Smallara Episode 511: A Giantess Story

Smallara 511

Jordan relaxed his muscles as he sat down in Daniela’s hand. The warmth from the palm of her hand radiated up through him, making him feel whole again. Unlike with Sara he could feel a wobble in her hand as he sat in it. It had a way of feeling just unnatural enough to give him a bit of motion sickness. It also sparked his anxiety and fear of heights as he looked down at the ground as Daniela held him. It reminded him of just how vulnerable he was. How far down the ground is from where he is now.

When he rode with Sara, she had a natural stability with her movements that seemed to ease his fear of heights and his anxiety. He never felt in danger of falling. Even Ellie to a lesser extent shared those qualities but Sara was clearly the more gifted when it came to little handling.

Jordan understood now what Sara meant by untrained hands. While Kayla hadn’t held him very much. She was much shakier than Sara but compared to Daniela, who had no training, Kayla was light years ahead.

“Are you eating okay Jordy? Is there anything I can do for you? I understand Sara is selling or sold your home but if you need help going through things.” Daniela offered.

“Thanks, Sara got me a bunch of clothes and has been on top of meal planning and such for me. I’m eating healthier now than before. My Coke intake has gone down significantly under Sara.” Jordan said.

“I’ve been trying to get you to cut back on Soda for years now. Who knew all it took was a global pandemic in which you get infected and cared for by my students to make it happen.” Daniela joked.

“I had no idea you had a Soda problem Jordy.” Sara said with her eyebrow raised as she looked over at Jordan still in Daniela’s hand.

“Ixnay on the coke talk” Jordan said quietly yet with a hint of sternness in his voice towards Daniela before turning back towards Sara. “it’s not a problem Sara. I just enjoy an ice-cold coke to start the day off right you know.” Jordan explained to Sara who looked at him with some doubt as to if it really wasn’t a problem.

“And then another at lunch and another soda or two at night.” Daniela added. “You always did workout though but can’t tell me that eventually it won’t catch up with you. You don’t have the metabolism of a fifteen-year-old anymore.” Daniela said

“Four soda’s a day. Sara would never.” Ellie said jokingly.

“She shouldn’t either. It’s so unhealthy.” Daniela said

“Don’t spread your anti-coke agenda to Sara. Don’t listen to her. She’s always been anti-carbonation. Big Water got to her early spreading lies like drink half your weight in water each day.”

“It’s so funny how he gets worked up on the weirdest things. I didn’t realize boats and soda were so important to him.” Sara said as Ellie nodded in agreement. As Daniela’s eyes caught Jordan’s collar. She could see Sara’s name on the small tag. She hasn’t ever seen it up close like this until now. A part of her wanted to rip it off but she knew better.

“It’s required,” Sara said seeing her teacher focus on the collar wrapped around Jordan’s neck.

“I know, it just seems so inhumane.” Daniela said. “He’s still a person after all. I just feel so bad that there is nothing I can do. These stupid laws make it so people like Jordy here are dehumanized in everyone eyes.” Daniela said as she smiled at her friend.

“Underbreds and people are different though.” Ellie said. “They can’t even reproduce with us in their natural form. They would need another underbred. It’s one of the key methods of determining a species. We learned about this in school earlier this year Sara. Remember, Reproductive compatibility is key when it comes to determining species. That doesn’t even cover biological…” Ellie started to say before Sara looked over at her squeezed her hand ever so slightly.

“Sorry i got carried away. But I think you see my point.”

“Reproduction is a sticking point I admit. But, were you going to say? It sounded like something biological change or something.” Daniela asked curiously.

“No, I was as my mother says speaking out of turn again.” Ellie said unwilling to say anything further.

“What? Do I have a multiple stomachs like a cow?” Jordan said looking back at Sara and Ellie.

“They don’t have four stomachs. They have one stomach divided into four parts.” Sara clarified.

“Well thank you Steve Irwin.” Jordan said. “But i have some biological changes i want to know.” Jordan said looking over at Ellie and Sara.

Sara sighed heavily. “It’s classified. We can’t tell you any thing Ms. Sanchez and you have a big mouth Jordy. You would certainly spill it.” Sara said assertively.

“I don’t want anyone getting trouble over my curiosity.” Daniela said before looking back at Jordan. “She has you dead to rights though. You would definately spill it. It’s impressive how well she knows you.” Daniela said.

“She does not. I don’t spill secrets.” Jordan said defensively.

“Oh? Really? Do you really want to go there. I have receipts.” Daniela said with a smile.

“So I messaged Allison about you not able to keep secrets and she said to remind you about the hammer incident.” Sara said.

“FIne, fine you made your points. I may have ever slightly looser lips but it happens so rearely its not an issue. Who would I possibly tell about little anatomy.” Jordan said.

“Kelli, Gavin, your parents, Allison, Steph, Ms. Brooks o Sanchez. You have little net access so anyone in your contacts list. My parents, Ellie’s parents. I could go on.” Sara said with a smirk.

“Well i haven’t even met Ellie’s parents before. So the jokes on you.” Jordan said with a jovial tone.

“Sara’s sleeping over at my place on Sunday night So I’m sure you will.” Ellie said nonchalantly.

“Wait what?” Jordan questioned.

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Lee Han
2 months ago

Daniela being reasonable is amazing. Also I’m super curious about the anatomical differences also. While sure being unable to reproduce is one thing it’s more so due to size than anything. After all they could have kids while full size even with the genetics so that begs the question. What else do we not know and when will Sara inform Jordan about his body. I’d wanna know how I’d work. It could be beneficial in understanding what he can and can not do or lookout for.

Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

I think your mostly right about reproduction being an issue due to size, but part of me thinks that Littles metamorphosis is so drastic that it alters their organs to a large extent, like how jordan apparently has 1 stomach divided into 4 parts. Their reproductive organs probably just don’t work the same or their sperms and eggs are chemically different or something

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

“jordan apparently has 1 stomach divided into 4 parts” that’s cows, not Jordan/littles.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

Thank you! I misread that sentence.

Reply to  C M
2 months ago


Last edited 2 months ago by C M
Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

Jordan has a hemipenis.

2 months ago

Weird that info about Littles biology is classified. Is she only not telling jordan cause he would tell others, or are Littles flat out not allowed to know? And is there a high overview of the reason behind it we can see now or are you revealing it piece by piece over the next few chapters of this and danytons story?

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

Yeah that was weird. To me to like why can’t he or other Littles know about there body what the harm knowing your body and how it works usually is a good thing so I’m interested in see why it bad if a little knows

Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

Part of me thinks it’s a law the government passed but the other part thinks it has something to do with generitechs guardian training and confidentiality with the public. I still don’t see why a little can’t know though

J -Vader
J -Vader
2 months ago

Welp there goes my Mal and Gavin having mix children theory lol although life fines a way lol anyway looks like Dan and Sara and Ellie are bonding and getting along. Also damn Jordan can’t even know about his own body that sounds like more bad than good for littles like how to have safe sex, or when to know there six or what they can handle. Also I’m on team Jordan here soda forever and fuck water !!!!!

Exited to see Ellie parents although didn’t she say that her parents don’t like littles right? Also the whole topics about what defines a little of if there animal or human or something both would be so good honestly hope it get to the point of news media like a whole debate about it seen around the world and stuff.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

Ellie’s parents don’t dislije little, they won’t let her have a little because they don’t think it’s a good expenditure of money, if the little was one of her friends that’d be different, but they aren’t letting buy a stranger.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Ohhh okay interesting and hell yeah soda forever bro. Also you are saying it’s harder to reproduce with a little but not 100% impossible just very unlikely but there’s that 1% so you never know I guess good god science is both fun and annoying lol

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Of course there’s always adoption which also isn’t bad although it would be hilarious to see a child call a little their dad and either be proud or embarrassed by that fact

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

I mean, Madison, McKenzie and Kayla 1.0 are already in that situation.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

Oh yeah that’s true totally forgot about that – also which Kayla because I’m positive Kayla dad isn’t a little

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

And Tamara

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

Oh yeah!!!!!!! Fuck I totally forgot about that too damn

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

Kayla 1.0 from 226 – 228, not Kayla 2.0 ala Kayla Wallace, though I did initially think they were the same person.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Yes, yes I am.

Knew your like Kayla 1.0

Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

1) don’t you use Steve Irwin’s name in vain little man!

2) Checking if he’s eating right and being taken care if is pretty much what I expected, though I do wish they had a more private conversation though, can’t help but feel they’re both self-censoring due to Sara and Ellie’s presence. Like how Daniela didn’t say anything about use of the term “underbred”

3.1) “Underbreds and people are different though.” that’s just a matter if opinion.
3.2) While they are different species that doesn’t actually mean they aren’t people, even if they can’t reproduce with Homo Sapiens.
3.3) and different species can actually reproduce in real life, such as mules, ligers, and the original meaning if underbred, mixed breed dogs.

4.1) OK, what was Ellie going yo say?
4.2) the fuck do they mean “it’s classified” it’s his body, he has the right to know what’s going in in it, and I can’t imagine a single reason it’d be kept secret.

5) I like a good Coke to, but Breakfast seems a bit too early for one. Still it’s clearly something he enjoys and something Sara shouldn’t be as restrictive of. (Though as often as he use to wouldn’t be great either).

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

6) it’d be funny is Jordan got a bit cuddly with Dani, wrapping his arms in a tight hug around her fingers, showing he’s more comfortable dispite her lack or training and more affectionate with her due to their prior relationship, making Sara jealous.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1) he’s probably how I knew Australia existed as a 7 year old lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1) Crikey!

2) oh definitely, but Daniela us gonna perpetually be on eggshells, I feel.

3.1) do like all opinions presented by politicians.
3.2) interesting that even prior to infection there were fertility issues, makes me wonder how sapians became the majority, but my point remains. In star wars Trandoshans and Wookies can’t reproduce together, still both people.
3.3) ok, didn’t think Jordan x Sara was gonna come up, lol

4) That’s kind of Shitty, though knowing it will be publicly released is good, i hope Sara tells Jordan though. Is this about how they cant eat human food? Which chapter of Madison’s world?

5) My father use to start his day with “a Coke and a smoke” before he married my mother, (he quit because there was no way she’d ever marry a smoker) so it’s not unheard of. Sara only got a Soda to fulfil a promise she made, and stated it won’t be for a few months (Christmas i think) before their next one. Personally I’m hoping Ellie, Chloe, Who’s-Her-Daddy and more will give him Soda’s

6) “you’re going to walk through that door, wrap those strong, powerful arms around me, and lift me up like you normally do” this was said nladt chapter though, so it’s not too weird for them.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

3.3) you could’ve used Gavin and Mal, you could have used Jordan and Emily, you could have used Tamara’s mother and father, you had other options.

5) That makes me happy, it’d be good o make sure he gets soda regularly so his body doesn’t forget how to handle it.

That envy scene is hilarious, of perhaps Ellie and Chloe both get one and they’re silently waiting to see who he asks first. Or Ellie can’t decide which soda she wants and throws the question to an ill-prepared Jordan much to Sara’s annoyance.

6) Maybe “cuddly” has a different connotation in the US, but “just hugging her” is really all I meant, but since he’s never shown such affection to Sara she’d feel jealous.

2 months ago

Ellie can’t put 2 on 2 together if a human can’t reproduce because of any deceases that cause infertility then we don’t start calling them a separate species because they are not immune to that decease. Taxonomy genetic code etc would not permit them being separate species either but I can’t blame a high schooler for not knowing that. With the genius that teaches Dayton’s classes being in charge of education I am not surprised.
I hope you don’t see this as criticism of the series – just like everyone here I have to hate on Sarah and her flock.

Lee Han
Reply to  temp
2 months ago

I think one issue present is that her and her friends also grew up in a very privileged environment where they have been shown to be disgusted by public schools. She’s also someone who comes off as having an air of superiority along side being a popular highschooler in a private school with a rich family. Honestly one could say that it’s a display of how her environment made her. After all her mother seems to think all non humans are beneath her as she didn’t approve of Mocha or Jordan initially and only warmed up to them to due their relation to her daughter. Daniela has shown to be way more willing to see littles as people and in Chrissy’s story her and her family are much more empathetic while seemingly teetering on the border of “Are the people or not”. The only person with a background that Sarah says whose able to see littles more reasonably is Chloe and I hope we see more Jordan Chloe moments because they honestly see to get along well and should spend time talking.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lee Han
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