“Earth to Sara,” Ellie said, waving her hand in front of Sara’s face. Sara smiled as she turned towards Ellie, who was playfully shoving her.
“Sorry, I was daydreaming,” Sara admitted, her mind still tangled with her thoughts and failures. She gave Jordan a few gentle pets to ease her mind before opening the car door.
“Are we actually meeting Ms. Sanchez? I mean on a school night even?” Ellie asked.
“I promised Jordy. I can’t break that promise to him. He would be crushed.” Sara said, defending the choice.
“I suppose you’re right,” Ellie said, buckling her seatbelt before extending her hand to take Jordan as Sara drove.
“Ms. Sanchez isn’t as bad as you make her out to be. But I understand why we don’t like her. She was out of line basically saying you weren’t fit to care for Jordan and you should just give him up.” Ellie said.
“I’m trying to let bygones be bygones. I mean get some of what she’s going through. Gavin was one of my best friends and then he ended up with Mallory. But I also wasn’t going around telling Mallory she is unfit to care for Gavin.” Sara said with a huff.
“She may not have meant it like that. She’s a nice person Sara.” Jordan said, trying to defend his friend.
“I get it, Jordy. She is your bestie or whatever. I’m not here to try to stand in your way. I can pretend to be nice for your sake. I’m not going to blow up your friendship. Since she isn’t guardian trained, you just need supervised visits.” Sara added.
“Dayton isn’t guardian-trained either,” Jodan said.
“I was supervising the first time, and the second time, I gave you the option, and you chose to go with her. Not to mention, you didn’t tell me she was blackmailing you. I had to find out from Nicole and the recording on my phone. I’m not saying I didn’t error in judgment of you, but I’m also saying you have some personal responsibility to accept that. Based on our history of events, I’ve learned a few things and want to do better. So now we are to a more direct supervision system.” sara said.
“So what I hear is Dayton has ruined another aspect of my life,” Jordan said with a huff.
“You just need to give her a second chance like I am with Ms. Sanchez. She has the opportunity to win me over at this meetup. I’m trying to accept that Ms. Sanchez is part of your life just like you need to try to accept Dayton is in mine. I’ve known her since she was a baby. But we can do it when you’re ready. I am setting up things to occupy you when i have to babysit Dayton throughout the rest of year. Visits with Chloe, Visits with Ellie. Mal even volunteered to pick up a few days. Chloe has people around her who are fully little trained, and she’s basically little trained herself. She just doesn’t want to admit it.”
“I’m telling you that ship has sailed. She’s never going admit that.” Ellie said.
“Not with that attitude. She won’t. Trust me, though. She loves me, right?”
“yeah, she does. I’ve told you that. She’s in love with you.” Ellie said.
“I know I believe you and her. What I’m saying is Jordy is a part of my life. Shes going to be immersed in Jordy time to where he she will just eventually admit it.
I hope sarah doesn’t insist on holding jordan while they hang out, cause she’ll just keep him doped out of his mind with her petting and not actually let him interact with Daniella.
Also, there’s a difference Dayton and the rest of sarahs friends. Dayton has very questionable ethics and morals when it comes to littles, while sarahs friends mostly seem to not look down on littles. Reason I bring that up is cause Jordan’s given everyone a chance and had positive experiences with them, while both interaction with Dayton were negative. Hell he’s even giving Maisy another chance for sarahs sake. If jordan ever gives Dayton another shot, sarah has got to be within 5 feet of her at all times and correcting every small action cause she’s just that much of a brat. I guarantee that Daniella puts in way more effort to befriend sarah and follow her rules and even wins over ellie before sarah stops being stubborn and let’s go of what happened the first day
I mean in a way I could see her doing it but not maliciously. Just Jordan is her service little so meeting his friends would be stressful for her. So she could start petting him without thinking.
But she also sees daniela daily so it could just be more annoying for her then stressful.
They were negative but I also think Jordan did contribute to making the 2nd one worse. She was larger then him and blackmailing him but he still went along with it. As an adult he kinda should have known better. As even blackmailing there is only so much Dayton could do. She wasn’t going to kill him or anything. SHes not a murder. At most it might be a little degrading.
Im in a similar camp to lethal in that the 2md one was made worse by how sarah handled the 1st. Especially since Jordan doesn’t know Dayton wouldn’t hurt him. She was really rough their first meeting based on what I reread, and sarah wasn’t really that receptive and took Daytons side before even hearing jordan out. I usually would stop complaint to people about my issues if I thought it wouldn’t get resolved, so I kinda think that 1st moments was that bad for Jordan that he probably didn’t think sarah would do anything.
I also think Dayton currently is way worse than just degradation. She’s picking on a being that can’t defend himself and abusing her position of size over him to intimate him. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did more drastic things to him in order to get him to break. Personally I think she’s a potential little abuser
Dayton as character rides a line that is prevalent even in reality. In that shes not physically harming Jordan. She’s not doing anything that is actually wrong. Morally yes but in a black and white this is wrong and this is right most of her actions fall into realm of mental or emotional abuse.
Which isn’t really punished in modern society.
I also think Dayton because she considers them pets. Expects a level of obedience that I think a person who is infected with Smallara would be put off to give.
Where a smallborn for instance may not be as bothered and She would probably be what we would view as Morally just towards a smallborn as there would be less resistance to just being obedient.
As they wouldn’t be dealing with trauma of losing status or their humanity.
So while Dayton can easily be viewed as a villain. I personally think she does things that Morally doesn’t sit well with a person because the reader naturally has a level of natural sympathy towards Jordan and people like him. So it creates a situation where when something morally wrong or injust happens to him. You want to fight for him as this isn’t fair.
Where if the same moral situations were applied between two people who are not infected with Smallara a person wouldn’t have same emotional connection to cause a person to fight for that injustice.
still, even in real life treating a pet like that falls under abuse at some point. It can negatively impact animal behavior and cause aggression and anxiety issues. If i were to replace Jordan with a dog, i’d be just as upset with how dayton treats it, assuming she acted the same way with the dog. She would probably do things she thinks would correct the dogs behavior but it’d just make them worse too
Not to say I don’t have a bias like you said, cause I do, definitely sympathetic to Jordan, but I wouldn’t expect the average person to treat a smallborn like that. So far it’s been people that either think they’re above other humans in social standing, like Maisy, or just morally conflicted people like Madison. People like Sydney and Nicole have seemingly treated the littles better. Even Nicole thought Dayton was a bit over the top to the point of telling Sara what was going on (I might be misremembering when she initally texted sara though, could have happened when jordan ran away) My opinions of Dayton may change as her story unfolds and I see more evidence of her struggling with what’s right and wrong, but until that happens, I see her as a threat to littles, personally
Jordan with the clap back is perfect. I think however that with Daytons history there should be more of a say from Jordan, after all MS. Sanchez is safe to both Jordan and Sarah however, Dayton is a legitimate threat and even gave Jordan PTSD. There shouldn’t be a second chance. Compromises should be fair otherwise they aren’t compromises. Glad to see Jordan willing to give a solid responses and have his own opinions. Sometimes we have to remember that Jordan has way more life experience than Sarah. He’s like 23 and she’s 15? He’s already been through it all. Correct me on the ages if I’m wrong. But Sarah needs to listen to him more. He seems to be wise and aware.
I think Jordan is 24 and Kelli is 21. Sarah and her friends I think are all 16. And yeah, the only way Dayton should be allowed near Jordan is if sarahs literally right there next to her at all times. And since that’d hurt Daytons feeling cause it’s saying sarah doesn’t trust her, it’s not gonna happen. She isn’t even going to let her be an option unless all other options are exhausted if she passes her guardian classes in the future lol Dayton is bad for Littles the way she currently is
Jordan’s age hasn’t been confirmed, I guessed 24 because Dayton is “half Jordan’s age” which would maje him around 24.
Sara is only 15, thus is why she needs Jordan to “supervise” her driving, though she’s 16 in the Dayton story.
Kelli mentioned being 22.
And they only way Dayton should be permitted around Jordan is if she’s wearing enough of these…
Oh I thought sarah was 16 but with learners permit. 15 in the states I don’t think can drive regardless of adult supervision
Edit: nvm. Lol Google corrected me
Jordan does have alot more life expierence but its a weird juxtaposition as Sara’s is his guardian so she ahs a level of control over him and what happens.
While i do think Daniela’s concern was valid. I can also see why Sara would be upset over it as she would be the offended party. Which even if Daniela’s actions were with the best of intentions which it seems like they were. It doesn’t mean those actions cannot hurt the feelings or offend the other party.
Which seems to be what happened. So I can see why Sara wouldn’t be bending over backwards for this but she does seem to acknowledge of the friends she knows of Daniela is probably the best.
1) “I promised Jordy. I can’t break that promise” that’s never stopped you before.
2) I’m glad Jordan defended his friend in this one.
3.1) Sara’s already pressuring Jordan to forgive Dayton.
3.2) How long flhas Sara been babysitting Dayton for?
4) Chloe’s little trained? I thought she was immune.
5) “Not to mention, you didn’t tell me she was blackmailing you. I had to find out from Nicole and the recording on my phone” Sara, can you say with certainty that you would have believed Jordan over Dayton without the recording or Nicole? Because I don’t think you would have, you don’t have a good history with listening to him.
5.2) “I’m not saying I didn’t error in judgment of you, but I’m also saying you have some personal responsibility to accept” That’s the closest she’s come to accepting responsibility.
6) “Sara said making her thoughts and failures.” Making her thoughts and failures what? I think there’s a bit missing from this sentence I don’t know what you meant.
7) I’m glad Sara has actually taken what Chloe said to heart, and is acknowledging the similarities between her and Dani, regarding Havin and Jordan respectively.
7. I agree. That being said, The thing about what Daniella did the first day compared to what sarah didn’t do to Mallory is that sarah didn’t see some random kid holding her best friend. If sarah saw gavin in Emily’s care, for instance, she’d have freaked out
Very true, Mal earned Sara’s trust, also Gavin was already in a relationship with Mal so him being with her made sense.
Dani o the other hand has no reason to trust Sara and would logically, only feel worry and concern for Jordan in her care.
Plus, unless I’m misremembering, Daniella apologized at the pool. And Jordan would have heard if sarah wasn’t doping him lol for lack of a better term. I’m guessing the petting is a anxious habit, so I won’t be too critical of that for now, unless at the coffee shop she doesn’t let Jordan sit on the table on his own
That is true, but also, that was not the way to approach someone you were going to have to work with if you want any opportunity to ever see your friend again.
Sara had reservations but also knew enough not to speak on them. She kept them quiet and only vented to a few close friends. She didn’t just blast Mallory.
I can see why she acted like she did though, Sara introduced Jordan as “Her underbred” Dani was the first character to actually confirm that Underbreds is a slur, hearing a little described like that she was all ready correcting Sara, than to realuse it was her friend described like that after not even knowing he was vulnerable would certainly have caught her off guard, I agree it was rude but the reaction seemed like a mistake anyone would make.
Sara on the other hand learned about Gavin over text and had time stop and gather her thoughts before she reacted. Which is why she handled it better.
Although Sara wouldn’t be some random kid. Daniela already know Sara. she was her teacher. It’s not like it was also the first day of school or something.
Random may be a bit much. But i do get its not like she was friends with Sara before hand and seeing one of your students with your best friend would be unnerving.
1) This is one of those situations where Sara was never going to win ith you. As if she hand’t kept the promise you would have blasted her for breaking yet another promise.
However, in this case she was upholding her word and blasted for attempting to do the right thing. So its kind of like shes in a catch 22.
3.1) I don’t know if i’d call that pressuring more then just stating that sometimes you need to be the bigger person. no pun intended.
3.2) Years at this point since she could babysit like 11 or so. Plus there parents are friends so there are times Dayton would just be at Sara’s house or when Sara was younger she would just be at Dayton’s house. So there were times she would just be watching Dayton because she older and proximity.
4)Technically she would be everything trained because of her job. She does work part time at generitech as an executive.
5) Hard to say as it didn’t happen and Sara wasn’t given the opportunity to do the right thing. So it will forever be clouded in mystery as a what if that cannot be answered.
As you could also say she woudln’t have given him the choice if she didn’t mean for him to stay with her. even if he didn’t want to out the blackmailing right then and there. He could have chose to go with Sara instead of Dayton.
5.2) Jordan may have to accept that as her I’m sorry.
6) Its fixed I’m not sure how I was trying originally frame it as I’m not in that headspace anymore. But the fixed version maintains the intent.
7) Thats about as close to Sara praise as you get. /s but yeah Chloe and Ellie are important to her. So she takes what they say to heart when they say something.
0) sorry for late reply, work was a cluster fuck
1) I’d say the only way Sara could win is, If she gets to a point where she’s keeping more promises than she’s broken, and she makes it up to him for each broken word. But I can’t see her doing that.
And technically I was criticising her talking about breaking promises like it’s something she wouldn’t do. Not for upholding her word.
3.1) funny how “being the bigger person” falls on the little guy 99% of the time.
3.2) Sara was 11. That is too fucking funny, Dayton still needs a babysitter, but is older now that Sara was when she started babysitting Dayton.
4) I meant shouldn’t it be guardian trained? Like how woukd one even little train a human? That would be a fun political statement from her, lol.
5.1) That’s true, but based on previous opportunities to do the right thing, I’m still gonna assume she wouldn’t have.
I do think if he chose to go with Sara she would have taken him, but as per Dayton’s threat, if he’d chosen to go with Sara that’s when the lies and false accusations would be made.
5.2) he would accept that as am apology too. But I agree I can’t see Sara going further in terms of making it right.
6) thanks, my best guess was “masking her thoughts and failures.” but that still felt wrong.
7) That’s good, Chloe can be a giid influence in Sara’s life, and who knows, maybe Jordan will one day be important enough to her for her to listen to him
0) I’ve had those days myself more then a few times lately.
3.1)Just like real life.
3.2) Well sara also tutors Dayton and helps her with her homework and such. Plus Mrs. Harris rule is Dayton has to be 13 before she can stay home alone. Tiffany allowed Sara to b home alone and babysit much younger.
Sara is probably naturally a bit more mature then Dayton is.
4) Oh i see what you mean. Yeahit should.
5.1) it really comes down to i guess if you believe Sara would be believe Dayton’s lies.
7) I wouldn’t say she wouldn’t listen to him. But Chloe hasn’t been in that many situations where she was with Jordan alone where she would be talking with him independently. I wouldn’t say she has avoided them but they haven’t arose yet. I’m sure at some point it will happen.
3.1) i was referring to real life, lol.
5.1) I do, she’s known Dayton for much longer and definitely trusted her more than Jordan before yesterday.
7) I meant Sara listening to Jordan like she dies Chloe, I was being a bit cheeky with how often she ignores what he says.