Smallara Episode 499: A Giantess Story

Smallara 499

Sara and Ellie closed the door behind them to Kayla’s home as after thanking her mother. The two walked down the hallway as Jordan sat on Sara’s shoulder curious as what exactly he was going to be doing while they worked. He didn’t want to wait in the car nor did he want to sit in Sara’s purse in some breakroom or locker.

“Okay so spill. What is going. Why did you bring in the minion?” Ellie asked as they walked into the elevator.

“She’s not a minion Ellie. She’s a good person who just needs a little help. She was being bullied and picked on. She had her sister catch Smallara.” Sara said while leaning against the wall of elevator as they traveled down.

“There are alot of good people at school. Kayla a good person. I don’t deny that. I just don’t get why you’ve brought her into our group. You’ve known her for all of five minutes.” Ellie said crossing her arms.

“It started out I really was just wanting to socialize Jordy and she asked for a play date with our underbreds. So I agreed.” Sara said before looking at Jordan. “I wanted my whitto man to socialize with his own kind.” Sara added in a cutesy voice. “But, it turned out we had things in common. I felt a common bond you know. I know what that kind of pain is like and that…” Sara said with a long pause before saying “Loneliness.”

“You are not alone. You have me and Chloe and now you have Jordy. Plus Mal and Steph. You are anything but alone.” Ellie said.

“I love you, Ellie. You know I do. You’re my family. But it’s like being in the country away from the city lights and that glowing haze that hangs in the air above the city. The kind of darkness where you can’t see the hand in front of your face. Looking about you just feel like everyone is always just out of hands reach. I’ve lived that life and felt like I’m slowly drowning. Kayla seemed like she was on a similar path. I had asked around about her after she reached out to me. So, I had an idea of what was going on. When we met and hit it off. I figured I would just reach out you know. You were that person for me when I just needed someone. If I can be that for her. Maybe I can pay it forward.” Sara said.

“Kayla seems nice and while probably won’t admit it Mallory seems to like her. So, it was probably a good pick. Her mom can make a mean cookie too. I want to try those world-famous chocolate chip cookies she was talking about now.” Ellie said.

“Me too Ellie. Now you’re talking my language.” Jordan said from Sara’s shoulder.

“I forgot I have my own cookie connoisseur.” Sara joked.

“It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it.” Jordan added.

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J -Vader
J -Vader
3 months ago

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Jordan and Kelli are separated damn it !!!!!!! I wanted more time with them for the Kelli x Jordan movement!!!!!! Now it’s on fucking hold !!!!!!! Gaaaaaaaaaaaah it not fair !!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭 🤧🤧🤧 anyway bad new aside this was a good chapter I’m surprised Ellie has a issue with including Kayla so much but hey protective sister I guess lol but the way Sara describes her sense of loneliness was interesting too and Jordan talking that shit about cookies was fire 🔥 overall great chapter

Last edited 3 months ago by J -Vader
Reply to  J -Vader
3 months ago

I think part of it’s gonna be a “why am i not enough to help” type of deal. Like you can be extremely close to someone but if you don’t know what that loneliness feels like, it’s hard to relate to it. Kayla I’m guessing is in a similar boat as sarah was but with the addition of not having people keep bullies off her back.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
3 months ago

True it can be like that sometimes hard to accept that you can’t fully relate to someone pain mentally even when you want to help them in anyway you can

Reply to  J -Vader
3 months ago

its not like they wont see each other ever again.

I don’t think its so much Ellie has a problem with Kayla she is more just trying to understand why Sara brought Kayla into the group.

Ellie is very watchful of Sara post depression so any change she is going to question and want to investigate.

As CM eluded to jealousy or taking it as a slight against herself like Kayla is doing or providing something she can’t when she may feel she should be capable of helping and fulfilling those needs for Sara.

Last edited 3 months ago by Asukafan2001
3 months ago

I totally see where sarahs coming from. Being that lonely and depressed isn’t something everyone understands other than those that have gone through it themselves. Sarah wants someone that understands it first hand and also wants to make sure it doesn’t get to where it took her, which Kayla is the perfect fit for. This is something ellie isn’t going to necessarily adjust well to imo since she doesn’t understand that feeling. Sure you can say you understand and that you’re there for someone, but that’s not the same as feeling just completely alone with no where to go and no one to really talk to about that sort of thing. Point being: ellie gonna be fealous she can’t relate to what her best friends going through. Hell I bet at some point, assuming gavin knows what happened, he’ll have a good understanding if Mallory doesn’t talk to him and listen about what his thoughts are. He’ll just draw into himself more and more.

Kayla’s next step, in all honesty, should be talking everything through with Kelli. And vice versa. I’m interestes to see that happen

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
3 months ago

Very true and I totally agree with you and damn this group of kids are going through more shit than I did in high school granted I never dealt with bullies or harassment by other people before plus a good group of friends but man when you really think about it it’s extra rough here

Reply to  J -Vader
3 months ago

Hormones are a wild thing lol a fair portion of this stuff is Hella relatable to me sadly, some of it my own doing, but that just constant verge of cracking under pressure you out on yourself to be perfect and never fail while navigating that shit is God awful. I do not miss it. Sarah being on antidepressants is something my high school self is jealous of lol

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
3 months ago

Damn !!!!!! Man high school sounding like hell every time I hear others talk about it was I that lucky to have a good time in high school or was I just imagining it like holy hell

Reply to  J -Vader
3 months ago

Lol like I said, mine could have been a lot my own doing, I was overly sensitive and it wasn’t until I was in my early 20s till I took antidepressants and saw how much more balanced I was. But high school, especially in a small school (my grad class was 150 people I think) was brutal and just dramatic af. Like I had fun with my friends, but also got a lot of shit from people and just constantly felt overwhelmed. If I had to do it over again I’d tell myself to never tell anyone a secret and aim for a B average. Just to relieve some pressure. Perfectionism sucks haha

Reply to  C M
3 months ago

Yes depression is tough to relate to when you haven’t ever experienced depression. So Ellie would have a harder time understanding how Sara or Kayla would feel in those situations even though she sincerely wants to help.

You really nailed what I was trying to express through the story in this segment and why Sara includes Kayla and brings her in and kind of big sisters her in some ways.

As its not replace Kelli or anything its just having someone to relate to who understands. Who has been in those trenches and then Sara having gone through it is more experienced with the signs.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

Thanks. Idk if it’s necessarily a good thing that I understand that stuff lol it sucks to go through it in any degree. Being empty and lonely and not feeling like you have anyone is probably the worst thing I’ve gone through/deal with.

And yeah, i don’t think sarah wants to replace Kelli. I’m even betting Kelli probably is secretly mad at herself that she isn’t a few years younger as she’d probably have been protecting Kayla herself at this point.

The other thing I just thought of too is that sarah probably picked up on how isolated Kayla’s been and how no one understood that, and probably emphasized with Jordan and is the main reason she wants him to hang out with Kelli more. She just covers it up with pet/baby talk lol still needs to work on opening up

3 months ago

Jordan needs his own cookie reviewing YouTube channel.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Nodqfan
3 months ago

That would be awesome!!!!!

Reply to  J -Vader
3 months ago

Streamer name: body hawtie

Reply to  Nodqfan
3 months ago

Sara has enough equipment, which is certainly possible for him to do it. Plus Sara could probably help market it.

Lethal Ledgend
3 months ago

1) don’t worry Jordan, I’m sure Sara has some menial task for you to do while she works, or perhaps it’s a progressive theatre where they have positions for littles and she got you a trail one of those.

2) I’ve felt that loneliness, the kind you still feel in a crowdedroom of loved ones, reading it just made me wanna hug Sara and Kayla.

3) Ellie calling Kayla a minion seems mean. I reckon that’s how Tamara viewed her.

4) “It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it.” We thank Jordan for his sacrifice

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
3 months ago

1) Its a work appropriate task you should find out before to long. But I wouldn’t call it menial but its also not a little specific position at the theater.

2) I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. It does show a kinder side of Sara who is reaching out to someone just to kind of pay it forward with no actual gain other than its the right thing to do.

3) I’m not sure if it mean or not honestly. As it more minion in terms of Kayla is in the group through Sara and Sara is ultimately responsible if she embarasses the group in some way.

4) lol.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

1) can’t wait.

2) Yeah it really is. I’m glad she’s being kind.

3) Would Steph fall in that category? Or would Sara be Mal’s minion seeing as how she’s “Mallory’s pet project”? And

And what would Sara’s responsibility be if Kayla does end up embarrassing them?

3 months ago

Sara and Ellie should drop him in his cage completely stripped naked as Ellie lays off Sara’s bed looking in close at him while tapping on the glass🙏🏻💯♥️♥️♥️♥️ admiring the tiny naked baby pet. How about they order him to massage Sara and Ellie’s bare feet 🦶 🦶 if he does a good job Sara will throw an extra pellet or two in his doggie bowl he can crawl over and start munching on

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