Smallara Episode 509: A Giantess Story

Smallara 509

“Don’t worry about it, Ms. Sanchez! We’re all just looking out for Jordy. We want him to be safe and happy. I totally get it—my friends mean the world to me, and I’d do anything for them, just like you are for him.” Sara said still reluctant to forgive completely. However, she also knew it wasn’t worth holding a grudge over.

Jordan looked back at Sara and Ellie before his gaze returned to Daniela. This felt like a odd combination of worlds colliding. While he knew he was still very much Sara’s. Being near one of his friends again in an environment like this was something he never thought would actually happen.

“So how did you and Jordy meet?” Ellie asked

“ I got to run to the bathroom quick. I’ll be right back.” Sara said, excusing herself briefly from the table. As Ellie nodded to ensure Sara she would watch Jordan and looked back at her teacher.

“We met in college we had some classes together and were at some similar parties. You know the usual. It’s not some kind of spectacular tale of intrigue. We just kept bumping into each other so Jordan and I.”

“Jordy,” Ellie corrected.

“Right sorry, Jordy and I got to talking and hit it off. He was already friends with Emily or Mrs. Brooks as you know her.” Daniela said.

“Then maybe this won’t be so hard. Look, if you want Jordan in your life. You would do well to separate yourself from Ms. Brooks. I’m just saying, I was recently best friends with Caitlyn. Sara and Caitlyn had a fallout. I was best friends with both, but sometimes Ms. Sanchez, for the greater good you have to do what’s right to keep one of the most important people to you in your life.” Ellie said

“I don’t understand what does she have to do with this?” Daniela asked.

“Sara and I are basically blood. When we were younger we both cut our hands and swore our sisterhood to each other. It was as Ms. Brooks taught us, a symbolic gesture. Sara doesn’t know I’m telling you this. But there is no way she’s going to let you continue seeing him if you’re hanging around Ms. Brooks. She does not like Sara and the feeling is quite mutual. Sara is very protective of Jordy.” Ellie said.

“I can verify that they don’t like each other from what I’ve seen and having spent time with both women I can say the feeling is probably mutual on both ends. Granted I know Emily better than Sara.” Jordan said from Daniela’s hand. “I dont know if Sara would ban you from seeing me though.

“You can be friends with who you want. I’m just giving you a friendly heads up as someone who knows Sara well. There was a time not long ago she would have been let it go. But I don’t think she is going to forgive and forget this one.” Ellie said before looking over and seeing Sara walking back towards the table.

“Hey sorry about that. Why are you all so quiet. I thought you’d be chatting up a storm with Jordy.” Sara said getting herself comfortable in the chair.

“Oh well it’s come to my attention from Ellie here that my friendship with Ms. Brooks could cause problems in my ability to see Jordy.” Ms. Sanchez said bluntly as Ellie stared at her briefly miffed before hiding her anger on being outed.

“I wasn’t going to say anything. But, since it’s all on the table as they say. Screw it. Let’s go there. She’s petty, manipulative, hot headed, and unwilling to care about anyones situation or circumstances beyond on her own. She’s not allowed around Jordy outside of required obligations such as class.” Sara said crossing her arms.

Jordan knew that Sara and Emily wouldn’t be able to coexist. They are to much alike and both stubborn in the same ways. Having thought about this alot Jordan remembered a conversation he had with Emily complaining about a student who was going through a hard time supposedly so while her peers were bending over backwards to accommodate her she had stuck to her class syllabus as to requirements and due dates for the class. While at the time Jordan had told her that seemed harsh especially depending on what transpired he wasn’t about to tell someone else how to do their job. He just never imagined such a choice would have such profound implications on his life.

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2 months ago

“Jordy,” Ellie corrected. That answers that question lol oh well, at least Daniella don’t make a fuss about it. This Emily vs sarah thing will be interesting though. I wonder if Daniella is gonna hear something that makes her confront Emily on Sara’s behalf.

Also, hope things are alright. No post all weekend and a massive fire in norcal made me think you had to evacuate, though I didn’t think about you taking a break cause of all the crowdstrike stuff

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

Yeah the who calls Jordan Jordy or just Jordan stuff is both kinda funny and annoying lol but I’m glad Dan isn’t annoyed by it and just needs to get use to it. And yeah like Jordan said Emily and Sara coexisting doesn’t seem possible unless some kind of miracle happens which in this world doesn’t happen a lot if at all lol so that convo is going to be a real debate

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Glad to hear it’s nothing crazy lol Im bad at geography and thought somewhere you said you were on the west coast. Thought it’d be wild if we lived in the same part of California but the timing of everything made me paranoid 😂

2 months ago

I didn’t know Jordan went to college. I wonder what he studied?

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Nodqfan
2 months ago

Yep went to and graduated college but now that doesn’t matter anymore because he is a little and the world see that he’s a dumb little who doesn’t have a education in anything now lol must be fun for him

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Nodqfan
2 months ago

He has a business degree.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

And Sara has the opportunity of a free education because of how the government exploits littles.

J -Vader
J -Vader
2 months ago

Damn this conversation is about to get real and personal which I both like and hate because Jordan doesn’t really have a say in this conversation besides trying to both defend and support his friend and keeping Sara calm and reasonable. I do like how Danielle wasn’t about to do the stupid gossip and not say anything nonsense because I love how Ellie has Sara back I do but keeping secrets and not addressing issues and personal grievances is not something you want to start with and continue especially as an adult so I’m glad she want to air it out and talk about it. And seriously why can’t she just call him Jordan I understand the lost of his last name but shouldn’t Jordan have a say in who calls him what too like I’m surprised he not somewhat annoyed by that.

Glad to see you back assuming you took a break during the weekend and sorry I have comment on the last few chapters work had me busy and I went to comic con this weekend!!!!!

Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

About to see a difference in maturity I think. Ellie and Sara are teens and gossip and feeling hiding are a big thing, but as an adult you kinda grow out of that depending on how mature you are. Plus Daniella is pretty blunt to begin with lol I also think she doesn’t want to play this hidden scorecard thing where she’s getting judged on things outside of just working out issues with sara

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

Yeah I seen that stuff back in high school days and trust me as an adult damn I realize how stupid it was and how it lead to so many problems when we could have just spoken about how we felt and not keep dumb secrets. That why I like that Dan didn’t just go with the flow of keeping secrets and topics about things closed and honestly wants to air it out rather than keep letting it contain until it blows up so I’m glad for that

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Lol I know what you mean. When I was a kid I’d watch survivor with my parents, and my mom would always say she’d get voted out early cause she just can’t do the social part of the game and her bluntness would get her in trouble

Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

1) “Sara said still reluctant to forgive completely. However, she also knew it wasn’t worth holding a grudge over.” Sara, Jordan’s forgiven for a lot of things, many you haven’t earned, you can forgive Dani for him, Emma too.

2) “Jordy,” Ellie corrected” Ellie, don’t be a cunt, it’s beneath you. I do hope at some point Jordan puts an end to that.

3) “She’s petty, manipulative, hot headed, and unwilling to care about anyones situation or circumstances beyond on her own” so, she’s you, Sara, that’s why you don’t like her.

4) I’m glad Dani immediately told Sara what was being dsaid rather than hiding it from her.

5) trying to break up Dani and Emma’s friendship might he the most controlling thing she’s done yet. How was their friendship prior? Where they friends through Jordan, or before Jordan?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1) probably, but I think most people in Jordan’s position would have a harder time forgiving Sara.

2) I know, but Sara’s just doing it as a powermove, at any point Jordan could say “Jordan’s fine” at being called that, and according to Sara’s word that’s all it’d take for her to let people call him that. (Not that I trust her word.

3) I reckon it’s exaggerated about Emma too, because it’s from Sara’s perspective. In reality they’d be a more equal in these flaws. I know, but realistically I couldn’t see Jordan ever getting along with Dayton but Sara’s made it clear she wants that bridge eventually mended.

4) Definitely smarter to discuss it directly with Sara, and if Sara gets a little upset that Ellie’s airing her dirty laundry, bonus points.

5) I was referring to Ellie advising Dani she shoud cut Emma off, though I see why that wasn’t properly communicated.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

4) agreed. I appreciate what ellie is doing and trying to do, but manipulation from the behind the scenes never works out. This group of teens has such a hard time with being open with each other lol not that I was much better, probably spoke too much about my feelings at their age, but they could at least be a bit more transparent than they have been in the story this far

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1) and for that extra slack Sara should be eternally grateful.

2) Jordy isn’t a bad name, I grew up with a jordy, but it’s the face she’s making his friends adress him in a way they never have before, using is real name to punctuate displeasure and seriousness, it’s just a needlessly obnoxious act on Sara’s part.

3) Yeah, he did, but at the same time, all Emna did was not give Sara special treatment, it’s hinted that this isn’t an ordinary school and that its standards are much higher than most would accept, so Emma not giving special treatment could easily be seen as an extension of that. Even if Sara felt entitled to special treatment.

It’s not like Sara’s Little Miss Compromise, she’s had no shortage of times treating Jordan just as unsympathetically, for no good reason. taking pleasure in his misery and ridiculing his struggles.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

You’re right, that wasn’t what I meant, it’s exaggerated too far, she’s made made fun him getting/being upset is what I meant.

I agree it was harsh and not what I’d do in Emily’s position, though, i wouldn’t consider “having the same rules as everyone else” a punishment per say. I think this links back to equality vs fairness as while Sara is getting treated equally to the other students, she clearly thinks it unfair. I don’t agree with Emily did, but I don’t think I’m as against it as you are.

I’m actuality drawing comparisons between Sara’s suicide and Jordan’s escape attempt. Though not identical I’m seeing them reflected in one another, and while my bias is known I do think Jordan’s treatment was worse than Sara’s.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

God I hope jordan isn’t smart enough to know that he should not point out that Emily and Sara are similar to each other to Sara lol absolutely the worst thing to say to someone in a situation like this but I’d be funny af to see

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

Not Jordan, but I do hope someone points it out, like maybe Chloe again.

2 months ago

Was there no Dayton update Friday or did I miss it?

2 months ago

If I was Jordan I would completely lose my shit when Ellie “corrected” his name to Jordy

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