Smallara Episode 501: A Giantess Story

Smallara 501

Jordan still clung to Sara as she entered her car. He grasped her hair tighter as she grabbed onto her seatbelt and pulled it across her body. Jordan looked out at the car window not used to seeing things from this vantage point. Sara normally kept him in the cup holder or down at seat level. She had a fear of him flying into the window if their was a car accident. While he couldn’t say it was a unfounded fear. He did think it was a bit silly as their weren’t many places he could be and be safe. While he would never toss this idea out into the world. The safest place for him would be Sara’s purse. A compartment could be cleared and then in a impact it would give him his best chance for survival.

“We better get you into your spot Jordy.” Sara said starting to lower him into the cupholder.

“He can ride with me.” Ellie said extending her hand outward to meet Sara’s. While Jordan would have preferred staying with Sara. He didn’t mind Ellie. She had treated him nicely outside taking her jokes a bit to far in her lust for him in his prior life.

Thinking more on it he would probably rank them as Sara, Chloe, Ellie, Mallory then Stephanie. Mallory and Stephanie could flop back and forth on any given day. They would all be ahead of the terror that is Dayton.

“You and Kelli make an adorable couple Jordy.” Ellie said

“I know right!” Sara exclaimed. “She seems a bit controlling but that could be good for Jordy. He likes a firm hand to guide him. I just need to vet her a bit more over the weekend to make sure she understands the order of things.” Sara further added.

“What do you mean the order of things?” Ellie asked.

“You know, that I’m in charge of everything Jordy related. He’s mine and will always be mine. So, she needs to accept my Jordy related rules and not upset the balance of things. I don’t think she will but it’s important to make sure. I told her I’d take her shopping for makeup and stuff this weekend. So, we can chat then. She seems pretty knowledgeable about fashion and make up so maybe a bit of clothes shopping after and then some Starbucks. She and Jordy can get a couple littlecino’s.” Sara said.

“Oh, that make up place we like out on Bently Boulevard. That has a new Generibucks opening up next door. We should go there. Chloe gave us those cards. Free coffee is always better than paid coffee.

“Sara, I don’t think Kelli is trying to rival you or anything. She is just trying to adjust to life as a little.” Jordan said trying to defend Kelli a bit.

“I’m sure she is Jordy. It would be hard for anyone. Most aren’t able to adjust as easily as you have. You are such a good whitto man.” Sara added. “Don’t worry I’m not going to do anything to mess up Jelli.”

“Awww Jelli thats so cute. I love it more each time i hear it.” Ellie added.

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3 months ago

The name of the Kelli and Jordan ship is hilarious.

Reply to  Nodqfan
3 months ago

Its my favorite variant.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

I’m more partial to Kordan myself.

J -Vader
J -Vader
3 months ago

Good chapter also sorry for not commenting on the Dayton chapter last time I was kinda sick but I’m better now. First of good on Sara for safety of in case of a car crash. Second Ellie being time Jelli is amazingly perfect and add to the ever growing movement until we get to the ultimate goal marriage and freaking small orbs of the next generation. PS Ellie would make a great god guardian for the smallborn when that happens and I am not saying IF because fuck that first come love, then comes dating and then comes the marriage and kids (Fin, Blake and Charlie is their official names) it happing !!!!!!!!!

Anyway back to the story here glad my boy Jordan is defending Kellie and her lack of adjusting to her new life plus not use to Sara’s personality and aura too so good on him for defending his woman hahaha. Now I trust Sara not to ruin the ship and movement of Jordan x Kelli when they go shopping but I swear to god Sara if you mess this up and give a bad impression I’m going to go ape shit 🦍 (Tarzan style ) and maybe it help if you bring up how similar you two are in terms of liking to be in charge and control (sometimes a little too much) and also tease her about liking Jordan and making her blush that would be hilarious to see. Overall great chapter and yeah over 500 chapters now.

Reply to  J -Vader
3 months ago

I think Sara’s gonna overstep. Especially if jordan learns to speak up with more confidence in the way Kayla is learning to talk confidentially towards Kelli now that she’s with Sara.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
3 months ago

Possibly but you never know what could happen I’m hoping Sara is big enough (literally lol) to be mature enough to both respectfully and politely ask Kelli to respect her rules around Jordan and come to a compromise even but hey we’ll have to wait and see

Reply to  J -Vader
3 months ago

You better hope that Kayla goes to school close to home. If shes go to college with Mallory she would be in California. So Kelli would be moving away from the new york area in that scenario.

Also glad you are feeling better. I noticed you were you quieter last week I just assumed you were on vacation or busy with work. But sad to hear you were sick but nice to know you are back ship shape as they say.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

First off thanks it’s nice feeling better from the common cold haha also lol (ship shape ) 😆

second offWTF Kayla why California of all places god damn it or at least leave Kayla with Jordan for few months and then she goes back and so and so on long distance relationships never work out fuck !!!!!

Third – damn Mal you already have Gavin what more do you want?!!!!

3 months ago

Listen to jordan on this one, sarah. You’re gonna make make and enemy with Kelli if you try to handle things with her like you do with Jordan, and that’s gonna upset stuff with her and Kayla. Kelli doesn’t have the added benefit of going through a fair amount of trauma in regards to dealing with Dayton and running away to accelerate her adjustment.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
3 months ago

Yeaaaaaaa let’s hope she understands this because for someone ranked as best guardian sometimes that judgement can be very questionable and or very short sighted

Reply to  C M
3 months ago

Im not sure Sara thinks of Kelli as an enemy. As they would require viewing Kelli as an equal.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

Fair. Still, she should handle this with a bit more tact and respect since she’s not Kelli’s gaurdian. I understand explaining that Jordan’s her little and her responsibility, but she should try to explain that fact and just things about the guardian little situation as if she viewed them as human, if that makes sense. Just to avoid condescending to Kelli and making it seem like she’s always been a little so she should just get it.

Last edited 3 months ago by C M
Lethal Ledgend
3 months ago

1) Genribucks? Really? LOL.

2) Sara wanting to vet Kelli more makes sense for her character, if only she’d better vetted the purebreds she’d let near Jordan.

3) I still can’t believe how much Jordan’s accepted in such a short time, I think most people would be more like kelli, months in and still adapting.

4) I liked seeing Jordan’s list of preferences, I’m surprised Tiff isn’t listed though.

5) I think I’d have a larger issue with Ellie if I were in Jordan’s position, she’s a bit creepy prone to sexual harassment.

6) Jordan not wanting to point out the purse would be safest makes sense, I still think it’s weird that little-car-seats don’t exist.

7) wanted to slap Sara for calling Kelli controlling, like that is pit and kettle if I’ve ever seen it.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
3 months ago

Really agree with 5 and 7 Ellie be pushing it and I had my fair share of jokes with my friends both sexual and or in general but I know when to pull it back from staring to sound creepy and uncomfortable. I just hope Ellie sees that and pull it back a bit just small bit. And yeah kinda funny that Sara of all people is calling someone else controlling she not completely wrong but it came off as oh she more controlling than me lol

Reply to  J -Vader
3 months ago

Well I don’t think Sara minds that she is controlling. I think she is more wanting to ensure she recognizes the hierarchy. Meaning if shes going to boss around Jordan and Jordan doesn’t care she doesn’t care as long as she respects that What Sara says supercedes whatever kelli requests of Jordan.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
3 months ago

1) There were a few other coffee places i wanted use instead but they are more regional to the midwest u.s. or local my city. So I went with turning starbucks into generibucks.

2) Sara could be learning and realizing her mistakes and is now taking the time to vet things better before releasing Jordan to them or having jordan around them.

3)Jordan is a bit shy and introverted. He isn’t the kind of person who is going to cause waves. He thinks a lot about things but doesn’t verbalize.

So I think it fits his character specifically. As he is more accepting of things as he run through things in his head. His moment of freakout was the back of Dayton’s yard when he tried to run. He let his irrational side win out. But overall he has accepted his situation.

I think I would probably fall somewhere between Jordan and Kelli with heavy lean towards Keli’s side personally if i was in this situation.

4) HE hasn’t been around tiffany much yet. As Sara takes him everywhere. So it may be hard for him to have a opinion of her.

5)I feel like she has toned down alot of her stuff since Jordan caught smallara. She makes some jokes here and there but she has no real interest in him as an actual dating partner.

6) Dog seats for cars aren’t common either though despite the risk of having your pet in your car as you drive. As in any kind of serious accident that pet is probably going to die or be serious injured. Littles fall into the same category is how I look at it. Can something exist sure but are most people going to use it? Probably not as its not like people use the things available for their cat or dog.

7) Thats how she can identify the traits in Kelli so easily. As Kelli and Sara are alike which i feel like causes some of those issues between the two. As they are basically dealing with a version of themselves in the other.

Also while i know its late. I did go back an answer your questions in the dayton thread.
this morning when I was back home. I was at wedding this weekend for my wife friends so i didn’t have time to draft answers

Last edited 3 months ago by Asukafan2001
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

1) I see, you know you could have turned your favourite local coffee place into a multinational success lol, it us your world after all.

2) it’s a pity she seems to mostly be trying this on people he actually wants to spend time with.

3) That’s true, I agree it Fitz his character.

I’d likely take longer to adapt as I can be stubborn, resentful and have difficulty with change anyway.

4) That’s probably true, I reckon he’s been around Tiff more than Mal or Steph though.

5) probably l, but I haven’t seem what she was like prior.

6) dog seats aren’t common, but given how much stuff is available for littles I don’t think that’d be a fair comparison, when was the last time you saw a working dog car or boat?

7) that is often how hypocrisy works unfortunately.

I did see that, I can respond but not right now as it’s a long one and would take time, positive during my lunch or after work.
sounds like you had a nice time though.

Last edited 3 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

I work 07:00 to 16:00 so I get up as 05:30 (sometimes earlier) read and comment as I cook/eat breakfast the leave my house at 06:30. There may have been a slight change as South Australia has left daylight saving time

3 months ago

Maybe I missed it but when did the smallara disease start. Like when did the first person catch it and how long are we into it as in what year does the story take place now? I know Jordan has been with Sara for less than a month right. Crazy that you fit that into 500 pages.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lemarkhan
3 months ago

Snallara first emerged in 2010 but was initially kept classified but various governments. Causing conspiracy theories the government was shrinking people

Smallara became public knowledge in 2015, this altered the conspiracy theories that Smallara disease was fake.

Smallara’s first American vase was Rachel Harbours in 2019.

15th September 2020 Jordan shrinks and becomes Sara’s. It was a Saturday, thus is the Thursday.

Dayton: The Junior Guardian Chronicles Is in 2021

Madison’s world takes place in 2023

Birthday Shipment and Chissy are in 2024

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
3 months ago

Thank you. Wasn’t too certain of that myself

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
3 months ago

No worries, I got an entire timeline in a word doc at home.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
3 months ago

Bro is Uber dedicated.

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