Smallara Episode 487: A Giantess Story

Smallara 487

Jordan relaxed in Sara’s scarf as she pushed the locker room door open. He wobbled from side to side like he was in a hammock as she moved. The smell of the perfume she just sprayed on herself filled the air around her. The plodding of her footsteps down the school corridors echoed as the gaggle of girls meandered towards the exit doors. The time in which Jordan had an actual say in where he went and where he was going felt so far removed from his life that when he thought back on those times it was more like watching a movie then remembering his life.

He knew that wherever Sara was going to go he was just along for the ride. Even if he did decide to force the matter and have her take him home. It was not as if there were loads of things to do as she would just put him in his habitat which would mean he would just have to watch tv.

As the girls walked outside the air still felt humid from the earlier rain that caused Jordan to have flashbacks of the horrible entrance to the school. He was never a huge fan of rain in general but now in this new Smallara cursed body the idea of rain was even more horrendous. The words concussive raindrops was never in Jordan’s vocabulary until just hours ago but now he they very much were. As if concussions weren’t bad enough the obvious end point of any rain was him in Sara’s purse or a pocket. He understood the reality of it and why it needed to be done. He just didn’t like the idea of it.

“You better prepare mom and dad Kayla.” Kelli said as Jordan looked over at her clutched in Kayla’s hand. Kelli was the first real other little he got to interact with in a meaningful way. As his time with Gavin the day after he caught Smallara was short lived and quite stressful as he was still in throws of understanding this was his life now.

“Do your parents not like company or something? We can always do something else.” Ellie said to Kayla.

“No, it’s not that. Its actually the opposite. Kayla almost never brings home friends. They are going to be ecstatic.” Kelli said laughing at the thought.

“They are not! I’m not some kind of shut in Kelli. I bring people over.” Kayla said defensively. “Don’t listen to her. She’s just trying to tease me.” Kayla added.

“Also don’t think I don’t notice whose clothes you are wearing.” Kelli said. A part of her wanted to be mad at Kayla for basically raiding and pillaging her entire closet. However, another part of her was happy that she would be a bit more stylized. As the reality is she will never be able to wear any of it again.

“Some of your stuff isn’t too bad and since it’s in my closet and all.” Kayla said not wanting to give any ground to Kelli.

“So, you live over in those high rises then just off the little park?” Sara asked as they continued towards the car.

“Yeah, those are the ones.” Kayla said. “I think your parents own them don’t they Chloe?” Kayla asked, still trying to feel out the group.

“Oh yeah, if the group of buildings I’m thinking you are talking about by the little park. We definitely do. We have our property management company handle the day-to-day operations. So, we’re not all that involved.” Chloe said as Kayla noticed Sara and Chloe were more touchy feely outside of the school than at school. As she watched Chloe give Sara a kiss.

“They just like to rub it in they are in looove Kayla. So, you just have to ignore them sometimes.”

“I get it. I know when I spend time with my boyfriend we like to be near each other as well.” Kayla said.

“What!” Ellie said.

“Whoa, hold the phone. You have a boyfriend? I get these chuckleheads not knowing but how do I not know about this?” Kelli said staring up at Kayla.

“Oh, well you were at the facility and then I guess it hasn’t come up. You haven’t been home that long.” Kayla said a bit dismissively.

“Well as one of the chuckleheads, I think we are all a bit curious. You do realize you have to spill now don’t you?” Sara said looking over at Kayla.

“He’s no one you guys would know. He goes to a public school in Scarsdale.” Kaya said a bit embarassed about being on the spot.

“So, like does he know you have a little?” Ellie asked.

“I’m not sure that’s-” Kayla started to say.

“You’re not sure thats what? Important or anyone’s business? I think it’s fair to know if he does know about your little?” Kelli said as her sister’s love life now intrinsically affects her.


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Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

1) Kayla wearing Kelli’s clothes is funny, love how she’s a mix of proud and annoyed.

2) So Kayla lives in Genritowers? Smart I deal getting in with the oeners’ daughter.

3) Jordan having trouble remembering his past life is fucking heart breaking, it’s been less than a week and those memories already feel fake to him.

4) Sara and Chloe getting touchier out of school makes sense, that place is far from an aphrodisiac.

5) Kayla having a boyfriend is something I’m sure will be interesting to explore.

6a) can’t wait to meet Kayla’s parents, how are they gonna feel about wagging class (playing hooky) though.

6b) actually I’m also curious hoe Tiff will respond to her already grounded daughter doing the same.

7) Staying at home and watching TV all day isn’t to bad an alternative.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago
  1. Seems fitting to be proud and annoyed as it bothers her how tomboyish Kayla is sometimes and how she dresses. So seeing her dress a bit more fashionably would be pleasing to her but then knowing she raided her clothes as a sister would be annoying.
  2. She does, if she plays her cards right maybe she could get acoupon code or discount.
  3. I feel like the scale differences would have a lot to do with that. As looking back on things, you would almost view yourself as out of proportion.
  4. School has never been the most romantic of settings
  5. Especially Kelli being she was kept in the dark or at least Kayla never brought it up. But I have a feeling Kayla would have told her if she asked. Kelli probably also never asked Kayla.
  6. It really depends on the parents and if they even realize.
  7. I think it depends on if Tiffany will know. Im not sure how schools work it where you are. However at least when i was going once you got into high school they stopped calling home when you skipped unless you were skipping a lot
  8. I think it depends how much you like watching tv. Some people get bored quickly watching tv while others can watch for hours without issue.
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

1) that’d make sense, I’m wondering if Kayla would let kellibpick out her outfit.

2) lol, maybe she’ll end up as land lady.

3) I guess, best comparison I have is a mate of mine in a wheelchair telling me she can’t remember how running, pedicures and foot rubs felt despite missing them dearly, but that happened years after not days.

5) she hasn’t told Kelli about him, she hasn’t told him about Kelli, sounds fair to me, lol.

Though in mu experience “do you have a girlfriend/Boyfriend?” US every big sisters’ favourite question.

6) I mean they know when should is don’t they?

7) I don’t know for certain as I nagger wagged, but I know that report cards here say how many “unexplained absences you accumulated.

8) That’s very true.

Last edited 4 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

1) I can imagine her trying it to lift Kelli’s spirits on a bad day.

3) That’s true, I often wonder where the matter went in these stories.

6) wouldn’t that make them more suspicious of she arrived early.

7) that’d work in her favour, another consequence dodged.

4 months ago

Lol kelli and kayla are great together. glad Kaylas raiding Kellis stuff, and Kelli probably will warm up to it eventually as long as Kayla can buy her some better clothes.

I also like how nonchalant Kayla is about revealing info like that. It’s a pretty big deal considering her personality, and despite what she things, it’s 100% important to know if her boyfriend knows about Kelli because she is right, whoever she dates has an affect on Kelli. plus what if he’s a jerk to littles or something when Kayla isn’t around, or is when kayla IS around and she doesn’t stick up for Kelli. It’s pretty imporant

Here’s my first official chapter. Already had to retcon Roni’s last name cause I realized it was the same as Madison’s friend lol I got to the point last night where I thought I could squeeze out one more chapter before just diving into creating the characters and everything before starting to get more into the story, since the first chapter or 2 are about just Joey and Roni. Sorry if the dialog isn’t great. I didn’t really do all of this ahead of time, mostly going off ideas i have in my head and writing it day of. I’ll be more prepared and whatnot going forward!

Roni and Joey: A big Reveal

It was a bright and sunny day in Sacramento, with a few clouds in the air and a light breeze offsetting the heat of the California sun. Veronica Hale, more commonly known as Roni, was humming happily to herself as she rode her bike to a small neighborhood park about 20 minutes away from her home. The 17 year old 11th grader was as happy as can be on this Saturday afternoon. She had just finished her assignment for math, had a nice lunch with her parents and sisters, and, most importantly, received the results of her Smallara status this week. Much like her parents and sisters, she was found to be immune and couldn’t be happier. Roni was well aware of the treatment of Homo Parvus, or littles has she had become accustomed to call them, by the general population, and the idea of falling under that category was less than exciting for her. As the wind flew through her black hair, she contemplated what a fate like that must be like, to be labeled as invalid despite seemingly being of the same mental capacity as a homo sapien, and being relegated to little more than a pet in the eyes of the United States. The thought of her own family seeing her as that sent a shiver down her spine, and she happily focused on the positive of finally knowing that she has her whole life infront of her still. 

Her best friend, Joey Calhoun, a staunch believer in the rights of littles, kept her more than informed on the plight and uphill battle littles faced once they fell victim to Smallara. Losing all rights, being forced into being a pet, getting assigned a guardian that knew how to skirt the rules and laws around treating Littles so they can be used as slaves; none of it sounded good, and Roni genuinely appreciated Joey’s passion for the subject. He was hell-bent on helping Littles improve their station in life that he had dedicated his own to becoming a civil engineer to better help Generitech develop more suitable housing and commodities to better meet their needs. Roni laughed at the thought, as it just made sense for Joey to be like that. He was always one to support people in need, even saying that once he inherited the Calhoun fortune, that he would use most of it to support research efforts in helping littles maintain their autonomy. 

It was this nature of his that caused Roni and him to become so close. Roni, despite being so bubbly and outgoing, always suffered from self-esteem and confidence issues. A lot of the time, it would get in the way of her trying new things. That was never an issue when Joey was around, though. He just had a knack for giving her the right motivation and the support that their other friends couldn’t no matter how hard they tried. Joey just got her, from grade school all the way through high school. Roni would be lying if she didn’t admit that this is probably why she has done so well in school and that it was the driving force for her to take on her own hobby of engineering, though more from a mechanical standpoint than civil. 

Snapping out of her thoughts, Roni realized she was getting close to the park. Joey had been out of school the last couple of days and hadn’t said so much as a word to Roni. This was a little odd, but not unheard of for Joey. After all, being the heir to one of the largest Container Shipping companies in the United States did require that he spend a few days every now and then shadowing his parents, despite their fundamental views on certain things, primarily Littles. Roni could only shake her head at the thought, not understanding how someone like Joey could have been raised by people like his parents. While Joey had a genuine care for Littles and empathy for their plight, his parents, Martin and Sandra Calhoun, considered them a nuisance at best and a blight on society at worst. Roni was no stranger to the shouting matches Joey and his parents would get into when the topic would come up, and if it wasn’t for Joey’s natural ability at managing the Calhoun Enterprise, she’s sure they would have disowned him by now.

Not wanting to think about it further, Roni hurriedly peddled her bike to the usual spot under the large redwood tree just like Joey had texted. She did think it was a little odd, as she dismounted her bike and chained it up, that the only thing he had sent was the word “tree”. “Joey normally sends a bit more than that” she thought as she made her way over. There, under the tree sitting on the bench, sat Joey. As Roni walked up, she hesitated, as something seemed very off about the whole situation. Joey’s normally well maintained appearance was anything but; his curly brown hair more frizzy than usual, dark bags under his eyes, his clean shaven face showing a couple days worth of stubble. Even his clothing, albeit not fashionable as Joey preferred comfort over style, was in disarray and looked like it had been worn multiple days in a row.

“Uh, Joey?” Roni asked, concern creeping into her voice as she approached, “Is everything okay? You look like my dad after watching Football” she added, trying to lighten the mood.

Joey looked up at her, his eyes bloodshot. “Veronica” is all she said, causing her to stop dead in her tracks. The only time Joey and Roni used their full names like that was in serious situations, like when Roni’s pet dog passed away a few months ago. 

Before Roni could speak, she saw Joey pull out an envelope from his pocket, one that she recognized having just seen one exactly like it a few days ago.

Roni’s thin lips quivered and her eyes watered. “” was all she could manage before she ran up to him and took the envelope, taking a seat right next to him. She pulled out the letter and the tears began running down her cheeks, seeing two bold words stick out from the rest of the nonsensical medical jargon: Not Immune.

“I’m afraid so, Roni”, replied Joey, “I found out a few days ago and, had been staying home to, lets just say, discuss it with my parents”

“Well, they’re going to support you and everything, right? I mean, I know how they feel but, you’re their son. THey don’t even need to see you, Johnny can take care of you can’t he? He’s old enough, and responsible, and he loves you and” Roni stopped as Joey looked her dead in the eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks.

“They’re disowning me, and as soon as I shrink, i’m being sent to a generitech facility. They aren’t even going to tell Johnny until after it happens and are doing everything they can to keep me away from him and the house” Joey says with a hollow voice, “I had been spending the last few days arguing and begging them to at least let Johnny be my guardian, and I said the same as you did but, they didn’t care. ‘The Calhouns don’t have filthy underbreds’ as my dad said” Joey says as he starts sobbing.

This shakes Roni to the core. She knew his parents despised littles but, to completely remove their eldest son from their life because he is one made her sick to her stomach. Worst of all, it meant that Roni would never see Joey again. He would be sent to a generitech facility until he was adopted by some stranger, and take to who knows where and subjected to who knows what.

Roni can only wrap her arms around Joey and hold him tightly as they sit there. Neither say anything for the rest of the time spent at the park, both lost in thought about the current situation and not sure what to do about it. That is, until Roni has a thought. Possibly the only hope to keep Joey in her life, and to ensure that Joey’s life is the best possible one it can be.

“Joey, I’ll be your guardian”

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

Thank you! Nice thing about the earlier chapters for me is that they’re mainly just centered around Roni and Joey so I can work on developing the other characters a bit more in the mean time. I think I’ll have chapter 3 ready tomorrow

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