Smallara Episode 488: A Giantess Story

Smallara 488

“Okay, okay, lets lay off Kayla a little.” Sara said trying to run interference for her new friend. “I’m sure we’re all curious but she will tell us in time when she’s ready.” Sara said further.

“Thats quite responsible of you. Normally you’re the ringleader along with Ellie on this kind of thing.” Chloe said as they approached Sara’s car.

“Well, I have Jordy now. I’m not just a child anymore. I need to be an example for him.” Sara said.

“Yes, you are just the beacon he should aspire too.” Ellie said while stifling a laugh.

“You do realize I’m older than you right?” Jordan said.

“Jordy, Jordy, let’s not get hung up on who’s older than who. The important thing to remember is that you’re my widdle man and I’m going to take such good care of you.” Sara added.

“So, my age means nothing?” Jordan said.

“Well, it doesn’t change anything between us. So, I never really focused on it. Regardless of age you’re still going to have to listen to me along with Ellie and Chloe. As you do belong to me. But don’t worry we’re a team. We all want the same things here. “ Sara said as she looked over at Kayla and flashed a quick smile letting her know she successfully pulled the attention away from her. She knew she would have to talk to Jordan later about this as he could be a bit oblivious himself sometimes in these social situations.

Sara knew that her last statement came off a bit harsher then she intended. As she didn’t want Jodan thinking that he wasn’t valued or his opinion didn’t matter as she did take his thoughts into account before making a decision that affected them. However, the ultimate decision wouldn’t always be the one he wants.

It was one on the things that made having a pet underbred more difficult then Mocha. As Jordan has true independence and is self aware unlike her cat Mocha who like any other cat or dog lack true self awareness.

Chloe opened the door to the passenger seat as Ellie and Kayla crawled into the backseat. Sara paused before getting into the car and gave Jordan gentle pat on the head.

“You are important Jordy. I don’t want you thinking that you aren’t. You’re part of the family now and your thoughts and opinions do matter. Your age just isn’t why they matter. I don’t think of you as older as its not important to why you matter. I listen to your thoughts and opinions because I love you and care about you Jordy. You’re my little pet man. Nothing is going to change the fact we are going to spend the rest of our lives together. You’ve gone through such a drastic change and your life has been thrown upside down. But, this week has been hte first few days of start of your new life. So try to focus on all the great things that have happened. You’ve found out your sister is okay and even though your parents did catch Smallara they are safe and healthy. You’ve met new friends and have a new home. I know it all came at a great cost. But, you just have to keep your head up.” Sara said.

Jordan knew what Sara meant. It was how she gets by. He has seen how Sara is quite skilled at putting on a mask and faking emotions to her peers along with friends and family. While he appreciated what Sara was doing. He knew he needed to try to break through a little. Especially after his chat with Ellie.

“Sara, you don’t need to hide yourself from me. If we are a team and going to spend the rest of our lives together. Then we can’t do that with walls and masks between us.” Jordan said.

“I know and I’m trying with you and Chloe. I really do love her Jordy. I hate the steps that it took to get here and the fact that I had to ultimately hurt Kaitlyn. I know I’m the villain in a lot of people’s stories, maybe even yours. But I am trying each day to be a better person then I was the day prior.” Sara said with a genuine smile before opening the car door and getting inside.

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4 months ago

I’m adding more in another post but I just had to say that “I know I’m the villain in a lot of people’s stories” is gonna drive lethal up a wall and I’m excited for it hahaha

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

Definitely can’t wait to see what Lethal thinks about this one it’s going to be so fun lol

Reply to  C M
4 months ago

It was more intended for people like Kaitlyn and Tamara, Charity, etc. But I did think of Lethal in the back of my head after I wrote and re-read that part.

J - vader
J - vader
4 months ago

Bro I’m crying this was perfect and Sara is growing so fast I just I love it so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 damn it you made me cry again!!!!!

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

Sara can grow, change and evolve just like the rest of us. Its probably doubtful she will get to a point everyone is satisfied with her at. As she is her own fictional person at this point. So her growth path is based on her own experiences within the world.

4 months ago

GROWTH!!!! really loved this one

Reply to  Smallguy3531
4 months ago

Its always nice when you see someone grow and develop over time. Seeing the journey makes the outcome more satisfying.

4 months ago

okay, real post lol it’s good jordans starting to push into Sarah’s emotions. It needs to happen. Especially if Sarah really cares about Jordan the way she says she does. Communication is a 2 way street lol

Roni and Joey: Chapter 2: Tough Reality

Joey had stopped crying for a moment and pulled away from Roni’s embrace.

“What…what did you say, Roni” Joey asked, wiping his nose.

“I said I’ll be your guardian, Joey,” Roni said through her own stifled tears. “I’ll take you in and care for you. You’re my best friend and I can’t imagine you being alone with someone that, well, doesn’t have your best interest at heart”

Joey looks into her hazel eyes, still red from the emotional moment both of them just shared, and then looks off into the distance. “I know she’s serious about that” Joey thinks to himself as he sighs, “but she’s just not thinking it through right now”

Concerned by the silence, Roni starts to ask “Joey, is everything—”

“Roni, I can’t let you do that. There is so much more about this that you aren’t considering right now,” Joey says, with a firm resignation that Roni is familiar with. After all, much like herself, when Joey decides something is one way, it’s an uphill battle to convince him otherwise.

“How can you say that, Joey?” Roni says defensively, hurt by the idea that Joey, despite everything that is occurring, is putting her needs before her own. “I’d be a great guardian. I’d keep you safe, you’d be loved, you wouldn’t be subjected to any of those horror stories that you told me about.”

Joey sits up and looks at her “Roni there is so much more that goes into being a guardian than just caring for a little. You need roughly 50,000 dollars just to cover the costs of registration and training. And on top of that, your family isn’t necessarily the most progressive when it comes to littles. Sure, they aren’t nearly half as bad as my parents–almost no one is–but still, they don’t see littles as people like you and I do.”

“But Joey, it’s you! It will be different I–”

“You don’t know that, Roni” Joey fires back in a more authoritative tone, “Being a little changes everything. Families treat children like animals, like they’re less. Friends abandon their friends. Siblings become more emboldened and controlling. Children seek retribution on how their parents cared for them. Even if your parents and sister love me now, the moment they know I’m not immune, that goes out the door!”

“But not my family, Joey!” replies Roni with a bit more force, “they’ve always loved you like a son, they wouldn’t turn their backs on you like that! Just because your parents are awful doesn’t mean you should expect the worst from everyone” She says with fiery passion.

Joey winces at this. Part of him knows she’s right, that her parents aren’t his own, but the other part of him knows too many stories regarding littles, how the dynamic changes. Even now, looking at Roni, Joey considers how their dynamic would change. She isn’t thinking about it now in the moment, but could Roni really look at Joey when he’s a little, hear everything he says, and then allow him to make his own choice, or would she defer to her own judgment in instances like that. Even the idea of looking up at the 5’ 3” woman just seems so foreign to him.

“Roni, even if your parents agreed and wanted to take me in, there’s more wrong with your plan that you still aren’t considering” Joey says finally, “You’d still need the money, plus you’re banking on the fact that you can complete the training and pass the test for guardianship before I shrink”

“I…” Roni bites her lip on that last remark. It’s true, the metamorphosis of going from human sized to little is, more or less, completely random. Even if she started the training, who’s to say that she’d be done before Joey was sent off to a facility.

“What…what if I beg your parents to keep you long enough for a transfer to my care?” Roni purposes.

“There is a snowball’s chance in hell of that happening. My parents would never get the training, and they would definitely not harbor me if I was a little. They are completely out of the question”

“If we told Johnny, couldn’t he–”

“We are absolutely not telling Johnny about this, Roni” Joey says in a resolute tone, “Regardless of him knowing, my parents won’t let me stay. It’ll just drive a rift between them. I’m sure they’ll tell him, but not until long after I’m gone. I can’t go to a facility knowing Johnny will be in trouble with my mom and dad.”

With a long sigh, Roni nods her head in agreement. “Well, what do we do?”

Joey pauses before wrapping an arm around her. “We make the most of the time we have left I guess”

Roni remains silent, enjoying the moment with Joey, but her mind races with ideas still.”I’m not giving up Joey. Even if I have to do it without you knowing, I will take care of you. I promise” She thinks to herself

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

It’ll be a ride for sure. He’s turning out to be a bit more proud than I first intended lol and roni is actually gonna be a bit stubborn in general, so they’ll butt heads a bit in the future.

Hopefully my a is actually fixed tomorrow so I can sit in my office without melting and work on more characters and flushing tho gs out

Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

1) “I know I’m the villain in a lot of people’s stories” good, admitting she’s the problem is the first step to her improvement.

2) “she did take his thoughts into account before making a decision that affected them” she almost never consider ls his thoughts, most decisions she makes that affect him have been behind his back in secret, some he’s only found out by accident.

3) “As Jordan has true independence and is self aware unlike her cat Mocha who like any other cat or dog lack true self awareness” Yes, that’s ultimately why this is slavery not pet ownership you dumb cunt!

4) “Thats quite responsible of you” I agree, suspiciously so, especially since she turns around and infantslises Jordan.

5) “try to focus on all the great things that have happened” why? Are you trying to distact him from all the shit things you’ve done?

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

If I had to rate this post, I’d give it an exceeds expectations lol I agree with the mental and awareness aspect. They justify the pet thing by pointing out the physiology and biology dependence but always neglect the ability to rationalize and think independently that Littles have when it comes to the “domesticated humans” argument and I really don’t understand why other than they don’t have a solid answer for it so they skirt around it. I could be a quadriplegic and be dependent on a nurse and other people to take care of me physically but I’d still be of sound, rational mind to make my own choices.

Reply to  C M
4 months ago

The ability to rationalize and think idependently is not unique to humans. Elephans for example have been proven to have the ability to assess threat level a human poses to them based on factors such as ethnicity, gender and age. They could also independently identify people based on tribe and from the tribe alone determine if they would be friend or foe.

That is just one example but it does illustrate that such thoughts and abilities are not unique to people. So the fact that Jordan can do them doesn’t automatically make him equal to a homo sapien.

As for your quadriplegic example that is only based on modern times. Historically speaking, we aren’t so far removed from people with disabilities being put to death at birth.

People with disabiliteis being thought of as equal is very much a modern sociological concept that has been put in place by our modern society. A independently housed and grown society with no knowledge of our society would not inherently hold those same ideals nor would it proper to force our ideals upon them.

Jus like I woudln’t go to japan and start saying things like “well in America we do this.” As the fact is I’m not in America so to hold non aemricans to a standard that I as a American have isn’t fair.

So i don’t think its entirely fair to say Sara’s society is wrong for their societal beliefs just because they are different then ours. If give their societal beliefs the same respect we give others.

So I do think its a bit more complex. As its easy to say based on our world societal belief structure Jordan would be equal but that doesn’t take into account the fact he is of a separate world while similar to ours developed independently where they have come to different considerations for things and what we would consider to be the appropriate choice is to them a vocal minority in their world.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

I think that’s fair, but in regard to the animals rationality, it only goes so far, right? like humans have a much more complex ability to use rational thinking for problem solving and more cognitive ability in general than other mammals. I’m sure apes, pigs, and dolphins can be trained to a certain extent to do problem solving, but they can’t really contemplate what it is they’re doing and the why behind it. I think that’s really where the difference is and why I think that humans and littles are on a more even playing field in that regard than humans and other mammals. Like Jordan, Kelli, and Gavin haven’t had any real loss in their ability to apply reason and advanced problem solving skills since their change. Jordan and Kelli can even hear the same information as Sarah and Kayla and come to different conclusions on how situations should be handled, which is why i really don’t like when Sarah withholds things, because it leave Jordan at a disadvantage when wanting to make a point about anything. overall, though, other than the government saying that they are not of sound mind, I haven’t really seen anything in the story to really convince me of that. Like right now, there are those that can catch smallara, that no one is aware of, that are being interacted with at a high mental capacity level, but the moment they metamorph (idk if thats the right term for the transformation process lol) they see them as less mentally but I don’t understand why lol

Regarding the disability thing, I was just more trying to make a comparison between what I see as apples and apples. cause both cases have people that were once physically independent but are now unable to be autonomous in that way, but in our society, and i assume the Smallara EU, people at that level still have their believe system and thought system taken into account and are able to make their own choices based on that.

Though I guess this all does still depend on what part of the world we are in like you said.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

2) You don’t actually know she didn’t take his thoughts and opinions into account as you don’t really have a direct feed to her thought process just like you wouldn’t an actual person thought process on a decision made unless you asked that person specifically.

So i don’t think its fair to say she almost never considers his thoughts as she could consider thoughts and ultimately not make the same choices or have the same reasoning as you would. But that’s also life.

3)just because a creature is self aware does not mean it can’t still be considered a pet. Apes, chimps, etc. have self awareness for example yet people still have them as pets and in cages, and are in zoos and its not considered “Enslavement” to keep them there.

They are generally most on the planet not treated or thought to be on the same level as human beings. They are viewed as lesser creatures similar to that of the homo parvus.

4) Well jordan is her pet little.

5) to be fair, looking on the brightside of things isn’t some off the wall thought that someone would have. Its fairly normal thing for someone who has gone through a traumatic experience to be told to look at the good that has happened and not to dwell on the bad and what cannot be changed.

I feel like this is a bit of you taking a comment Sara made and making it malicious.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

2) I’m referring to the decisions she’s made without consulting him,the secret ones she’s pulled behind his back.

3) Apes are a bit more self aware than other animals, but not on an equal level to humans, only humans and littles are self aware on the same level. Also alot of countries don’t let you keep apes as pets, and Zoos are often scrutinised if their treatment of their animals is bad.

5) I understand looking in the brighter side can be a helpful but making the best of a bad situation doesn’t make it Ok that she’s put him in bad situations, even if it’s not tge worst possibility she’s still made it worse than she has to for him. If she had been called out and answered for the shit she’s pulled it wouldn’t bug me as much, but as it is its annoying that the responsibility master is never held responsible in any meaningful way.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

5) thats partly because what shes done toward jordan isn’t really irresponsible in her world. Some of things like the name thing she was joking with could be argued as irresponsible. But that’s also could be argued that shes young and young people often do jokes that can be seen as a bit cruel by older people.

Based on their society, nothing Dayton did warrant Jordan running away from her and putting his own life in danger. As in their world people who have smallara aren’t afforded the same rights as those who do not.

While based on our society that would be viewed as wrong I agree with you. Their world, society, country, has a different view.

3) that is true but ranking someones level of self awareness starts to become a bit of a straw man argument. As it’s not like a gauge where you humans are 100% self aware and apes are 65% for instance. Its awfully hard quantify the minutia of such an argument when you are breaking down levels of awareness.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

5) I kinda get what your saying, that in the society of this world, Sara is better than an average person, I just don’t think I can get behind that logic, you wouldn’t look at slave owners and say “it’s ok, slaves weren’tconsideredpeople” or Elizabeth Bathory and say, “well peasants didn’t have the same rights as nobles”.

If Sara notices any sexism in A Doll’s House, or The Illiad do you think she’ll say “it’s ok, times were different then” instead of condemning the sexist?

I also think running away from Dayton was the wrong call (though I am glad he tried something), there were plenty of better safer options. Though ultimately it is Jordan’s life to risk, plenty of people would prefer death to that situation.

3) That’s fair I’m not gonna pretend to be an expert on zoology, also there are mental disabilities that can lower it in humans. But I do know littles have the same self awareeness as humans.

Sorry for late response my shift started.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

That is very true, but I’m still curious about the Little suicide rate, as I’d still wager that it’s high. People have put up with more inhumane treatment, but have also killed themselves for less.

You don’t? I thought that’s how you were portraying her, that despite how horrible sge seems, and I see her she was still better to littles than an average person would be. Guess I misread that. A good person could own a slave, but the slavery even it idealistic slavery would always be slavery.

I think you make a good point about future generations, if smallara had started in the 1800’s and been a fact if life since even before Greg was born than I’d question it much less (i wouldn’t agree, but itd make more sense), but it hasn’t, Smallara has been in the US for at most 18 months, that’s just 10% of Sara’s life, so it’s not like she was raised around Smallara this is a new thing for her to have so much investment in.

If their was a species 100X our size we would likely feel inferior, but I’m not talking about feeling equal, I’m talking about legal equality.

Logically there would be differences, but that doesn’t mean un equal.

I’m not so sure she would, I’d say her ego would get the best of her, more than a lack of intelligence, I also think she’d fail to see the similarities between how these women are treated and how she treats Jordan.

How is it inequality instead of slavery? They are literally owned people, Sara can’t even legally free Jordan he’s stuck bring owned just because of what he is. They’re un equal certainly, but to say it’s more equality than slavery makes no sense to me.

Jordan does have some freedom, but so did many slaves throughout history, it’s like you said earlier (a good person could still own slaves in theory. As even if they treated the people they owned in the best of conditions they would still be owned by another) Sara does allow Jordan some freedom, but she doesn’t have to, and can give and take it as she pleases, she says “He deserves some rights” but never clarifies which rights, and I suspect it’s so she can change them around as she pleases.

Even beyond Jordan and Sara, do you consider Christine to be a slave? Or Bryce?

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

Beyond Jordan and Sara I don’t consider any of them to be a slave as within the confines of the story they aren’t people. They aren’t afforded the legal rights as a person. they aren’t afforded the legal protections of a person. They maintain the right to vote a courtesy at best.

In order to be a slave you in essence has to be viewed as a person and a equal but you can’t take away what something was never given. You don’t enslave your dog or cattle, or wildlife. You domesticate them. A horse isn’t your slave its a domesticated animal that does work.

Is a little smarter then those creatures. Sure they are. Thats undeniable you don’t need generitech to tell you that. However, just like throughout all history rights are earned not given. Freedoms are fought for and people die for them. They aren’t just rubber stamped and given away with nothing expected in return.

In america Slavery ended with the death 3% of the total population of the country and even all that death didn’t bring about equality. It still took another century for any sembleance of equality to come and even today its still a battle.

So within that context looking at what it would mean to be a little. They wouldn’t be viewed highly enough to be slaves as they haven’t earned that distinction or right and in order for them to get there I would expect it would take fighting, deaths, war that would even with the pro smallara side winning would end up with 100s of years of inequality and hatred.

As first step would be getting nationally them viewed as people who are being enslaved.

Then from that point fighting for them to have the same rights as a full sized person.

In this Smallara world how I view the littles such as Jordan, bryce, kelli, christine etc is from that point of view. I remove all other knowledge in my head and view them within the legal confines of the Smallara world.

I can personally disagree or say i’d come to different choices if myself was in this fictionalized world with my outside knowledge.

But, I generally look at them as they are presented with the canonically provided information.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

Ok, if they can’t be slaves, why does Sara brag about protecting Jordan grom getting enslaved?

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

Well at 15 partly because she probably lacks the maturity and understanding to fully articulate what is actually going on and in laymens terms it would just be easier to compare it to something like Slavery.

She probably also wants ot present herself in the best light. So using a term like that would make her seem more magnanimous.

But its not wrong to think of them as slaves if thats how you or someone else views them though. My two cents on the subject is just that

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