Smallara Episode 514: A Giantess Story

Smallara 515

Sara looked down at Jordan feeling relief that he was back with her. When she saw Ms. Sanchez running away with him for a brief frantic moment, she thought that was it. That she would never see him again. She could feel Jordan moving around trying to get comfortable in her hand, but she didn’t dare release him. Not now after just having gotten him back.

“I’m not saying you can’t ever see him again or anything but I’m going to need some time and space. You did try to steal my underbred.” Sara said, trying to hide the anger she felt. As she knew this was Jordan’s friend. If it was anyone else, she would have buried them. They would be in the deepest, darkest, hole that could be dug. So far down light would just get lost trying to reach the bottom and give up.

The word underbred ruffled Daniela’s feathers as she looked at Jordan gripped in Sara’s hand. She hated the term but most of her students used it as if the term Little didn’t exist to them. Now though she lost any right to say anything. At least in this moment. She was lucky Sara was giving her any opportunity for redemption.

“I told you Sara could be reasonable. See you had nothing to worry about.” Jordan said to Daniela as he remained clutched in her hand. She eased her hold on him though.

“I can take him back to the car.” Ellie said. “Give you two a moment.” Ellie said as she extended her hand. Daniela watched as her friend was transferred from Sara’s to Ellie’s hand. She wanted to reach out and touch him once again but she didn’t dare. She knew the mistake she had made. She watched Ellie open up the car door and close it as she walked away from her car towards wherever they had parked.

“I appreciate your forgiveness, Sara.” Daniela said.

“Jordy belongs to me Ms. Sanchez. Just so we are clear. You have my respect for the attempt. However, if you try anything like this again. I won’t be so forgiving. I know you don’t like me and that’s fine.” Sara said

“I don’t dislike you Sara. I don’t like you calling Jordy a underbred and treating him like property. But, you’re a good person. You’re a good student. You work hard. There isn’t much to dislike overall.

“Jordy is an underbred and he is my property. He’s my pet person, Ms. Sanchez. I love my pets. I even gave up a pet because Jordy was so scared of my cat Mocha. So, if you want to see him again you had better start toting the company line. Which is Jordy is mine and you see him on my terms, and you follow my rules. If you can do that, you get to be in his life. If you can’t do that, I can text Ellie to come back, and you can say your goodbyes. I allowed today for Jordy’s sake. I forgave this little slip up because I’ve made mistakes and made bad choices. I’ve wanted a do over before and never gotten one. The second chance Ms. Brooks never gave me, I’m giving you. As I’ve done things I didn’t realize hurt those around me. So now it’s your turn. You can do the right thing, or you can say goodbye. Think on it, that can be your assignment. As your bestie Ms. Brooks would say, Its due at the start of class on Monday.” Sara said, opening the car door and stepping out. “See you in class Ms. Sanchez. Byeee” Sara said with a slight wave as she walked away from her teacher’s car.

Sara exhaled deeply, allowing her anger, her sadness, to bubble to the surface for a moment. The nervousness, the fear, the worry over the possibility of losing Jordan cascaded over her all at once. She thought back to her many therapy sessions. In her mind she just repeated breathe over and over again as she took a deep breath which she held and then slowly exhaled as the sound of Ms. Sanchez driving away could be heard.

Sara took her pointer finger and wiped tears which had formed under each eye and wiped them away. The anger and Sadness she masked with a smile which fell over face. As she walked quickly to catch up to Ellie at the car. As with the sun having gone down and darkness stretched across city. It was no longer safe to be out like this alone.

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2 months ago

Appreciate Sara being forgiving, but come on dude lol stop hiding your emotions. You have every right to blow up on her and cry at the same time. Hell if Sara did that it would have been more affirming of her feelings towards jordan. She’s got a long long way to go with therapy if she still thinks hide behind a mask is the way to handle things, speaking from experience

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

Totally agree honestly best outcome from this whole situation

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

If she does around ellie, then I’d be happier than if it’s just with Jordan. Ellie, Chloe, and if he could be there, gavin, are who she should never have that mask on around. She’s only hurting herself more if she thinks not letting them see her vulnerable side is okay. Chloe made that pretty clear I think when they were talking to about gavin. Her friends care about her, so she shouldn’t feel the need to bottle up stuff just to appease them. Like I get not wanting them to worry or wanting to mess with the status quo, but that’s the exact thing that led her to the incident. If she hold it in, I hope ellie is relentless in getting her to open up, cause Sara needs to learn how

Just to go on a tangent, I think this should open her eyes to talking to malory about gavin. Not in a accusatory way mind you, but letting Mallory know how she feels to an extent and asking her to let gavin be a bit more gavinish wouldn’t be a bad thing if done right

J -Vader
J -Vader
2 months ago

Glad she was so forgiving towards Danielle and she was in the right to be angry and lay down the rules on her but I think Dani will get the message and would rather see her friend than say goodbye like Sara suggested in her options and Hopefully Jordan also calms her down and makes sure she is alright. But Sara stop with hiding the emotions it’s not good anyway Great chapter.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Not unreasonable but a lot to process at least in her emotional state at the moment but will agree knowing that it’s not perfect but the good outcome and honestly knowing in life is perfect but we’ll always look for the best outcome

J -Vader
J -Vader
2 months ago

Okay, part 2 of the characters and their voice actors loved the feedback about the choices!!! Now let’s start the show.

Part 2
Characters – Voice actors

Sadie – Olivia Olson ( she played Marceline from Adventure Time by the way)

Mrs. Daniels (Christine) – Allison Janney

Katie – Kristen Schaal

Dayton – Michaela Dietz

Charity – Cristina Vee

Maisy – Haley TJU

Kaitlyn – Kimberly Brooks

Ashley – Cherami Leigh

Tamara – Erica Lindbeck

Like last time let me know what you think and if there are any disagreements and or different ideas I’m all ears lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

Who, was Katie again? I can only remember one mention of a Katie and that was Mal referring to an off screen friend.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

Sadie’s friend from the cafeteria lol yeah I went super way back in the older chapters

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

I see, so a one off character who doesn’t speak just laughs. And she got a VA before Tiff? Lol

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

Yep you never know for all we know we could get another spinoff with Sadie lol

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Actually this is true lol also J-Vader productions hmmm I like the sound of that sound so …professional and fancy 😎

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

Here I thought you had notes on everything lol

Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

Just give lethal a reason to reread everything lol

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

Haha true that what I did it was a roller coaster of emotions rereading things from the first day, the runaway attempt and the side story lol

Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

That’s my downfall with these posts lol I think I make a good point but then something I forgot happened comes up and I have to find the chapters again and read them and just go “oh yeah huh”

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

I am honestly surprised how I didn’t and did remember lol I’m like holy shit that did happen

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

I’m good, not perfect.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

Not perfect!!! You literally remembered Kayla 1.0, all of Sara’s mistakes with Jordan, and other stuff but fair enough lol

Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

I’d say remembering Sara’s mistakes is probably more of a super power than note taking lol

J -Vader
J -Vader
2 months ago

The Final part in the FanFic Guys I really felt proud of this arc and thanks for the positive feed back.

Part 3 – Breakout
I slammed my fist against the wall in frustration, tears streaming down my face. I had accepted so many things that went against everything I believed in – being treated like a piece of property, betraying my values for the sake of survival, feeling like less than a person. But now, as I stood here unable to control my emotions, I realized that accepting these things and truly believing in them were two different things. How could I believe in something that made me feel so lost and unsure of who I was? And what did it all mean if I couldn’t even trust myself anymore? Dr. Cooper’s words echoed in my mind, but they only added to my inner turmoil. How could I have any faith in myself or anything else when everything around me seemed to be falling apart?
I paced back and forth in Dr. Cooper’s office, the weight of my decisions pressing down on me like a heavy burden. Each step I took echoed in the silence of the room, a reminder of the uncertainty that loomed ahead. Dr. Cooper watched me with a steady gaze, her calm presence offering a sliver of comfort in the chaos of my thoughts. “Jordy, it’s okay to feel overwhelmed,” she said softly, her voice a gentle anchor in the storm raging inside me. “You’ve been through a lot, and it’s natural to question things, to feel lost. But remember, you are not defined by your circumstances or the actions of others.”
Her words reverberated within me, stirring something deep inside that had long been buried beneath layers of doubt and fear. I paused in my pacing, meeting Dr. Cooper’s gaze with a mixture of defiance and vulnerability. “But how do I move forward from this?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper in the hushed space of the office. Dr. Cooper leaned forward, her eyes meeting mine with unwavering compassion. “You move forward by facing your truth, Jordy,” she replied, her tone firm yet kind. “You must confront the feelings that plague you, the doubts that cloud your mind. Only then can you begin to heal and find your way back to yourself.” Her words struck a chord deep within me, resonating with a truth I had long denied. I sank into the chair, feeling the weight of my emotions like a physical burden on my chest. The silence stretched between us, heavy with unspoken thoughts and unshed tears. And then, with a trembling breath, I spoke. “I’m scared,” I admitted, the words raw and vulnerable on my tongue. “I’m scared of losing myself, of never finding my way back.” Dr. Cooper nodded, her gaze steady and understanding. “Fear is a natural part of growth, Jordy,” she said gently.
“It’s what you do with that fear that defines you. Are you going to let it hold you back, or will you use it as a catalyst for change?” Her question hung in the air, challenging me to face my fears head-on. I closed my eyes, allowing her words to sink in, searching for a sliver of courage within me. When I opened my eyes again, there was a newfound determination flickering in their depths. “I want to find my way back,” I said, my voice stronger now, laced with resolve. “I want to confront my fears and come to terms with who I am, no matter how difficult it may be.” Dr. Cooper smiled, a small but genuine curve of her lips. “That’s the spirit, Jordy,” she said, pride coloring her tone. “Remember, healing is a journey, not a destination. And I’ll be here every step of the way to guide you through it.”

Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

This just wants me to see a chapter with Jordan and Sara’s therapist that much more lol

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

I know right !!!!! Haha

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

The return of Dr Evans

Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

1.1) Finally Dani not liking the term underbred cones up.
1.2) amd of course it comes too late when Dani’s lost her legs to stand on.
1.3) “Jordy is an underbred” no Sara, he’s a little, it’d be like if someone called you “dyke” over your sexuality, acted like the word “lesbian” was unheard of to them.

2) Finally the fact that Sara’s calm nature is actually just her emotional mask comes up,

3.1) There’s the real Sara, making threats, trying to alter others behaviour to her liking. I was wondering when she’d be back.
3.2) though Sara wanting time before dealing with Dami again makes sense.

4) “I told you Sara could be reasonable. See you had nothing to worry about.” what the hell gave you that impression.

5) I’m really hoping she’s not gonna punish Jordan over this.

6) I’m not normally overly critical of the actual art part of this story, but all I’m seeing is a black screen with shadows over it.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1.1) I know that but she has stated it to Sara and Sara’s chosen to ignore it. I get that the onus to sacrifice was on Dani and she was making those sacrifices for Jordan’s benefits, the fact that Sara wasn’t also making any sacrifices makes me feel like her claims that she “tried to make it work” aren’t fully sincere.

1.2) Dani is clearly trying to come to terms with and accept that, but to me it’s like losing custody of a child to someone you don’t fully believe is fit to raise them, then finding out they insult the child regularly. Also with Sara’s words her, I can imagine Dani trying to correct “underbred” to “little” when Sara or her friends say it would result in less time with Jordan.

1.3) no offence but the argument of “it’s not a slur when I use it, because I don’t mean it that way” isn’t really a good one to me. I understand that to some people that’s just the word for littles, like how some people still call Asians “Orientals” or refer to Native Americans as “Indians” but even if they don’t mean to offend these terms still aren’t correct or polite things to say.

2) yeah, but it’s nice to see a better look at specifically what’s underneath, it humanises her imo.

3.1) she’s given Dani an ultimatum, which is to tow her line and follow Sara’s rules or Sara will see to it that Dani never gets to talk yo Jordan directly ever again. I’d consider that both threat and behaviour altering.

4) I get that Sara’s being reasonable here, I’m just Saying Jordan hasn’t had the most reasonable time with Sara, more often than not Sara being unwilling to negotiate or even discuss things with Jordan, like hiw he had to pay just to listen in on the conversation with Dr Wilson.

5) That’s goid, I’m remembering back to Monday when Tamara attacked Jordan for no reason, than Sara punched Tamara in the face, than Tiffany spanked Sara, then Sara turned around and took that out on Jordan, punishing him for what happened despite it not being his fault, even going as far as to rewrite events in her head, claiming Jordan was “picking/starting fights” because something when slightly not her way. She later attempts to gaslight him into thinking the punishment was for something else, but that other thing never came up arpund the actual punishment so uts hard to believe.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1.1) I’m aware that Sara is making those sacrifices and have acknowledged on previous posts that it’s the kindest thing she’s done for Jordan yet, but Ms Sanchez is making all those sacrifices too, she’s spending tine with someone she’d rather not for the benefit of Jordan, there’s likely a lot of things she’d rather be doing, and as much as Sara’s risking credibility hanging with a teacher, Ms Sanchez is potentially risking more hanging with a student. Plus Ms Sanchez is making all the sacrifices I mentioned previously.

1.2) apparently she thought Sara was unfit enough to make an abduction attempt, lol. But I take your meaning once she calmed down she was far more able to see that Sara wasn’t the absolute worst option for Jordan.

1.3) I think we can agree to disagree on thus one, Hate speech is by its very nature subjective (which is why policingit is next to impossible), things that were PC before we were born are considered offensive now, and there’s a possibility that things considered PC now will be considered offensive after we die. Underbred will always be a slur to me, especially the way Sara used in against Charity (not that I sympathise with Charity, it’s just the principle).

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

This was an accidental post I’ll reply to the other points when I have more time.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

2) That’s another thing to consider, I can jump to conclusions without knowing what comes next.

3) a lot of mothers use child custody against fathers though, just because its not something she invented doesn’t mean it’s not manipulative, I can imagine Sara making arbitrary decisions about how much time Dani gets with Jordan. Or Dani trying to bribe Sara with higher marks.

4) Legally Sara’s done nothing wrong, she’s even gone above her requirements from a legal stand point, I agree. But Legal and moral aren’t always aligned and I’ve made my opinions on these laws quite well known. Selling his things without his consent or discussion, locking him in solitary confinement for 24hrs, forcing him to undergo a medical procedure he didn’t need to against his will, isolating him from his friends, using derogatory and cruel language, distributing images of him without his consent and more things she’s done could all count as abuse, but are all things parents in real life can legally do to their kids with no consequences, and littkes have even less protection than kids.

I think one of the fundamental differences from your perspective and mine is, I don’t see how the existence of worse options makes Jordan’s situation any better, it’s always been one of my least favourite arguments, I always think if that scene in Shameless when Frank’s getting ripped a new one by his kids for being such a shitty father and his defence is “do you know how many parents kill their kids?”

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Much nicer thanks.

Why is Dani holding Jordan in the image?

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
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