Chrissy Part Three: The Season Finale: A Smallara Side Story

Chrissy 3

The floor shook as Scott rested on it. He had long since finished his daily chores and settled into life with his owner, Chrissy. Leaning his back against the freshly cleaned sneaker, he let his mind wander a bit.

Each day, Chrissy left the sneakers she wore the prior day sitting on the floor, and it was Scott’s job to clean them. Chrissy had bought him a small, powered brush and a small hand brush for the finer areas of her shoe. Along with nontoxic cleaner and water. The only part that Scott found he didn’t really like was she would always leave an air freshener he would need to spray in the shoe. So, it meant he would have to climb all the way up and in. He would use her shoelace as a rope to climb down into the shoe itself and then spray the air freshener all the way down to the end of the shoe. That was the only bad part because since it’s a shoe, the ceiling got narrower and narrower until he was practically crawling on the floor.

Chrissy was very much a sneaker enthusiast. He didn’t realize sneakers were such serious business. Every night, she would inspect his work to make sure he didn’t miss an area. He learned the first week she asked him to start doing this that every nook and cranny needed to be cleaned. She liked her sneakers looking brand new and smelling fresh.

She always made sure to show him that she appreciated the work he did. Scott found himself wanting to work harder and applying himself more to keeping her shoes clean. As at the end of the day he always liked hearing the bit of praise Chrissy would give him. He knew in this diminished form there was little he could do that was practical but this was a small way he could give back to Chrissy who had rescued him from Preema Tech.

As Scott reflected on his time locked in a cage in that awful Preema Tech store, he felt the floor shake as Chrissy’s door opened with a familiar squeak. He could hear Chrissy’s mother Diana curse quietly over the fact Rick still hadn’t gotten to putting some oil on the door.

“That man, I’ll tell you what Scott. I swear you’re the only man who works in this house. Two weeks I’ve been telling him to fix the squeak on this door. You’ve heard me.” Diana said as she stared at the door for a moment, letting her annoyance fester a bit before turning back towards Scott and walking into Chrissy’s bedroom.

“I’ve heard you telling him. I’m sure Mr. Watson is just busy though. He seems to work quite late into the day.

“I suppose you’re right. I’ll give him till the weekend before I say something. Now remember this is just between us. Don’t be telling Chrissy. You know how she gets.” Diana sweetly said as set a small hunk of a smoked beef stick and a bit of cheese next to Scott.

“Thank you Ma’am. I appreciate this.” Scott said as dug right into the piece of meat. It was bursting with flavor which exploded across his tongue. It was nothing like pellets. He couldn’t remember eating something with so much flavor. As it seemed like he had been eating pellets for his whole life.

“you’re welcome and I told you before. You can call me Mom. You’re Chrissy’s little which makes you family now. We won’t be having any of this Mrs. Watson or Ma’am business. It’s Mom to you.” Diana said with kindness in her voice that reminded Scott of his own mother.

“Yes Ma’am” Scott started to say but caught himself. “Yes Mom,” Scott said as Diana gave Scott a gentle pet before standing back up.

“That’s better do you want me to put you back in your room or are you good here till Chrissy comes home? It’s still going to be a few hours.” Diana said

“I’m going to stay out today. I feel like stretching out a bit.” Scott said before taking a bite of cheese. It was a nice sharp cheddar cheese. Chrissy gave him people food more sparingly than her mother did. Scott was appreciative that she typically brought up some kind of treat for him each day. Chrissy was always worried about what people’s food would do to him. While it was a bit hard switching from the Preema Tech pellets to the Generitech pellets. The Generitech ones have much more flavor and give him more energy.

According to Chrissy, the Preema Tech ones are a cheaper, inferior version that is more likened to fast food than anything truly healthy for a little. Scott was unsure himself, but he figured Chrissy had no real reason to lie.

“Okay then. Stay out of trouble till Chrissy gets home.” Diana said with a chuckle before walking out of the room, making sure to close the door to prevent any pests from getting in.

Scott drifted off to sleep napping in the afternoon sun that would come in through Chrissy’s window. It was one of his favorite activities. It wasn’t until he heard the footsteps and felt the floor shake that he stirred awake stretching his arms with a yawn as Chrissy walked into her bedroom with her boyfriend Mike in tow.

“Hey little guy.” Mike said giving Scott a small wave before wrapping his arms around Chrissy’s Waist and giving her a quick passionate kiss.

“Miikkkeee Stooop. My parents are home.” Chrissy said playfully as she lightly gave shove to Mike before looking down Scott.

“You’re kicks look great. He does a good work.” Mike said looking at the near spotlessly clean shoes.

“He’s the best gift anyone has ever gotten me. I love him so much.” Chrissy said before bending down and giving Scott several pets before standing back up

Scott always felt awkward when Chrissy brought Mike around. He was thankful as if it weren’t for Mike he would have never been paired with Chrissy. He could still be at the PreemaTech store or he could have gotten bought some kind of shrew. Who didn’t care for his needs like Chrissy did. However, seeing them together also reminded him that Mike had purchased him. He was a gift for his girlfriend. He was a symbol of his love and commitment to Chrissy.

The longer he was with Chrissy the less weird it was becoming. He didn’t realize it at first. Now he doesn’t even know exactly why it’s feels weird. Chrissy and Mike are both tallie’s and tallies date tallies. Just like a little like him would date other littles. He hadn’t even hard of a little dating a tallie. Scott briefly wondered if such a thing was even possible. He knew they were genetically incompatible from his time at PreemaTech. They covered in detail how littles like him were genetically different and biologically different even though if you remove size both Tallies and Littles look alike. But its kind of like saying a family car and a ferarri are the same. They are both cars but arnen’t really comparable under the hood.

“Do you think he could do my shoes?” MIke asked looking down at Scott.

“I would need to get special equipment. I mean your boy shoes are gross. I don’t think they have ever been cleaned. They would ruin my brushes. The last thing i want are my shoes getting covered in your dirt and grime.” Chrissy said looking down at her shoes.

“How much did the stuff you bought him cost?” MIke asked thinking he could just pick up a comparable set.

“The set i got him is super expensive. It’s like five hundred dollars and that was on sale.” Chrissy said. “we could go to Little Mart this weekend and see if they have some cheaper ones. These are nice as he can clean my shoes pretty quickly. But, we wouldn’t need anything fancy for your shoes.” Chrissy said.

“You wouldn’t mind would you little guy?” Mike asked looking down at Scott directly. He felt a level of obligation when Mike asked. He was afterall Chrissy’s boyfriend but he had also bought him for her. He felt a level of natural obligation to show Mike the same level of obedience that he showed Chrissy.

“No sir,” Scott answered making sure to show Mike some respect. Looking at him reminded him that Chrissy wasn’t all powerful. It was easy to forget as its expected for her parents to be a bit taller then her. However, Mike is a peer. They are around the same age. Yet he towers over Chrisssy. He is more muscular than Chrissy. One aspect he didn’t like though was he didn’t smell as good as Chrissy.

“You can call me Mike. No need to be so serious with the sirs and all that. I appreciate you treating my girl right. She deserves the world.” Mike said before giving Chrissy another kiss.

“Awe, MIke. You are so sweet. Let’s go downstairs I just want to drop my backpack off and put these shoes away.” Chrissy said before walking right up next to Scott. The first couple days Scott was fearful when Chrissy would walk beside him. He kept envisioning himself getting crushed or stepped on. However Scott has been around Chrissy long enough to know she watches what she is doing. But, her size and ability to move as quickly as she does still gives him a moment of pause each time.

As Chrissy slips todays sheos off she grabs the pair Scott had just finished cleaning. She gave them a visual once over before placing them in her closet. Chrissy stood out in Scott’s mind as he hadn’t ever seen anyone care about sneakers as much as she does. She even has sneakers she buys that she doesn’t intend to wear they are just to show off like they are some kind of work of art.

Chrissy vanished into her closet as Mike walked over to Scott and lowered his hand down to the ground. Scott looked at Mikes hand for a moment. He always rides in Chrissy’s hand. Seeing another hand lowered caught him offguard. There were a few occasuions were Chrissys parents picked up or moved him somewhere but mostly it was Chrissy as he was generally in her room unless he was home.

“Oh, uh, thank you, Mike.” Scott said climbing into his hand As soon as he was in the hand and it was lifted up it different. MIke’s hand was rougher then Chrissy’s. He notied each Tallie had a bit differnet natural oil to their skin. Scott had gotten used to Chrissy’s. What he noticed more so was that his body was somehow more naturally on edge.

“I’m not going to drop you or anything. Like try to relax or whatever.” Mike said sensing Scott’s uneasiness.

“Awe look at my two guys all together.” Chrissy said as she grabbed Mikes free hand cuddled up next to hm resting her head on his shoulder as she grasped his arm.

Scott was unsure what was going on as they walked downstairs. He could hear Mrs. Watson in the kitchen. But they walked into the family room as Chrissy turned on television. Scott saw the Generiflix logo for what he knew wasn’t the first time but he knew it had been awhile as the little version had seperate branding.

As the two sat down on the couch Mike set Scott down on his lap. After after a few moments he crawled over to Chrissy’s lap and used a fold in her sweatershirt as a blanket to cover himself with as the two settled into the movie.

“He’s really bonded to you already.” Mike said looking over at Scott.

“Well its been a couple months already. It’s only natural I’m his guardian so he sees me all the time. Normally we go out and do things so he hasn’t been around you much. If you want him to warm up to you. You’re gonna have to come around more.” Chrissy said as the movie started.

“I guess I didn’t realize how strong the bonding is.” Mike said.

“Well the bonding only helps to a degree. You still have to treat your little right. You can’t abuse them or be mean to them and expect to bond. As the bonding only happens when they feel comfortable with their guardian mentally and phsyically. A sense of safety is key as well. As you want your little to view you as a safe place. Scott knows I’ll protect him if something happens and he knows I love and care about him. As I’ve shown him affection. I’ve had him almost his whole little life. Being we rescued him he from PreemaTech this is the best life he has known. He doesn’t know anyone beyond the people I’ve introduced him too. This is his whole world. It’s not like he would be able to find his way anywhere as he doesn’t even know anywhere else to go.” Chrissy said.

Scott hadn’t thought about it but Chrissy was right. He knew that PreemaTech must have done something to him. He couldn’t seem to remember anything before Preematech store and the longer he was with Chrissy even his time at the Preematech store is starting become hazy in some ways as far event and life in the cage. All the training he did and everything he was taught isn’t difficult to recall at all. He doesn’t even need to try.

Hearing it had been two months already was astonishing. It didn’t seem like he had been here that long. Chrissy was right about one thing. This place had become his home. If he was forced to leave he wasn’t even sure where he would go. This is the only home he has ever known. But the idea of having to leave was something he knew would never happen as he belonged to Chrissy.

“You can take tomorrow off Scott. I’ll clean todays shoes before bed. You’ve worked hard all week. Just enjoy the movie as your treat. I know you like the people shoes better then the little shows.” Chrissy said before giving Scott several affectionate pets.

“Have you taken him to see the littles you help?” Mike asked.

“No, Scott doesn’t leave the house. He’s only seen the backyard and then inside the home. He’s not a wild little. He’s my little, which my loving boyfriend got me. I don’t plan on ever taking him. It’s nothing he needs to see. This is home, this is his world.” Chrissy said before lifting Scott up and giving him a kiss. “hey you got yours earlier don’t give me those puppy dog eyes.” Chrissy said as she set Scott back down who laid out on her leg watching the movie but also more excited about not having to do anything tomorrow. He can try out that new game Chrissy got him now that his little controller finally came in for his GeneriBox Series L.

As Scott continued watching the movie he pushed out the thoughts of losing some memories of his time PreemaTech and before. As he had a pretty good life with Chrissy. So, it wasn’t worth worrying about what he couldn’t control. The only thing he had to do was take things one day at a time.

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Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

0) Aren’t season finales traditionally longer not shorter? lol

1) Since he liked the small of her sock in the last one, I wonder if Scotty gets any of that from the inside of her shoe.

2) I like that Chrissy makes sure to show appreciation to him for doing things for her.

3) Love the interaction between Diana and Scotty, the way he calmed her about Rick, the way she gave him a treat and the fact she wants him calling her “mom” so damn cute.

4) “Preema Tech … more likened to fast food than anything truly healthy for a little” I thought the whole point of pellets is they’re healthier for them, with regular food already being fast foodesque.

5) I always think it’s kinda sad when napping is considered a favourite activity.

6) Mike being nice to Scotty was good to see, though the awkwardness he feels is understandable.

7) Interesting that Scotty says tallies, I’d have figured that’d be another Genentech term like guardian.

8) More signs of memory erasure with Mike not thinking Littles and tallies can date.

9) $500 for little cleaning equipment? fuck mate, it’d make more sense just to clean it yourself at that price.

10) “he didn’t smell as good as Chrissy” that could be for multiple reasons
10.1) Mike is a male and males generate greater body order than females
10.2) Scotty is bonded to Chrissy and therefor her scent is more appealing to him because pheromones
10.3) Humans are known to be more ok with the sent of people they find attractive.

11) “he hadn’t ever seen anyone care about sneakers as much as she does” not as far as his vanishing memory can recall.

12.1) Little Genriflix has a different logo, the detail in this world is marvellous.
12.2)  “GeneriBox Series L” does the “L” stand for “little”?

13) Love seeing how Chrissy describes the importance of earning a littles trust for bonding to work, (though I’m pretty sure it was effecting Jordan before he fully bonded)

14.1) “I know you like the people shoes better then the little shows” there’s no actual reason they should be different.
14.2) Minor typo of saying “shoes” instead of “shows”

16) it’s a weird mercy that his old life is being erased from his memory, he gets to live partially like a smallborn. I just wonder if he’ll lose anything important, like vocabulary, or literacy, or potty training.

17) I get why Chrissy wouldn’t want to take Scotty to her rescues, they’re likely abused and battered, possibly crippled littles amongst them she might not want to expose him to, and we don’t actually know how they’d react to him either, they could welcome him, or their envy could make them violent towards him. I reckon Scotty could benefit from friends his own size/species but probably ones in similar positions to him.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

I forgot to mention the L does stand for little in the generibox series L

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

It was kinda obvious, but I like to be sure, thanks.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

0) I like this balance.

1) I’m glad he could get enjoyment from the task. I wonder if he’d ever just wanna be at her feet because of the scent being heightened there.

2) Different personalities from littles and guardians would force different dynamics and styles to arise, like parent-child dynamics.

3) They all seem to have a lot more respect and care for Scott, and it’s not just Chrissy taking care of him, Jordan doesn’t get that in the Reeves’ house.

It reminds me of 389 when Sara explained that Tiff isn’t going to check on him, rubbing in his face that he has no one but her who’ll check in on him daily, Scott has a the whole Watson family, and Jordan has just Sara.

4) Sounds like they may as well just be eating the tallie food. Especially since it was also the comparison used for littles eating tallie food.

It is nice to know that Genritech is at least attempting to do right by littles, despite my distrust of them.

5) I see, well that does make way more sense.

6) Definitely cool to see.

7) That all makes sense, I’m guessing Chloe heard it from Jordy and spread it through Genritech, Still I kinda wish Biggle is the one that stuck. lol.

8) Honestly its really sad seeing how even though he’s rescued the damage is still being done.

9) Maybe it’s just a culture I’ll never understand, though I’m glad Chrissy and Scotty can bond over it.

10.1) I meant more that girls generate less, but girls being more hygienic on average could definitely have been a fourth point.
10.2) That was my thought for an in-universe explanation
10.3) He that one more mental than the others

11) Fair point, I don’t know any Sneaker Enthusiasts either.

12) I do like that the Chrissy story is a lighter take on the world, that the issues Scotty faces are few and far between and usually from outside of the house and the worldbuilding that follows.

13) I wouldn’t say he’s fully bonded yet, but I do believe it started already and before he really trusted her and the effects were shown in times she was petting him.

14) “There isn’t a difference. It’s just different content” I don’t know, sounds like there’s a difference to me. It was also established in the last episode that Littles are restricted to content below PG13, which can have good shows don’t get me wrong, but it’s still condescending and a bit mean as their isn’t really a reason why an adult little couldn’t enjoy adult content by themselves, same as an adult human.

15) Actually, point 0 was originally point 15, but I moved it to the top as I realised it made more sense there and forgot to adjust the others. But since I don’t wanna leave you hanging…

Chrissy has “69” on her jersey, Nice.

16) It’s a mercy like claiming stepping on a little to end their suffering is a mercy, Or claiming Sara’s suicide attempt was mercy upon herself. I’d prefer Scott’s situation to Jordan’s, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have issues with it, memory removal being chief among them.

17) That’s the dark reality of human nature. I get why Scott’s curious, But Chrissy’s making the right call.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1) I meant would Scotty seek it out

3) I can see that too, But there’s no way Diana woukd ever suggest Scott eat on the floor, or Tiff would let Jordan call her “Mom”.

4) but don’t apreema tech pallets have the same issues as biggle food?

14) well, that kind of makes sense, I kind of get it, there are real people who take bas meanings from news and media they’re exposed too and spread this misinterpretation to others in their communities, and littles are just as smart and dumb as biggles. But what damage could these depictions really do to the little population?

17) every dog owner I know socialises their dogs with their friends’ dogs. I suppose for some littkes their guardian could be all they need, But Sara mentioned that it’s important for littles to interact with other littles in 390 and other chapters, it’s the whole reason Kayla2.0 approached Sara in the first place.

2 months ago

This was nice, Hopefully, we’ll see more of Chrissy and Scott in the future. I liked them.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Good to hear.

Lee Han
2 months ago

Honestly this is the best outcome. Calm, relaxed and reasonable. Honestly I think Scott got luckier than Jordan. I just hope he’ll eventually get to socialize more with other littles.

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

I do wonder what would happen to Scott in the Event that Chrissy and Mike were to break up. They seem fine together but still. Would she still want him? Id think so.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

She’d hardly be the first person to keep a gift from an ex post-breakup.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

plus I’d assume that it’d be hard for a guardian to just give up a little, no matter what company they came from. Like imagine going to the guardian that’s swapped out 5 littles looking for the perfect one lol just seems insane to allow it

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

Very true, Sara had it reiterated to her that guardianship is a life long commitment in 39 when after she tricked Jordaninto consenting. Though the idea of being able to split a guardian/little pairing over incompatibility doesn’t sound to bad to me. Though in my opinion compatibility should be considered before purchasing a little, like through interviews and such.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

Agreed. I’ve been traveling all day today so i forgot to mention this, but the part where Chrissy is explaining the depth of gaining the littles trust is why I think Junior Guardian Dayton should fail the first time, assuming things don’t change

“You can’t abuse them or be mean to them and expect to bond. As the bonding only happens when they feel comfortable with their guardian mentally and phsyically. A sense of safety is key as well. As you want your little to view you as a safe place.”

also, I hearby declare that Jordan’s nickname is now joradninto 😉

2 months ago

Chrissy’s a breath of fresh air. so are her parents. even mike seems pretty cool, albeit probably not comfortable with littles. Scott would have the perfect life were it not for that stupid chip

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

What’s funny is that This is a case where pet is something I’m actually okay with. I think Chris’s and Scott could still form a team dynamic like I think all Littles and guardians should have, but with his memories being suppressed, pulling any memories that would be beneficial in real life would be impossible so finding other things he could help her with in life would be pretty hard and take time, but I could still see happening potentially depending on if the memory suppression stops training new things post implementation. If it doesn’t, christ could still help him rediscover interests and stuff and tell him what’s going on in the world and what not so he can be his own little and talk about things with Chris’s instead of defaulting to her. Plus Chrissy seems 100% genuine and empathetic so she sees him as a pet but isn’t being a ball buster or anything and is really trying to save him.

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