Smallara Episode 483: A Giantess Story

Smallara 483

“A-are you going to be at Chloe’s party? I mean I’m sure you are.” Bradley said a bit nervously. Jordan rolled his eyes a bit as he watched this teen fighting for his life while trying to keep his nerves up.

“Chloe’s like my best friend, of course I’m going to be there.” Ellie said as she played a bit with her hair while leaning in towards Bradley. “Why do you want to know?” Ellie asked batting her eyes.

Bradley had been so focused on Ellie and getting the nerves to not only walk up to her but ask her he hadn’t noticed Jordan sitting on her shoulder until she leaned in slightly. Bradley jumped back a step in surprise.

“You have a little? I had no idea.” Bradley said in shock before taking another step closer. “They look so lifelike.” he added as he stared at Jordan.

“They aren’t dolls Bradley.” Ellie exclaimed, grabbing his arm as she laughed flirtatiously once again.

“You’re right, I didn’t mean any offense I just haven’t seen one up close is all. I briefly saw Gavin being toted around by Mallory but nothing like this. I can see his chest moving up close like this. It’s completely different. “ Bradley said being taken by surprise. “As astonishing as this is it can’t compare to your beauty,” Bradley said as Jordan started laughing.

“Jordy,” Ellie scolded. “Sorry don’t mind him Bradley” Ellie said.

“So, would you maybe go to Chloe’s Ellie with me? I mean go to Chloe’s party with me?” Bradley asked, deciding to just shotgun it out before he lost his nerves and ran away.

“I was just planning to go with my girls, but why don’t you meet me there and we can see what happens. You know that way there’s no pressure.” Ellie said switching from playfulness at first to a bit of seduction in the tone of her voice at the end.

Jordan found himself stuck listening to Ellie and this boy play around. Jordan remembered why he hated flirting. He didn’t like the dance and the corniness of it all. He would much rather just focus on getting to know someone than have to do all this extra stuff.

“Yeah, yeah that would be great.” Bradley said feeling a bit dejected but trying to hide it.

“I have to get to the locker room and get changed. But I will see you tomorrow night. Oh and Bradley…I like chocolates. Those cute little ones. Hold the flowers.” Ellie said before turning around and walking towards the locker room as Bradley turned in the other direction himself and celebrated.

“I can’t believe you went for that.” Jordan said laughing slightly. “As astonishing as the fact I exist is, it can’t compare to your beauty.” Jordan mocked.

“He was so sweet. He was practically shaking. Besides, it’s the guys like that are the ones who treat a girl right. They’re kind, loyal, and treat you like a queen. Whereas those sporty popular guys end up treating you like shit. I mean look at how Gavin did Mallory when he was full sized. Gavin is a close friend, but I would never date him.” Ellie said.

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J - vader
J - vader
4 months ago

Nerd!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤓 at least he got the girl and Jordan is speaking facts man he has my respect

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

Hardest part is remembering sometimes you just have to ask lol best way someone put it to me is that you gotta get some at bat’s and learn to strike out before you get on base

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

True very very true and also be prepared to here the word no and take it like a champ

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

Exactly. Took me a while to realize how not getting turned down with a simple no was messing with me lol like I get being nice and everything but I never learned to change my approach until I just heard no through all the other stuff.

4 months ago

Lol kid is relatable. Kind of nice reprieve from the last few chapters. Have a feeling the Kayla and Kelli talk about the pool stuff is fast approaching

Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

1) well that was adorable.

2) “look at how Gavin did Mallory” not to be confused with the flawless way Mallory did Gavin.

3) “go to Chloe’s Ellie with me?” i remember those nerves well.

4) Jordan laughing at the kid seemed a bit rough, though I’m sure Jordan’s done his own cringeworthy deeds when it comes to flirting.

5) A little concerning that Ellie conflates “treat a girl right” with “treat her like a queen”, and that the other option is “treat her like shit”. Healthiest relationships tend to involve treating one’s partner as an EQUAL partner. (I’d say Mal’s extracting the Queen treatment, and that’s not healthy at all)

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

6) just realised, Ellie doesn’t deny Jordan being her little, you’d think she’d correct Brad letting him know “Jordy’s actually Sara’s” but no.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

Lol I think ellie considers Jordan hers by proxy

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

Possible, I’m imagining when Asukafan2001 makes Ellie’s Biography it’ll say..

“Registered littles: Jordan Reeves (godlittle)”
“Registered Littles: technically none, Jodan Reeves (as per Sara’s will)”

Last edited 4 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

1) I needed it Especially after Step Monster.

2) I’m not gonna defend Gavin’s cheating I fully agree that its a disgustingthing to do, however that doesn’t mean Mal is above criticism.

She was a very entitled, clingy and demanding girlfriend. He should have broken up with her properly before looking for another girls but it’s not like she was a saint in the matter, especially given how she treats him now.

4) he was floundering, (I think Ellie was enjoying that about him) and the pick up line was appropriately cringy in my opinion. And we know Jordan’s not exactly a communicative savant either, so who’s he to criticise.

5) it’s possible, but in my experience women and girls who wanna be treated like queens, don’t usually treat their partners as kings, that’s why I made the Mal comparison.

6) That might be my misinterpretation of things, after Ellie had her heart to heart with Jordan, explaining why Sara needed him I thought she may be more clear on that.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

2) I think that’s true of their behavior pre-Gavin’s infection, I was more referring to how Mal’s been since which I view as worse.

I’d also like to point out that Mal is clearly willing to forgive Gavin’s infidelity despite not needing to, where as Gavin only seems forgiving of Mal as far as it keeps him out of shit.

4) definitely credit worth giving him.

He is surrounded by several very attractive women” you mean these underage girls? I think that’s a bit different for him.

can comfortably speak to them” Unless he has a problem then he has to tip toe on eggshells around their (especially Sara’s) temper-mental egos.

He does seem to be doing pretty well with Kelli, even though I’m not too convinced he likes her like that.

5) entirely true I was pulling from what she said and what other people who’ve said similar have done. She may be somewhere like Chloe and Sara, hopefully not like Gavin or Mal.

That’s actually fair Sara praise (yeah, you read that right), she does seem to have a healthy relationship with Chloe, especially since it started with an act comparable to “walking into your home and shooting your dog in front of you and then leaving without saying anything

6) fair enough, at worst she could just correct him later if he asks “Where’s your little” but it’s not a big deal.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

5) well, that was me giving you a bit of cheek, using your own quote.

I’ll say that Kaitlyn (who I’m also not defending) giving Sara that cunty ultimatum is also something Sara was willing to forgive, even going as far to apologise for her part in the falling out back in 178 hoping to begin the make up process.

I understand that poiint, but personally wouldn’t say Gavin was leading her on, he was intentionally pulling away from Mal hoping to get her to dump him, (the fucking coward should have sacked up and properly broken it off, and selling Sara out like that crossed an other damn line too).

His cheating would be worse than Sara’s but they’re both still cheating.

(PS solid foreshadowing in 178 hinting at her sexuality and antidepressants in one swing)

4 months ago

Ellie…. ever the charitable girl. Because he is winging WAY out of his league.

“Ain’t the same fuckin’ ballpark, it ain’t the same league, it ain’t even the same fuckin’ sport.”

The interaction kind of reminded me of Violet Parr at the end of The Incredibles.

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