Smallara Episode 503: A Giantess Story

Smallara 503

Ellie and Sara strolled down the dimly-lit corridors, their footsteps echoing against the concrete walls. The sounds of laughter and chatter from the moviegoers faded into the distance as they made their way towards the lobby. Jordan clung to Sara’s arm, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the throngs of people. Together, they pushed open the heavy door and entered a brightly lit hallway that led towards the theater. Posters for upcoming films lined the walls, their vibrant colors catching the eye. The smell of freshly popped popcorn filled the air, tempting even those who had just finished watching a movie.

The air was filled with the pleasant murmur of Ellie and Sara’s conversation as they strolled through the bustling crowd. Jordan’s eyes were drawn to a giant family trundling past them, their noisy chatter drowning out all other sounds. Suddenly, two young children, around 8 or 9 years old, spotted him atop Sara’s shoulder and eagerly pointed in his direction. A shiver ran down Jordan’s spine at the thought of being in the sticky hands of either of those boisterous kids. The image of their grubby fingers grabbing at him was enough to make him cringe in fear.

Jordan clutched Sara’s hair subconsciously a bit tighter as she walked down the hallway with Ellie. It was daunting to Jordan seeing so many giant people everywhere. It was another stark to reminder that Sara wasn’t very tall. While some of her friends were taller than her it was easy in a vacuum to kind of push that thought aside when she seems like hundreds of feet/meters tall. Now though seeing all these giants in close proximity across many age groups was a new experience for Jordan. Normally he encountered people just around Sara’s age. However, this time was old and young people alike all mashed together.

As they entered the movie theater lobby, Jordan couldn’t believe his eyes. Giant tubs of buttery popcorn, easily bigger than he was, were being held by children whose hands could barely wrap around them. Sodas which would tower above his head, carried effortlessly in their arms like oversized teddy bears. The scent of freshly popped corn and sugary treats filled the air, accompanied by the excited chatter of kids bustling about with boxes of candy that seemed to stretch up to Jordan’s own height. It was a sight to behold as they made their way further into the lobby, surrounded by a sea of enthusiastic movie-goers.

A sleek, modern counter stretched in a half circle before them, its smooth surface adorned with computerized registers. Each one proudly displayed the recognizable generitech logo, a symbol of innovation and efficiency. Behind the counter, a young woman in her mid-twenties flashed a warm smile towards Sara and Ellie as she completed her shift on one of the registers.

“Its been crazy today. Everyone wants to go to the movies today.” Jordan heard her say. As she turned back around after logging out on the register her eyes fell upon Jordan. “Oh my gosh who is this? He is so adorable Sara.”

Jordan watched the woman take a few steps towards Sara before slightly crouching down to look at Jordan. The badge around her neck said Michelle. Her brown hair danced Infront of her face sashaying from side to side as slightly masking her matching brown eyes.

“This is my underbred Jordy. “ Sara said before clearing her throat. Jordan immediately leapt into action wanting to avoid Sara glaring at him. He knew her expectation was that he would introduce and greet the giant.

“Hello, It’s a pleasure to meet you ma’am. My name is Jordy Reeves. I’m Sara’s little.” Jordan before sitting back down on Sara’s shoulder.

“Ohhhh he that’s the most precious thing ever. He can introduce himself too. Hi little guy my name is Michelle. I work the shift right before Sara.” Michelle said as Jordan nodded. “Can I touch him? I’ve never been this close to one.” Michelle asked nervously.

“Oh Jordy, is still adapting to social situations. Maybe once he is more comfortable with everything.” Sara said patting Jordan on the head. He felt his face redden a bit but he was thankful Sara didn’t allow this giant to touch or pet him. While she seemed nice enough he didn’t like the idea of feeling like some kind of animal in a petting zoo. It was embarrassing. Even if the reality was that he was Sara’s pet.

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2 months ago

Chapter 8: Battle Plan

Roni was able to keep her emotions in check, but internally, she was ecstatic. She felt a little guilty about having to emotionally manipulate her dad and pointing out that Joey was going to lose his spot at the top of the class after working so hard, but she knew it was for the greater good.

Taking a deep breath, Roni looked at her father, maintaining a serious expression as she began to speak. “Well… Joey’s parents are essentially abusing him as far as the law is concerned. They’ve been negligent by kicking him out onto the street, they aren’t providing for him even though he’s still a minor, and they’ve said some pretty psychologically damaging things to him.” Roni paused, looking over at Joey, who grimaced to confirm the last piece of her statement. “On top of that, according to Generitech, California added stipulations a few months ago to their civil rights laws and the Safe Harbor Act called the ‘Limbo Statute’ with extra coverage for those vulnerable to Smallara to ensure acts of violence and discrimination can’t be taken out on them before they… well… inevitably catch Smallara.”

Mr. Hale interjected, “Did you say the ‘Limbo Statute’? What kind of name is that for a law?”

“Jeff… it’s short for Limbowski,” replied Mrs. Hale, much to everyone’s surprise. She usually didn’t focus on news beyond the headlines.

“Limbowski?” asked Mr. Hale, curious about the statute and the name.

“Greg Limbowski,” Joey grimly replied. “He was beaten by a few classmates just because he was an underbred. He was taken to Mercy General and stayed there overnight, but they didn’t have any vaccine they could spare. Before they could help him, he caught Smallara and shrank… they couldn’t get him to a Generitech facility in time or set him up on any of their devices for littles due to the surge at the time and… well…” Joey shuddered, unable to finish. He remembered the photos of the poor kid, beaten horribly just for being an underbred, and it made his skin crawl.

“Okay, so it’s a protective act,” Mr. Hale stepped in, getting the gist of the idea. “So how does that make Joey’s parents give up custody?”

“If we offer not to press charges for abuse of a minor and an underbred, they might be willing to sign over parental rights to you and Mom,” Roni said, hoping her parents would agree. She knew it was a bit of a Hail Mary, but it was all she could think of right now.

Mr. Hale stroked his beard, considering her plan, while Mrs. Hale played with her hair. Joey understood the bigger picture. While the idea might seem far-fetched given his parents’ legal resources, it wasn’t as bad as it sounded. Abusing someone susceptible to Smallara was a big deal in California after what happened to Limbowski. If word got out that a prominent family like the Calhouns were even accused of this, especially to their own son, it would cause them more public humiliation than Joey’s status as an underbred.

“I think it’s a good idea, Roni,” Joey said after a moment of silence.

Mr. Hale looked from Roni to Joey. “Do you really think your parents would even consider it? They have a large legal team on retainer, and they have a lot more wealth than we do. I just don’t think we’d be able to afford a legal battle over an underbred,” Mr. Hale explained.

Joey’s expression cracked a little at being referred to as an underbred, but he maintained his composure. “Yes, sir. Especially since Generitech would be interested if they knew. My parents and their company are well-established, but Generitech is a completely different beast. They care about protecting their future products. If word got to them about this, they wouldn’t be happy about my mistreatment, full-sized or otherwise. After all, I’ll be their legal responsibility at some point.”

Mr. Hale glanced at Roni and then back at his wife, both of whom were deep in thought. He drummed his fingers on the tabletop, trying to piece together all the information. Part of him wanted nothing to do with this, knowing that challenging the Calhouns could be dangerous for his career and his family’s social status. They might have to leave Sacramento or even the state if this went south. However, another part of Mr. Hale wanted to help Joey. Despite his thoughts on underbreds, Joey was, for lack of a better term, the son he never had. He and Roni had been inseparable since they were eight years old, and Joey’s parents were notoriously cold. It hurt him to think that the boy he felt he helped raise would disappear because of a genetic defect. What really stung was the idea of Joey potentially becoming like his sister and getting that awful Peermatech chip implanted. Mr. Hale internally kicked himself for letting that happen and not being more involved when she was diagnosed, having thought it was just how underbreds were after they shrank, only to just learn that a piece of technology was the cause of his grief and resentment.

Joey and Roni looked from Mr. Hale to Mrs. Hale. She had been relatively silent but, upon a closer look, it was clear she was mostly sold on the idea. Having been raised in an abusive home, Roni knew it wouldn’t take much. Additionally, Mrs. Hale was in a similar position as her husband. She loved Joey and considered him her child. Losing someone she was close to would tear her apart inside, especially if she knew there was a way to prevent it from happening.

Before anyone could speak, Joey added one more piece of information. “Mr. Hale… My parents are incredibly vain. If they thought this would get out to the public, they wouldn’t be able to take the embarrassment and the disruption to their social status.”

Before Mr. Hale could respond, Sandi came barging into the dining room with Ciara in tow. “Mooom, Ciara won’t stop bugging me about the pie. Can we eat now?” she whined.

“Yeah, mommy, please? I even picked up my toys from the living room!” Ciara begged.

“Hey, Sandi and CiCi, I’ll help with that,” Joey said immediately, standing up from the table. “If it’s okay with you, Mrs. Hale?” he asked as he made his way to the kitchen with the two girls behind him.

“Oh, uh, yeah, that’s fine. Nothing too big for Ciara though, Joey. She’ll be up all night with too much sugar.”

“Sure thing, Mrs. Hale. Come on, you two, if it’s from the store in Old Sac I’m thinking, it’ll be really good pie,” Joey said with a smile, glancing back at the three Hales sitting at the table, knowing they’d be coming to a decision shortly.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Thank you. I’m enjoying writing this a lot. Struggling with my time frame in terms of when joey actually catches smallara and trying to figure out how many characters to manage in the story. Gives me a greater appreciation for all the work you do on these series

2 months ago

To be honest if I were Jordan I too would be terrified. Imagine being on the should of someone who you already consider terrifyingly huge only look around and realize that this giant is tiny compared to all the others. Kind of like the BFG in a way.

Reply to  Lemarkhan
2 months ago

Agreed. Doesn’t help that he hates heights too lol

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

Oh yeah I forgot about that damn talk about unlucky

J -Vader
J -Vader
2 months ago

I’m surprise Jordan isn’t having an anxiety attack right now seeing all this huge people and things and stuff all around him at the same time like that would probably be me if u was in his position because it’s cool seeing huge and overwhelming things but there is a thing of to much of spectacle but at least he is handle it well enough and good on Sara for not letting Jordan get touched by people so he doesn’t feel like a zoo pet and just get touched by strangers

Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

1) Those young kids would scare Jordan. Each one a proto-Dayton.

2) Jordan introducing himself to Michelle was cute, but why was she surprised when he was able to greet her? It’s not like Smallara renders them mute.

3.1) I’m kinda disappointed that Michelle asked Sara instead of Jordan if she could touch Jordan.
3.2) I’m pleasantly surprised Sara protected Jordan from being touched by her, this is the same girl who was handing him to people as he was saying “no” previously.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

1) yeah I think Jordan seeing any young child after Dayton will give him nightmares sadly plus kids would need to understand that they have to be careful with any little and not just grab and squeeze them like they are invincible.

2) yeah I don’t get how most people assume that any little can’t talk normal to them and know how to greet people like had the government been teaching people that little are like any mindless animal that doesn’t know how to speak and talk properly like wtf

3) again I don’t get how people just instantly ignore the boundaries of a little like it’s asking a owner with a dog like a dog would not care if you touch them but we’re dealing with a little who have similar emotions to a person and would probably have issues with just randomly touching them with or without consent like how does no one else see that.

3) yeah glad Sara is doing right by not letting people just suddenly poke at Jordan like any other animal or toy which he isn’t either in all honesty and is I hope learning from her mistakes especially after the Dayton incident.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

1) I’ve got a toddler niece, and I’ve seen her hold and pat their families pet mouse, so I know young kids can be taught gentleness, but from Jordan’s perspective I can see why he’d assume they all haven’t.

2) yeah, it’s bloody weird. We know Genritech explicitly teaches that littles can still think and talk so it’s odd most people don’t know.

3.1) Dogs are a good comparison, i was thinking more like babies. It’s definitely a sign of the people lowering their opinions of littles where the only consent that matters is the humans around the littles.
3.2) it was a nice change for her. I do think the backyard escape has scared some sense into her, where she’s realised just because Jordan’s not reacting immediately every time doesn’t mean he’s letting things go, and that her actions do have consequences. Though other she acts like she’s learned nothing at all from it.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

1) yeah that’s fair (also cool you have a niece) it would be nice to see the stats and report about children being around littles and if it’s any danger like a dog being around a baby because you to train and teach them to be careful.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

1) lol proto-dayton.

2) Well when you get into middle class and lower class society actually seeing a little up close and able to interact with them is still a bit novel. As your basically looking at 50 to 100 thousand dollar pet when its all said and done. So its not something everyone has access too. As time goes on people get more used to seeing them but actually interacting, touching, or holding a little something that is out reach for the average citizen for quite some time.

Since he’s Sara’s little she just defaulted to asking Sara permission.

3.1) It’s something jordan would need to get used to. As even if Jordan had said yes, if sara says no, the answer is still no. So it would make sense to ask Sara first on some level.

3.2) She does have the capacity to grow. Shes also learning more what Jordan likes and doesn’t like.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

2) I understand that but is their ability to speak seriously not common knowledge? Are there not littles in the news or on social media posts talking?

So Littles are rare and understanding about then us limited, but she still knew to ask Sara first?

3.1) That’s probably true like when Emily asked to hold him, he wanted her to but Sara intimidated him out of it. But I think te bigger issue is when Jordan says no and Sara decides yes against his will.
3.2) I know she knows what he does and doesn’t like, she’s just not cared previously. Though I do hope she keeps growing.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

2) ok, I assumed little would be getting interviewed, especially when the outbreak was new (to the public) in 2015.

And I figured littles on social media would be like the kids in family vlogs in which they’d talk often.

I can understand that the government is trying to ingrain their beliefs as much as possible in the education system and such, and it’s fascinating that youve gone into that, i appreciate the detals, I get the metaphore, but I’m not talking about opinions on littles, I’m talking about capacity, not knowing a little can talk sound as ridiculous to me as not knowing a dog can bark, or a bird can fly.

3.1) I know, I understand, and you’re right I don’t like it. But the difference is kids can grow out of this treatment, Jordan can’t, and as time goes on people are more and more permissive with their kids, more willing to listen to then and let the kid make decisions unlike Sara with Jordan
3.2) I agree, and it warms my heart that we see it here. I didn’t notice her being more mature in Sunday funday, perhaps I’ll reread it, but it also might be because it was just a snippet of her life. I agree we’ll never see eye to eye on this but I am trying (with limited success do far) to be more open to her perspective.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

2) Well they do know they can talk but she was asking Sara permission. If Sara had agreed Michelle in this case but really any person may or may not ask the little depending on the person and there beliefs.

3) Sara could allow for more autonomy in Jordan as time goes on. We really dont know what they would be like 10 years from now and what kind of person Sara would be. I Know for myself atlesat me at 15 and me at 25 were not the same person.

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