Smallara Episode 489: A Giantess Story

Smallara 489

Jordan was relieved to be in Sara’s lap as she drove towards Kayla’s house. He listened to bits and pieces of the conversation the girls were having, but none of it was directly concerning to him. It was just teenage dribble that in another life would have been irrelevant and overlooked without a thought.

As Sara continued her drive towards Kayla’s home, he wondered if Sara had brought him a change of clothes. He was still stuck in this monkey suit of a uniform as everyone else was in normal clothes. Never having been a fan of having to dress up like this. As he was more of a t-shirt and jeans kind of guy. As they came to a stop at a light, Jordan decided to ask.

“Sara, can I maybe get some regular clothes instead of a uniform? “ Jordan asked, looking up at Sara from the seat of the car. As the conversation in the car continued, Sara looked down at Jordan from above.

“I suppose,” Sara said, thinking she wished he had said something sooner, like when they were still at school. But she accepted part of the blame herself, as she probably should have set out standard clothes for him in her locker.

“Ellie here’s my purse,” Sara said, handing it back to Ellie, who looked confused about why she was being handed Sara’s purse. However, a moment later, Sara reached down, grabbing Jordan, who was a bit surprised, and handed him back to Ellie as well.

“Hi Jordy, did someone miss me?” Ellie teased as Jordan found himself once again in Ellie’s clutches.

“I have some of Jordy’s outfits in my purse. Can you put one together for him? Someone doesn’t want to wear his uniform anymore.” Sara said, granting Jordan his request.

“Wait, Sara, I think there was a misunderstanding.” Jordan began to say, but he felt the force of gravity pull him into Ellie’s hand a bit as Sara accelerated away from the now green light. Jordan had thought she would toss some clothes down for him to put on. He never once considered she would hand everything over to Ellie to manage. In hindsight, he probably should have, Jordan thought as Ellie set him down on her leg while looking through Sara’s purse.

“You have some adorable outfits, Jordy,” Ellie said, looking through the options.

“Really? Let me see,” Kelli said as Ellie reached her hand toward Kayla while still looking through the outfits. Ellie felt Kelli walk onto her hand, so she moved her hand over to Sara’s purse. Kelli crouched down, peering over the side of Ellie’s hand.

“Oh that white shirt with those pants would look great on him.” Kelli said as Jordan listened to now Ellie and Kelli go back forth over his outfit choices.

“Is this really necessary? I’m sure I can find something myself.” Jordan said.

“Your inability to dress yourself is legendary at this point. I heard about your initial outfit and the sandals you had on. Who hurt you, Jordy?” Kelli said. You’re lucky you fell into Sara’s lap so she could soothe your fashion-challenged nature,” Kelli said before jumping off Ellie’s hand and going right into Sara’s purse.

“Oh, good thought, Kelli. You can get a ground-floor view of the situation,” Ellie added as Jordan turned towards Kayla, who had a relieved look that for once, it wasn’t her getting chastised and being told what to wear for her outfit choices. She gave Jordan a sympathetic look to let him know she understood his pain.

“Jordy tends to like simple outfits, so it can’t be too overly complex,” Ellie said.

“How about this button-up and these jeans? We can tie it all together with these shoes. He is just going to be lounging about and then going to work with you and Sara, right? This would be pretty easy to work in as well.” Kelli added, holding up the outfit for Ellie to see.

“I like it. What would it look like with that heather grey option?” Ellie asked.

“I was initially thinking that as well, but I feel like he would make a mess and spill on it,” Kelli said

“Hmmm, yeah, you are probably right. He is a boy, after all,” Ellie said as she reached down, gently grabbed Kelli, and pulled her out of the purse, holding their chosen outfit.

“You’re going to love it, Jordy,” Kelli said as Ellie lowered her hand down next to Jordan so Kelli could hop off.

“Now go put it on so we can see what it looks like on you,” Ellie said.

“Wait, you mean right here in front of everyone?” Jordan said questioningly.

“Well, it’s just us girls, but fine, slide down between my legs. I will put Sara’s purse on my lap to give you a bit of privacy.” Ellie said as Jordan complied

“I can’t blame him for not wanting to change in front of a bunch of people. It is a bit awkward.” Kelli said.

“He’s a boy, though. They practically walk around naked all the time. The moment they are home, they are stripping down to the boxers or some athletic shorts and walking around in just that.” Ellie said.

“you’re not wrong. But, without knowing Jordy before all this. He could have been the exception to the rule.” Kelli said as she looked up at Kayla, who was talking with Chloe, causing Kelli to sigh before finally just sitting down on Ellie’s lap.

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4 months ago

Lol funny chapter. Ellie from a guardian standpoint becoming more impressive. And the way she seems to treat Kelli is much more respectful than I’d have expected. Not to say she wouldn’t treat her with respect, but I’d assume she would have been a little bossy or something. But still, it’s a nice binding moment. I hope she eases up on the flirty innuendo type of teasing toward Jordan. Even as the audience knowing she’s teasing, it’s still a little weird just cause I’d feel weird hearing all that from someone under 18 since I’m 30 lol

Might not do a chapter today. I have a place I want to get to within the next 2 or 3 chapters but not certain how to get there. Plus my ac is finally getting fixed so it’s loud lol

Last edited 4 months ago by C M
J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

I know right I’m really liking Ellie as a guardian and I hope she gets a little of her own one day

Last edited 4 months ago by J - vader
Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

Yeah. It’s getting past the blonde bubbly act that she puts on that I think throws me off with her. She’s a lot more responsible and considerate when she’s letting her guard down

J - vader
J - vader
4 months ago

Another chapter proving that Kelli x Jordan movement is real!!! Already helping Jordan with clothes like a any wife or girlfriend does which I can admit I have seen first hand with my own parents lol and Ellie just reminds me of my aunt who gang up on me and my dad about fashion and styles 😂

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

I will have to read your updat when I’m at home and not at work.

Kelli definitely volunteered for that fashion related activity.

Girlfriends and wives most definitely curate outfits a bit in my experience.

J - vader
J - vader
4 months ago

I’m Back with another FanFic


I was at school sitting in my set with my brother and sister as the class was getting ready to start the immunes sat in the normal chairs while littles were in a more contained area it was basically a fish tank in all honesty but it did have a door for us to walk out when class was over. We always waited for our big sister Kara well great big sister it was hard to tell what to call our family dynamics sometimes with Grandma Sara, great auntie Ellie, Auntie Kayla, and so on but we followed Kara since she was our guardian.
She was talking with her friends but always kept an eye out for us, Charlie was talking with her girlfriends talking about makeup, and cute boys’ blegh I’ll never understand girls. My brother Blake was by himself like always …. He always had a hard time making any kind of friends even with other nerds and smart kids like him Mom and Dad always said to look out for him since he was on the spectrum I remember them saying it was Asperger’s syndrome but regardless I’ll be there for him. I was getting my notes out until Nora came to my desk to say hello. “Hey Finn,” she said in a friendly tone almost making me blush but I kept my cool “Oh hey Nora it’s good to see you How is it hanging?” I said my voice cracking a bit but she smiled and giggled a bit “Nothing much but I wanted to ask if you like to hang out sometime this weekend”

“YES!!!…. I mean sure uh just need to um check in with my guardian and parents but I’m sure they will be fine with it …opps” After saying that I dropped my letter from Grandma “Oh you dropped your notes Finn I’ll get it” “NOOOO!!!” I mentally screamed “Oh is this a letter from someone Finn…..omg it’s from your grandma that’s adorable,” Nora said with a smile getting attention from both my brother and sister who smiled “UH yeah just put down the letter Nora” I try to get the letter back but she pushed me away “ “have a great day I school my little Moonpie !!” Finn, she calls you moon pie that so cute “Loved Grandma Sarbear” Aww Finn,” she said, “PUT DOWN THE LETTER!!!!” I yelp from Embarrassment “She calls me Blakey sometimes” Blake said overhearing the conversation “And me Char Char” Charlie also said, “NOT HELPING !!!” I yelled “Come on Finn it’s adorable or should I call you Moonpie” she giggled “NO ONE CALLS ME THAT BUT GRANDMA DAMN IT” I huff folding my arms. Not how I thought my day would go.

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

Lol only meemaw calls me moonpie

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

Yes !!! I wasn’t sure if anyone would get that reference!!!!

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

Lol was gonna post a link to the scene but didn’t know it’d need approval. But yeah I laughed at that in your story

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

😁 haha thanks it would be hilarious and funny to see that actually happened in cannon too but I’ll just wait and see for now lol

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

Lol I was curious if any of yours, lethals, and maybe mine when it’s reached a certain point will be considered cannon. Like maybe the Kelli jordan ship sets sail in the future

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
4 months ago

Maybe depending on how Asuka feels about them but you never know and I’m confident that the Kelli x Jordan ship is cannon it’s going to strong for it to not happen lol

Reply to  J - vader
4 months ago

That’s true, but we saw how Lisa was looking at Jordan in the time skip, and Kayla at that point seems a lot closer with Mal. But who knows. Maybe they stay out of Stanford lol

Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

1) Sara annoyed he didn’t ask despite the fact it was her who should have figured out to give him different clothes when they were changing I to different clothes.

2) Kelli jumping into the purse was awesome, she has an aversion to them Luke all littles we’ve seen so fir her to get over that and excitedly get in one because her desire to dress someone up overruled her was interesting to see.

3) he can’t have dressed that bad, he had a gaggle of teenagers obsessed with him.

4) they are so condescending when discussing his our fit, even Kelli.

5) So now even Kelli’s seen more of his wardrobe than him.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

Lol the girlfriend effect is strong in this group. I’m sure he dress for comfort vs fashion and it wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t up to their majorly high fashion standards. Plus teenage girls obsess over older guys bodies vs fashion so they probably didn’t care until they had to associate with him

Reply to  C M
4 months ago

That is all very true. THey were definitely more looking at his body then what he was wearing as he was doing things like washing car, cleaning out gutters etc. Where being summer he was often shirtless and just in some athletic shorts.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

1) That was a thinking thought. its not like she verbalized but i do agree that it should have been a consideration on her part.

I also think Jordan could have asked seeing them changing into normal clothes. So there is a bit of fault on both sides.

2) She does like fashion.So that probably helped. I also think the fact that the purse was stationary helped. She wasn’t being transported in it. SHe was just rummaging through it.

3)Well he was normally doing things like shirtlessly washing his car or just in a pair of shorts, or lounge clothes around the house. They weren’t really seeing him dressed in daily attire he did things in away from home.

So its a bit as C M said where they were looking moreso at his body then how he was dressing. If they had seen him at the mall or out and about shopping they probably would have commented on that.

4) Thats kind of women though when it comes to those types of situations where they are dressing someone. THey want there guy looking a particular way and whatever the guy thinks quite often (but not always) the wrong outfit related choice.

5) Wlel she only saw what Sara had with her. But I suppose that would be factually accurate. Jordan could make a point to ask but he could also be afraid sara would make him try everything on and model it so she could better see how it fits on him. So sometimes you h have to be careful what you ask for.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 months ago

1) I would say she should have verbalised that she should have thought if it rather than keeping that thought to herself. Acknowledging her own fault would have helped him build more trust in her which dies seem to be her goal, she also phrased it like she was annoyed at him, which would lessen if she acknowledged her own fault.

Jordan could have asked, but he was still processing everything Ellie had told him, besides Sara made it clear she decided his outfits, he likely didn’t realise he could at the time and was experimenting by doing so now.

2) Yeah, she certainly had more power than most littles do in this purse scene.

3) I’ve met some shallow fucking teenagers who would throw away their entire opinion of a hot person if the dressed unfashionably. But I do concede C M and yor point does make sense.

4) they could still be nice about it. It’s not like he thought he was hot shit, just that he was good enough for himself.

5) even still Jordan’s only seen four outfits, and two of those were school uniforms, meaning Kelli’s had the better look.

But I could definitely see Sara doing that to him, lol

Last edited 4 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
4 months ago

Ellie finally making her dream of getting Body Hottie between her legs come true.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Shrunkenninja
4 months ago

Lol. Though she’s not into him anymore.

Last edited 4 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
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