Smallara Episode 500: A Giantess Story

Smallara 500

Jordan clutched thick fabric of Sara’s shirt as they rode the elevator down to the lobby. The stale air of the elevator felt warmer than the hallway or that of Kayla’s apartment. It made gripping Sara’s shirt slightly more difficult as his hands were a bit slicker.

The rope-like hair of Sara had become a comfort as it hung down from her head like strawberry scented vines. Using his other hand, he gripped her finding a degree of comfort in thickness of it. As he knew if he fell off her hair would be able to support his weight long enough for Sara to grasp him.

A loud ding of the elevator reaching the lobby rang out as the doors parted. Ellie and Sara walked forward at a brisk pace talking excitedly about tomorrow’s party. While still in his twenties Jordan couldn’t help but wonder what a high school party such as this would be like. He was so far removed from high school it was a relative unknown. Not to mention this party seemed to be on a scale that was beyond what him and his peers would plan in high school. Which the more he thought about it wasn’t too surprising considering the resources at the disposal of these teens compared to him and his friends.

“Jordy, we will be working the ticket counter today. It’s where we normally work, but if they are short-staffed sometimes, we get pulled into concessions. That doesn’t happen often.” Sara said as they pushed the lobby doors open and started walking towards Sara’s car.

“Okay, where are you going to be stashing me? I assume you aren’t going home to drop me off.” Jordan questioned.

“Drop you off? I would never. You’re coming with me. The tickets shoot up from a slot at the ticket counter. You can rip them off and hand them to the guests. You should be able handle that. The tickets have perforated edge so you can just pull, and they come apart.” Sara added.

“Wait, I’m doing part of your job?” Jordan questioned.

“You’re my little assistant. I was always going to take you to work. You go wherever I go, forever. You know that.” Sara said gently, patting Jordy on the head. “If you get tired just say something and you can take a break. I’ll fish your iPad out of my bag.”

“Do I get paid or points for this?” Jordan questioned as he didn’t like going to work pre Smallara. He figured that not having to work would be a benefit to this arrangement.

“This is just part of your life as my wittle man. If you really want to be paid for this you could but then I would need to charge you room and board fees, utility usage for your habitat, transportation fees, we’d have to split gas, we keep the entire home at warmer temperature because of your needs so you’d have to pay the difference. All the little things you need would need to be added onto a ledger as just debt.” Sara said as she thought out loud about all the things she would need to do accomplish this.

“We can just keep the current arrangement. I was just joking.” Jordan quickly said

“Okay, if you do a good job. I will think about giving you a few bonus points. I was thinking one point for each hour worked. That seems like a fair compromise.” Sara said having reconsidered her point of giving him nothing earlier.

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3 months ago

Good question by jordan and good compromise by sarah. Nice clean chapter! Wonder how things will go at the theater though, cause let’s face it, lobbies are loud as fuck in a big theater and my best friend worked in a ticket booth and my understanding is that it can get warm to say the least lol

Last edited 3 months ago by C M
J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
3 months ago

Oh yeah definitely like that Jordan is not just letting things slide with Sara and Sara not just abusing her power and authority over Jordan and compromised with him making a fair deal

Reply to  J -Vader
3 months ago

The Sara praise. All I picture right now is lethal doing that ron swanson face when Tammy is near from parks and recs lol

Reply to  C M
3 months ago

You mean #1 Sara fan Lethal Legend?

Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

Lol makes me think of famous actor James Allen McCune from sugar pine 7

Reply to  J -Vader
3 months ago

It seems like both sides are negotiating in good faith and want it to work out which helps.

Reply to  C M
3 months ago

well its more a ticket counter so it in the open. its not a enclosed booth. So it shouldn’t to be bad comfort wise.

Actual booths are horrible I agree with that.

It shows growth on both parts. Jordan asked for what he wanted and Sara took in his request and compromised in the end. It shows a healthy relationship forming IMHO.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

It’s in the open? That’ll be interesting still. Loud lobby, potential for kids or adults to grab jordan without asking…

Reply to  C M
3 months ago

If they want to see Sara jump a counter and beat someone to within an inch of their life. They could certainly try.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

That sounds like an on brand reaction from Sara, just a curious toddler reaches for Jordan only to get Sara’s boot in her face.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
3 months ago

that would be on the parents honestly. Teach your kid not to be so grabby.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

I can’t see her realising that in the moment. Maybe afterwards she attack the parents too, assuming she doesn’t get flogged by them first for kicking their toddler.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

….I mean…I want that….

J -Vader
J -Vader
3 months ago

Damn Sara I was about to go off on how you were about to do my boy Jordan but lucky you made up for it at the end because that would have been so uncool and just putting the dude into labor for free

Reply to  J -Vader
3 months ago

Her point is that its not labor fee though as there are numerous expenses that are included that are just being paid for. So him helping out isn’t necessarily unpaid labor.

3 months ago

Congrats on 500 episodes of the mainline Smallara story.

Wow, Sara was considering not giving Jordan any points for his work? Stingy!

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Nodqfan
3 months ago

Oh wow yeah wild journey here’s to 500 more lol

Reply to  J -Vader
3 months ago


Reply to  Nodqfan
3 months ago

500 smallara plus all the side stories is an insane accomplishment

Reply to  C M
3 months ago

Thanks, its a definately a bit of work but its worth it.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Nodqfan
3 months ago

Technically 510 if you include X.5 episodes, bonuses and bios

Last edited 3 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
3 months ago

that seems about right.

Reply to  Nodqfan
3 months ago

Thanks. 500 is a mileston thats for sure.

Well its also to jordans benefit. SHe could just leave him in her bag, or in the car, or in a locker at work, etc. Jordan canonically doesn’t like being in confined spaces like that such her purse. So its partially to his benefit he gets to work.

Lethal Ledgend
3 months ago

1) Congratulations on 500, (technically 510) and I really like that the multiples of four now end each week of Smallara proper.

2) “Drop you off? I would never” you did last time, cunt.

3.1) I’m glad Jordan asked for payment, but both unsurprised and disappointed that Sara wasn’t planning on paying him.
3.2) But it’s good to see better judgement prevailing at the end for a change. Evan if one point an hour fucking sucks, remember Jordan minimum wage means minimum work/effort.

Last edited 3 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
3 months ago

1) yes from a numeric standpoint its clean.

2) He was also not as acclimated.

3) I mean she was having him do something more for his benefit as he doesn’t like being cooped up in purses and such. So to me its more understandable that it woudln’t have entered her mind as its more for a benefit to Jordan and his mental health then it is to help Sara. As it may actually slow her down having him help.

3.2) I would need to break down how much value one point has in relation to the items Jordan can get. Especially after Chloe dropped in additional swag for him to earn when she found out about the system.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

1) that makes me unreasonably happy.

2) That’s not why she did it though. Bshe was lashing out at him after something didn’t go her way, then tried to gaslight him into thinking it was something else.

3.1) he hasn’t liked being couped up as she’s left him there againt his will with nothing to do, if she gave him his Ipad, or phone to watch TV on. He also suggested it so it’s not like it bothered him that much, and he’d likely need a break after everything he’s done today.

It didn’t enter her mind because she thinks of him as less than. She wouldn’t pay Mocha for a dead mouse more than a bit of praise and petting, which is all she would’ve done for Jordan. It’s nit a benefit to Jordan, he’s there as a benefit of her mental health, having him help would slow her a little bit, but the novelty of him doing for her would ulout weigh that hin her mind.

3.2) I’d love that, but also don’t wanna make you feel preasured into doing that for me. I think what really matters is he should have the option to negotiate price and pay with Sara without her overreacting and trying to punish him for it, like she did in thus episode.

I’m just recalling Maisy comparing them to Aussie Dollars m, which, one an hour seems tortuous.

Last edited 3 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
3 months ago

3.2) Maisy compared them to Aussie dollars because they were both fictional in value to her.

I think it would come down to how jordan wants the relationship to be. As sara is willing to have a transcational relationship. But then she would put a value on everything.

Like how they are heating the house to higher temperature for him. She would charge him the difference in energy cost.

Toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, etc. all the little those little thing would be charged percentages that he would have to pay for. As he would be asking her for a transactional relationship without emotion or feelings put it into it. So she would reciprocate in kind to that request and just bill him.

As while you don’t agree with her. In her mind she could have just put JOrdan in her purse but she is taking his needs into account and offering him to do something.

Otherwise he could just sit in the car or sit in her purse or locked during her shift.

3.1) He was more asking what she was going to do than suggesting. As he didn’t think he would be working. More then offering to go into those places.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

3.1) I see.

3.2) as if i needed another reason do dislike Maisy. But she is right about the points fictional value, Sara can change it at will and 1 100% believe she’d make them subject to inflation.

That’s exactly what I meant by overreacting, he’s just trying to get fair treatment and she immediately retaliated with trying to make it worse. He’s not asking for a transactional relationship he’s asking to get paid for doing her job for her. She’s getting paid to be there, so it’s reasonable for him to expect payment too and unfair of her to kot do do, her change of nine at the end proves sge on some level realised this.

If you wanted to go into nitty gritty.

She sold his house – that’s his board paid indefinitely.

She sold his car – that’s his fuel Levy paid indefinitely.

She sold his every belonging, that’s his miscellaneous “stuff” paid indefinitely.
(You confirmed that even after all his debts are paid she’ll still make quite a profit

She wanted a little, she can just bare the costs of food, licensing and “Jordy Proofing” (which Includes the heating).

He’s her emotional support companion so he already has a job he can do for free, any other task should be compensated for, lord knows she’s getting compensation for every extra she gives him.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
3 months ago

Things to consider she did sell his house but thats not as much money as I feel like you are thinking it is.

As its not like Jordan has owned that house for decades or even a decade. He bought it after college when he started working so it hasn;t really had time to appreciate in value from a property standpoint.

Sara would be looking at trying to break even. Now you could argue maybe she should kept it but seh’d have to pay mortgage, the property tax, etc. She doesn’t have Chloe Money. So that would be alot. Jordan had debt which she already paid off.

Cars are a horrible investment. They lose money often times faster then the loan is paid off. But selling JOrdan’s car wasn’t Sara’s decision that was her mothers.

Selling his stuff inside the house most of it wouldn’t be worthwhile to jordan. She will at the end of th day come out ahead but its not like she is getting rich and the amount of work seh put in to get it probably isn’t worth it. She’s making a profit yes but its not like making 50 or even 100 thousand dollars.

She didn’t so much as sell it but she put it up for a government auction. She could still keep his house if she wanted too. Its not like its actually sold yet. Selling a house is a process.

I was actually thinking about her dad telling her that she should pull the house out of the auction and turn it into a rental property. As she coudl probably rent it out higher then the mortgage payment.

Sara can definitely afford the cost of a little. you aren’t wrong there. She was definately taking offense to the fact he wanted to be paid.

As far as being her emotional support one could argue this would be part of being her emotional support. HE’s just doing something to keep himself occupied more then actually doing a job.

But I think where a person falls in line on that opinion depends on how you view littles.

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