Smallara Episode 508: A Giantess Story

Smallara 508

As Sara and Ellie made their way into the coffee shop, the fading sunlight gave way to the artificial glow of New York’s bustling city lights. The stars were barely visible in the sky, hidden by the urban landscape. With a shared laugh, Ellie and Sara entered the cozy cafe. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries greeted them as they approached the counter. Sara clutched her Jordan tightly in her hand, the two teens drawing curious looks from passersby.

With a gentle push, Ellie swung the heavy glass door open and stepped inside, Sara close behind her. They both scanned the crowded room, searching for their teacher among the sea of faces. Sara’s eyes rolled with annoyance as she finally spotted their instructor across the way. It didn’t take long for Ellie to locate her too, excitedly pointing her out to Sara with a small wave.

“Hi Ms. Sanchez.” Ellie said sitting down at the high rise table followed by Sara who lowered her hand so that Jordan could get step off her hand. 

“Thanks for agreeing to meet me here. I know this must be awkward for you both. I just want to keep Jordan I mean Jordy in my life. He’s a dear friend.” Ms. Sanchez shared.  

“We get it. Our friend Gavin caught Smallara but we still try to maintain the friendship. It’s more difficult obviously but the effort is worth it when you care.”  Sara said as Jordan looked nervously at Daniela. He wasn’t sure what to say or do as it felt so different now that she loomed so large standing over him.  

“Can I hold him? Just for a minute? If that’s okay.” Daniela asked looking at Jordan and then at Sara.  

“Sure, if Jordy is okay with it.” Sara said as Jordan took several steps towards Daniela.  

“You have to put your hand flat on the table. He’ll climb onto it. I taught him to understand that action meant to come and climb on.” Sara said instructing her teacher. “When he climbs on it will feel similar to a bug or insect climbing on your skin. It’s a bit irritating to your skin. So, you have to fight the urge to slap or swish him away.” Sara added a tone that showed her concern for his safety. 

“Wait what? I feel like a bug to you?” Jordan said.  

“Well not just you specifically but all underbreds kind of feel that way.” Ellie clarified as Jordan stepped onto Daniela’s hand. She didn’t want to admit it openly, but her students were right. As he walked across her hand it did feel similar to a mosquito or bug.  

“Now just lift up slowly. Whatever you think is slow you should do it slower. It will feel fast to Jordy.” Sara added as both her and Ellie watched Daniela’s face light up a bit in excitement as she lifted him up under her own power.  

“Jord…dee” Daniela said catching herself. “You have no idea how worried we were. Emily called me when she couldn’t get ahold you or find you at home after the big outbreak. Neither of us knew you were vulnerable. You should have said something. I know you didn’t believe but we could have made precautions. I’m just glad it worked out that you got into a…good home.” Daniela said looking over at Sara with smile.  

“Sara I am sorry, once again. I just was so worried about him and started speaking before I thought how that would make you feel. I’m happy he’s in a good situation and not in one of those horror houses you hear about where the guardian practically keeps the little as a slave.  

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2 months ago

Daniella handling it like a champ lol Sara hopefully loosens up and sees she’s genuine.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

That’s true. I guess my relationship with teachers was a little different since some of them I actually hung out due to sports so I never really had that awkwardness lol to me they were just coaches that I could shoot the shit with from time to time

Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

1) Dani asking Sara if she can hold Jordan first is a little disappointing.

2) wait, I thought Emily knew Jordan was vulnerable, that’s why she checked on him after.

3) Sara sympathising with Dani was a nice surprise.

4) Dami liking the power she held over Jordan was fun to see.

5) “I just was so worried about him and started speaking before I thought how that would make you feel” I’m glad she apologised, i do get why she reacted like that though, Sara had called her little a slur (underbred) and Dani was already correcting her for it, then she was blind-sided by Jordan being the one that slur was directed at.

6) what time would it be for them now?

7) and even Dani praises Sara.

8) I get why Jordan wouldn’t like his feeling being compared to a bug

9) still bugs me that she’s forcing even his friends to call him by his nickname, even though it’s clearly not what they called him prior.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

2) gotta play the game lol probably considered asking jordan first but opted not to as she’s trying to win sara over.

5) now we see if Sara can accept an apology from a mature person lol

9) power move. I wonder if she’d do use his name if it was just ellie

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

1) yeah, I guess.

5) we’ll see.

9) indeed, now I’m curious too.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1) not sure how getting Jordan’s consent first counts as alienating Sara, but if that’s what she’s avoiding it makes sense to do so.

2) Danielle said neither knew.

3) That’s a nice change of pace for her.

5) yeah, but it is still a slur term, I’m imagining that it wouldn’t be said in say a TV series with lower than an M rating for instance.

6) and the sun’s only just setting now?

7) But Dani has a genuine reason for concern when it comes to Sara.

8) it would be easy to understand.

9) it’s a cunt move is what it is, his one condition gets smaller and smaller.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1) true enough.

6) oh damn, and I thought 8pm during daylight savings was late

7) That’s makes sense, plus schmooze Sara’s ego wouldn’t hurt.

9) technically that’s true, because Jordan is choosing not yo push the issue.

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