Smallara Episode 517: A Giantess Story

Smallara 517

“Sorry, it didn’t work out how we wanted Jordy. I know Ms. Sanchez is your friend and all. I’m trying to keep an open mind about things, but she did try and littlenap you. I get it. I’m not saying I don’t understand or can’t relate to how she feels because I do. But it all comes back to the fact she did try to littlenap you.” Sara said with some reservation in her voice.

“She’s not a bad Sara. She just is worried about me. What did you tell her after Ellie and I left.” Jordan asked.

“I know, I just told her that she will have to accept that I’m your guardian if we are to have future visits,” Sara added as she looked over at Jordan.

“Are you okay though? It’s okay and perfectly normal to not be okay in this situation. It was a traumatic experience.” Ellie said, grabbing Sara’s hand with her free hand, seeing it quiver ever so slightly.

“No, I’m not okay. She tried to take Jordan, and I wouldn’t have been able to stop her if she didn’t stop at her car.” Sare cried as tears fell from her eyes. “When I caught up to her, I wanted to jump her. I wanted to make her feel how I felt. How scared I felt. The worry and dread of not seeing Jordy again. No one can protect him or care for him like I can. He’s kind of dopey at times, but he’s my little man. I love him so much, Ellie, and he was almost gone. I just wanted her to feel the pain I feel.” Sara said between sobs as tears ran down her face.

“He’s safe now, Sara,” Ellie said as she extended her hand out so Sara could hold him. Jordan looked up at Sara, feeling horrible as tears fell down on around him. A couple of tears fell right next to him. They didn’t seem to have the same force as the raindrops, as the distance they were dropping was much shorter. But it gave Jordan a good perspective of what Sara meant. Moreso than dodging the tears, he hated seeing her cry. She always seemed so untouchable, so above it all. Yet, seeing her at this moment so upset and hurt over losing him was difficult to bear. While he had no way of stopping Daniela, a pang of guilt hit him when he saw her like this.

Sara’s hands wrapped around Jordan as she lifted him up and gave him several kisses on his chest before she lifted him away from her face and hugged him against her chest. Sara’s touch was soft even in this moment as she hugged him. He was pressed into her sweater and scarf. He could smell her perfume trapped in the fibers of the fabric as she loved on him.

“I would have never forgiven myself if something had happened to you, Jordy. I know she’s your friend and all, but the guilt of releasing you to her and then losing you would have been overwhelming.” Sara said as she looked down at Jordan, her eyes still puffy.

“I’m not going anywhere, Sara. Dani made an error in judgment. Try not to hold it against her.” Jordan pleaded. “She’s a good person who just messed up because she cares about me.” Jordan tried to explain.

“I said I wasn’t going to press charges or report her or anything. I meant it. You have my word, Jordy. I’m not trying to blow up her life. She just needs to accept that you’re my little man. Just like I needed to accept the same thing with Mallory and Gavin. Gavin is Mallory’s pet person, and that’s just something I need to accept. I can’t change it or do anything to stop it. Mal is a good person, too. She’s just a bit controlling at times.” Sara explained aloud, sharing her thoughts.

“Controlling? Yeah, I can’t imagine what that would be like.” Jordan said with a bit of sarcasm that seemed not to register with Ellie or Sara. “I appreciate you not punishing or pressing charges against her. It means a lot to me, Sara.”

“Ms. Sanchez will just need to come to terms with the reality that you’re my little man. Assuming she can accept that. I’m not going to stop her from seeing you, but I just need some time. Seeing her run away with you was a lot to take, emotionally and mentally. You mean a lot to me, Jordy.” Sara said

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2 months ago

See I think this is the perfect time for Jordan to try to plead his case. Something along the lines of I know how the world sees me and how everyone sees Littles. But if Sara could find it in her heart to understand how it makes Jordan feel to be talked about a an object. That if Sara really loves him this much, then she would understand how those words hurt him. And just changing some words and treating him more as a partner in crime than just a pet would go along way between them. Just my opinion I still love the story but this seems a place for growth between them.

Reply to  Smallguy3531
2 months ago

Would love that. I think it’s getting closer and closer to that point. This might be the catalyst for a real conversation between Sara and Jordan. Especially if something happens at the party too.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Smallguy3531
2 months ago

I could see her agreeing not to talk about him like his an object, but she’s never going to stop seeing him as a pet, she’s invested too much into him being one, also she’d get up him for trying to go back on the matter that she sees as closed.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

She can see him that way and understand it’s hurtful to say yo him. He would have to dive in head first I think tho, to request a more mutual Satus. Explaining how if the shoe was on the other fit she would have a different perspective.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Smallguy3531
2 months ago

He can’t though, her condition of sending Mocha away was that he wasn’t allowed to push back or have any resistance about being called a pet.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

That’s true. I should also clarify my point was in reference to it’d be cool if this and an open discussion, vs jordan fighting about being called a pet, about everything lead to a more mutual partnership

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

I personally think there’s some fluidity and conflict starting to form in her current thinking. Like Jordan, as a little, isn’t exactly what she was expecting a little to behave like, especially when you go back to her thought about it in one of the previous chapters. She might have to start re-evaluating her ideals on what a little is going forward. Even viewing him as a pet person doesn’t seem to feel right to her, from what I can see, but maybe that’s just how I’m reading it. Otherwise I wouldn’t think she’d be having conflicting thoughts about it at all if she was certain her views were the right ones or more humane ones

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

There is absolutely a disconnect between expectation vs reality for Sara. Something Asuka and I have discussed previously (like on his original DA account)

Firstly, she was trained just in case her friends were vulnerable her expectation was she’d either have a little she’d been close with previously or would be the little to someone she’d been close with previously, which is why the fact that Jordan’s not always clicking with her frustrates her so much. (Asuka has confirmed that if she was Gavin’s or any of the clique’s guardian she’d be a much better guardian)

Secondly, she assumed that a little would immediately accept their reduced status and lack of autonomy and authority, which is why she show frustration at Jordan not accepting quickly enough.

Thirdly, she assumed that her little would instantly trust, respect and like her, which makes sense when you consider she was originally planing for a little who was already her friend. But, in Jordan’s case she must have thought it’d be included with the purchase and not something she’d have to earn separately, which is why she got very familiar with him very quickly.

Fourthly she didn’t account for personality because she assumed she’d already know her little, this is why it’s dawning on her that the guardian training didn’t teach it or how to handle/adapt to it. (Also guardian training would assume the little is going to change for their guardian, not the other way around)

She does appear to be reevaluating her stance, but so does Jordan we see in “Sunday Funday” which is set over a year in their future, Jordan is still very much her pet, I suspect she’s more towing the line between pet and person than letting Jordan cross it.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

1) Sara is having a very reasonable reaction, which bugs me even more that Dani didn’t.

2) “What did you tell her after Ellie and I left?” then she straight up answered honestly, it is so weird.

3) Sara crying onto to Jordan is such an emotional image. And Jordan’s guilty feeling and uncomfortable reaction was perfect.

4) “I would have never forgiven myself if something had happened to you” Yeah you would have, you’re very good at forgiving yourself when bad things happen to Jordan.

5.1) “Controlling? Yeah, I can’t imagine what that would be like.” oh he’s making jokes
5.2) “sarcasm that seemed not to register with Ellie or Sara” of course it didn’t

6) “Ms. Sanchez will just need to come to terms with the reality that you’re my little man” you can do your part in that too Sara, refrain from saying “underbred” and using dog commands while she’s present.

7) “Just like I needed to accept the same thing with Mallory and Gavin” the difference is you aren’t as different from Mal as you think you are, and already knew and trusted her before Gavin’s infection. Dani would be the polar opposite of you, and has little to no reason to actually trust you.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

3) yeah, but it’s a good thing. She never wants to be seen as weak and finally letting it happen, especially in front of Jordan, I think is a win for her emotional growth.

5) probably best they didn’t pick up on it right now lmao

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1) it did seem entirely plausible given the situation. But is also the craziest thing that’s happened

2) no, but she is usually manipulative which this also seems void of.

Depending on the lie she could have gotten things from him. But in this case I’m thinking back to her saying thing like “you know all you need to” or “you need to get used to not knowing everything” just choosing not to say anything for no reason.

3) I have almost no emotional durability against people crying, especially kids, it’s my greatest weakness. Part of me mow wants to see how the inverse reaction would be. (Jordan crying in front of Sara)

4) That’s definitely true, her mask is something I find quite fascinating to see you write around, I’m hoping for more chapters from Sara’s perspective so we can glimpse behind it.

I’m also realising that not every example in my mind makes sense as she wouldn’t forgive herself for something she doesn’t consider wrongdoing.

5.1) aww, you do think of me, lol. I’m just glad he feels safe enough to make jokes.
5.2) that makes sense just something she can learn about him.

6) I agree that the onus is on Ms Sanchez to put up with it, but with Sara talking about how hard she tried I don’t think that small concession is a big ask from her.

7) I mean it’s not like she was criticising Mal in this chapter. Lol. Gavin does clearly want to be with her but Jordan did also (privately) express desire to be with Dani. The difference to me is, that for Gavin, Sara is within reach, shes trained, can afford him, and talks to him regularly. Whereas for Jordan, mountains would need to move before he could be with her, she’s untrained, can’t afford a little, and sees him rarely.

I more meant before the evening’s events transpired, but you’re right after Sara had done that there would certainly be more trust built between them. Why other than Jordan would she do it?

2 months ago

Chapter 14: The Old Stomping Ground

Joey and Roni rode in relative silence in the back of Mr. Hales’ diesel truck, with only the sound of the radio keeping the tensions at a moderate level. All three of them had thoughts running through their mind about what was going to happen during this whole visit. Roni and Joey seemed to have similar thoughts floating in their heads, though they didn’t bother saying them outloud. Both expected Joey’s parents to be pretty cold hearted and cruel to Joey, Joey more so expecting this than Roni. Roni hadn’t been there first hand when Joey was first kicked out, and Joey didn’t say anything about it, but she could tell it really rocked him to his core. Introverted as he was, there was still the quality of self-assurance that always shined through. However, Roni could tell that had diminished, his eyes never fully able to meet hers, his smile larger than normal to hide how depressed he is, and it hurt her to see him like this.
On the other side, Joey just stared out the window watching the houses pass by, noticing them become more elegant and familiar as they progressed through the neighborhoods that would lead to the gated community full of the snobby elitists, atop of which his parents preside. Even the governor of California didn’t seem to command as much authority in the neighborhood as his mother and father. Truth be told, he was scared shitless about what was going to happen when he saw his parents again for the first time since being kicked out. Joey knew that there wouldn’t be a happy reunion, or a desire to make amends, not after what his parents said to him. Even if they were to apologize, Joey wasn’t too certain he could really forgive them, or if it would even be genuine. His gaze hardens as that crosses his mind, he wouldn’t put it past his mom and dad to try and trick him just so they’re guaranteed to ship him off to wherever they decided he deserved to go once becoming a little.
He flinched suddenly feeling a squeeze on his hand before looking over to see Roni looking at him, her arm outstretched and hand wrapped around his own. All of the tension in his body seemed to dissipate and his eyes relaxed as Joey looked into Roni’s eyes, giving him the look she would normally give to ease his introversive nature when he would be too nervous to go with her to the mall or to school dances just for fun. They both looked each other in the eye before Joey finally gave her a warm smile, taking her hand in his as she smiled back at him with an expression full of hope and support.

Of course, Mr. Hale was more concerned about the repercussions of holding the fact that Joey’s parents were technically abusing him over their head as a means to convince them to let He and Kat adopt him. Certainly, they wouldn’t resort to physical violence against him or his family, and while they could make his life at work harder, the fact that Condense LLC was a subsidiary distributor for Generitech would probably make it harder than they expect, especially if Jeff decided to push back by explaining to his superiors the situation, which would shine the spotlight back on the Calhouns. However, it was outside of those options where he got nervous. Joey’s parents hold a lot of social sway in the Northern part of California, even being able to make suggestions to some of the state senators to get priority on shipping contracts. Jeff wouldn’t put it pass them to use such a sway to publicly shame him and his family, using their money to spread vicious rumors or hire team’s of detectives to look up details of his or Kat’s personal life for some kind of social media campaign. It wouldn’t be the first time, thought Jeff as he remembered sponsored commercials of the current Governors predecessor revealing the affair he was having with his wifes fitness instructor, from when he was a senator no less. Mr. Hale could only shudder what kind of dirt that kind of money could pull up on him, or worse, on Kat or her Brother. Then there was the kids. Roni, Sandi, and Ciara all went to pretty nice private schools that received financing from a mixture of Alumnists, small business, and the government. Sadly, this would include the Calhouns as one of the largest contributors to the district. That kind of influence is something that could filter down to the staff and maybe even the students. Jeff frowned at the ideas of his daughters classmates and teachers being tougher on them just because the Calhouns were mistreating Joey, and even started considering if he should pull them all from their current schools just to be safe. Sure, it’d be really tough on Roni to move schools as a Junior, but her safety was more pertinent than having to make new friends. Plus she was a pretty outgoing girl as far as he could tell from a fathers perspective, she’d be able to adapt. As this thought passed through his mind, Jeff took a glance into the rearview mirror and his expression softened as he saw Roni silently comforting Joey, who must be more worried about this than he thought. If there was any doubt in Jeff’s mind that this was the wrong idea, seeing the two of them at that moment completely erased it.
After another 20 minutes passed when Mr. Hale pulled up to a large gate outside of what could only be described as a palace. The large, ostentatious was 3 stories tall and looked as if 3 of the Hale’s home could fit within in comfortably. The lawn was lush and green, with multiple workers currently tending to it. The car port looked like something one would see at a luxury hotel, with a detached garage that probably held a vehicle for every occasion. “Jesus, i don’t get why they don’t just keep you, Joey, and let you get lost in the house” muttered Mr. Hale as he rolled down the window to speak to the gate guard.
“Do you have an appointment?” asked the guard, with little to no interest or enthusiasm in his voice.
“Oh I uh..” Mr. Hale started before Joey leaned into the front of the cabin “Hey Dan…we’re going to see my parent’s if that’s okay with you” he said with a warm smile as recognition and a small bit of surprise crossed the guards face.
“Joey! Oh Uh…yeah that’s fine…” replied Dan sheepishly seeing the employer’s son in the truck.
“Thanks Dan. You rock! Sorry you got stuck with the boring shift today” said Joey.
“No worries Joey. Just luck of the draw I guess” said Dan, who looked bored out of his mind as he look behind the truck to see a silver coupe pulling up behind them “They with you, Joey?”
   Looking through the back window and seeing the car that had been following him all week, Joey grinned mischievously as he turned back to Dan. “You know, Dan, they might be a security threat. I’d be pretty thorough with checking them out. Maybe even pulling them aside and waiting for a backup team to help out” said Joey with a wink, causing Dan to smile back as he caught his meaning.
   “Probably for the best, Joey. Can never be too careful. Say hi to your parents for me!” said Dan as he waved Mr. Hale through the gate before stopping the silver car to perform his threat evaluation.
“Good riddance to those assholes” said Joey as he sat back into his seat, both Roni and Mr. Hale held back laughter as they pulled up to the house.
Upon reaching the main entrance, Joey took the lead, figuring the locks had been changed, and rang the doorbell. The three waited until they were greeted by a man with dark brown skin and short black hair that was showing signs of greying, dressed in a nice 3 piece suit. He had a look of contempt as he opened the door but it immediately changed to one of relief upon seeing Joey. “Dios Mio! Master Joseph it’s you! I would have never expected you to come back here”
“Santiago, I told you just to call me Joey” said Joey, his cheeks flush with embarrassment “and yeah I…didn’t really think I’d be here either but…well some things have changed. You remember Roni, right? And this is her Dad, Jeff Hale.” Joey gestures to the two of them as they just give a small wave. “Anyway, how’d your nephew like the designs? Were you able to print them with my 3D printer with the instructions I gave you? Did it all come together like I thought it would” he asked with great enthusiasm before getting nudged from behind by Roni. “oh uh..right..umm…Santiago, we’re here to see my parents”
Santiago’s expression hardened and he sighed sadly. “Senor Leonard said that you were to not be allowed back in, Joey…you know that..”
“Yes well…just uh, don’t tell them I’m here. Tell them Mr. Hale and Miss Veronica are here to talk with them and…I can just wait outside” said Joey with some disappointment as he didn’t want to be kept in the dark.
Before either Roni and Mr. Hale could protest, Santiago’s eyes quickly glanced down and back at Joey a few times. Joey, a little unsure of the meaning, suddenly realized what he meant and moved the door mat, seeing a loose brick that was a little off colored. He picked it up and popped it open, revealing it to be a fake, and pulled out the key within it with a grin.
“Well, Master Joey, it looks like you found a spare key and have let yourself into the house, and followed myself, Master Jeff, and Miss Veronica to the conference lounge. We’ve told Master Leonard that it was a bad idea to leave it in such an important object in such an obvious place, and now it seems that we have proof to convince him” Santiago said with a wry grin.
“Thank you, Santiago. Really…you and Gabriella were so kind to me and…well..” Joey wraps his arms around the man and hugs him.
“You’re welcome Joey. The rest of the staff and I do and will miss you dearly..” replied the man as he returned the hug. “Now then…Please follow me”
The group entered a large room with a polished mahogany table seating twelve surrounded by high-backed leather chairs. The walls are adorned with framed portraits of Joey’s ancestors, the most recent being his father, and a crystal chandelier hangs above. The room is carpeted with a plush pattern, with a flat-screen TV for presentations set into custom cabinetry at one end.
“Please, wait here…your parents will be in shortly” said Santiago as he left the room. The three decided to take a seat, sitting in silence for a few minutes until the door to the room opened and a man and woman both entered the room, stopping short as they locked eyes with Joey.
“Ugh…how did a wild animal get into my house? We’ll need to bring this up with the head greenskeeper, Margaret.” Said Leonard Calhoun as Joey glared at his father and his mother.

Reply to  C M
2 months ago

This was another good update to the story. Joeys parents seem like a piece of work.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Yeah, they’re very elitest and social status obsessed, though I would say they didn’t really get this bad until joey started learning more about Littles and having massive disagreements regarding them with his parents. Before that they weren’t fantastic parents but not nearly as bad as they are now since Joey’s considered the family failure

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

kinda yeah, but that’s how teenagers are lol i remember having a lot of disagreements and arguments with my mom and dad at that age. plus it kinda highlights how politics can split up families due to how firm or extreme some beliefs are.

The real kicker was that, since they still viewed him as human and the one to eventually take over the family business, he was still considered family, and the calhouns are pretty loyal to their own and Joey’s actually really really smart, Roni being second in their class behind him, so even if they disagreed to that extreme, his dad at least knew that Joey could still run the business effectively when his time came. Now that he’s homo parvus though they see now real reason to even talk to him, which I thought would be a good pov to write about as there’s gotta be families in this universe that feel the same way. Them being elitist, i’m not too certain if they still would have kept him around, though i guess if he hadn’t been difficult he could have gone to a family member. that part I hadn’t really thought about until now.

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