Step Monster Episode 3

Step Monster 3

Step Monster CH3

As morning came, Nancy awoke to what now felt like all too familiar surroundings. Peyton’s sock was wrapped around her otherwise nude body so that she could fight off the cold. The loud blaring alarm once again echoed across a room that had already become old hat. Nancy felt a sickness dwelling in the pit of her stomach that this was already what was to become of her life.

She found herself wondering how long she would be able to take this. If she could muster the will to live on under these conditions. Her stepdaughter always referred to her as a monster, but she couldn’t help but think what this all made her? Never in a million years could she imagine imprisoning someone like this. Denying someone rights, help, safety, and, more importantly, a chance to regain their life. Peyton had denied her nearly every fundamental human right under the guise of the fact she was no longer considered human. No, that wasn’t true. Nancy knew it was because of bitter hatred over an act that she viewed as destroying her family.

The sheer thought of that made her sick. The notion of having to live under the rule of this Titaness day in and day out. She has to have her rights peeled away one by one over days, weeks, or months. Nancy shuddered as she thought about the day when there would be no more rights to strip. The worst part of the whole thing was that for a significant portion of her torture, she wasn’t even sure Peyton did it to her on purpose. She was neglectful in forgetting she had sealed her in this hellhole. However, Nancy was honestly not sure if any portion of her morning routine was intentional or if it was more careless.

Nancy listened to the thuds of Peyton’s footfalls plod about the room. The recognizable booms and thunder claps from her hangers clattered together in her closet as Peyton picked out an outfit. It seemed like a lifetime ago when she could remember when that would be her. Nancy remembered relishing going through her closet and putting different pieces together to create the perfect ensemble. She always knew she missed her calling as a fashion designer or wardrobe consultant. However, just having a garment to put on would feel like a luxury.

Peyton swarmed about the room, readying herself for the day in much the same manner as the previous day. She had always been a creature of habit, having many of the same routines each day. This led Nancy to brace herself for the hair dryer as Peyton approached.

“No hair dryer today. It’s too hard on your hair to wash and dry like that daily. I only do a full wash and dry on my hair a few times a week. This is a rest day, so I let it air dry.” Peyton said as she hovered over the Pencil holder, which Nancy still found herself trapped in as Peyton applied her makeup. This made Nancy furious that she could just be ignored again in such an insolent manner. She was a person and was being completely ignored as her stepdaughter applied makeup. She was about to lay into her when she heard her name mentioned over the radio.

This is a follow-up to yesterday’s story about a local woman, Nancy List, who had disappeared from her home. The police announced today that she has officially been declared missing. While no signs of forced entry were found, the police do suspect foul play. However, they did not elaborate on what led them to that conclusion. The police announced today that they are following up on any and all leads. They ask the public to call immediately if they know anything about her whereabouts. The radio reporter said before Peyton cut the radio off. Nancy couldn’t believe her ears. Hearing someone speak about you and report on you as if you were gone was surreal, yet you never left.

“Oh no, maybe I should call in a tip that I saw you in my skate the other day,” Peyton said with a laugh as she looked down at the diminutive parent. “I don’t have time for the likes of you now. I have class today.” Peyton said with a dejected huff.

Nancy found herself in a horrific situation. She knew she couldn’t stay here forever. Nancy needed to get out of this pencil holder, or surely, she would die. She knew that she needed real food, and if Nancy had any hope of being discovered or escaping from her stepdaughter, she would need to get out.

“Peyton, honey, please don’t leave me in here,” Nancy said as sweetly as she could, fighting back the anger that raged inside of her over the humiliation and maltreatment she had put her through.

As Peyton walked away, Nancy looked up at the back of her head. She wondered if she didn’t hear or was just ignoring her. She could feel the frustration welling inside her when she saw her titanic stepdaughter stop and turn back towards her.

“Did you say something? I thought I heard something, but I could have been mistaken.” Peyton said, leaning down as close as she could.

“Please, Peyton, I’m begging you. You can’t leave me here another day. I… I’ll do anything. Just get me out of here.” Nancy said in the most minor demanding voice she could

“I mean, I could, and I see your lips moving, but I don’t see the begging. You always said you were a woman of action. However, all I’m seeing is lip service.” Peyton says with a smile. Nancy gulped as she looked up at her captor.

“She knows she has me over a barrel.” Nancy thought to herself. Doing the only thing she could think of, she dropped to her knees and pleaded to the giantess. Nancy said anything and everything she could think of, which could possibly stroke Peyton’s ego. She apologized for ever making her do chores. She told Peyton how wrong she was for trying to oppose her. She called her a queen and a goddess. She admired her radiant beauty. She fought back tears as she said how wrong she was for forcing her mother and father to break up. She buried the shame she felt deep inside of her. As Nancy knew, she needed out if she were to survive.

“I’m sure we could come to some kind of agreement. Since I know you wouldn’t lie to me, These must be your true feelings after having had time to reflect on things, right?” Peyton inquired in a tone that Nancy couldn’t tell if she was being serious, sarcastic, or just messing with her.

“Yes, yes. These past couple of days have led me to realize my wrongs, and I want to repent for my transgressions,” Nancy blurted out. Inside, she knew she would agree to anything as her stomach grumbled in pain. Even though she could still taste the cold spit she had drank in desperation last night, her mouth was still so dry that it would only be a matter of time before she had no voice at all.

“You called me your goddess, I think I heard. So, pray to your maker. Show me that you are thankful that I allowed you to live in these gracious accommodations.” Peyton ordered down. Her eyes narrowed as they focused on the tiny woman. She knew she would never do it. As faithful and religious as she and her father are, she knew Nancy eclipsed them both. Whenever she was with her friends, they called her a bible humper when she was out of earshot. She would often recite passages and use stories from the bible to get her points across.

“I want you to say you forsake all other gods and that you believe in me as your one true God. I want you to say that you will spend the rest of whatever life I allow you to have in service to me, your God, as a way of repenting for your sins against me and my family.” Peyton said. She knew Nancy would never do that, so she said it. She wanted her stepmother to know that she would die in there. Peyton wanted to see that look of desperation in her eyes now shatter, and the hopelessness of her new existence crushed her. So, when Nancy dropped to her knees, Peyton was forced to hide her shock. She couldn’t believe what she saw and heard.

Like her husband, Nancy was a devoted Catholic, but she knew that she needed to fight, as God only helps those who first help themselves. She needed to survive. In her heart, she knew, for whatever reason, that this had to be part of God’s plan. He was forcing her through these trials, and she just needed to survive. She needed to hold on for as long as she could. Then, at some point, he would drop down an olive branch.

“I believe that Goddess Peyton is the one true God and my God. I will devote myself to serving my God however she sees fit. While I do not deserve it, I pray to her to absolve my sins against her and her family.” Nancy said, wiping tears from her eyes. As the last words crossed her lips in her mind, all she could think was God, I’m sorry.

Peyton looked down at the miniature woman. “You disgust me. You sat on your high horse since the day I met you. Now look at you, for what it’s worth. I was going to take you with me regardless of what you said.” Peyton gloated.

“I don’t know how such a loving man could spawn such a hateful bitch.” Nancy spouted Peyton, having pushed her last button. She made her forsake her beliefs. She made her go against everything she believed in and forsake it all! It was all for nothing but just her entertainment. Nancy felt a fury she hadn’t felt in days swell inside of her like a rising tide. Peyton swiped her hand across the vanity table, knocking the pencil holder off the desk in retaliation.

Nancy was in a state of shock. One moment, she was standing up, yelling. The next, she felt her head smash against the ceramic wall of the pencil holder with a deadening thud. She hadn’t ever experienced a force like that before. Her body rolled along the wall of the pencil holder a few feet before tumbling into the bottom of the pencil holder, which was now the ceiling. She felt a dreadful pain envelope her as her shoulder hit the floor of the pencil holder, which continued to tumble end over end. Nancy was bounced like a popcorn kernel into either wall before finally becoming mercifully entangled in the discarded sock Peyton had tossed in days ago.

As the pencil holder hit the floor, Nancy tumbled out, somehow managing to land atop the sock. She let out a scream of pain so loud even Peyton, who was standing fully upright, could hear it. Tears rolled down her face as she stood up on her knees, grasping her right shoulder with her left hand. Blood slithered out from the gash in her head from the initial impact.

Nancy looked up until she couldn’t tilt her head any further. Peyton looked impossibly tall. Two large white pillars in the form of cotton knee-high socks bunched around Peyton’s ankles, running halfway up her leg. She then saw nothing but her bare legs until finally, a blue and grey plaid-like pattern made from a cotton polyester blend skirt was barely visible before her eyes could see no further. This made it so she couldn’t even see the top half of Peyton’s body from her point on the floor. She didn’t remember her looking so massive before as her heart raced in a mixture of fear and pain. She willed herself by perseverance alone to rise from her knees. Her body wobbled left to right like a tree branch in the wind.

Now standing on her own two feet, Nancy found herself looking directly into a pair of black Mary Jane-style Doc Martens. She could see clearly what must have been years of dirt and filth beaten into them from use. They had clearly seen better days. However, in the back of her mind, she wondered if they were really that beaten and worn or if her size was making the grime-filled cracks and crevices more noticeable.

“Beg” was the only word Peyton spoke as she looked down at the tiny woman. The words Peyton spoke seemed like they carried a power behind them that Nancy had never felt before. The idea that this was her five-foot-tall stepdaughter seemed utterly appalling. As she glanced from left to right, she only felt smaller as shoes, purses, and bags the size of buildings were scattered about everywhere. Clothing covered the ground like a multicolored ocean of grass, encompassing the whole landscape. They created hills and valleys in their own right. A plastic hanger beside her could now be mistaken for city piping if she knew no better.

Nancy staggered forward, humbled by the enormity and scale of Peyton’s room. She found that she could focus rationally if she just stared at the shoes her stepdaughter had on. They were large enough in stature that when she looked at them, she could separate them from her stepdaughter, which made it seem somehow easier to take in.

“I said, beg.” Her voice belted down, causing Nancy to cover her ears from the sheer volume. She watched in dismay and awe as her left foot lifted what appeared to be stories upon stories into the air. It just hung there momentarily as if it had its own power source. Her brain was telling her this was impossible, but her mind was saying this was reality.

A gush of air surged like a wind, forcing Nancy back to her knees. The air alone was pelting against her with so much force that she found her face pressed into a cashmere sweater. The perfume that Peyton had put on whenever she last wore the shirt still clung to the fabric and filled Nancy’s nostrils. This caused her to go into a coughing fit as Peyton’s foot seemingly exploded into the earth, causing Nancy to tumble end over end, landing on her already hurt shoulder.

Looking back up, she found she had gotten further away from the five-foot tyrant. A part of her was telling her to run and hide. However, she knew it was fruitless. She struggled to pick herself back up off the floor. As she reached her feet, she couldn’t believe how heavy her body felt as her head pounded in pain. Her vision was blurring slightly as she looked forward at Peyton’s shoes while wiping the blood from her head wound from her face.

Knowing how impatient Peyton was. A memory of her yelling at a waitress and calling over a manager all because she had to wait five or six minutes before getting a drink refilled filled her mind. Nothing bothered Peyton more than having to wait, her father always said. Everyone always told her that Peyton got it from her mother. When Peyton was a child, people often recounted how she never crawled as a baby. She walked as she didn’t have the patience to crawl. Nancy rushed as quickly as her beaten body could to move towards Peyton. As she reached the summit of her shoes, she dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms as best she could around the dingy black rims of the shoe.

“Pucker up and kiss ’em. Kiss these shoes with the mouth you seduced my father with your siren.” Peyton lorded down. As Nancy wanted this to be over, she puckered her dry lips and pressed them against the shoes. Nancy didn’t think Peyton could tell if she actually licked them, but fear kept her compliant. She snaked her tongue out and ran it over the rough, dirty rubber. Her tongue rolled along dirt-filled ridges. She felt herself swallow the dirt as soon as it hit her mouth. She had wanted to spit it out, but she feared what would happen if she pulled away far enough to do so.

An audible click could be heard, causing Nancy’s eyes to dart up. She looked horrified as she saw Peyton had taken a photo of her with her phone. The idea that this moment would be commemorated for all time made her sick to her stomach. She pictured her posting this on Snapchat and Instagram. The idea of her friends all seeing the picture and laughing made her feel smaller than she already felt and was.

Peyton looked down at the time on her phone. She knew she had no more time to spend humiliating the step monster. She sighed a bit dejected as she looked down at the former authoritarian before reaching downward to grasp the tiny woman.

Nancy tumbled over onto her backside as Peyton tapped her foot against the tiny woman. Nancy was then looking straight up as her stepdaughter’s body loomed over her, filling every crevice of her vision as she bent over. As she bent down, Nancy still couldn’t believe how far away Peyton’s face looked. Her locks of hair spilled down like massive blonde ropes from a freighter. She expected to see anchors on the end of each piece of hair. Peyton’s hand descended lower and lower, blocking out much of Peyton’s body from Nancy’s view. She found herself mesmerized as the giant fingers curled as they descended lower and lower.

Every instinct in her body told her to run. Told her to get away, but her body lay on the ground, frozen until the ground shook around her as her fingers dug in around her. Nancy could feel the clothing underneath her buckle and give way underneath the power of Peyton’s finger. She instinctively pushed her own hands outward as the one-time dainty hand of her stepdaughter curled tighter and tighter around her. The fingers, which once looked trim and thin, now appear meaty and powerful.

It wasn’t long before Nancy felt herself forced into her stepdaughter’s warm, oily palm. She let out a single scream before her voice muffled by the flesh all around her. Desperately, she tried to look around but found she didn’t have the strength to circumvent the power of Peyton’s grip. For her part, she wasn’t applying any real pressure on her stepmother. It was nothing more than a gentle loose hold to Peyton.

“Munchkin, would you please come downstairs?” Peyton’s father called from the formal living room. Peyton started walking down the stairs obediently to her father’s wish.

“Sure,” She simply said as if she had forgotten the minute woman in her hand. Nancy soon started to feel sick from the slight side-to-side movement of Peyton’s hand. When she reached the stairs, Nancy was ready to bow out. However, as Peyton approached the stairs, Nancy started to bounce slightly in her hand as Peyton bounded down the stairs. She was about to turn the corner when she saw a police officer out of the corner of her eye.

Peyton froze for a moment as her face turned pale white. She looked from left to right for a place to hide her stepmother. She could see nothing that would seemingly work and wouldn’t cause attention. She lifted the flap of her blazer pocket up and slid her stepmother into the pocket before pressing it back down firmly, making sure the top was secure. She then adjusted her tie slightly before walking into the room.

“Munchkin, this is Officer Martinez. He is assigned to your mother’s disappearance. He just has a few questions for you,” her father said, motioning for her daughter to sit down.

“Oh…umm, okay,” Peyton said, stumbling over her words before sitting on the sofa across from the officer.

“I don’t mean to take up too much of your time. Peyton correct? I understand you may have been the last person to see your mother.”

“Step Mother, and yes,” Peyton corrected, regaining confidence as she remembered the radio report from earlier. They don’t know anything, and I’m not even a suspect.

“Yes, stepmother. Sorry. Did you happen to see anyone hanging around or notice anything off?”

“Umm…Well, we had gotten into a fight. We did that a lot. I was supposed to go to this party, but she wanted me to do some chores instead. So, I didn’t see much of her as I was up in my room. I remember hearing her opening and closing a bunch of cabinets, though. Like she was looking for something. She’s a very organized person. So, it was out of character for her to be rummaging through draws and cupboards. When I came out of my room later to apologize for my attitude and behavior. She was gone. I figured she just ran out to run an errand. I didn’t know anything was wrong until I came back home later that night, and Dad and an officer were in the driveway.” Nancy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She was distorting the events. That all happened, but not like that.

“HELP! Officer! My stepdaughter is holding me hostage. Please!” Nancy pleaded as she beat against the blazer pocket and listened to Peyton weave a tale of events. At the same time, she acutely misconstrues the events to put herself in the best of light and Nancy in the worst of light possible.

“I didn’t see anyone weird or strange though hanging around the house that day. She had been getting a lot of phone calls lately in which she would leave the room or go outside. She never had done that before.” Peyton added.

“No, no, no! That’s not anything. I was planning a surprise getaway for your father. You know that, you brat!” Nancy screamed as she continued to kick and punch at the pocket. However, much to her chagrin, her voice was too weak and strained from the events of the past couple of days. The material of Peyton’s blazer was too thick for any signs of her movement to be visible. If anyone had seen anything, the movement would’ve appeared to be nothing more than a byproduct of Peyton moving or fidgeting.

“Well, I think that’s all the questions I have for you for now. We spoke to your father earlier. If anything develops, we will let you know,” the officer said, standing up and shaking Peyton and her father’s hand before excusing himself and leaving.

Nancy felt defeated at that moment. She knew she couldn’t have been more than a few feet at best from an officer and her husband. Neither could detect her presence or hear her cries for help and salvation. She knew now that for any chance of getting help, she would need to be in the open and high up off the floor to be rescued.

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Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

Did Nancy take her Husband’s Surname?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

Does that imply Step-Daughter’s name is “Peyton List” like the Actresses?

Also how old is she? I was guessing late teens but this image seems younger.

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