Smallara Episode 512: A Giantess Story

Smallara 512

“I normally stay at Ellies…ohhhh. Yeah, Sorry Jordy. I didn’t stay at Ellie’s last Sunday because of you. We were doing your house stuff. But it’s kind of business as usual now. Ellie and I are always staying at each other’s place’s kind of interchangeably.” Sara said as if this was common knowledge

“Do you need help going through Jordy’s stuff? I know you sold the house, but he had alot of things.” Daniela said asking again.

“No, we already did that. I had the crew come over and we went through everything. Alot of it we are getting rid of just putting it up at auction. I mean can still technically pull it and keep it. My dad was talking about me keeping it and turning it into a rental property.”

“Are you really okay with this Jordan erm Jordy.” Daniela asked.

“Of course he is. He knows that I have his best interests at heart.” Sara said as she looked down at Jordan.

“She’s right Daniela. What would I do with a house at my size.” Jordan said with a chuckle. He knew Sara was doing what she thought was right and what she viewed as his best interest. But he wasn’t yet fully certain what he thought was his best interest and what Sara thought was his best interest were always aligned. But, legally he understood they were hers now and the reality was not lost on him. He had a hard enough time getting out of his home to get help. The idea of him owning the house now was silly. His employer laid him off. He had no way to make payments. LIttles don’t get unemployment checks.

“I see,” Daniela said not liking how Sara replied for Jordan.

“See, Jordy and I have aligned opinions on these things. He loves being my pet person. This is the best life he could hope for. Just like Jordy understands he’s not a person. While he didn’t believe in Smallara at first, he has really come around on it. But you don’t have to take my word for it.” Sara said

“You can’t be serious. You’re a guardian. You’re his guardian. You can’t actually think he would be okay with what amounts to just being some glorified highly intelligent house cat. Jordan snap out of this.” Daniela said, snapping her fingers with her free hand. “He has a business degree. He went to college. I’m sorry I can’t do this. I can’t sit here and pretend this all okay. He’s my best friend and you’re treating him like he’s your prized poodle.” Daniela said snapping in anger.

“Jordy come,” Sara said calmly placing her hand down on the table. Jordan turned expecting Daniela to lower her hand but instead her hand didn’t move. “Let’s maybe take this down a notch.” Sara added trying to not cause a scene.

“You can’t just give him commands. He’s a person. Try asking him by saying .”Jordan would you mind coming here.” You know anything remotely dignified.” Daniela angrily said.

“I’m sorry ladies you are going to have to keep it down or I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” A manager said walking over.

“Ellie,” Sara said without taking her eyes off of Daniela.

“let’s just sidebar over here. I’m sure we can come to an understanding.” Ellie said as she stood up and walked towards the hallway with the manager.

“Look, I’m trying to be the bigger person here. I’m trying to let Jordy maintain his friendship with you. I’m not the bad guy here. I can’t help that Jordy loves being my little man. I’m not sorry that I have the means and the ability to provide him with the kind of life he deserves. The kind of home he deserves. I don’t deserve to be attacked like this.” Sara said calmly and quietly.

“I understand you can provide him with everything I can’t materially. But the main thing you don’t provide him with is respect. You don’t provide him with dignity. You think because you’re doing this grand act by giving him a home that means we should all bow to great and powerful Sara. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Doing one good deed doesn’t mean you get to treat him like garbage. Taking advantage of his good nature. Everything you said about Emily was so rich coming from you. As everything you said about her you should be saying about yourself. Do you own a mirror because maybe you should look in one and give that speech to someone who actually needs to hear it” Emily snapped aggressively at Sara.

“I’m not here to get into a fight. I was just trying to do right by Jordy. But why don’t you just set him down and then we can be on our way. This was clearly a mistake. I’m sorry Jordy. I tried. I really did.” Sara said with a bit of sadness in her voice over it not working out.

“Look at her Jordan. She’s here trying to play the victim. Everyone can see it. You’re the injured party not her. Do you even know how to not make everything about you?” Daniela said her voice still elevated.

“Daniela, why don’t you just put me down. Everyone here is clearly upset and saying things they don’t mean.” Jordan said trying to play peacemaker. “let’s not take this any further” Jordan said from Daniela’s hand.

“You’re right, You’re right. Let me just take a deep breath.” Daniela said before standing up and pushing away from the table slightly. She took several deep breaths to calm herself. “Sara I’m……so not sorry you insufferable brat.” Daniela said pushing the table into Sara before grasping Jordan tightly in her hand without looking back she bolted out the door as Sara struggled to maintain her balance from the table knocking her chair over.

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Lee Han
2 months ago

HELL YEAH! FINALLY SOMEBODY SAID IT! Lethal is gonna go crazy over this!

Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

Glad she said it, sad she’s gonna go to jail though…

Last edited 2 months ago by C M
Lee Han
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

Why would she go to jail? Because she didn’t give Jordan back immediately?

Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

I’m pretty sure it violates the law regarding little and is a massive felony. Even harboring a unregistered little is jail time

Lee Han
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

But it was consensual and she did hand him back? But I guess we shall see. It would also depend on how vindictive Sara is so I wound the surprised if you’re right but that would in turn create a massive rift between her and Jordan.

Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

She did? I thought that last sentence meant Daniella took jordan and ran.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

I think she took Jordan or maybe she put him down it kinda hard to tell a little bit

Lee Han
Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

I think you guys are right. I must’ve missed it.

Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

No worries. I had spent most of yesterday thinking jordan had a stomach like a cows cause I misread things lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

Littles are both highly protected and not protected at all, given how much the government profits from littles taking one illegally has massive sentence attached to it, more so than if she’d kidnapped Sara.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

I’ve been feeling genuine guilt over that all day! And I’m hoping you’ll tell me your alternative story if I’d reacted differently.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

if there’s a “what if”\alt post, I wanna read it too lol

J -Vader
J -Vader
2 months ago

I am so mix on this on one hand finally someone said it !!!!!!! I love Sara I really do but my god she really needed to her it from someone I was kinda hoping Jordan would say it but oh well also …..fuck !!!! Is Danelle going to jail fuck !!!! I don’t want that this probably cause a massive rift between Sara and Jordan no matter how hard they try to make the positive !!!!

Literally it either Jordan going to be piss that he can’t see his best friends while having to just deal with Sara friends and family which half them he doesn’t really like being around (Dayton, and tiff, and that other girl from school)

Or Sara sends Danielle to jail for kidnapping and that will probably cause problems with Jordan because that Sara literally sending his best friend who he knows care the world about him and knows deep down is right about how Sara shows little respect and dignity Even though she trying to be better

Good god this went to shit and here I was hoping for a good outcome god damn it fuck !!!!

Last edited 2 months ago by J -Vader
Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

Yeah it’s tough. I literally yelled “Fuck!” when I read that last part. I did think a while ago, i think during the time skip where sara and steph were hanging out, that something dramatic was going to happen to change sara’s beliefs and make her really consider everything and be even more self reflective, but I thought it’d be at the party, not this. This is way more intense than what I’d have expected too.

Sara needed to hear what Daniella said though. Whether or not she beleives it is a different story, but she really does assume that Jordan loves being her pet. Jordan likes sara and is grateful, sure, but lets be honest, he can’t really speak openly about his feelings or where he disagrees and stuff and have it be taken seriously. Plus Sara’s just super self-righteous and needs to be humbled lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

I think Dani taking him makes the backyard escape look like a genius play by comparison.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

The next we see Ellie appear out of no where and cold cock Sanchez. LOL

2 months ago

It is wonderful to see a decent person with normal levels of empathy for the Littles. Still can’t believe that Sanchez is an anomaly in your cruel world. In any normal story she would be the hero, helping the little in being seen as an equal.

Of course this comes off as you attacking the sane and empathy people. You will likely lock her up for life. Can’t have her spreading her rational ideals around.

I will miss her. She doesn’t deserve this. In the meantime I will enjoy this brief moment of Sara getting knocked down a peg.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  yoshiegg64
2 months ago

Well damn ….. that’s a fair point about this whole situation……damn now I’m really sad…..maybe there’s some light at the end of the tunnel but we’ll have to wait and see.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Took a big break after realizing you have no hope in your grim world nor wish to change that. The food pellets were the final nail in the coffin.

Been slowly catching up. Mostly rolling my eyes of all the new evil I knew you would introduced into your world. More cement on the coffin. (Tiny torture testing, memory wipes, etc).

Been reading another series. The Titian Empire. Similar premise, tiny humans treated as pets/slaves. They are chipped, don’t wear clothes, seen as biological inferior, dumber, can’t vote and etc.)

Similar dark world but rather take a pessimistic narrative instead focus on a optimistic narrative. Following a few wild humans who along with thieir ‘owners’ slowly chip away at the oppression system and struggle to be seen as equals.

It is soothing to see a world like your be slowly changed for the better. Is is amusing to compare both series. Like seeing your guardians share similar viewpoints as the antagonists in the Titian series.

Anyway I mostly wanted to comment on my opinion on Sanchez’s fate before you ruin and remove one of the few people/aspect I actually loved in your story. This comes off more like you are attacking your critics on Sara. It is in bad taste if you ask me.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Disregarding the character analysis I don’t agree with.

This situation comes off as a opportunity to have a Strawman argument. Sara couldn’t win the argument. You instead had Sanchez resort to kidnapping to invalid her entire arguments and viewpoints.

Don’t hide behind excuses like that is what the character would do and act like your hands are tied. You control where the story goes. Ultimately you the creater has the final say and you decided Sanchez to be arrested because you wanted it to happened.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Please don’t give me hope. You crushed mine too many times. I would love to see Ms. Sanchez not go to jail and be forgiven, but we both know you won’t allow it. You don’t show any mercy. She criticized your system and favorite OC. You will sadistically punish her.

You created a system where only selfish and vile people will flourish wile the generous and kind people are punished.

You will most likely have Ms. Sanchez be sent to prison for the rest of her life. strip her of all her rights and property. Maybe you will exceed my expectations and have her be cruelly publicly torture for the rest of her life as an example for others.

That is what I expect to happen in this over the top evil world you created. But please prove me wrong.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

I think my last comment was too harsh. I wouldn’t had commented but this part left a very bad taste in my mouth. I wanted to comment in the small chance to influence Mrs. Sanchez’s fate.

Looking at the new part. I am very suprised you shown her mercy.

In my defense you made a previous comment to me that anyone who does a felony involving a little, basically is sentence to life in prison. So my speculation wasn’t crazy considering the circumstances.

Thanks for keeping Mrs. Sanchez around.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

“I’m gald you enjoyed it.”

….Except I didn’t. The more I thought on it, the more I disliked it. You don’t give praise to a cook for giving you terrible food and being thankful it didn’t give you food poisoning.

The kidnapping shouldn’t had happen to begin with. It felt too unnatural. Serving to leave the nice Sanchez indebted to Sara. Later learning this happen because Leathal’s comments of hating Sara makes me dislike this even more. Adds more fuel that you are punishing readers who hate Sara or think tinies should be equal by making Sanchez a proxy.

Sighs. I gave it a second honest attempt but life is too short to obsessed with a story that continues to disappoint me. I think I need to fully separate from this story. It is clear we have too vastly different philosophies and ideologies on tinies and how they should be treated in society. I sadly don’t see you ever wanting the tinies to be seen as equals while I very much want to. You seem to take pleasure in seeing them suffer with how you continue to pile more biological or government disadvantages on them. Even comically evil ones like memory erasing? Eh? Really?

Anyway, if this is goodbye forever. I still hope the tinies in your world can be seen as equals even if it takes decades or centuries.

Take care.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

I was under the impression you were writing your dream world. Given how passionate you defended it. How you keep writing the story for years now with nothing in sight in fixing the corrupt system.

If this story does not reflect your philosophies and ideologies then what are they? What is your stance on Littles? Do you believe a Little should be treated as a Equal or something lesser?

Also realism is very subjective with Littles. The very argument is futile as Littles themselves would never exist. They would realistically die from so many factors. Lack of air, cold temperatures, being blind, deaf, unable to be heard, food consumption problems, etc.

You have suspend your disbelief just for them to exist.

Government realism is a mess and can be quite corrupt. However I think the major issue is you have a cynical viewport on how we would treat Littles. Sure some individuals and sadly maybe some nations may treat the Littles as lessers. But even at our worst I don’t believe we would ever allow a world like yours to exist.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

It sounds like our world has not been kind to you and writing Smallera was a way to vent out your frustrations you had to endure. So it is safe to assume if given the choice you wouldn’t want to live in the world of Smallera?

And sadly even as optimism as I am, I have to agree about China and Russia would probably treat Littles very badly.

Though that makes me more upset that your version of the United States is so bad. I can’t fathom enough people voting this terrible system to begin with.

Americans are too stubborn to give up their guns. You really believe they would give up their property and other rights?

Realism sucks. Fiction is escapism. Prime example, there is a good reason why you almost never see tiny black people in size stories. The idea of them being owned by white teenagers just doesn’t sit right by many for obvious reasons. You could try to include it in Smallera but good luck trying to defend it not being Slavery.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Well. It has been nice picking your brain on this series. However I still plan to separate from this story.

Thanks for the fun times and not so fun times. At the very least you made me appreciate other size stories that don’t have such a corrupt world. I could always say I encountered a worse size dystopian story (not the writing but the world itself). Haha

For real. Even if the story wasn’t to my taste. I wish you Good luck with you series. I still hope those tinies eventually achieve equality your series.

Take care!

2 months ago

Chapter 12: Slumber

Joey sat on the edge of one of the recliners as he waited for Mrs. Hale to return with a few pillows and a fresh blanket for the couch. Mr. Hale was more right than he had realized, thought Joey, starting to feel the after effects of the emotional baggage that he had been carrying around the past few days since his diagnosis. Joey understood that there was no guarantee that his parents would let the Hale’s adopt him, but just the fact that they were willing to try and help made him feel less alone. That was what he realized when he told Roni he wasn’t immune, thought Joey, of all the emotions he felt, the one that was eating him up inside the most was that he was alone. None of his family would catch Smallara, nor would his friends in high school. He doesn’t know anyone personally that has a little, surprisingly given the company his parents keep, making talking to someone about what it was like nearly impossible. He considered asking the people he had been staying with if he could meet with their nephew but opted against it. He didn’t want to intrude on someone he didn’t really know and probe about their struggles.

The thumping of footsteps coming down the stairs brought Joey back to reality as he saw Mrs. Hale descend holding his makeshift bedding. “Here you go, Joey. We had a few extra pillows, one down, the other memory foam, and here’s a couple of blankets. You know the girls like it a little warmer, so I made sure to get something a little lighter for you” said Mrs. Hale with a warm smile as she sets everything down neatly on the couch for him to use during the night.

“Thanks Mrs. Hale…I really appreciate you and Mr. Hale always letting me stay here when I needed it.” said Joey with genuine appreciation and a large, sideways smile plastered on his face.

“Oh Joey…you’ve always been such a good boy and a great friend for Roni” Mrs. Harris said, a small smile forming and loving twinkle in her blue eyes as she takes a few steps to Joey. “I know you haven’t necessarily had an easy life…and finding out you’re…well….Mr. Hale and I know things really aren’t easy right now but, we love you, I promise, and we’ll do whatever we can to help you” she says, brushing some of her graying hair from her eyes before hugging Joey. “And please…call me mom from now…even if things don’t work out”

Joey sighs happily in her embrace, returning her hug. “Thank you Mrs H…i mean…thank you, mom”

Pulling away with a happy smile Mrs. Hale pats Joey on the leg “That’s a good boy. Now, you sleep tight. I’ll see you at breakfast tomorrow morning” and with that, Mrs. Hale stood up and walked up stairs, leaving Joey in the living room. He sets up the couch with one of the pillows and the blanket and settles in for a night of sleep, finally feeling a semblance of peace knowing he’s in a home with those that care about his well being.

Finding a comfortable position on his back, Joey pulled the blanket over him and stared at the ceiling, his mind started to drift to what his future may hold and what life as a little would actually be like for him. He had always envisioned littles living in a community with one another, being supported by Generitech, working in tandem with humanity towards a better future. Now that he would be one, though, that idea seemed so much more distant and utopian than initially imagined. After all, there aren’t a lot of people trying to push for that idea. If anything, the average person was more than content with littles being treated as they are now, like domestic animals. The thought upset him, knowing from stories from actual good guardians that littles are much more than animals, that they speak intelligently and feel the full range of human emotions, that they are able to continuously learn when taught by their guardians. For some reason, though, this just doesn’t make it to the general public, and it’s unfair to smallborns and smallara victims alike. All Joey could do for now, though, was let out a sigh and take a few breaths to calm his nerves so he could fall asleep.

As he slowly managed to drift to sleep, Joey heard the opening of a door upstairs and some footsteps that stopped at the top of the stairwell a couple of moments, as if debating to come down stairs, before continuing on down the hall, another door closing soon after. Must have been Roni, thought Joey, thinking about times prior when he had stayed over and needed some space. She would always want to come down and check on him, but at the same time knew better than to disrupt his solitude. Not that he wouldn’t mind the company, but sometimes it was just good to be alone, and Roni understood that. He couldn’t help but smile at the possibility of being her brother, even chuckling lightly realizing he’d be the eldest child if everything went according to plan. Roni would probably get a little annoyed by him rubbing it in that he’s the big brother, but what brother wouldn’t go out of his way to annoy his sister, thought Joey as he finally fell into a deep slumber that had eluded him the past few nights.

In his slumber, Joey’s dreams were filled with fitful dreams of being a little. In some dreams, Joey found himself at the mercy of a cruel guardian. In this dream, he was forced to clean her shoes, only given a small cloth and some kind of industrial cleanser. The sweaty scent from the shoes mixed with ammonia of the chemicals set his eyes and nose on fire, causing him to move slower than his guardian wanted. After being yelled at for not doing a good enough job, his guardian would drop him in a jar and flipping it upside down, telling Joey he’s not good enough for air. In other dreams, Joey found himself behind plastic walls in a pet store, with a fake bedroom mural behind him trying to lull people into a sale. Random adults and children alike would stop to look at him as they passed through the store, studying him to see if he is a worthy little to be purchased. All of them would make some mundane comments about his height, saying that they didn’t know littles were so small, or his physique, having expected him to have more muscles for a 17 year old, or his looks, most comments about how he didn’t seem like a pure breed or that he wasn’t cute enough, all judgments superficial, none considering the fact that he was once full sized like them, attended school like they had, had friends like they do, none caring that he once had what they currently have: humanity.

Each dream seemed to pull him deeper into despair, but, for the first time, there were dreams that brought him respite, even happiness. All of them included Roni. In one dream, Roni would walk into a store, recognition and sympathy running across her expression as she’d end up purchasing him from the store. Roni would hold him in her hand while cradling him against her chest, allowing Joey to feel her rhythmic heartbeat as her father drove them back home, whispering “you’re safe, Joey, you’re with me now” along the drive. In another, he and Roni would just be resting in the backyard, with Roni lazily lying in the family hammock, Joey laying on her belly as she rocked the hammock back and forth, her stomach raising and lowering with each breath she took while they discussed the events of their school day. The idea of being with Roni, in her care and comfort, helped be a ballast to the chaotic nightmares. However it wasn’t all perfect. There was one nightmare where Roni was his guardian but was cold and distant. She ordered him around harshly, making him clean the floor without any hint of affection, and would rarely let him out of his habitat like she initially promised. Despite the comforting dreams, the nightmare of Roni’s indifference reminded Joey that nothing was guaranteed. The path ahead was uncertain, and even those he trusted could change. The idea of being with Roni provided solace, but it also highlighted the fragility of trust and the fear of abandonment.

A melodic chime pulled Joey from his slumber. He rose with an overhead stretch, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and looking to the side table of the couch to see that his phone alarm was going off, 6 AM sharp as usual. Joey’s lips curled into a small smile, thinking about times when his alarm would wake up Roni and she’d throw her pillow or whatever object was nearby at him in frustration, forcing him to sleep on the couch whenever he stayed over. Deciding to not waste too much time, Joey gathered his things and went upstairs to shower and get ready for the day. After all, it is possibly the most important one of his life.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

He really wouldn’t unless he got a guardian like Ellie, Sara, or Chrissy, like someone that would actually just improve his life cause of unconditional love and care. I include Sara in that cause Joey’s been at a low point for awhile, so any port in the storm would be good for him, plus if Sara had gotten him and treated him like she treats Jordan, he’d probably be pretty stuborn about accepting his place in her world, he’d still probably be happy in the end since he’d be getting some form of love his parents basically refused to give him.

Whats nice is that he helps Roni a lot more than I’ve been able to touch on so far, but it’ll come up soon. idk if you have the same problem, but I’m trying to keep the pacing and flow steady, but am so excited for some of my other ideas of this story that I want to rush things lol like i’m really looking forward to writing about things when he’s a little but need to build all of that up and it’s kiiillliiinngg me lol

Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

1) I like Dani so much more now!

2.1) she hit many of my issues with Sara, her hypocrisy, her bigotry, her self victimisation!
2.2) that line about the mirror was perfect.

3) and Sara was 100% setting herself up for it, answering on his behalf, saying he loved things he didn’t, giving opinions she knew he didn’t hold, she was practically baiting Daniela.

4) Jordan trying to put out the fire as the bridge is burning must have been a herculean labour.

5) Seeing someone as bratty as Sara giving dog commands to her best friend would only have been tolerable for so long.

6) Ellie immediately coming to Sara’s aid with out even a request was cool.

7) Dani rescuing Jordan was a touch too extreme, and isn’t going to end well, though I’d imagine people saving their little lived ones isn’t too rare an event on this universe, so hopefully the punishment isnt too severe, though I can’t see her resuming employment at that school afterwards.

unfortunately we know from chapters set in the future that Sara will get Jordan back.

8) the sad part is, in all likelihood, the most likely scenario is Sara just put Dani in the same box as Emily and blacklisted them both.

9) “I’m sorry Jordy. I tried. I really did.” yeah, all that effort to try and express dominance, amd for nothing.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

Dani taking jordan was such a punch in the gut. Everything was going so well. We know she means to help him but she’s just made things worse and is probably gonna see some serious repercussions, assuming Sara calls the police. At best, Dani just isn’t allowed to see jordan again, but I’m assuming she’s gonna go to prison and Jordan’s just gonna be alone again. At least we might see jordan express some different feelings since Sara isn’t int the immediate vicinity

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

A recurring issue I’ve had with the series is the portrayal of the more “pro-little” characters as all have felt at least a little off to me.

Chloe I’dsat is pro-little in theory only, she’s got her beliefs but is entirely willing to turn a blind eye to Sara’s treatment of Jordan, unless it get to a vaguely defined “too cruel” which is unsurprising as she’s not only complicit but also profiting from the global exploitation of littles.

Chrissy and Londyn both seem very kind at first and neither would let littles be abused, but both still see littles as lesser creatures that can be bought and sold for profit.

Tamara treats littles the same way she treats biggles, terribly.

Emily is allegedly an unsympathetic and heartless bitch.

And Dani, who was my last hope, just made the the dumbest decision any character has made in the series.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

0) sorry fir late reply, I thought I did ages ago but it reloaded and deleted my message.

1) I’d Say that’d more be Emily than Dani

2) She wouldn’t say anything about Mal because she wouldn’t have the front row seats Sara does, she was initially shocked by Jordan being with Sara which explains her initial rudeness but she did apologise for that and tried to give Sara a chance, the issues that she’s seeing now are why shes acting this way. I’m not so sure about that, when talking to Jordan back in gymclass her words conveyed that she was aware of a fair bit surrounding littles and their treatment, obviously she’s taking Jordan’s situation more seriously but her issues existed prior. Like how I think murder is bad, but if someone I knew got murdered I’d think that’s worse, because it’s more personal.

What do you mean “doesn’t really care” he first scene had her chastising Sara for using the word “underbred” because of its derogatory meaning, and that was before she knew Sara was referring to Jordan, she also told different students not to belittle the littles at a different point.

Didn’t she mention going to a Rally with Emily?

Like I mentioned above she actually has tried to correct Sara’s behaviour (or language at least), but there’s only so much a teacher can do, especially when Sara’s learnt this from her parents.

I wouldn’t say she’s equal in any of those things, she’s going to meet with someone she’s unsure about for Jordan’s benefit, that’s the nicest thing Sara’s done yet and Dani is doing the same, she just also doesn’t have all the selfish acts Sara does throwing the balance off, she’s more concerned about Jordan being a victim than herself, and she’s not bigoted against humans. I do take your meaning though, I’ll try to look at Dani through the same critical lenses as Sara, and to be clear I don’t condone her actions here, I think what Dani did this chapter is the single stupidest decision any of your characters have made.

I don’t actually consider either evil, while I think Dani is better, I believe Sara was simply indoctrinated by a toxic ideal. And I truly am trying to view Sara in a more fair light, even if she pusses me off so often.
2.2) you’re welcome, I love complimenting your work.

3) he has on some of them, and she’s dismissed or belittled his disagreement, she’s also well aware that she’s intimidated him into that silence or even verbal agreement. Sometimes using actual threats

4) it’s a shame because Dani and Sara were both genuinely trying to give the other a chance, and when Sara crossed Dani’s line Dani’s over reaction crossed Sara’s line, and probably a few legal ones.

5) still doesn’t justify taking Jordan and running.

6) I wonder, if Sara and Ellie were in and Dani’s position, and the other in Jordan’s, epukd they react like Dani did?

7) That’s very true, I think I was being too optimistic, there was a teenager dragged out if school in handcuffs after all. Given the world you’ve set up I wouldn’t be surprised if thus is the last arc we see Dani in.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

2) I see, well I didn’t think of that, Teachers where I’m from wouldn’t be looking to closely at relationships between students, I don’t think we’ve seen Dani and Mal interact.
No, she wouldn’t, her outburst would likely be based on what she’s seen before her this evening which I don’t think is enough to make the judgement she did.

We’ve only seen it come up once or twice though, it’s not like we see her ignore others doing these things and only perk up when Sara does it. I also don’t remember Mallory ever saying “underbred”, (It’s even in my headcanon list that she doesn’t use it or like Gavin being called it). However, I could be wrong. and seeing as how she corrected the use of that term without knowing it was Jordan I don’t believe she’s just doing it for Jordan.

The only time she hasn’t corrected the term is when she’s been putting in effort to work with Sara.

Perhaps I was reading too much into it in their previous interactions. Still, she did seem well enough researched into the little situation and willing to defend an unknown little to make me think she already cared about them before Jordan’s infection. while I believe she cares about Jordan more than other littles I don’t think she’s apathetic to other littles.

3) I know, but she knows they disagree, so answering on his behalf with opinions she knows he doesn’t hold is messed up.

4) I feel so guilty knowing these events are partially my fault too.

Concealing her emotions is also just a skill Sara’s mastered, while I do think Sara was trying I don’t think it was harder than Dani. Sara continued to use words like “pet” and “underbred” and other degrading terms, giving him dog commands and the aforementioned answering on his behalf, all thing she would have known would piss Dani off, she could have easily have knocked those off for an hour. While she didn’t mirror Dani’s outburst and didn’t react as she did with Maisy or Tamara, I think she may have been wanting Dani to look worse in Jordan’s eyes mixed with knowing punching Dani while Jordan’s in her grasp could potentially end extremely poorly for him.

5) Agreed, though Jordan’s move looks like he was playing 3D chess compared to this.

7) I fully realise that Sara is unlikely to not press charges, and even if she didn’t Dani would still no longer be a part of Jordan’s life. Littles are some of the most and least protected people n this world after all.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

About damn time someone put Sara in her place.

I doubt Sara involves the police since she knows how advanced that collar is and that Danielle is just trying to come to grips with everything.

This being their first meet up with one of Jordan’s friends should be enough for Sara to realize how ass backwards her attitudes are outside the majority of her circle of influence.

She’s all about that perfect appearance and impression but maybe this is a wake up call that her idealizations and the way she treats Jordan isn’t all that appreciated by people that ACTUALLY care about him.

Reply to  000111000b
2 months ago

man if Jordans sister said the same stuff and did something similar, that’d be like dropping a nuke on sara lmao

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