Smallara Episode 493: A Giantess Story

Smallara 493

Sara’s heart fluttered with conflicting emotions as she watched the tiny couple below. On one hand, she wanted Jordy to be happy and find love, even if it was just a friendship in his eyes. But on the other hand, she couldn’t shake off her responsibilities as his guardian and the fact that he was her Little Pet Person. She couldn’t bear the thought of something dangerous happening to him because of this potential relationship. Her mind raced with worry and indecision, torn between her duty and her desire for Jordan’s happiness.

From her vantage point, she could see the anger simmering in Kelli. It wasn’t quite a full-blown fury, but it was clear that Kelli was not pleased with Jordan being asked to stay put. She knew they were likely sneaking off to Kelli’s room, and while it was probably safe, she couldn’t be certain what kind of precautions Kayla had taken or if Kayla even noticed them leaving. She didn’t mind if they wanted some privacy, but she wished they would stay within her line of sight. That way, if any danger came their way, she could jump into action.

The whole ordeal with Dayton and Jordan had been eye-opening for her. She realized that she needed to be more cautious in looking after him, as others could easily take advantage of his innocent nature. While Dayton didn’t mean any harm to Jordan, the power dynamic and influence of her mother had a profound effect on her. It was difficult for Dayton to understand the difference between Jordan, a domesticated pet person, and herself, a fully autonomous human being. The concept of existing in between those two categories was too complex for Dayton to grasp.

Sara grappled with the decision, knowing that it could potentially cause a rift between her and Kayla’s Little Kelli. But deep down, she knew it was the right choice for Jordan. As his guardian, it was her responsibility to keep him safe and make the tough decisions he was no longer capable of making. After all, in this new world where they were so fragile and vulnerable, one wrong move could have deadly consequences. She couldn’t risk letting them venture off on their own. But at the same time, she didn’t want to damage her relationship with Kelli or ruin their dynamic as a little and guardian. The weight of this conflicting situation weighed heavily on Sara’s mind as she contemplated what to do next.

Sara’s uneasiness was palpable, her fingers fidgeting and her breaths shallow. Ellie noticed this and squeezed Sara’s hand gently, a gesture of reassurance. Turning to look at Ellie, Sara saw the unwavering support and understanding in her friend’s warm smile. They communicated with just their eyes, a language only two lifelong friends could speak. With a subtle nod, Sara acknowledged that she understood what Ellie was telling her. In that moment, Ellie’s silent message of solidarity gave Sara the strength and confidence she needed. She knew how Sara had a tendency to overthink and second guess herself, and she wanted to make sure her friend knew she wasn’t alone in her decision. Even though Sara kept her thoughts hidden behind a composed facade, every choice and consequence weighed heavily on her mind. But with Ellie’s unspoken vote of confidence, Sara felt comforted and supported.

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9 days ago

Hope we see Dayton and Nicolle return to the story soon.

Reply to  Nodqfan
8 days ago

Dayton will crop up at some point. Shes not yet done in this story.

8 days ago

“… and then they made out a little.”

Reply to  Shrunk_DC
8 days ago

And there was much rejoicing

Reply to  Shrunk_DC
8 days ago

I cant see Sara cheating on Chloe. Especially with Chloe in the same room.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
8 days ago

Well, Ellie did give her an open invitation in 431, offer made right infront of Chloe with no objections from her. And we know Sara isn’t above cheating.

But I suspect he was referring to Jordan and Kelli.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
8 days ago

That’s who I thought the post was about lol didn’t even think about ellie and sarah

Reply to  C M
8 days ago

That would make more sense even though that didn’t cross my mind. I immediately thought Ellie and Sara

Reply to  Asukafan2001
8 days ago

There is no Quantum Realm multiverse, TVA variant, Flashpoint infinite earth, goatee wearing Mirror Universe, where I meant Jordy and Kelli….

Reply to  Shrunk_DC
8 days ago

Lmao fair enough. Got the jelli/kordy ship on my braim

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Shrunk_DC
8 days ago

Oh, my bad bro.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 days ago

No problem…. because I usually have Ellie on the brain. LOL

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Shrunk_DC
5 days ago

Ellie is the prettiest, so I don’t blame you.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
8 days ago

Ellie said is jokingly though, its another to actually do it. But you are probably right about what its in reference too.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
8 days ago

That’s where I was wrong, actually.

8 days ago

Always happy to have these chapters showing sarahs thoughts. I take some solace that sarah feels guilty about the Dayton incident but I wish she understood its a bit more than his nature being taken advantage of, it’s his size and social standing. She can’t leave him with Dayton again. Like ever. He’s not safe with her. She definitely caused emotional harm to him and honestly would probably do so again when sarah isn’t looking just to make sure he “knows his place”. If anything, saran should let Jordan do what he did with Maisy to Dayton in a more age appropriate manner and support his choice. That’d be really good for all of them.

Also, sarah calling Kelli Kayla’s little is annoying. She’s her sister that happens to be a little, so she be seen as her sister first and a little second, imo

Last edited 8 days ago by C M
Reply to  C M
8 days ago

Jordan seems like hte kind of guy people would just take advantage of. As he is kind of a genuine good guy.

I think Dayton will probably make sure he knows his place regardless as that’s kind of person she is. While I do think Sara will try to keep tabs on him. As Dayton said, she can’t watch him 24/7. There is bound to be a moment where dayton can strike.

Kelli is Kayla’s little though. Sara’s not inaccurate. Its not any different then calling Kelli Kayla’s sister. Sara is friends with Kayla form her pov. Shes not really friends with Kelli. Kelli is just Kayla’s little.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
8 days ago

Well if Dayton does strike, I hope Jordan is more confident in telling sarah at that point, cause he needs to. Hell maybe if it get to the point where Dayton is so annoyed of getting caught she will just give up on Jordan entirely lol

And yeah Kelli is Kayla’s little, but I still think her being her sister should be at the forefront of sarahs mind cause that’s their relationship. Like how jordan isn’t really just a little, he’s a pet person, and that’s how the group should see him and everything, and I agree with it. To me it’s the same for Kelli, she’s more than a little, she’s a sister, so that should be the more important part to me. Plus sarah seems to want a positive relationship with Kelli for Jordan’s sake, so just calling her Kayla’s little isn’t gonna be helpful in the long run

Lethal Ledgend
8 days ago

1) genuinely surprised she actually took Jordan’s happiness into consideration, that’s never been a factor to her before.

2) “While Dayton didn’t mean any harm” nah, clearly you didn’t learn nearly enough from that incident.

3) “make the tough decisions he was no longer capable of making” Sara does realise luttles still have fully functional human minds right? Like he cam make these decisions, she’s the only one stopping him.

4) Wait, is Kelli trying to fuck Jordan?

5) Ellie comforting Sara was cute, barely a minute without Jordan in her hands and she needs a substitute.

6) “be more cautious in looking after him, as others could easily take advantage of his innocent nature” you mean like you did?

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
8 days ago

1) I think her attitude is changing more over time. Granted it’s slow, but the chapters that show her thoughts seem to show his feelings crop up a lot more, and I think she’s getting to a point where pet person isn’t a good enough description for Jordan anymore, at least that’s how it seems.

2) facts

3) that’s what I keep thinking too. Like outside of being susceptible to bonding, I’m really unsure as to where the intelligence differences are supposed to be. Personally I hope Littles are smarter than humans in a lot of fields, like it’d be cool if we just saw Kelli Jordan and Gavin excel in things like reading people and stuff like that where sarah and everyone just fall short.

Last edited 8 days ago by C M
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
8 days ago

1) it’s possible, but it still seems out if character for her, normally she’d just do what she wants, Jordan’s feelings be damned.

2) I get on some level that Sara does considered Dayton her friend, or possibly something like a younger cousin, and that’s clouded her judgement, but ultimately Dayton knew what sge was doing was harmful, so harmful she blackmailed Jordan into not dobbing her in.

3) every littke still seems like they keep their pre infected mind, any changes they undergo come directly from the treatment they endure afterwards.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
8 days ago

1) that’s fair. I mean, ultimately sarahs gonna place her own feelings over jordan cause she his owner, but I like to think that dynamics shifting a bit and not as static as she originally anticipated. Maybe the out of character stuff will become a new norm. Granted it doesnt erase what she’s done previously, but it at least tells us she’s willing to grow and change to suit Jordan’s needs.

2) agreed. Daytons gonna try to pull the wool over sarahs eyes at some point and feign ignorance, but I don’t think she’s better at sarah at that sort of thing and eventually she’ll need to cut ties for Jordan’s sake vs trying to force a friendship that isn’t there to begin with

3) that’s what I see too, but I just want some confirmation for the smallara victims. Smallborns is a little different since they’ll be raised in captivity and subject to learning what generitech teaches them

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
8 days ago

1) very true, she is selfish like that, and since he’s a “lesser being” his feeling “matter less”. I think she’s realising that if she keeps only picking wants over Jordan’s sge gonna turn him against her, and she’ll have more instances like the backyard escape, though at most I’d see her picking him 1/10 of the time.

2) I’m not do sure, I think if Dayton hadn’t accidentally recorded herself, or been dobbed in by Nicole Sara probably would have believed her over Jordan, punishing him fir “lying”.

And I don’t think Sara can just cut ties with Dayton. Shes not some random kkid Sara babysits, Mrs Harris is friends with either Tiff or Who’s-Her-Daddy making her a recurring part of Sara’s life, which is also where the cousin comparison comes from.

3) Small burns will have the same brains, just a different education, they’ll be trained to be submissive and not confrontational, like the children of slaves often were, with also basic life skills like reading and maths, they’ll have the same brains, just different teachings.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
8 days ago

1) lol I’m a bit more hopeful than that, maybe 2/5 of the time eventually

2) didn’t know that about Dayton. I thought she just babysat her, but that’s good to know. And that might be true about sarah believing Dayton, but at the same time idk if jordan would have even said anything at that point since she was blackmailing him. I like to believe going forward sarah will have to take his word more. And ultimately if Dayton can’t respect jordan or anything like that, she needs to leave him home or with ellie or someone. That’d be the responsibile thing to do.

3)rigjt, that’s kinda what I was assuming. I really want a smallborn character to appear and interact with Jordan and everyone and see what happens

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
8 days ago

1) She could have been before. We don’t always get a peek into Sara’s thoughts like this. So while I would say its more unknown what she took into consideration.

2)Well I don’t think Dayton intended to harm or injure jordan. I think Sara is correct about that. Wanting Jordan’s obedience and wanting him physically harmed is different. She more wanted him compliant. Dayton seems a rule by fear kind person.

3)They do, but most littles won’t educated to the same degree as a person. In the scheme of things the JOrdan’s and Kelli’s are the exception not the rule. As there will be more smallborns then people like Jordan or kelli. The guardian training is geared towards littles being smallborns as that’s what the majority of them will be It’s only in this small window where things are different.

She could also just feel Jordan doesn’t make good decisions and needs her guiding hand. As until Sara said something Jordan was going to just go into Kelli’s room with her. Which would have been a mistake. So that would be another example of Sara’s guiding hand.

4)In what context are you referring too? trying to screw him over in some way or something more sexual.

5) Thats what best friends are for.

6) Thats how she knows. 🙂

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
8 days ago

1) I’m not convinced, she’s done too many cruel and mean things for me to believe it crossed her mind in any meaningful way.

2) injury isn’t the only kind of harm. Dayton intended to bully and humiliate Jordan through physical overpowering and ridicule. Wanting amd attempting to dominate another who isn’t consenting is harmful behaviour, rule by fear isn’t the mindset of someone with harmless intentions. She also had the forethought to lie and hide what she was doing from Sara, indicating she knew it was wrong, but did it any way.

Charity never injured Sara but harm was certainly done, Sara and Kaitlyn never injured eachother, but harm was done on both sides.

3) That’s kind of my point though, they have the same potential but aren’t offered the same educational opportunities. He can’t make these choices not because he’s incapable but because he’s not given the opportunity, she won’t let him.

Perhaps she doesn’t think he makes good choices, but perhaps she should get her own decision making perfect before worrying about his decision making. (And if it truly concerns her sge needs to let him make more decisions so he can practice)

4) I meant underbreeding.

6) yeah, she knows from her own sins, which she’s still committing.

Last edited 8 days ago by Lethal Ledgend
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