Smallara Episode 494: A Giantess Story

Smallara 494

“Fine then,” Kelli said, her voice edged with frustration as she grabbed Jordan’s hand and pulled him towards a section of Kayla’s room closer to the door. She wanted to create some space between them, and the group gathered in the center of the room. Despite being older than anyone else there, Kelli and Jordan were still under the thumb of these high school teenagers, their current predicament a cruel twist of fate.

As they walked, Kelli couldn’t help but feel like a mouse being controlled by a cat. She was used to being in charge, especially when it came to her younger sister and her friends. But now she and Jordan were at the mercy of these teenage girls, who seemed to think they knew everything. Kelli couldn’t stand it.

“Can you believe them?” she whispered to Jordan once they were safely out of earshot. She didn’t want her little sister or her friends overhearing their conversation.

“You mean Sara and Kayla?” Jordan answered, slightly oblivious but also not wanting to cause any waves. That’s just how Jordan had always been – he generally deferred to those with alpha personalities. It wasn’t that he minded being a leader or making decisions, he simply didn’t like confrontation or fighting for control when someone else wanted it. This made his pairing with Sara interesting from the start, as she was a very dominant personality. All the Reeves women were, and Jordan quickly fell into a pattern of going along with Sara’s wishes.

Meeting Kelli had added a new layer to this dynamic, as he noticed that she shared many traits with Sara. This sometimes-caused friction between the two women, which was exacerbated by their relationship with Kayla. Kelli had a strong control over Kayla that Jordan didn’t have as Sara’s Little. Kayla often deferred to her sister in most situations, despite Kelli technically being the “little” and Kayla being the “guardian.”

This dynamic was fascinating to Jordan, as it went against what he had learned about littles and guardians since the beginning of their infection. Typically, littles were supposed to defer to their guardians, who ultimately made the decisions for them. But with Kelli and Kayla, it seemed that Kelli was the one who usually held the power and made the final call, with Kayla simply going along with it.

However, since Kayla had met Sara, Jordan had noticed a subtle shift in this dynamic. For the first time, Kayla seemed to be deferring to Sara instead of Kelli on occasion. This change had caused some unspoken tension between the two sisters. And in turn, it seemed that Kayla had become more assertive towards Kelli – a new development considering the usual power dynamics between them.

“Yes, them,” Kelli reiterated, her frustration evident in her tone. “They have no right to tell us what we can or cannot do. Even though we are smaller and may face more dangers, this is still your home. You should know what’s safe.”

Jordan tried to play both sides a little bit. He didn’t mind going with Kelli to her room, but he also didn’t want to create any issues with Sara over it. After all, he still had to live with her as his assigned guardian.

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4 days ago

Feel a little bad for Kelli. I mean I figured this would happen eventually, but not until later. It’s not like sarah is seemingly doing it on purpose, either, she’s just taking the place that Kelli had when she was normal sized, but I’m sure it’s not gonna be as impactful as she probably thinks, just things are evening out. Kayla and Kelli will still be a good pair, though, I have total faith that won’t really change too much, especially when Sarah isn’t around.

Here’s my most recent chapter. I need to develop the sisters and parent’s a little more and tried my first attempt at jumping ahead a little in the story by cutting out the whole park sequence before ariving at the Hale’s residence. Advice and feedback always appreciated!

Roni and Joey Chapter 4: He Followed me Home

Joey stepped out of his pickup as he parked it on the street just outside the Hale’s residence. As he walked to the bed of the truck to get Roni’s bike out, he still was unsure how she convinced him to even come over for dinner. Roni was so adamant, just like she normally was when she wanted something from Joey. It’s just how they operated–Roni thinks of something outgoing that Joey isn’t a huge fan of, he protests, she play’s to his emotions or playfully tricks him, and Joey agrees–that’s how it always had been. Honestly, it was for Joey’s own benefit anyway. The Calhouns were so “pick yourself up by your bootstraps” and “get things done on your own” that Joey had inherited it to an extreme degree, being too afraid of people only paying him any interest due in part to his last name that he would actively avoid any major social activity. That is, until Roni would find out and drag him to it.

In the case of coming over for dinner, this was almost literal. Joey had started to refuse, saying that he had to help out at the house where he was staying, but Roni saw right through that. In her usual fashion, she started to pepper him with questions, such as what they needed help with, why they needed his help specifically, asking the same question over again looking for multiple reasons, and guilt tripping him when she caught him in the lie. He had hung a little tougher this time, but Roni isn’t one to easily give up once she knew there was a way she could win. She pulled at his arm while he was sitting on the bench, trying to pull his six foot frame up, but when he didn’t budge, she deftly swiped his lanyard from his pocket and ran away like a bratty sister stealing her sibling’s toy. Joey had tried to run her down but before he knew it, she had locked herself in his truck, sticking her tongue out at him playfully. Joey knew he wouldn’t be able to get into the truck at that point, so he hung his head and walked to get her bike, and threw it in the bed of the truck, whilst hearing the vehicle doors unlock and seeing the giggling smirky face of Roni looking back at him as she scooted into the passenger seat. “It’ll be good for you” Roni had said “plus you love mom’s lasagna! And you haven’t seen Sandi and Ciara in weeks!” which punctuated the truck’s engine turning over and Joey driving to the home of the Hales

 “Sure”, thought Joey as he took a quick glance at the house, “I love Mrs. Hale’s lasagna, and I haven’t seen either of Roni’s sisters in a while, but…” he glanced down the road to see the silver coupe parked just far enough away to not look suspicious to anyone. “What if I were to shrink overnight while I’m here? Would they break the door down and take me? Would they sneak in and steal me in the night and make it look like I ran away from the Hales?” Joey hears the passenger door close and sees Roni doing some sort of skip to her front door before she turns back and waves for him to hurry up so they can get inside. Letting out a sigh, Joey unloads Roni’s bike and starts wheeling it to the house. “I need to tell Roni…honestly I should just tell the Hale’s and rip the bandage off” Joey thought glumly. At least this way, though, he could make sure they were aware that the house was being watched, though it would probably ruin any chances of him staying over for the night.

Joey smiled to himself as he approached the 2 story house, fond memories of sleep overs and birthday parties coming to mind. Though he lived in a massive mansion outside the city in a gated community, Joey always preferred the Hale’s house. The lawn was always well maintained by Mr. Hale, the flowers along the walkway done so by Mrs. Hale, and Roni when she was forced to do so. Looking into just above the porch and into the large bay windows to the family room, Joey could see Mr. and Mrs. Hale sitting on the couch, listening to Roni tell them that he’d be staying for dinner and over night, with Mr. Hale rolling his eyes and looking out the window to wave him in, confirming that they’ll let him stay for now. Joey knew the Hale’s didn’t really like his parents, and were all too familiar with the consistent arguing that occurred between them. That being said, Joey could clearly tell that Roni hadn’t said anything about him being an underbred, as the expressions of displeasure, sympathy, and pity weren’t etched on either parents’ faces.

As Joey put the kickstand down and climbed the porch stairs, the front door came flying open and a 9 year old with short black hair in pigtales came running out and wrapped her arms around his waist.

“JoJo!” exclaimed Ciara, squeezing him as tight as possible.
“Hey CiCi! You’ve gotten so tall!” Joey says as he bends over slightly to return the hug
“Well yeah! That’s what happens when you don’t visit every weekend like you used to!” She retorted with a giggle.

As Joey releases the hug and stands back up, there’s a soft punch in his side as Sandi comes out to greet him.

“You jerk!” said the tween with a small huff trying to hide her smile, “you said you’d see my dance recital last week! You totally bailed!”

“Sorry Sandi” Joey said as he embraced the 13 year old “I’ve just been busier than usual. You know how it is with my parents”

Huggining him back, Sandi looks back up at him with a sad smile, now privy to all things Calhoun since becoming a teen ager several months ago and seeing Joey in a shouting match with his dad over the phone. “Yeah, they’re not very nice, are they”

“Oh, they aren’t so bad” Joey said with a unreadable tone of voice for the 13 year old. Then, grinning at the two of them, he quickly hoisted either over his shoulders, eliciting a giggle from both as he carried them inside

“Afternoon, Son,” greeted Jeffrey Hale from his seat on the couch.

“Dinner will be ready earlier than normal, I bought some pie from a bakery in Old Sac so we can have desert later tonight, too” commented Kathleen Hale with a smile on her face

For the first time in a few days, Joey actually felt contentment as he closed the door to spend time with his family away from family, pushing down the anxiety of how they’ll react to his announcement.

Reply to  C M
4 days ago

I will ahve to read the fanfic when I’m at home and not just on a 15 min break.

I agree with you that Sara in this case isn’t doing anything inherently wrong. Kayla reached out to her and Kayla is listening to Sara on her own accord. Sara hasn’t specifically done anything other then try to be a friend to her

I can understand where for Kelli though this whole ordeal is a bit frustrating as she was kind of cut down at the knees just as she was gaining freedom and discovering herself and now she is not only back at home she is being cared for by her younger sister.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 days ago

All just goes back to Kayla and Kelli needing to be open with each other. They’re sisters first and still act like it. I think Kayla should clue Kelli into some of what she knows about littles too so Kelli’s aware what her disabilities and limits are

Reply to  C M
4 days ago

Kelli and Kayla haven’t been reunited for all that long. They are both kind of feeling out how things will work.

As you see in the Kayla series even with whats been posted so far. Some things are more hammered out. Iike the the room situation. As Kelli is fully moved into Kayla’s room.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 days ago

Fair. Im guessing that part of the thing that were hammered out was Kelli’s limits, but I just hope it’s a Kayla’s just doing her best to keep Kelli safe and happy and compromises into helping Kelli do some stuff she enjoyed.

Reply to  C M
4 days ago

Kayla does want Kelli Safe. Its not like seh doens’t love her her sister.

She did fight through her own social anxiety to approach one of the most popular girls in her school to ask about their littles meeting up.

For Kayla that would be a big step and really putting herself out there. Especially considering how bullied she was.

Lethal Ledgend
4 days ago

1) “She didn’t want her little sister or her friends overhearing their conversation” I’m sorry Kayla, but what biggles do and don’t hear has been established to be up to Asukafan2001’s whims, got nothing to do with volume or distance between little and biggle. Plus Jordan’s recording everything.

2) the explanation about the different dynamics was interesting, Kelli was definitely in the most favourable position we’ve seen a little yet, and Sara’s unintentionally ruinithat for her.

3) you really seem to like the dynamic of ” shrunken adult being controlled by minor or significantly younger person” which is definitely fun as there’s free tension, though I do have the opposite ob the things I’m waiting to see list.

4) “this is still your home. You should know what’s safe.” didn’t you mean “my” and “I” instead of “your” and “you”?

5) I like the shoe for scale, there seemingly to remind us all that they’re tiny

6) I do really like that what Sara’s taught him about littles and guardians is being shown as the bullshit it is, Littles don’t need to be constantly dominated and controlled, that’s just a choice Sara made.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 days ago

1) I always forget that he records cause of the collar lol

2) I’m gonna give sarah some leeway on this. I think she’s stepping into the sister roll on accident and isn’t purposely trying to cause problems right now. Sure it might change when jordan and Kelli hang out without Kayla and sarah tries to exert her control, and Kayla’s gonna follow whoever has the most authority so when sarahs not around she’ll probably default back to Kelli. It’ll be an issue if sarah takes a more active roll in “helping” Kayla with Kelli. That’s when she needs to butt out like Jordan said in the locker room

6) it’s a shitty coping mechanism for her. Despite how she talks and acts, she’s Hella insecure and still emotionally traumatized so she’s coping by making sure she can control her entire environment. Her growth and recovery will be measure by how well she can let Kayla and Kelli create their own relationship and how more relaxed with jordan she can become, the latter being the most difficult part

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
4 days ago

1) yep, she’s always got a way to see what he’s been up to.

2) probably not her plan I agree, but she’s not oblivious to it either, Sara has tried to dominate Kelli, telling her how to adress Kayla and such, also encouraged Kayla to ignore Kelli at points. But we also see in the Kayla series that Kayla is more willing to ignore and dismiss Kelli even without Sara.

3) Sara is truly pathetic, part of her mental health is reliant on looking down on the less fortunate. She’s a control freak, cheater, hypocrit and lier, emotionally manipulating Jordan to get what she wants from him, she even tried to kill herself despitebeing in a better position than Jordan, who’dnever dream of doingsuch a thing. And what pisses me off most (if you hadn’t noticed yet) is how often the world around her constantly makes things go her way, praising her for her good aspects without truly acknowledging her many bad ones.

Last edited 4 days ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 days ago

2) yeah I see your point. I reread 400-405 and sara definitely is aware of things. I still hate she doesn’t get that Kelli is a sibling. It’s annoying to me. Kayla I hope doesn’t fall into that habit. It’ll ruin things for her and kelli

Reply to  C M
4 days ago

Sara’s not oblivious but shes only known Kayla like maybe 10 hours.

I do think the way Kelli talks to Kayla is a bit much at times even for siblings. Which is why I think Sara has said something a few times.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 days ago

I mean that can vary siblings to sibling, my siblings and I would consider the way Kelli’s talks to Kayla quite tame. Sara’s an only child, she has a pretend sister in Ellie but ultimately doesn’t know what sibling relationships are truly are.

It might also be worth mentioning that Sara wasn’t interpreting it as “sibling being rude to siblings” she interpreted it as “pet being rude to owner” which she stated as much, which I’d say is much ruder than what Kelli did.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 days ago

1) She has so far not used said feature.

2)Kelli was a bit rude even taking into account they are siblings. In a social setting Kelli has been a rude and domineering towards Kayla.

Another way to view it would be she was sticking up for Kayla.

3) I feel like many of the reasons you hate her are what make her such a realistic character as those are things people do and traits people have. So while she does have likeable parts to her. She also is a flaws character who isn’t perfect like the rest of us.

Her friends could just accept those parts of her and like her for who she is. Just as people generally do for their friends.

things going her way is on purpose as I wanted her character to have that annoying trait some people have where no matter everything seems to end up going there way or as they said in the simpsons. “Everything is coming up Millhouse”

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 days ago

1) true, not yet.

2) Kayla had rudely dumped Kelli into a purse and taken her to an unfamiliar location without warning or consent, and then had purchased beverages for only half the group, not including Kelli. So while sge was rude, it’s understandable why she didn’t feel the need to be Little Miss Maners at that point.

It could be seen as Sara sticking up for Jayla I did consider that, but it’s just as easy to argue Kelli was trying to stick up for herself.

3) It’s less the traits and more the lack if consequences for said traits, even just Chloe taking her aside more often and questioning her behaviour in a more critical fashion.

The do, and in Sara’s case they would possibly be worried about her making another suicide attempt. Though Mal and Chloe are so pretty big hypocrits.

I see, well if that’s your intention it worked, but don’t expect me to stop commenting just because I know that. And I should not whenever “Everything is coming up Millhouse” is uttered it’s usually right before things start going wrong for him.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 days ago

3) I would fully expect you to keep bringing up. I do feel her good luck is somewhat balanced by her almost dying and being bullied herself for years. Not that two bads make a good.

Chloe has taken her aside a couple of times in the story and checked in with her.

2). I agree Kayla did have her in a small purse but Kelli was also kind of being depressed and licking her wounds at home. So it could also be seen as that was Kayla’s way of getting her out of the house.

But I do agree with your point mostly that there are things on boht sides it not cut and dry.

1) Just think if Sara used Lyla the generitech AI to scrub through audio and alert her with key phrases are uttered.

I picture you having a field day with Sara if that happened. ALthough so far she has been relatively respectful with JOrdan’s privacy in regards to the ipad stuff and emails, and listening to the audio.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 days ago

1) I fucking would to, there’d be “I knew it” “saw that coming” and “how dare she” flying in all directions.

This is the same girl who made him change infront of strangers, her respect for his privacy is non existent. Plus there’s always the possibility she’s lying about nor reading his emails and listening to the recording, it’s not like she’s an honest person.

2) those things don’t really equate, Kelli was basically mourning her own death, she has a right to grieve however she sees fit. Kayla had good intentions, but that doesn’t absolve her of fault.

3) the bullying was equated by Charity being vulnerable (and what ever Sara was doingto retaliate), and the suicide doesn’t count as it was her own choice. But everything else is largely un earned, tiling heavily in her favour.

Chloe has taken her aside once, but that didn’t achieve anything, and has since agreed not to care how Sara treats Jordan so long as she doesn’t cross some imaginary line.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 days ago

1) It would take a degree of effort to listen to Jordan’s conversations in front of Jordan and not have him realize shes reviewin ghis audio conversations.

I also think it woudl be a massive waste of time and effort im not sure Sara woudl commit to for little gain. Unless she had a specific reason.

Emails would be a bit easier to screen but if she was going to do that i think she would just block him from communciating via email to people she doesn’t want him talking to rather then screening emails.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 days ago

1) I doubt she’d do it in front of him, and not much effort if she used the AI like you suggested, and she’d only listen to certain times she couldn’t hear him. Heck with how much Genritech want to censor what littles know, they could be doing it already.

I’d argue that blocking him emailing his friends isn’t better.

Reply to  C M
4 days ago

1) Yup if she wants to know she can. But I do feel like there is an element of how much does she really care or want to know. She isn’t anti Jordan X Kelli or anything. She just genuinely wanted him to be safe having learned from prior experiences.

2) That seems about right to me. Anything is possible but that would be my general sentiment.

6) I would agree with that. Her experiences like for all of us do have an effect on us. Sara does like to control her environment which is partly how she copes. She likes things planned out and scheduled. Her life doesn’t have a large amount of spontaneity on purpose.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 days ago

1) When they do overhear thing, it’s normally a plot device. Similar to that in tv and movies. But in this case it was also done instinctually as she just wanted to create space as her original want of going to her room was just to get time not being around everyone and wanting time with another person who is viewed at her scale to create a semblance of normalcy.

2)She was in the most favorable position. I don’t think its as bad as Kelli is making it out to be. As Kayla does defer to her a lot. Although we’ve seen signs of Kayla deferring to Sara making Kelli’s control not so exclusive but far from ruined.

I would agree that Sara isn’t doing intentionally and may not even realize fully it is happening. As to her she is just making friends with someone knew. it’s not like she knows all the inner workings and thoughts of Kayla, and Kelli like the reader does.

3) A lot of my stories involve an age disparity or a change in power some kind of status change between people.

As I feel the immaturity of youth allows for a degree of mischief and interest that I have trouble believing would occur as common in more mature individuals. Not that i can’t but it seems more like the exception then the rule.

As lets say Sara was 35 at the start of this. I find it harder to believe many of the things that have transpired would be as believable. Being young provides an element of immaturity and undisciplined behavior that allows for unconvential elements to feel as if they could actually happen.

As its easy to think of dumb, wild, immature, irresponsible things we all did in high school and think. I could see that happening.

I am curious as to what is on your list. I have one idea that immediately comes to mind. But i will withhold for now as not to spoil or affect the purity if you mention your list.

4) Yup you are 100% right. I normally proof read myself but I just let Grammarly do it and then posted as I was being lazy as spent to much time playing f1 manager.

5) Yes I wanted something to demonstrate scale. to the viewer. Plus i wanted to add an element of realism to Kayla’s room as while Kayla is fairly clean. It never seems real to me if nothing is out of place or left lying around. As it makes the space feel more lived in if there is a random shoe in a corner. Or some papers just sitting on the desk.

Most people probably don’t care but its a small element i like to add.

6) Well Sara can only tell him her experience and belief. Shes not creating an argumentative debate or anything to convince Jordan. Its just what she believes.

I feel like Jordan understands that to a degree. But, i also think its possible Jordan prefers a degree of control being handled by the other person. As Emily who he dated before from what we’ve seen is a bit controlling. Kelli can be a bit controlling. Jordan does gravitate towards a specific type of person. Which I’m sure you probably noticed.

So there is a degree of just what he prefers in his own response which would probably not work as well. Like if Kelli was Sara’s little I feel like they would butt heads quite often. Which could also be interesting.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
4 days ago

1) I know it’s a plot device, but it’s getting to the point I consider it absurd, not ruining the story but absurd.

It would be nice form Kelli’s perspective to have alone tine either another little, probably extra nice for her that Jordan’s a bit shorter than her too.

2) I agree she’s in the best position. Didn’t mean to male that past tense. But I do maintain that Sara’s negatively effected that, encouraging Kayla to ignore and overrule her.

3) I completely agree with all your points here, I didn’t mean that as a criticism in any way I’m sorry if it read like that. Infact I love this dynamic. It was more about curiosity as to how that might look, inspired to mention by Kayla commenting on the age gaps.

I can give you my wish list if you want. I’ll need to put it in writing as it’s mental currently, but I’m definitely willing to share on a future episode.

5) it definitely achieved both.

6) I’d argue she is, she’s made it clear what she believes and has shown ridicule and disgusting at people who believe otherwise, even using threats and bullying to force Jordan to submit to her beliefs.

I could understand Jordan not minding giving up some contol, but it’s also clear he’d prefer to keep more than he currently has. I don’t remember Emily being depicted as controlling, and he didn’t chose Kelli he just wound up near her.

I definitely agree that Kelli being Sara’s littke would lead to some conflicts, part of what I wanted from Jordan is more of just that, but he’s much to placid, it’s why I like the backyard escape so much, it’s the only real time he’s rebelled in a meaningful way, even though it was really stupid plan.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 days ago

6) Jordan still chose to be friends with her. Proximity doesn’t mean you have to like each other or even be friendly.

It wasn’t outright said that Kelli was controlling but it was hinted at through how she was acting toward Sara and Jordan.

4 days ago

“She was used to being in charge…”

For no other reason other than being pretty and popular. Rub your cheek, Kelli. Feel that? That was the slap of reality. LOL

Reply to  Shrunk_DC
4 days ago


Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Shrunk_DC
4 days ago

And also cause Kayla was smaller.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
3 days ago

Really looking forward to when Kayla fully takes control. Something’s going to happen…. ala Jordy and the Attack of the Squito… and Kayla will finally tell her how things are going to go now. SHe’s going to put her foot down…. on top of Kelli.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x