Smallara Episode 486: A Giantess Story

Smallara 486

“No, no, no. There is no D&D character for Kelli. You and Kayla can do your dungeons and doughnuts all you want without me.” Kelli said.

“Dragons,” Kayla corrected.

“Whatever, Dragons and doughnuts, dungeons and doughnuts, it’s all the same. It’s a bit too over-the-top nerdy for me.” Kelli said.

“There is no doughnuts, Kelli. It’s Dungeons and Dragons.” Kayla explained, “You could at least try it now. What else are you going to do? Is the great Kelli Wallace going to stay at home with Mom and Dad? I can let Mom know you’re free to hold her knitting ball in the evenings,” Kayla said smugly

“Kayla, don’t you dare. I’m serious.” Kelli said as authoritatively as she could muster while glaring at Kayla.

“You can tag along with me, Kelli, or you can stay home with Mom and Dad. The choice is yours, really. I’m sure mom would love a little knitting buddy.” Kayla teased

“Fine, I will play Dungeons and Dragons.” Kelli was vexed, seeing no alternative, as she knew Kayla wouldn’t just leave her alone unattended for that long. They had already had disagreements on that.

“Great, you might enjoy it, Kelli,” Kayla said in a more gleeful tone than she intended. It was a unique situation in which Kelli was the one tagging along with something she was doing. Normally, it was the other way around with them is how the dynamic between them normally went. Kayla found herself enjoying being the one dragging Kelli to an event she didn’t really want to go or do without her being able to really do much about it. For most of her life, she was the one in Kelli’s place as Kelli dragged her around.

“It’s not that bad, Kelli.” Sara added as the group started walking out of the locker room. “No comments from the peanut gallery,” Sara said, looking at Ellie and Chloe

“I would never. I was just going to comment on how much fun Chloe said she had going.” Ellie said with a teasing glare in Chloe’s direction.

“Really? I didn’t think you’d like it, Chloe. especially after it all fell apart before we really got going. But since you had a good time, you can come to a regular session, and since Ashley isn’t there, it shouldn’t fall into chaos,” Sara said excitedly as she grabbed Chloe’s arm, gushing a bit.

“Yeah, of course. I can’t wait to come. I think Ellie said she wanted to come too.” Chloe said, staring daggers at Ellie.

“That’s funny. Ellie would never. She’d sooner step on a bed of rusty nails. It’s all I can do to get her to go to Comic-Con with me each year.” Sara said, excited about sharing one of her interests with Chloe. Ellie laughed while playfully taunting Chloe with the use of body language.

“You don’t go to Comic Con, do you, Kayla? Ellie asked?”

“No, not anymore. There was an incident.” Kayla said.

“Incident? What could you possibly do at Comic-Con?” Ellie asked, looking over at Sara and Chloe, who both shrugged

“Kayla!” Kelli said, stomping her foot on Kayla’s hand.

“Wait, Kelli went to Comic Con and had a major incident?” Ellie and Sara both exclaimed,

“I mean Nooooo.” Kayla said “Talisa what were you saying? You have to use the bathroom. I’ll go with you,” Kayla added.

“I didn’t say anything,” Talisa said

“Oh my god, what happened? You have to spill,” Sara said.

“Kayla, you are the worst. You were sworn to secrecy.” Kelli said, annoyed.

“It’s not a big deal and I didn’t say anything other than I didn’t go anymore. I didn’t say anything about you rushing RDJ.” Kayla said, stopping mid-sentence, realizing what she had just done.

“RDJ as in Robert Downy Jr?” Chloe asked.

“It was a misunderstanding,” Kelli said.

“She hurdled that barrier like a champ. She had a good six inches on that thing.” Kayla said.

“Kayla! Don’t you dare make me come up there. If you don’t think I will march up your arm right now and show you that I’m still your big sister, I will.” Kelli said

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4 months ago

just noticed Kayla looking a bit more fashionable. Also it’s funny how socially inept\blunt she is lol probably so used to it with Talisa that she doesn’t know to keep quiet, which she’ll need to learn. Also love how she knows how to play Kelli. As bad as the nerd stuff might be, I can’t imagine holding a ball of yarn for hours on end, especially as a little. At least Jordan will be there, Kelli. Plus Chloe’s a lot more personable than you probably have seen.

Also, i’ve been playing with my own Smallara side story. didn’t wanna post it on DA or anything like that since it’s not my world, but thought it’d be fun to share here. Still toying with it and I haven’t wrote anything creative since high school lol

Roni and Joey: Prologue

Veronica Snyder, or Roni as she liked to go by, was sitting at her desk in her room working on her homework for school. She wasn’t one to normally procrastinate, but these past few weeks have taken a great toll on the high school Junior. Leaning back in her chair and rubbing her temples, her hazel eyes drifted to her side table next to her bed, where sat a glass enclosure with a small bed, chair, lamp, and a sideways smart phone playing a rerun of an old anime from the late 90’s. In the chair watching the show sat her best friend Joey.

Joey Calhoun, now Snyder, was an unfortunate victim of Smallara. Normally, smallara victims would live with their families as long as they could afford the fees, but, the Calhoun’s were different, to say the least. While being more than wealthy enough to have afforded the fees, Joey’s parents opted to relinquish Joey to Generitech before Roni begged them to let her take him. The Calhoun family was abhorrently proud and saw underbreds as a blight on society. Prior to Joey falling victim to the disease, he get into emotional arguments with his parents, as it was his belief that littles could be just as capable as humans if given the ability to prove it. These arguments lead to a major strain in the relationship, and once the Calhouns had the ability to sever ties with their eldest son and heir to their fortune, they jumped on it in a hearbeat.

Now, while Roni may have been able to get custody of Joey, that didn’t mean his life would get much better. While Roni loved her best friend and wanted to ensure that he had the best life as possible, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder didn’t think so highly of underbreds. When Roni begged them to help her save Joey from being shipped to Generitech, the stipulation was that he was to be nothing more than a pet. This created a lot of resentment but, begrudgingly, Roni had to accept as it was the only way to help her best friend.

Roni continued to stare at Joey with a somber expression. While she may have to treat him like a pet in the rest of the house, at least in her room she could ensure that he was treated with the equality she thought her best friend deserved. The bright side of the whole situation is that Roni is Joey’s primary gaurdian, so once she graduates, she can take him with her when she goes to college. She only hopes that he can maintain his personality until then.

Deciding she’s done enough of her assignment, Roni moves from her desk to the enclosure and gently knocks on the glass to get Joey’s attention. The boy looks up at her with a sideways smile and green eyes, knowing Roni’s done for the night with home work.

“Want to watch that on the big screen with me?” Roni asks, already knowing the answer. Joey stands up and walks to the phone to stop the show and looks up at her. “Absolutely!” Joey replies with enthusiasm as Roni gently picks him up from his habitat.

Roni carries Joey to her bed and lays down, setting Joey on her stomach before turning on the TV and resuming the show from where Joey had left off.

“Which show is this again?” Roni asks, not being the most familiar with this era of anime. “It’s yu yu hakusho, they’re just getting to the dark tournament” Joey says happily.

Roni lets out a sigh of contentment listening to her best friend summarize the last few episodes of the show to her, happy to know she can bring him some semblance of happiness despite everything that has happened.

“I’ll help you get through this” Roni thought to herself as Yuske and his friends step off the boat and onto the island where the tournament will be held. “You may be a little, but I’ll make sure you have the best life possible. We’re in this together”.

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

First totally agree with you on the fashion and Kelli might enjoy D&D and second let’s go more people do fanfic and side stories let’s go

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

Thanks! I have a lot to do with it still but I wanted to get the prologue typed up while I still had it. The next parts probably gonna be roni and joey getting their immunity results. It’ll be all over the place though lol maybe an anthology more than anything else for now. Setting the scene and whatnot while I build out everything. Never done a mutlichapter story before, had mostly wrote poems and short stories lol

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

Nice dude you are very good at it

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

Thank you. Going to work on developing a few things for it before my next chapter.

And yeah, Kayla and talisa probably have a good bluntness to them but based on what sarahs kinda implied about steph, Kayla will need to learn to be less like that, similar to how jordan needs to learn. Luckily both jordan and Kayla have aarah and Kelli to help reign it in lol and also true about Kayla getting Kelli to do things. Threatening to leave her with her parents is probably her best card to play

J - vader
J - vader
4 months ago

I totally love this chapter purely for Kelli and Kayla sisterly bond like bro it’s without a doubt best duo in this series and verse like don’t get me wrong Jordan and Sara are like a close second while Gavin and Mal or Steph and Lisa are tied for third at the moment but overall love this and Kelli went to comic con is the highlight for me added with RDJ incident – now my question is Kelli a marvel or DC fan and is Jordan a comic book fan as well also can we get some Anime related stuff in story I need my Naruto or Goku fans in this story!!!!!

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

Kelli being a closet comic book nerd and marvel fan would be an amazing twist lol

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

Omg !!!!! Yes okay hear me out what if Kelli is comic book nerd and fan while Jordan is a manga and anime fan and they sometimes have a debate about which one is better it would be like the Superman vs Goku arguments but fun and adorable for mostly Sara and the others to see as the young Littles argue about it lol

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

Lol that’s a good idea. And Gavin is a fan of both and Lisa doesn’t have a clue about any of it

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

Omg yes that would complete me right there Asuka please do this please that would be awesome to have in the story please please please !!!!!!

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

Darn it!!!!!! That would fun to see oh well 😔

Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

1) now now Kayla, you ought to remember that Kelli knows your embarrassing secrets as well.

2) surely a night in with her parents isn’t that bad, they’re still her family.

3) I love it when you name drop actual celebrities in your verse, makes me wonder how projects like the MCU would look in this world.

You reckon they’d get little stunt double for Antman so they could save on CGI? Lol. Or maybe Stature is cast as a little in some forced diversity effort?

4) Kayla you won’t be playing D&D like Jordan you’d be lowered to the role of toy, for yiu guardian to play with.

5) Ellie and Chloe had a funny back and forth.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

2)i think Kelli just hates not being a busy body, so her parent probably aren’t very exciting. Plus she probably misses having some freedom to do what she wants. At least with Kayla she has some pull for things like that vs her parents just not wanting to

4) oh that’s a good point. Idk if Kayla realizes that’s what sarahs doing with Jordan, but I could see her and Kelli bicker about it lol

Btw I caught up on your story in DA. I like it. I like how Ollie and Dixie contrast each other and Dixie seems to be more willing to let Cai be autonomous while Ollie wants to be over protective. Also I had to Google what ausland was lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

2) true, but I can’t see one night with her parents being that bad for her. Even if she likes those things it’s not available idea for her to have alone time with her parents. And busy bodying with parents is something else, the amount if gossip they have access to would put Steph to shame.

4) probably not, but she’s only referred to one character between the two if them.

Thanks, Ollie and Dixie are ŵritten to both be good guardians, but in different ways, where it’s more a question of personal preference rather than which one is actually better. The Auslang line should have been explained for non-Aussies, I should have learned from having to google things for this story, lol.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

Lol no worries on that part. Embarrassingly enough the only reason I think I know about aboriginals in Australia is because of Crocodile Dundee 😂 can’t recall if I took a world history class that ever talked about it

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

They were pretty prominent in our history class for obvious reasons, though I’m not surprised you wouldn’t have learned about them. The only Aboriginal Australians I can think of from a Non Aussie media is Bishop and Manifold from the X-Men.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

I think the only other place I would have heard of them is in sociology during uni/college. Though I did do a Google search again and mum shirl sounds extremely familiar. Oh and I watched the wild thornberrys growing up and just remembered aboriginals being in that show and in the movie

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

1) I’m sure Kelli will react reasonably.

2) I know, but it’s not like it’d be every night, how often does Sara do D&D weekly, fortnightly? That’s not a lot of time to just catch up with her parents, maybe talk about certain things she can’t with Kayla in the room.

3) they wouldn’t need small models, with Antman they’d just use regular stuff

4) I do hope she finds fun in the activity.

5) Some friend/sister Ellie is. Lol.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

5) my friends would never do that, and my sibling’s know I’ll get them back tenfold, maybe I associated with the wrong crowd.

4) miserable wasn’t my concern, boredom was, I enjoy D&D but can totally see how it could bore others

1) no, probably an appropriate retaliation.

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