Smallara Episode 513: A Giantess Story

Smallara 513

“What are you doing? This isn’t the way.” Jordan yelled up to his friend as she ran down the sidewalk stopping only stopping once she reached her car.

“I don’t know Jordan. I just couldn’t stand seeing you with her any longer. They don’t even think of you as a person. You’re just a pet to her. It’s demeaning and I just snapped. I care about you. You know that. I always have and seeing carted around like some puppy dog. Oh god what have I done.” Daniela said as she fussed with her keys trying to find the right one to unlock the door.

“Let’s just go back. Explain to Sara what happened. She’s not a bad person.” Jordan said trying to reason with his friend.

“Jordan, I shoved the table towards her and ran out of the coffee shop. I basically stole you from your legal guardian.” Daniela said, finally unlocking the door and collapsing into the driver’s seat.

“Well, what’s the alternative? I mean you’re going to see her class tomorrow.” Jordan said.

“You think I’m going to work after this. I’m going to have to leave the state.” Daniela said

“Let’s not do anything rash. I can smooth this over. Let’s just go back and talk to Sara. Things were going okay overall before the little rights topic came up. That was probably not the best conversation topic all things considered.” Jordan said with a slight chuckle.

“I’m glad you are enjoying this.” Daniela said completely freaked out.

“You can’t run. It’s not going to work anyway. I’m chipped for starters. So as soon as you took me anywhere, they’d know. Plus, I have this collar which Sara can track my position anywhere on the planet.” Jordan added.

“I can just take that off. Just stand still for a second.” Daniela said.

“Nooo!” Jordan shouted frantically.

“What? You don’t actually like that do you? Who wants a collar like that around their neck.” Daniela added.

“It has antitampering. It will shock me. Sara locks and unlocks it with her fingertip. I’m pretty sure its encoded to release for her.” Jordan said. “Chloe gifted it to Sara it’s like 5 of my houses or something like that in value.” Jordan added when they both jumped hearing a knock on the window.

Daniela, seeing no other choice, unlocked the door. Knowing Jordan was right at this point. All she could do was take her lumps. She ran, she tried to steal her friend, she probably ruined her life. There is no way this doesn’t end up with her in handcuffs and fired from her job. Daniela thought as Sara opened the door and sat down in the passenger seat.

“You’re fast. Respect, Ms. Brooks. You don’t know how many times I thought about doing the same thing to Mallory with Gavin and she’s a good friend but he’s one of my best friend even if I am still mad at him. But you actually did it. It was dumb as I can track him but respect anyway.” Sara said while trying to catch her breath.

“I heard from him that it was futile as you could track everything. I don’t even know what I was thinking. I just reacted. I’m sorry I don’t blame you if you want to arrest me or turn me over to Little Prevention services or whatever they call themselves now.” Daniela said while trying to hold back the tears.

“Firstly” Sara said extending her hand next to Daniela’s as Jordan walked over to Sara’s hand which immediately curled around him completely immobilizing him in her clutch. “I’m not going to turn you in.” Sara said as Ellie opened the rear door and slid in.

“I can’t believe how fast you are Ms. Sanchez.” Ellie said, “That was impressive.” She added not needing to catch her breath from years of gymnastics training. “Are we busting her or what?”

“I do care about Jordy. I know you don’t believe me. But he is important to me. I love the little guy. He’s part of my family. The only reason why I agreed to meet with you here is him. As i know how important he is to you. He’s your best friend and I don’t want to get in the way of that. I’m not going anywhere as I’m Jordy’s guardian now and forever. I’m not going to give up my little man. There isn’t an amount of money that could be given to me that would persuade me. I’m not going to press charges or blow up your world or anything. My time with Jordy didn’t start out perfectly either. We had our own growing pains, but we have found common ground.”

“Thank you, Sara. I might have misjudged you. I just want to be able to help him, you know. He’s my friend and when I saw him in your hand at the beginning of the week. It was hard to accept. It was like Mordin Solus said, “it had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong.”

“Too soon,” Sara said “that loss still hurts” Sara added in reflection.

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J -Vader
J -Vader
2 months ago

Well holy shit that was unexpected damn !!! I uh I honestly have no words I’m just shocked at the out come !!!

J -Vader
J -Vader
2 months ago

Here is part 2 baby to the fanfic/could actually happen

Part 2 – Breaking through

After that night it was clear I needed some counseling and talk to someone. A week later Sara had me sign up for a littles therapy luckily it was with someone like me. “ Hello Jordy my name is DR. Cooper how are you,” she said I wanted to make a good impression, and shook her hand and said “Hello DR. Cooper it’s nice to meet you too um…I’m doing good” I said but I couldn’t really smile so I did the best I could. “Okay, Jordy we are going to have a 30-minute session and talk about how you’re feeling and why you’re feeling this way okay” she said from her chair i sat down on the other chair and nodded. We were in a small room that was that was made for littles and saw there was a camera we were being recorded. On the other side, Sara and Chole were watching as they held hands mostly Chole holding Sara’s hand to calm her down. “Jordy I was told you had a …a breakdown last week… could you tell me what happened,” she asked I looked at her with a blank expression usually I would have a smile but the idea of smiling felt unknown to me at this point “I … I not completely sure DR. Cooper….After our outing…my friend Kelli asked if “I was happy” When she asked that question I froze….I froze in thought as if time froze and I was left to think that over for eternity….I said yes but I knew I was just lying to both her and myself…..I keep thinking about that night… when my friend Danielle took me from Sara and ended up losing everything because she wanted to protect me…protecting my humanity….I think about it over and over in my head wondering what went wrong…why it happened…the answer being me…I was the reason she went to jail, lost her job, and I’ll never see her again…my best friend DR. Cooper lost EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF WHAT I AM!!!”

“Jordy it wasn’t your fault she should have known the rules and laws of little kidnapping it was her choice, not yours,” DR. Cooper said “But she wouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t a little….she is a good person who only cared about her friend….me…she cared about me….I should have just said nothing and kept to myself and told her to stay away then she wouldn’t be in jail, and she would still have her job, …and she probably is living her life” I said in a said tone thinking about Danielle last words to me after the court found her guilty “Goodbye Jordan” seeing her smile at me one last time as the cops took her away it was that moment I broke. I lost myself and questioned what I had left from my old life that I held dear I thought I had accepted that I wasn’t a human anymore, that I belonged to Sara, that was vulnerable, that I was a pet person. Honestly, I did, and the sad part was I accepted so much and was told I be happy… and I was until that night. I question everything about myself, my happiness, my worth, my humanity, my dignity, and even my own identity. “Jordy… I know it’s hard for you… to be in that situation with someone you saw as your friend…but she broke the law she snatched you away from your guardian and has to face the punishment… You have to accept…” “ACCEPT !!!… ACCEPT!!! What haven’t I accepted already !!!!” I yelled

“I accepted that I can’t own a house or my car, that I have to have a damn tracking chip in my neck, that I have to wear a fucking caller on my neck like a damn dog, that I let a little girl blackmail me, that I am not equal to people, that my best friend broke the law and now has to go to jail. I ACCEPT THAT I AM NOT A PERSON!!!” I yelled and stood up and put my head on the wall “What more do I have to accept until I am happy…I tried …I tried so hard to accept and look what that got me……I don’t know what else to do DR.” I said in a sad tone “Jordy accepting is one thing but believing it is another and right now you don’t truly believe those things… right now you need to believe not only in that transpired but yourself as well” DR. Cooper said “Thats the thing DR…..I don’t what to believe in anymore….even worse I’m not sure who I am”

Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

Good post! Happy to see you writing again, especially when you bring in the little industry like sports leagues and now therapy.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

Thanks I do my best haha

Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

it’s helpful lol plus I think it makes sense for all of that to be around, considering all the little programs there are currently, like little hollywood. They’ve inspired a few ideas of my own for somethings like this that I’m actively trying to get into my story just so i can be first to the punch lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

Interesting that there are little therapists, Dr Cooper was probably a therapists before shrinking, bit I would have thought Sara would just take him to see Dr Evans.

And of course Jordan doesn’t get Dr patient confidentiality.

J -Vader
J -Vader
2 months ago

Sup guys while I like putting out FanFics for you guys I also thought it would be fun to find…….Voice actors for all the characters in Smallara, yeah that’s right I’m going to find the perfect voices for all the characters. Yeah I know everyone has their own idea of how characters sound but I like to see what people think and would agree in terms of actors to play characters. So let’s begin, shall we?

Characters – Voice actors

Jordan – Josh Keaton

Sara – Mae Whitman

Ellie – Ashly Burch

Chloe – Hailee Steinfeld

Mallory – Grey DeLisle

Gavin – Zeno Robinson

Kayla – Karen Fukuhara

Kelli – Ashley Tisdale

Talisa – Nika Futterman

Let me know what you guys think and if you guys agree or disagree with the choices I honestly like to hear you guys opinion. I’ll get to the other charaters next time

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Holy shit Chloe is based off Grace holy shit I knew she looked familiar every time damn !!! Also interesting on Laura Bailey for Sara

Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

I had a feeling. I think before his first Deviant art account got banned chloe looked WAY more like Chloe Moretz in some of the non-smallara posts

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

He had Chloe 1 2 3 & 4 based on Chloe Grace Moretz,

Chloe 4 later becoming Tucker 1.

2 months ago

Maker’s breath I didn’t think we’d see an attempted kidnapping of an underbred.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Nodqfan
2 months ago

I know right it’s kinda crazy and cool

Lee Han
Lee Han
2 months ago

That’s quite the twist. Hopefully they can reconcile. I do wonder why Sarah would immobilize Jordan tho. He’s the real victim and he is trying to mediate. Also I bed letha is gonna be pissed at the reconciliation. Dani shouldn’t walk back what she said. Sara’s still garbo.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

Not pissed, more suspicious, it’s not like Sara at all to be this forgiving.

And she’d likely be immobilising him in order to feel more secure in this situation.

Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

1) Jordan trying to dissuade Dani was good to see.

2) this is the good ending, a little anticlimactic, but after how the last chapter ended this is the best outcome.

3) Sara is acting uncharacteristically forgiving here, and unhypocritical. It’s not like her. We know she’s canonically skilled at hiding her emotions, so that’s likely a part of it, but there’s gotta be an angle here, a price she’s gonna extract from either Jordan or Dani.

4) “It will shock me. Sara locks and unlocks it with her fingertip. I’m pretty sure its encoded to release for her.” Jordan’s misinterpretation of his Collar’s functions is hilarious, it won’t shock him, it’ll play a frequency that’ll put littles to sleep.

5) Both girls are surprised how quick their gym teacher is, lol. But Dani’s lucky Mal Kayla and Chloe aren’t there, thise three are all active members of sports teams and could more likely out pace her.

6) there’s been a few instances where you referred to Dani as Emily in this section I kept forgetting to mention, In this chapter Sara calls her miss Brooks by mistake

7) Sani stopping to accepting her punishment was a good move it likely would have been worse if she kept fighting.

8) now that it’s over, what was the other idea you had?

9) I’m glad Dani and Sara seem to have a mutual respect for the care they have of Jordan.

10) “That was probably not the best conversation topic all things considered.” no, but Ellie and Sara were both repeatedly saying thins they knew would upset Dani, she was biting her tounge as long as she could.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lee Han
Lee Han
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

Wouldn’t be surprised if Sara is “forgiving” her so she can have leverage in the future. This is some solid blackmail material and she’s shown herself to be very manipulative.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

Agreed, Kindness from Sara always comes at a price, she may not collect immediately, but she will collect.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1) it’s nice seeing the start one.

2) I see, well I do think she’s learned something, and likely will thunk harder before she acts in future.

3) it’s just who she is, my opinion is based on facts and her previous actions.

4) it would make sense that he’d simplify it to the point of misunderstanding what is does and how it works, but this does also mean he thinks Sara pit a much more aggressive thing on his neck.

5) Yeah, the athletes could have believability caught her, And Ellie’s a former gymnast, not that Gymnastics automatically carries over into running fast, unlick soccer, hockey or basketball.

7) that makes sense, most people need to realise things themselves as well as being taught them.

8) so its my fault she almost blew it? That she’s now on thin ice and at rush of losing Jordan.

9) That’s very true, even though my trust for Sara’s care is limited I do know it’s there.

10) I do understand that, but at the same time Dani was putting in effort to say “Jordy” even though to her he’ll always be Jordan, even apologising when she got it wrong and other times she’s said things that would upset them, so it’s not unreasonable to think Ellie and Sara could have called Jordan their “little” or “friend” instead of “underbred” or “pet”. She’s corrected Sara and others for using underbbred and other degrading language before so they both could reasonably figure out it would bother her.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

3) this is how she keeps Emily out of the loop lol plus like Asuka said, now Dani’s 100% reliant on Sara’s mood and benevolence for visitation, even if Dani did get guardian certified for jordans benefit, which she probably can’t afford, but it’d be cool to do anyway for him

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1) it’s just normally Jordan’s depicted as not very smart, or making poor decisions/judgement, (even in this chapter him not understanding the collar), so for him to be the one who’s right with an accurate view of things and giving good advice is a nice change.

3) that doesn’t mean she can’t change it, earn a better one, but it wouldn’t be easy.

4) This also means he technically consented to a shock collar!

5) well, none expected Sara to catch her. And yeah, not all sports are gonna help with all kinds of fitness.

7) I get what you mean, though I’ve never owned a credit card because I didn’t need to learn that from experience, but I’ve has to learn other lessons the hard way.

8) It could also be much better for Dani.

9) if you must.

10) Dani is older and wiser, (which makes her dumbass decision more frustrating) and was clearly trying to let slide when Sara and Ellie used slur terms for her friend, while also accommodating their Sara’s desire to change his name, which is why I think she was clearly putting a lot more effort in than they were.

Them speaking casually does make sense, and it’s something Dani had to avoid to appease them.

Was your last paragraph cut off?

2 months ago

Phew. I’m glad that didn’t end\hasn’t ended as bad as it could have. I’m also glad that Sara admitted that she had a similar idea but with Gavin. I almost wonder if she wasn’t gaurdian trained if she’d have done it, as I’m betting that the training part kicked in anytime she had that thought. Anyway, just glad shes letting out a little bit more about how she actually feels about Gavins situation. She and Daniella are a lot more similar in that regard the more we see these two interact.

Chapter 13: Breakfast

Joey exited the bathroom, fully clothed in a pair of tan shorts and a red polo, and started to head to the stairwell when what could only be described as a monstrous roar could be heard coming from the door at the end of the hall. The sound echoed through the house, eliciting a chuckle and grin from Joey. As the door swung open, Roni appeared, looking like a demon from hell. She wore white lounge pants and a pink tank top. Her black hair was frizzy and standing up in all directions, with some dried drool present on the corner of her mouth. Her eyelids were halfway open and bloodshot, and her facial expression shouted “need coffee.” She let out another monster yawn before her eyes adjusted and she realized Joey was grinning at her.

“Fucking morning people,” Roni muttered as she padded past him, scratching her back as she went.

Still grinning, Joey moved out of the way before giving her a small taunt. “Hey, is that any way to talk to your big brother?”

“Ugh, you’re insufferable in the morning! And you aren’t my brother yet!” she whined, trying not to smile at Joey’s joke. “Is this something I’m going to have to deal with if everything works out?”

“Oh, little or not, my extra six months of life experience will be made apparent whenever possible, LITTLE sister,” laughed Joey as he headed downstairs to help with breakfast, while Roni groaned and headed into the bathroom.

Joey made it to the kitchen and smiled, seeing a French toast battering station set up on the island. Mrs. Hale was dipping Texas toast into an egg, vanilla, and cinnamon mixture before setting it into a pan next to another pan loaded with bacon. The rich aroma of cinnamon and sizzling bacon filled the air, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

“Morning, Mrs. H… I mean… mom,” said Joey as he leaned onto the island, resting his chin on his hands. “Need a hand with anything?”

With a twinkle of appreciation, Mrs. Hale smiled at Joey and nodded to a carton of eggs that needed to be cracked. “If you wouldn’t mind. I’m making a big breakfast today, and you know how everyone in this house likes their eggs…”

“Scrambled,” both Mrs. Hale and Joey said in unison, each with a big grin. Joey grabbed the carton and began cracking them into a bowl for whisking.

About twenty minutes later, the rest of the Hale family filtered into the kitchen, all drawn in by the smell of breakfast. Roni made a beeline for the coffee pot, pouring about half a mug full before opening the fridge and adding a caramel coffee creamer to it. She proceeded to take a sip and let out a contented sigh.

“I don’t understand how you can function without this, Joey,” Roni said as she started to head to the dining room.

“It’s just my cross to bear, Roni. Besides, half of that is sugar from your creamer, you know!” he called out with a laugh.

As Roni entered the dining room, she immediately noticed something wrong and frowned. At the table, both Sandi and Ciara were sitting next to her chair rather than Joey’s as usual. The two looked up at their sister, greeting her with a smile.

“Morning, Roni,” both said in unison as she took her seat between them.

“Why are you both sitting here? You normally like sitting next to Joey when he’s staying over,” Roni asked in a hushed tone.

“Oh… uh… well… we just uh… wanted to sit with you this morning, is all,” replied Sandi in a nervous tone, Ciara nodding enthusiastically as she spoke.

“Yeah, Roni! Plus we don’t want JoJo getting Smallara!” Ciara added naively, causing Roni’s brows to knit together in annoyance while Sandi facepalmed.

“CiCi! You weren’t supposed to say anything, moron!” Sandi whispered in anger before looking at Roni. “We… well… I… just want to keep Joey safe, Roni and… I figured if we sit far away, it’ll decrease his chances of catching Smallara…”

“Sandi… that’s not how it works…” sighed Roni, her expression softening as she knew her sisters meant well, but ultimately, their attempts would be futile. “Look, you two, I know this is tough… I’m struggling with it too. I know you both love Joey, but the best thing you can do is just… be yourselves,” she said with a smile. “Joey needs us to treat him like we normally do because nothing is going to change, just his height, okay? Now… if you both want to sit with me still, that’s fine, but please don’t treat him any differently than you normally would, okay?”

Sandi and Ciara looked at each other for a moment and nodded, before getting up and moving to the other side of the table where they normally sat.

“Roni… is it going to be weird being Joey’s… owner?” Sandi asked as she sat back down.

Roni looked at her younger sister, whose face had concern and confusion written all over it. “To be honest,” she sighed, “I haven’t even thought about it… at least not in a lot of detail. I… guess it could be… different,” she conceded before immediately adding, “but I’ll get used to it… I’ll have to… anyway, let’s just… focus on one thing at a time, okay, girls?”

Roni looked over at Ciara, who had been quietly listening. “CiCi… sorry for yelling at you last night… are you doing okay with all of this?”

The eight-year-old had her hands in her lap and twiddled her thumbs, swinging her legs back and forth as she thought for a moment. Truth be told, this was all a lot to take in at this age, as littles weren’t really brought up that often in elementary school, but Ciara was picking up that this was a big deal and that there was a lot of worry regarding Joey’s fate.

“I… think so, Roni. JoJo’s going to be okay, right?” she asked, her blue eyes looking for hope in her sister’s expression.

“Yes, CiCi. He’ll be okay. I’ll make sure of it,” replied Roni with a big smile as she tried to ease the uncertainty of the situation.

At that moment, Mr. and Mrs. Hale, as well as Joey, entered the room carrying dishes of eggs, bacon, French toast, and fruit. The three of them served the food onto all the ceramic dishes on the table, making sure that everyone had an even portion of food, before taking their own seats and digging into the breakfast.

The room hummed with satisfaction as breakfast progressed. French toast had always been something Mrs. Hale loved making, and the added help from Joey cooking the eggs and making sure the bacon didn’t burn only allowed Mrs. Hale to be more focused on her craft.

“This is so good, mom!” exclaimed Roni through a mouthful of French toast and bacon.

“Yeah, mommy! Thank you for making breakfast for us!” added Ciara with a smile as she smothered another piece of toast with syrup.

“Ciara! You need to eat fruit…” Mrs. Hale said sternly, to which Ciara immediately added a spoonful to her plate and flashed her mom a big smile.

“That’s better, honey,” Mrs. Hale affirmed with a smile of her own.

Sandi and Joey both exchanged a smirk as they teasingly took another portion of French toast without grabbing fruit, though that was short-lived when Mrs. Hale gave them a side-eyed glance, causing Joey to immediately scoop fruit onto both Sandi’s and his plates.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hale ate in quiet contemplation. While he appreciated the light-heartedness of breakfast, he knew that after he’d be taking Joey and Roni to the Calhouns’ residence to, for lack of a better term, blackmail them into letting them adopt Joey. He glanced at the boy for a moment while he considered how things would go once they were at the house. While he didn’t think the Calhouns would do anything violent, Mr. Hale wasn’t certain that they wouldn’t use whatever means they had to intimidate him into relenting on things. He nursed his coffee as he looked over at Joey, watching him behave as if nothing was wrong.

“That’s good,” thought Mr. Hale. “I may have reacted harshly last night. I owe the boy an apology for that, but at least he’s staying present and not dwelling on things, or at least not showing it bothers him.”

As breakfast came to an end and everyone worked on clearing the table, Mr. Hale cleared his throat, causing the rest of the family to look at him.

“Joey, Roni, finish helping clean up, and once you’re done, meet me in the living room. We’re gonna head straight to the Calhouns’ residence and… have a little chat with Joey’s parents.”

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Thanks! Gonna try to take my time to make the next few episodes as impactful as I can

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