Dayton: The Junior Guardian Chronicles: Episode 3

Dayton Guardian Training 3


Dayton stretched out in her own bed for the first time since going through guardian training. It was already Sunday so she knew she would be going back today. She was going to take some weekend Guardian classes but after doing so the past couple of weekends she wanted to spend a weekend at home.

Looking over at Thomas, she could see him still asleep. He was a rather loud sleeper for such a little thing. She could hear his tiny snores as she grabbed her phone and took a short video before sending it to Sydney in their group chat. The two had become fast friends. They had already made plans to hang out after guardian training. Dayton was looking forward to having a friend who went to public school. She was always a little curious about that as her mother had always insisted on her attending private school.

The thought of waking Thomas up crossed Dayton’s mind but she decided to let him sleep a little longer. She found that he was pretty good with numbers, so she had worked him hard as her calculator. As she knew if she didn’t keep up with her preparatory work her mother would pull her from guardian training. As that was part of the deal. She had to complete all her preparatory work and pass the practice entrance exams.

While Dayton had taken the time to memorize the formula’s she always hated doing the actual work. She didn’t see why she should have to bother doing actual formulas beyond the actual tests themselves as long as she knew how to do it. Such menial tasks like calculations should be handled by those who have all the time in the world. Because he worked hard, she figured rewarding him was the best way to go.

Propping herself up in bed Dayton scrolled through her social media feeds while trying to wake up. She truly hated mornings. They were less evil when she could wake up on her own. But she knew even at home she could only sleep in so late before her mother would wake her up.

Like clockwork, a soft knock at the door as she saw her mother poke her head in. Dayton looked over at mother before she heard Thomas stirring having been woken up by her mother. Dayton held her tongue knowing saying anything to her mother would just result in her ending up in trouble. Seeing that Dayton was awake Mrs. Harris closed the door.

“Sorry Thomas, I was going to let you sleep in longer.” Dayton said her looming overhead as she looked down at him. She watched him stretch and slowly stand up from the small makeshift bed she had put together for him.

“Were you comfortable enough?” Dayton asked with a bit of concern as this was her first real time with a little of her own who was under her control in her home. She didn’t count her time with Jordan as he ultimately belongs to Sara. So, there was only so much she could do.

“I slept well. It will be nice to be back in my own bed at home once you’re all passed through guardian training, but I was comfortable last night.” Thomas said.

“Wait a minute you have a home?” Dayton asked as she slid her phone into the pocket of her Pajama pants before setting her hand down on the nightstand. She had copied Sara and taught Thomas to climb onto her hand when she set it down in front of him. It was her universal command for him to come without needing to verbalize it.

“Yeah, it’s a rather nice pod. Generitech pays us a salaried rate of credits based on our position that are released on the first of each month. We can then use our iPad’s to access an internal site where it has our credit balances and then we can buy whatever we want from the store. I had just gotten a new bed for my pod before this training class. The basic beds leave a bit to be desired, but I wanted one of the nice ones you know.” Thomas explained.

“So, Chloe took the points system Sara created for Jordy and basically turned it into a companywide payment system for all the Generitech underbreds.” Dayton said aloud.

“Who are Jordy and Sara? I still find it hard to believe you know the queen. No offense but Ms. Gracewood doesn’t seem like she would be in your circle.” Thomas questioned.

“Well, she is very much in my circle as you put it. I can call her when I want. So, you should remember that when you’re speaking to me.” Dayton said smugly. She never quite understood why all the Generitech littles held Chloe in such high regards and thought of her as their queen basically.”

“Oh, right you like to do your little routine each morning.” Dayton said, putting Thomas on the floor. “You can start doing your morning jog just stay where I can see you. I have one of those bug thingies for littles, but I don’t want you get you getting hurt or anything.” Dayton said with abit of edginess in her voice to mask any concern.

“Awe, I didn’t know you cared about my meager underbred existence.” Thomas said before starting his jog.

“I don’t! I am just sure you dying or nearly dying wouldn’t help my grade at all.” Dayton retorted.

“Sure, sure. We can go with that. I mean wouldn’t want someone to think you had a heart.” Thomas shouted back before picking up pace for a proper morning jog. As Dayton leaned back in bed messaging her friends as her eyes drifted down to Thomas quite often.

“I guess we can eat.” Dayton said, standing up from her bed after several minutes. She stretched briefly before rubbing the sleep from eyes. Dayton yawned ever so briefly before placing her hand down next to Thomas. As he doubled over slightly winded. He looked at her hand for a few seconds before stepping onto it. She had made it very clear to him what that command meant. In Thomas’s mind he always thought of little guardian relationship as a partnership.

Thomas could hear the heavy footfalls of Dayton’s barefeet against the hardwood floor as she carried him down the hall. Dayton’s fingers arched up ever so slightly which allowed Thomas to cling to her fingers as she bounded down the stairs. Thomas looked about the large expansive home. It was much bigger than the flat he and his family had back pre-smallara. He knew things were generally bigger in America, but this was something else.

Dayton stopped before a bunch of potted plants that were all positioned across from a window so they could light. Thomas felt himself plucked from Dayton’s hand like a hair from someone’s head. Dayton lowered him into a large potted plant.

“Check the soil and let me know if it’s dry. This one’s picky with water and if it gets overwatered it could die. It’s mom’s favorite.” Dayton said with her hands on her hips. “I’ll be back in a second. I’m just going to get food.” Dayton started to turn around when Thomas spoke up.

“Umm what exactly do you want me to do? I mean I’m not a plant whisperer.” Thomas asked knowing he had never been all that great. He didn’t have a brown thumb or anything like his grandmother.

“I swear you underbreds know nothing if you aren’t taught. Just dig down a bit and see if the soil is wet beneath the surface layer, then push the dirt back. Mom won’t want a hole in the dirt.” Dayton said rolling her eyes.

“Okay, I don’t see why you can’t do this. It would be much easier, wouldn’t it?” Thomas asked surveying the dirt. He had always hated getting dirty and now here he was literally standing in the dirt of this giant potted plant.

“This is the kind of chore for your kind. I shouldn’t have to explain myself to my little. I’m asking you to do this. It’s not like I’m saying scrub the kitchen floors or fold my laundry. You’re just seeing if i need to water this plant.” Dayton said rolling her eyes. “I shouldn’t have to explain my every decision. I am your guardian.” Dayton said firmly with a tap of her foot.

“Junior Guardian,” Thomas mumbled

“What? I can’t hear you when you stare at the ground and mumble.” Dayton said

“Oh.. Ummm. I was just asking if you had a shovel.” Thomas asked, surprised, she had heard anything at all.

“What does this look like to you, a Home Depot?” Dayton exclaimed.

“What’s a Home Depot.” Thomas asked unfamiliar with the store. He assumed it was an American store.

“It’s like a Lowes. My dad used to take me all the time.” Dayton said before seeing Thomas was still a bit confused. “it’s a hardware fix it yourself kind of store. Now just dig in there and check with your hands. I’ll be back in a minute.”

“What about my fresh clothes.” Thomas asked as loudly as he could as Dayton walked into the kitchen.

Thomas crouched down using his hands he started digging in the dirt to sift through enough layers that he could see if it was dry all the way through. It had only been a minute and already his hands were caked in dirt along with his feet. After having reached sufficient depth and finding it still dry. Thomas began to move the dirt back as he felt the footsteps of Dayton return. He looked up at her as she ate a bowl of cereal. Shoveling a spoonful into her mouth as she reapproached the potted plant.

The sound of Dayton chewing filled the room as her eyes filtered down to the plant, she left Thomas in. He could see several droplets of milk spill from her spoon as she had lifted it up to her mouth which now lay on the hardwood floor.

“So, what is it?” Dayton said between chews as she looked down at him impatiently.

“It could probably use some water. It was dry as far down as I could go.” Thomas said making sure to put in as American of terms as he could for his junior overlord.

Thomas expected some kind of further acknowledgement, but Dayton merely dropped her spoon into her bowl of cereal and picked Thomas up using her thumb and pointer finger as she walked back into the kitchen. This time setting him down directly into the sink.

“You’re so dirty. I guess that’s why they say littles are like animals” Dayton said aloud to herself. “Step back towards the side. I don’t want you getting burned by the water.” Dayton added as she turned on the faucet which to her was a small stream, but Thomas seemed more like it was gushing water.

Dayton took another bite of her cereal as she felt the water temperature. Thomas hated how he could hear her eat. He hadn’t been around all that many Tallie’s so he couldn’t say for certain if it was bad manners or just a fact of life caused by their size differential.

“There,” Dayton said mid chew as she lifted Thomas up with her free handheld him underneath the water. The water felt the perfect temperature of warmth as Dayton let it hit his back and spill over him. He could do nothing but watch as she took another bite of cereal with her free hand before moving Thomas beneath a large spigot which Thomas recognized as a soap dispenser.

“Dayton honey what are you doing? Don’t make a mess please and why are you eating at the counters I just cleaned.” Mrs. Harris said, walking into the kitchen.

“Thomas is all dirty. I have to clean him.” Dayton said.

“Dayton don’t talk with food in your mouth. You know that bothers me.” Mrs. Harris said

“Sorry mom,” Dayton said with her mouth still partially full of food which she promptly swallowed.

“Next time use the bathroom sink to clean him. We wash our dishes and such in this sink. We don’t know where that little has been or what kind of filth he has picked up. That water coming off of him looks absolutely black. When was the last time he saw a cleaning.” Mrs. Harris said with the sound of disgust in her voice over the filthy thing.

Thomas was about to answer to explain to Dayton’s mother that he himself didn’t like being dirty and wanted to explain how he got so dirty. However, he was covered in thick ooze of hand soap that landed on his head and dripped down face onto his shoulders. Thomas tried to ward Dayton off, however all she could see was her large hand coming at him and working the soap around him to a lather. As much as he tried to push her hands away, he found it futile. It was like trying to push a building with your hand.

What bothered him the most was that he found this actually relaxing. He could feel his body and muscles easing under touch as she worked the soap onto his body. As much as he wanted to fight her off a level of relaxation hit him that he hadn’t expected. He had heard from a few store littles about this euphoric relaxation to these giants touch but he had figured it was just nonsensical babble. However, now he understood as he relaxed into Dayton’s grip unable to do anything but let his body relax.

Dayton then brought Thomas back underneath the water and rinsed him off several times before walking away from the sink. Thomas shivered as the air of the kitchen felt freezing cold. Thomas watched the hand he was in move towards the fridge but did not open it. This time he noticed a hand towel looped through the handle of the fridge. Dayton pressed his body into the fabric of towel and wrapped it around him using the hand towel to dry him off as she did so with her hands at the same time.

Folds fabric bombarded Thomas from all angles as Dayton dried him off. Any attempt to fight it at this point would end with him getting hurt. So, all Thomas could do was allow Dayton to dry him off. Dayton pulled the towel away allowing Thomas to drop a couple inches into the palm of her hand.

“Much better,” Dayton said as she carried Thomas back over to the kitchen counter where she set him down.

“These clothes are ruined,” Thomas said a bit annoyed as Dayton dangled a set of clothes above him.

“Ah, Ah, Ah, that is not the tone we use. Is it?” Dayton said firmly with a glare she her mother had used on her many of times over the years.

“Sorry, I um.” Thomas said fumbling a bit, losing his bravado a bit from Dayton’s intimidation.

“Appreciate,” Dayton said trying to help Thomas along.

“Right, I appreciate you cleaning me.” Thomas said begrudgingly. As she was the reason, he was so dirty.

“You’re welcome. It’s a guardian’s duty to clean their little. You’re lot doesn’t know any better. I mean does your pod thing even have running water.

“Well, we have a sink with water. A giant tub of water is beneath the pod in a shelving unit.” Thomas said.

“It’s okay, a simple no would work. If you’re lucky enough to be my fulltime little. I will teach you. Here’s some clothes. Put these on then you can eat. I’m sure you’re hungry. We go back to the training center today. Syd is excited to work with you. She wants to practice little walking again. She has still hasn’t gotten ahold of it but i guess she was using a small doll to practice over the weekend.” Dayton said as Thomas pulled his clothes on that Dayton had provided him. He could hear her eating as he pulled the shirt over his head.

“I know your jaws are quite weak. You can’t eat people food normally. This bit of cereal is a bit soggy so you should be able to eat it just fine. I figured I could reward you with a bit of people food.” Dayton said.

Thomas looked up excited. He can’t remember the last time he had cereal. As Dayton lowered her spoon it had a single piece of cereal on it. It was, as Dayton said, a bit soggy, but it allowed him to be able to break off several pieces which he promptly ate. He remembered a time when he could eat a whole bowl full of cereal. But now he couldn’t even eat an entire piece of cereal. Just several bites was enough to fill his belly. As Dayton dropped the remaining piece of cereal into the sink with spoon as Dayton tipped the bowl up and drank the remaining milk before dropping the bowl in the sink.

“Come on Thomas, we still have some time before we go back. I want to practice running with you on my shoulder. It sucks you couldn’t meet my friend Nicole. She has a little.” Dayton said as she carried Thomas back to her room to practice. As she wasn’t about to let anything get in the way of her becoming a guardian.

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2 months ago

Another fun Dayton update, can’t wait to see the image that goes with this episode.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Hey man don’t sweat it we all forget things from time to time. Also, Dayton’s outfit in the image is awesome.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Of course, there is no expense spared for Dayton, she’s number 1 lol.

Last edited 2 months ago by Nodqfan
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

It goes Saddie, Mia, Dayton, Madison, Sydney, Mallory, Sara, Dr Wilson & Stephanie, McKenzie, Nicole, Kayla, Chrissy. from most to least trusted guardian or Junior guardian. /S

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Well if you really think about it we haven’t seen Kayla display the best performance in full guardian trust compared to Chrissy who not only is taking care of her official little but also wild Littles so I kinda think that gives her the number one advantage

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Kayla is very clearly only doing this because Kelli’s her sister and guided by familial obligation, that’s not to say she isn’t a good guardian but, Chrissy is specifically trying to help a less fortunate stranger which slightly edges Kayla out.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

I figured that Chrissy would be number one

J -Vader
J -Vader
2 months ago

Hmmmm interesting chapter and it seems that Dayton is……growing as a person or at least some glimmer of development with Thomas although that brat energy is still large and has yet to be emptied out but she seems to be caring more. Also damn Thomas is loving the life back at home to bad his time with Dayton is a very mix bag.

Overall it’s a great chapter

J -Vader
J -Vader
2 months ago

Yep, I am back mother fuckers with another Fanfic/could happen route – it’s a bit sad and intents one after recent events in the story but I hope you like it.

FanFic – Breaking Point part 1 – 5 weeks later after the coffee shop incident

The past five weeks have been a blur of emotions. It feels like a lifetime has passed since that fateful night. One moment, everything was fine and I was content with my life. But in an instant, my actions caused my best friend to be taken away in handcuffs and sent to prison. All because of who I am…or rather, who I thought I was. I used to believe I was just Jordan Flitz, a college graduate with a bright future ahead. Then it became Jordy Reeves, the pet person.But now…now I don’t even know who I am anymore. As Kelli’s voice snaps me back to reality, I struggle to keep up the facade of being okay. “Jordy!” she calls out to me, her concern evident in her tone. “Are you okay after the whole almost kidnapped thing?” “I’m fine,” I reply in a calm voice, not wanting to burden her with my inner turmoil. It’s Saturday and the girls wanted to hang out at the coffee shop, but right now I don’t want to talk about anything.”Jordy…are you happy?” Kelli’s question catches me off guard and for a moment, all I can do is stare at her blankly. Am I happy? How can anyone be happy after what happened? But I force a smile and nod. “Yes, I’m happy,” I say, hoping to convince both her and myself that it’s true. But deep down, there is a constant battle between guilt and happiness within me.“Jordy….I have seen a lot of people in my life saying they are happy and with that not being the case…Jordy I…I” “Jordy, wait,” Sara interrupted, pulling me away from Kelli. I waved goodbye to her but couldn’t shake off the unsettling feeling that had crept up on me. “I’m fine, Kelli. Nothing to worry about,” I reassured her, but deep down, I knew that wasn’t entirely true. As I went to Sara’s lead and walked away, memories flooded my mind – especially the painful memory of Danielle walking out of my life. “Goodbye Jordan,” she had said in a sad tone. But I couldn’t let myself dwell on it too long. “No…stop thinking about it,” I scolded myself as we made our way home. An hour later, as I took my regular bath in the sink while Sara showered, I couldn’t help but feel like a stranger in my own body. Staring at my reflection in the water, I repeated my name over and over again, trying to convince myself of my identity. But as a single tear fell into the water, I couldn’t deny the turmoil inside me any longer.”I am Jordy Reeves…I am Sara’s little man…but who am I?” I thought to myself, struggling to make sense of my emotions. Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face and my hand was shaking uncontrollably. “Why…why am I crying?” I questioned myself as I quickly splashed water onto my face to hide the evidence.”Jordy, are you done?” Sara called out, interrupting my thoughts. With a forced smile and a falsely cheerful tone, I replied, “Yes, just washing my face.” As she picked me up and held me close, she must have noticed something was off – my shaking hand and red eyes betrayed me. But for now, she didn’t question it and I was grateful for the temporary distraction.
As we settled in for the night, I expected Sara to take me back to my familiar habitat, but instead, she placed me on her desk and fixed me with a serious look. “Jordy, are you really okay?” she asked, her tone filled with concern. I tried to brush off her question with a smile and a cheerful response, not wanting to delve into my true feelings. But Sara was persistent, pushing for the truth until I finally exploded with frustration. “I accept it, okay?!” My outburst shocked both of us, but I couldn’t stop now. Everything that I had lost since being taken away from my old life flooded out of me: my house, my job, my identity, my life. The weight of my best friend’s downfall only added to the burden that I carried. And despite all that Sara had done for me, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was still not equal or truly human anymore. In that moment, all of these conflicting emotions overwhelmed me and I couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. “Who am I, Sara?” My voice cracked as I looked at her tear-stained face. Her embrace and apology were small comforts compared to the inner turmoil that consumed me. Tonight was the night that everything came crashing down for me…and there was no telling what would come next

To be continued

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Thanks I appreciate that and yeah been a minute but I’m back and part 2 I’m already cooking and can’t wait to see what you guys think – also you think it’s something that could happen in the story ? Just curious to see if my comments have the power to decide what happens in the story like lethal lol but yeah just want to know

Last edited 2 months ago by J -Vader
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

The power of lethality is mine alone, mortal!!! LOL

He has taken other suggestions before, and not all of my suggestions have been integrated like I planned, such as the point system isn’t what I described when I suggested it, or my suggestion of Chloe’s middle name being Alexis and Asuka changing that to Alexandra.

I think this could theoretically happen, I believe you’re showing a growing darkness within Jordan as all the things he’s pushed down bubble up at once, it’s impressive.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

lol thanks

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Hmmmmmm interesting 🤔 okay thanks

Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

1.1) This Dayton seemed unrealistically nice in the beginning, I wish she’d stayed.
1.2) Dayton apologising to a little, checking if he was comfortable enough, helping him pressure his morning routine, how do we get this Dayton back?

2) Knowing Chloe took Sara’s point system (which you mentioned you borrowed from some American schools) and making it officially a part of Genritech’s little management is fascinating.

3) Calling Chloe the queen is hilarious, I like to thing Sara has a hand in why she’s called that.

4) “ underbreds know nothing if you aren’t taught” so.. Same as anyone else?

5.1) “if you had a shovel” *Dayton picks up human-sized trowel* “Yeah, obviously, we’re not poor” LOL
5.2) Though in all seriousness even a small spoon would’ve helped.

6) “He assumed it was an American store” Hey, I do that too.

7) “ junior overlord.” Her perfect description

8) Glad to hear “tallie” is spreading, it’s like littles are forming a culture of their own.

9) First mention of Dayton’s father.

10) “Next time use the bathroom sink to clean him. We wash our dishes and such in this sink” and you wash your hands and face in the bathroom sink.

11) Interesting to see Thomas relax to a human’s touch, I guess he couldn’t really bond with anyone since he’d get a new Junior Guardian every few weeks.

12) I felt disgusted with Dayton tone policing Thomas, and forcing him to pretend gratitude towards her.

13) Little running sounds advanced, are we sure Dayton is ready?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1) That makes sense, probably taught some tips in guardian training., still caught me off guard though.

2) I feel like Chloe would have had a lot of pride designing this system, thinking about how grateful the little would be, not realising it’d cement her title as “Queen” I do wonder how many credits they earn a week though? as Genentech little equipment is canonically expensive, and do they pay full price or buy it at cost? And I’m surprised non-Genritech items are up for sale.

I could easily see how the uptake in production would be with the minor financial loss.

3) That’s awsome for her, I’d like to think it’s done by littles in gratitude for actual help she tries to do for them while she can.

4) Just Dayton being a dumbass

5.1) So could I
5.2) Dayton has Sara as a pseudo mentor type, Surely she knows how to hide things from her mother,

6) Yeah, I’m just saying it’s something I find myself doing with a lot of media from abroad.

8) That’s good to see, I am hoping to see that develop, the only concern is that little culture will be monitored and altered by humans to benefit them, like how littles don’t have a slur for humans equivalent to “underbred” (though in my fanfic the word “inbred” takes that niche).

10) I don’t know about you but I eat with my hands all the time, also if the dishes are already in the sink wouldn’t that mean they’re gonna get washed before their next use anyway?

11) I know, bu as he goes through classed he’s gonna get it a lot from different people, but never have a connection like Mal and Gavin, or Sara and Jordan would by now. Also wouldn’t he be shown it ahead of time, so he knows what it’s supposed to feel like for training purposes?

12) So is me feeling disgusted.

13) I see, little running still sounds dangerous though, unless it’s closer to little power-walking.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x