Smallara Episode 502: A Giantess Story

Smallara 502

Sara gracefully stepped out of the car, her long hair flowing behind her like a golden waterfall. Ellie followed close behind, and Jordan couldn’t help but feel small as he sat amongst Sara’s luscious locks. Ahead of them stood a colossal movie theater, its massive size taking Jordan’s breath away. The bright title card, showcasing all the films being shown, seemed to stretch endlessly towards the heavens, extending beyond what his eyes could even make out from his position on Sara’s shoulder. As they approached the employee entrance, Jordan couldn’t help but feel minuscule compared to the grandeur of the building before him.

The two girls walked through the dimly lit hallway, the faint smell of popcorn and cleaning supplies filling their nostrils. They soon arrived at a small locker room designated for employees, where Sara carefully placed Jordan on a nearby bench before starting to change into her work uniform. Ellie followed suit, their movements swift and practiced as they donned their work attire. The cold metal lockers lined one wall, each adorned with a name tag and various stickers depicting favorite movies and bands. The low hum of chatter from the other employees could be heard through the thin walls, adding to the bustling atmosphere of the theater.

“I don’t have a wear a uniform, do I?” Jordan questioned as he started to get more comfortable with the idea of giants changing around him and not caring.  

“No, I mean, I don’t even like having to put this on. I’m not going to make you. Plus, you’re not an employee you’re really here to support me. You have a uniform for school as I had to register you with the school. You are on the class rosters.” Sara explained as Jordan nodded.  

Sara wrinkled her nose in disgust as she looked at her shoes, caked with dirt and grime. “I definitely need to brush my teeth,” she said, running her tongue over her teeth. “My mouth feels gross.” She glanced up at Jordy, who was standing nearby. “Oh, and these shoes need a good cleaning too. But I don’t have time, what with meeting your friend Ms. Sanchez later.” Sara’s voice held a hint of irritation as she showed the shoes to Jordy. The thin layer of filth made it difficult to see the original color of the dress shoes. They now resembled a murky swamp after a heavy rain.

“Oh, that’s right they made us go out in the rain last time we worked.” Ellie said remembering why their shoes were so dirty.

“Of course, Sara,” Jordan replied with a small smile. The task she requested was much more reasonable than scrubbing the kitchen baseboards which he had done earlier. He glanced down at her shoes and estimated that it would only take him about 30 or 40 minutes to clean them.

“Thanks Jordy,” Sara said, her hand gently stroking his soft hair. She could feel his warmth and loyalty radiating from him. “You’re such a good boy.” She patted his head briefly before turning to the locker door. As she closed it, she could smell the faint scent of mildew wafting from the metal locker. “I’m just gonna close my locker for a second while I go brush my teeth,” Sara explained, knowing that Jodan didn’t like being in enclosed spaces. He seemed much more at ease in his spacious habitat, with its clear glass walls and view of the world. “Ellie and I will be right back,” she promised, giving him one last pat before heading off down the hallway with her friend.

As Sara’s words echoed in his mind, Jordan couldn’t help but question his own actions. Had he given in too easily? He pondered the possibility that this was a result of their bonding, that their connection had made him more susceptible to her requests. Would he have agreed so readily if she had asked on a different day, under different circumstances? The doubt and uncertainty consumed him as he tried to make sense of his own behavior.

The concept of bonding had always been a tangled mess in his mind. He was supposed to do whatever Sara asked of him as that was their original arrangement from that first morning. But now he couldn’t help but wonder where the line of reason was drawn. The thought of asking Chloe for advice crossed his mind, but Kelli’s disapproval made him second guess. Sara controlled every aspect of his life, including the internet, making it impossible for him to use his iPad for this kind of research. Who could he turn to for guidance?

“We’re back.” Sara said opening the locker and lifting Jordan up. She gave his chest a quick kiss before setting him back on her shoulder as Sara reclosed her locker after putting away her toothbrush and toothpaste.  


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3 months ago

Lol sarahs gotta let this issue with Daniella go eventually. Daniella is being an adult about everything and trying to stay in her best friends life just like sarah is trying to stay in gavins. I bet she’s just jealous of Daniella cause she’s seemingly doing a better job at it than sarah is

Also jordan has a point about being confused about things from a behavior standpoint and if there is a line. He really doesn’t know since he hasn’t been told as much or really discussed anything with a little worker. He should ask Lisa if they have another doctors visit

Last edited 3 months ago by C M
J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
3 months ago

I know right honestly Danielle is being nice as fuck and Sara is still bother by her for doing nothing like all she wants and s to be in her best friends life still and Sara should respect that since she is in the same situation with Gavin like wtf girl.

Reply to  C M
3 months ago

Sara is mad at Daniela because of the first day of gym with Jordan when she insinuated that she wasn’t doing all she could for him and Sara should give him up.

Sara took offense to that as she took it as shes not doing a good enough job and she should give Jordan to someone who can.

When Sara had reached out to his family and had spent a lot of money accommodating him. As in her eyes Jordan is her pet.

It would be like you getting a new pet and then somoen comes around starts saying how you are doing a horrible a job and you should give up your pet and there are better homes that pet could be in.

Most people would take a degree of offense to that if they are doing a good job.

Especially when I think back to someone saying that 15 year old me. IT would have went over very differently then adult me.

In my opinion Daniela knowing her audience probably could have said and inferred her points differently into a way that may have gone over better. As there is a line between jordan is my friend and is he okay and you aren’t doing a good job. Sara didn’t even do that Mallory who has Gavin.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

Good points. She was pretty blunt. At the same time though, sarah could cut her some slack at this point at least. Seeing your best friend in the hand of your student after catching a life changing disease would throw most people into a state of shock, so it’s not like Daniella completely did it out of malice. I could understand if Daniella was still pushing sarah to do things differently but, based on the last interaction the 2 had, it seems like she’s not in shock anymore and is just trying to move on and be with her friend. I just don’t think she needs to be as annoyed by it as she is right now. Especially since this isn’t going to be a common occurrence. She’s still gonna make jordan work to earn visitations lol

3 months ago

Sarah’s got to let this beef with Ms Sanchez go. Otherwise its going to affect her mental health.

Reply to  Nodqfan
3 months ago

Well she is agreeing to meet with her and for Jordan to see her outside of class. So there is clearly a degree of letting go even if it is for Jordan’s sake.

3 months ago

Fur? By brother in Christ what? Am I losing my mind I could’ve sworn I saw that. Now I can’t find it. Bruh.

Last edited 3 months ago by Lee Han
Reply to  Lemarkhan
3 months ago

i’m at work on a break so i haven’t re-read it but i will check it out when I’m at home. I’m not aware of anything off hand fur related but I could have some kind of spelling mistake like fur instead of for that was missed.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

I might’ve read to fast. I thought it said Sarah strokes Jordans fur. I think I’m too tired. Was genuinely concerned and confuses.

J -Vader
J -Vader
3 months ago

Wow really nice chapter and Jordan asking and thinking about the big things like the line about what is reasonable and unreasonable things when asked and command and how fast he is accepting these requests I’ll give him credit to being cool and collected agreeing to these certain jobs and maybe a visit with Lisa will give him the answer and knowledge about bonding. Also what did Daniella do to piss Sara so much like she really didn’t do much and was looking out for her best friend who Sara should know well about like with her and Gavin I swear if this is a jealousy issue then Sara your not as mature as you think girl

Reply to  J -Vader
3 months ago

It was the first day of gym class where Sara brought Jordan and Daniela made some slights against Sara and implied she wasn’t doing a good job. A more detailed breakdown is in my reply to CM who had a similar question.

Jordan is still feeling out how this will all go and what being a little really means and how to live as a little.

Well the request is manageable unlike the earlier request which is showing some growth from Sara. I think Jordan also realizes if you have issue with everything then eventually it will just fall on deaf ears kind of like the boy who cried wolf.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 months ago

I mean I guess you have a point but still Danielle is trying to make peace with Sara and admit to her mistake of judgment and words towards her but I think Sara should honestly let it go or at least not hold a grudge for long I can understand since it just happened today but hopefully it doesn’t go longer than that.

Lethal Ledgend
3 months ago

1) when I saw the lockers I though they’d returned to the school for some reason.

2) If Sara’s gonna be this iritated and annoyed every time she agrees to do something soley for him it’s gonna negatively effect them both.

3.1) “Had he given in too easily?” Yes. You gave her almost no conditions of your own and the only condition you gave her she makes a point of half assing.
3.2) “wonder where the line of reason was drawn” where ever Sara decides it is, you have no say in it and it will move without warning or you being informed.
3.3) “Who could he turn to for guidance?” No one, Sara’s made sure of that, anyone you can talk to will side with her, and anyone who wouldn’t you won’t be able to have a private conversation with.

4) Sara keeps toothbrush and paste at her work?

5) those shoes sound like a harder clean than the baseboards Jordan, the baseboards were realistically just a bit dusty but these have caked on dirt.

6) unusually kind if Sara to allow Jordan to forego the uniform (though realistically I doubt the theatre would make little sized uniforms)

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

1) Lockers do generally look similar. So it would be understandable.

2) I think it’s a leap to say every time. As every time wouldn’t necessarily involve people she has an issue.

3) He may have given in to easily but I also think you fall almost radically opposite considering he did agree to this situation in the end. Each request isn’t probably going to be quid pro quo.

3.2) that’s just life though and honestly the situation most kids and teens are in until they move out of their parents home.

3.3)This ones pretty accurate. Not much can say about that. that just the reality of being little. Even the littles in the best of situations like Kelli would still fall into this category.

4) Well its different then her one at home but yeah. They are just in a travel case in her locker.

5) Sara probably has tools for him though. Its not like shes just going to give him a damp rag. I kind of picture a tiny powerwasher

6)Sara could have made him dress into business casual attire or something. I agree that its doubtful the theater itself would have uniforms.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

5) it’d be so messed up if she made him spend his point in tools to make cleaning her stuff easier lol “jordy I’ve added a power washer to your bag of toys, but it costs the same as a visit with daniella” lmao

Reply to  C M
2 months ago

that would be hilarious. As she adds bonus activities so he could get enough points.

But to be fair, shes never made him pay for tools. Even when she was having him clean the baseboards in the kitchen she provided tools.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Lol yeah, I don’t see her being that mean. MAYBE as a joke to tease him, but I’d hope at this point that he is smart enough to see through that stuff

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

That’s because the point system didn’t exist when he was cleaning the baseboards, that’s the task that had me suggest it.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

2) if she’s spending time with her friends I wouldn’t call it “just for him”

3.1) That’s fair, I don’t think I’d be as uncompromising in that situation as I am I the comments but I’d definitely have multiple conditions.
3.2) I reckon most teens are in much better situations than Jordan, Jordan can’t make a request or criticism without worrying that Sara would make threats and/or take offence, overreacting as she turns against him. I think the fact that she sats he deserves “some rights” but never clarifies which one’s is a pretty big indicator of this.
3.3) yeah, despite Ellie telling him “he isn’t alone” he 100% is in wats she or any pure-bred would never undestand

5) powerwasher? I take it back this job wouldn’t just be easier it’d be fun. Maybe he could do Ellie’s shoes too for double points. Lol.

6) isn’t he already in business casual? And my point was more she’s trying to dress up a not having a uniform available in his size, as her kindness.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

2) likely yes, but she has nothing to enjoy with Dani whereas she’d still have a good time if she was doing something for him with her friends.

3.1) it’s not like I’d be asking for anything unreasonable (then again Sara’s definition of “unreasonable” is anytime a little isn’t doing what she wants)
3.2) I’m not referring to that at all, I don’t think she’d hate Jordan, but like when he asked how much he’d be getting paid, she has a bad habit of overreacting when Jordan voices his desires, she threatened to make things much worse because he wanted them slightly better, every time Jordan’s gotten his way Sara’s retaliated in someway, or extracted payment from him. Kindness from Sara always comes with a price after all.
3.3) yeah, “any purebred” was too far, but none in the group. Any member he tried to voice issues with woukd probably pull the old “You’re so lucky to have her” nonsense hyping Sara up yo him, trying to guilt trip him into accepting what ever he’s talking about. The only people he could talk to about it wouldn’t hold any power to help him, like other littles or his friends. And Worse case scenario something he talks about makes its way back to Sara and she’d retaliate for “airing out their dirty laundry”.

5) Have you ever used a powerwasher? Those things are fucking fun!!

6) oh well, pardon this humble farm boy, I’m not being entirely up to date on the happenings of fashion like these big city rich girls. 🤠😜😂

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