeze into hurricane-force winds.

All at once, Nancy was forced to her knees. She was then down on all fours before the full brunt of the hair dryer power was forced upon her. In a matter of seconds, Nancy found her back pressed against the ceramic floor of the pencil holder. Sweat formed across her body as the hot air shot down on her like a cannon. It wasn’t long before her skin turned beat red.

“Peyton!” Nancy screamed as loud as she possibly could. Unfortunately, the hair dryer drowned her voice all too easily. She could see Peyton brushing her hair with her free hand and her eyes seemingly locked onto the mirror. Nancy, on the other hand, could feel her body temperature rising higher and higher. Spots started to form in her vision while the hot air continued to plaster her to the floor.

“My skin feels like it’s melting,” Nancy said to herself as she desperately tried to hold on. A couple more minutes passed before the hair dryer lifted upwards, and Peyton started blowing her hair a bit more.

“Oh god, oh god, I thought I was going to die.” She huffed as she sat up, sweat dripping down her body. However, her reprieve was short-lived as Peyton lowered the hair dryer once again. Nancy’s back slapped against the ceramic flower. She noticed that this time, the hair dryer was even closer to the rim of the pencil holder.

“No more, please!” Nancy cried out while Peyton continued to dry and brush her hair. Several minutes passed, and Nancy could feel herself starting to lose consciousness when she heard the powerful motor from the hair dryer begin to wind down. Nancy painfully pulled herself upright. As she looked at her body, she could see burns from the intense heat in several places on her body.

Nancy weakly pulled herself across the floor until she reached the wall and propped herself up against it, breathing heavily. Looking upward, she tried to shout Peyton’s name to get some help but couldn’t find the voice to do it. Nancy stared up meekly, watching her stepdaughter continue to brush her hair, unaware of the pain and suffering she had caused.

Peyton’s voice reverberated through Nancy as she heard her sing along to the music she had turned on in the bathroom. Struggling to catch her breath, Nancy could hardly believe this was what had become of her life. She went from a successful, happily married businesswoman to a wonderful man, trying to build a relationship with a new stepdaughter To lying on the floor of a ceramic pencil holder with a body wracked in pain from being nearly burned to death by a hair dryer.

“What’s that smell?” Nancy said as she felt a mist pelt against her body. It took her a few moments to place it before she realized it was hairspray. Nancy started coughing as the hairspray seemed to hang with a strong smell in the air. Never could Nancy remember a hairspray that smelled so potent. It made her wonder if it was her newfound size that caused her body to react differently to the hairspray.

“ugh, I hate hair in my brush,” Peyton’s voice rumbled. Nancy’s head was already slightly cocked upwards, but Peyton’s voice made her instinctively move to turn and tilt her head further back in an attempt to see the source. That’s when she discovered her body no longer responded to her commands. As she tried to tilt her head, she found herself to be stiff and felt damp.

“No, the hairspray is bonding to me. It’s holding me in place as if I’m Peyton’s hair. This can’t be happening.” Nancy tried to shift her body from side to side, but as the seconds continued to tick by, any kind of movement became harder and harder as the hairspray continued to adhere Nancy to the floor.

This left her helpless as she watched Peyton pull her hair from her brush. After watching her pick the brush clean of her hair, she looked on helpless to move or dodge as Peyton absentmindedly dropped the hair she had gathered from her brush into the pencil holder before grabbing her for the makeup bag.

No matter how much Nancy tried to will her body to move or break the adhesive bonds that held her in place, she was forced to watch the blonde locks of hair float down into the ceramic pencil holder and drape across her damp body, as the sweat and hairspray continued to dry on her.

“This isn’t reality. I’m in hell.” Nancy said as her eyes darted from left to right while Peyton’s thick blonde hair draped over her. The smell of oils, shampoo, conditioner, and hairspray radiated from the fallen hair and assaulted her nose. She could feel her stomach ache and twist as Peyton finished putting on her makeup without looking down or acknowledging her stepmother’s existence. Nancy watched as she heard Peyton grab her bag and phone before leaving her room.

Nancy was now all alone. The room was silent, and the air was still. The drapes were still pulled tightly shut, blocking any natural light from entering. Desperately, she wanted to cry out for help, but between the hairspray adhesive, the chemicals from the hair, and the hair dryer itself, Nancy found herself without much of a voice.

Time ticked by slower than Nancy ever thought was possible. She had no way to pass the time but her thoughts. There was nothing to look at or distract herself. She just had the slow march of time to keep her company.

As morning drifted to afternoon and then from afternoon to evening, Nancy had never felt so helpless. She was trapped by haircare products and covered in her stepdaughter’s discarded hair from a brush, and she had no power to do anything. It was sickening, and what made matters worse was the fact that Peyton was either ignoring her or just didn’t even think about her when she got up.

Nancy’s stomach growled in hunger while her body thirsted for anything to drink. It was hard to believe that it had been over a day since she had eaten or drunk anything, and it began to worry her. She remembered learning in school years ago that a person could go three weeks without eating but only a couple of days without water. Visions of herself thirsting to death filled her head.

It was late evening when Nancy heard Peyton’s footsteps approach the door. As the door opened, she could hear her talking on the phone to who she could only assume was one of her friends. The familiar noise of the Xbox starting up and the TV turning on filled the room as she heard Peyton kick off her shoes and sit down.

“Where’s my headset?” Nancy heard Peyton speak, but she was unsure if it was to herself or to whoever her friend on the phone was. She could hear Peyton moving things about as she searched.

All at once, Nancy felt the ceramic pencil holder she was in violently shift to the side. The force would have knocked her senseless if not for the hairspray holding her in place. She could see Peyton searching above her until she finally saw the headset pass overhead. Peyton’s massive form started to move away when her eyes fell onto her diminutive step-parent.

Her eyes look down at her stepmother, stuck to the side and covered in her hair from this morning. “Oh my god…look at you…you look so fuckin’ pathetic. You can’t move, can you? You’re just stuck underneath my hair and shit.” Peyton said as she giggled, trying to imagine what she unknowingly put her stepmother through this morning.

“I swear to God, I didn’t even think about you until like this afternoon, and then I just didn’t care, as it wasn’t like I was going to come home just for you. Well, I have this raid in Destiny to get to. So, I guess see you later,” Peyton nonchalantly said as she started to turn back towards the TV.

“No, wait. Please, I’m so thirsty and hungry.” Nancy yelled as loudly as she could, but she noticed her voice was much more muted.

“I can barely hear you. I think I made out you were thirsty,” Peyton said halfway through, looking back down at her stepmother while logging into the game. Nancy nodded vigorously, hoping that Peyton would show her some mercy.

“Let it never be said that I’m not a kind and giving ruler towards my people,” Peyton said between fits of laughter at her statement.

Nancy looked on in horror as she watched Peyton move the microphone away from her mouth before her head tilted back slightly, and the terrifying sound of phlegm and mucus gathered in the back of her stepdaughter’s throat, which was released all at once.

The massive wad of spit struck the inside of the Ceramic pencil holder like a cannonball against a castle wall, causing her to shudder as the spit landed directly overhead, which meant she could only watch as it oozed down the side of the wall, gathering speed as gravity took over. It wasn’t long before it slunk over their body, canvassing every square inch of her. Nancy let out a blood-curdling scream as Peyton’s thick white mucus Ladin spit draped itself over her like a blanket. She screamed as the spit slid into her dry mouth.

“Drink up, Step Monster,” Peyton said with a glee. Nancy had yet to hear from her whenever she spoke to her. The smile on her face exuded a level of happiness she never thought was possible. Then, in an instant, Peyton was gone as she headed across the room. Nancy could hear the gunfire and dialogue from a cutscene before she heard her stepdaughter push any thought of her from her mind as she played her weekly Destiny raid.

The warm spit was quickly growing cold, but it did have the benefit of the fact that it ate away at the hairspray that had covered and fused her to the ceramic wall. Nancy quickly pushed the hair off her and bolted from her transfixed position. Having the freedom to move felt heavenly as her limbs ached and her body still hurt from the hair dryer burns.

Nancy looked down at the disgusting pool of spit and fell to her knees. Desperation overtook her as tears welled in her eyes. She cupped her hands and pushed them into the quickly cooling spit. She lifted her hands and brought them near her mouth before pushing them away.

“I’m not going to drink that. I’m a person, not some parasite or bug who will live off the refuge of my stepdaughter. I have my pride,” Nancy thought as her stomach rumbled. She turned away from the pool of spit and listened to the noises and music of the game.

A couple of hours had passed before she heard the TV and Xbox turn off. It’s about time that thing ended. Nancy had expected Peyton to come back over, but the lights were cut off, and she heard the squeaking of the bedsprings. She wouldn’t go to sleep, would she? Just leave me like this?

Nancy punched the wall as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. Her mouth was so dry her tongue scraping against her lips caused her a bit of pain. She finally could stand it no longer as she fell back down to her knees and cupped her hands. She submerged them into the cold spit and brought it towards her mouth. She opened wide and drank in the cold spit of her stepdaughter.

Her body was much too thirsty even to gag. The cold spit sliding down her dry throat was soothing, but the only thing more disgusting than the taste was the thought of it. As she cupped her hands again, she brought more of the spit to her mouth, drinking it all in feverishly until Nancy finally lowered her head as if she were a dog drinking from a water bowl and just lapped up the spit.

“I did what I had to in order to survive,” Nancy thought to herself as she sat down, leaning back against the ceramic wall. God, please. Help me! What have I done to deserve this?” she said as she cried herself to sleep. The only comfort was the solace that no one saw her do it—more importantly, Peyton.

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4 months ago


Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

I guess this one didn’t hit. 1 star and 4 (5) comments. But this does seem like an excessively cruel story so it won’t appeal to everyone.

4 months ago

Lol I’m so dumb. I just realized you wrote the original step monster. I thought it was just coincidence

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