Smallara Episode 519: A Giantess Story

Smallara 519

Jordan could feel his old life separating more from this new life in this Smallara-infected body. The more he tried to hold onto what he was, the harder it seemed to make this new life. He knew there were aspects of what Sara said that he couldn’t deny. The actions of Daniela are harder to forgive as an adult, as a teacher, as someone who is supposed to be their mentor over a twelve-year-old Brat like Dayton. Sara may forgive, but he couldn’t even fully blame her if she didn’t. She could ruin Daniela. As a teacher, she stole from her students, tried to injure her students, and met with her students out of class in a social environment. None of it, when spoken out loud, is appropriate, and the only thing stopping her friend from spending her life in Jail is Sara.

Even removing the fact she tried what would what would be considered littlenapping. Meeting Sara and Ellie outside of school was inappropriate and not smart. He forced his friend to do something she knew was wrong, which put her in a position to do something worse. As much as Jordan hated the idea of it all. He wondered if it just wouldn’t be better to close the book on that part of his life. As a little, what can he really offer either of his friends? They are going to continue living and meet people and start families of their own, and he will always be Sara’s little man. He will be her underbed, her pet, her little.

Maybe it would be better to listen to Sara’s ideas about socializing with other littles and sticking to his own species. What can he possibly offer Daniela or Emily? Maybe he should focus on his date with Kelli. This entire time, he had spent all his energy trying to hold onto what was, but maybe Sara was right. It’s better to just embrace what is, accept it, and move forward, accepting this as the new reality.

The notion a week ago would have seemed farfetched at best. However, now, after having lived from Friday night to early Saturday for nearly a week as a little. The idea of holding onto what he was seemed more like a pipe dream. All things considered Jordan took solace in that Sara and her friends were good people. While, at times, immaturity was displayed, it tends to come with youth, Jordan thought.

Jordan looked up at Sara briefly before her hand came down on top of him as she gently petted him allowing him to relax into her hand. He noted the additional comfort Sara’s petting provided him in comparison to Ellie. While Ellie was still comforting compared to anyone else. Sara’s pets seem to always hit just right. He knew this had to be the bonding at work as Kelli stated, but he also wondered if it mattered in this specific case. As each pet seemed to relax muscles and joints. It was like the ultimate massage. In Jordan’s eyes, it was the biggest benefit of being a little. A massage like this would have cost him hundreds if not thousands of dollars pre-infection, and now he got it for free.

A knocking on the passenger side window caused both Sara and Ellie to jump. They both looked at the window for a brief moment before Ellie lowered the window.

“Clint! You scared us!” Ellie said, identifying the man Jordan had never seen before as Clint. Jordan wondered how he knew her, as he looked older, in his early thirties or late twenties. 

“Sorry, Ellie. I just wanted to let you know I took care of the coffee shop business and saw that you and Sara had secured the little. Do you need me to start filing an incident report for you two?” Clint said, peeking in the window further to make sure they were truly okay.

“No, I don’t think that will be necessary. Sara has decided not to press charges. It was a misunderstanding that won’t happen again,”Ellie said as Sara nodded. “Oh, Sorry, Clint. This is Jordy. Jordy, this is Clint. He’s my security detail. When it gets dark, Dad tends to worry if I’m not at Sara’s or home,” Ellie said.

Jordan understood the concern. In a city like New York and its suburbs, he would be worried about his sister running about. There are a lot of creeps in this world, although he definitely did not have security money.

“Clint, you could do us a favor, though. You remember my friend Chloe, right?” Ellie asked.

“Ms. Gracewood. Of course, I remember her.” Clint said

“Well, she’s having a party. We were supposed to pick up a couple of kegs and some rum along with tequila. But it’s gotten so late. We have a guy who we normally go through, but he’s a little sketchy, and now it’s so late. Do you think you could stop by Bottle Barn for us?” Ellie said as sweetly as Jordan had ever heard her speak.

“I can’t. What would your father say if he knew?” Clint said.

“Clint, we’re going to get it no matter what. Either you can do it, or we can. If you do it, think of all the danger you are keeping us out of?” Ellie said

“Ellie,” Clint sent with a sigh. “You’re lucky I care about you two so much. This is a one time only thing and if you get caught leave my name out of it.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, Clint. You’re the best. Just a sec, let me call Chloe,” Ellie said, pulling out her phone.

“Hey Chlo, Clint is going to drop off the supplies Sara and I are bringing. Leave it with Roger at the gate? Great, the meeting? Well, I better let Sara tell you. It was interesting. Later Chlo.” Ellie said, hanging up the phone before looking at Clint. “So, you can just leave the stuff with Roger at the gate. You know where Chloe lives, right? He knows what to do with all the stuff for the party.”

“Yes, I definitely know where the Gracewoods live—Ellie and Sara. If I’m doing this for you, I expect you two to be heading home—no stops,” Clint said.

“Right,” they both say as Ellie raises the window. “Done and done. You don’t even need to undermine your ethics, Jordy.” Ellie said with a smile as she buckled the seatbelt.

“Why didn’t you just do that from the start?” Jordan said from Sara’s hand.

“Because the situation allowed us the opportunity to play the card. Under normal circumstances, Clint would have just said no.” Ellie said. “Clint’s worked for my family for several years now. He’s a good guy.”

“You realize most people don’t have a Clint to come in and fix things, right?” Jordan said as Sara passed Jordan over to Ellie. “They just have to figure it out for themselves.”

“We did figure it out for ourselves. It’s not like I sent Clint after Ms. Sanchez. It was after dark so he was just outside. I texted him to just follow her. Clint knows Sara so he would have intervened. She’s basically part of his job.” Ellie siad.

“Never mind,” Jordan said quietly, knowing they wouldn’t get it.

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2 months ago

Alcohol and parties, what could go wrong?

Reply to  Nodqfan
2 months ago

Yeah, that’s why I thought the only big thing for this season would happen there lol not with Daniella to littlenap Jordan.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Nodqfan
2 months ago

So many things sooo many

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Nodqfan
2 months ago

And teenagers, don’t forget teenagers.

2 months ago

Man that was depressing. Jordan shouldn’t blame himself for what Daniella did. And I don’t think he should give up on seeing and communicating with her and Emily, just taper his expectations. Like if he’s so ready to do that after one incident, what happens if sara and his sister decide to meet up because he misses his parents and things go wrong for some reason, like he and his sister argue or something like that or his sister picks up jordan in a way that bothers Sara or gets insulted by how rich people act around Jordan?

Also, Bottle Barn is hilarious to me lol I have a place called liquor barn near where I live

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

I know right I felt so bad for Jordan like bro can’t have one aspect of his old life like not even his friends it’s honestly so unfair a bit like I get that Dani missed up but that doesn’t mean he should blame himself or just call it quits because of this hell if he is going to call quits on his friends then he should definitely not try to amend with freaking Dayton of all people like come on that not even a fair trade off.

Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

Agreed. At the very least not this version of Dayton. If she actually matures and is more empathetic and respectful of Littles, then that’s different. Like I think madison is in a similar situation but I also think she’s got a really good chance to trend to a less bratty attitude with her parents and be more respectful cause I don’t think kenzie really shares her moms views of littles

Last edited 2 months ago by C M
J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

True but she better apologize again and assure Jordan she won’t be so bratty around him if she does mature but I don’t know if we’ll see that anytime soon

Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

All depends on the junior guardian series. Like on the one hand I think she should flat out fail because Thomas doesn’t feel safe with her or get pulled aside by the teacher cause he’s seen the footage from the collar and he explains how Littles will never like her or trust unless she changes. But on the other hand I also know that this story has a lot of people I consider not fit to be around Littles getting what they want lol not to be overly critical cause I know the world works like that, but someone that isn’t a little and wants to be around them in this story needs to have some form consequence for their actions, minus Cindy and Greg. Like I want her to fail so damn bad lmao

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

I think it’s an empathetic reaction from the audience, at least it is for me. Like moving on from everything and accepting a new reality, especially when you consider Sara is still potentially willing to let jordan see Daniella way down the line. Idk, just kinda heart breaking to accept all of that and move on from people that you have a bond and things in common with to a bunch of rich kids that are forcing you to listen to Taylor swift and guiding you to things you otherwise don’t like. Grant Mallory is way more guilty of that than Sara, at least Sara give him gifts and stuff so he can at least do some of his own thing.

Like gavin to me is probably just meh about everything and having to just go with what Mallory like and doesn’t seem to be allowed to have things he like cause she’s afraid of “old gavin” which I think is bullshit, and I just worry about that with Jordan if Sara doesn’t really listen to him, but like I said, Sara at least gives him things to offset it

Lee Han
2 months ago

Pretty sad that Jordan thinks he should abandon his old life. Also the idea of teenagers consuming alcohol in copious amounts whole unsupervised sounds like a recipe for disaster. I wouldn’t be surprised if they get black out drunk and Jordan, Kelli and Gavin go missing or something happens. I bet they’ll be ok because the story must go on but god forbid one of them got hurt. Immature people taking a substance that alters mental capacity is definitely not a good idea around littles who are vulnerable and unable to do anything if problems occur. Sounds like it’s building up to a really big learning experience. Maybe even the biggest. Do I detect a climax in the story. Asuka does want it to end this year or begining of next year and we’re 8 months in this year at this time. This would be a great time for a serious climax where Dani was just setting the tone for things to come.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

That’s what I’m thinking like this screams that this situation is the first rain drop of a storm where Sara is beyond drunk and Jordan and others will get hurt or put in danger and Sara learns that maybe some words that Dani said was true and how she isn’t as mature as she may think

Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

Then Sara says it’s Jordan’s fault lmao

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Damn that’s exciting. How far in the future I wonder? 🤔

J -Vader
J -Vader
2 months ago

Sup sorry for the lack of comments been an under the weather for few days and man I felt like shit but I’m back to like 70% so far. This chapter felt rough like Jordan is trying so hard to have something from his old life or something that is reasonably good for him but Sara life is so overwhelming added with his new size and ranking in this world he can’t even have the smallest things at this rate and I hope Jordan just call quits and just give up so easily.

Also season 1 is coming to a close damn didn’t see that coming.

Overall sorta depressing chapter but interesting nonetheless

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

More Kayla! We need more of the dynamic duo!

Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

1) Jordan’s life being separated between old and new is rough, having to wrestle with the memories of such a good life while adapting to one that will never be nearly as good. (Not implying he’d be better with a memory while chip) and having the “embrace the new” having tasted how good the old is would be un bearable.

2) I was wondering how you’d wrap up the alcohol collection and Ellie’s sleep over in just two remaining chapters, turns out, through delegation.

3) Chloe’s gonna flip when she hears the story.

4) Security detail was actually something I saw coming, (though I imagined it for Chloe)

5.1) Clint should get fucking fired, what kind I’d grown adult buys children alcohol? And he’s supposed to be keeping them out if danger.
5.2) they need to find the big buy in their class, the kid who’s had a full beard since 13 and have him buy it for then, like everyone else. (And then get caught and Sara and Mal can endure punishment for recklessly endangering their littles)

6) Jordan approaching a full week with Smallara is wild… it feels like its been years.

7) “met with her students out of class in a social environment” What’s wrong with that? The other things listed make sense, but teachers are human (except Bryce) they do socialise.

8) “littlenapping” I know it’s not the first time you’ve said it, but I love that word.

9) “socializing with other littles and sticking to his own species” I’m not saying all human x little relationships would end up like Mal and Gav, but all would hold that risk.

10) Jordan trying to explain how lucky they are is never gonna work.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

7) it’s become a huge issue in the United States for teachers to meet with their students outside of school hours, in public or otherwise lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

I had teachers that went to my church, I was babysat by a teacher when I was a boy, then as a teen I babysat that same teachers grandkids, every Australia Day (Aussie 4th of July equivalent that happens on 26th January) the neighbourhood would have a huge party at one of my teachers house.

Could be American, could be because its a big city not a rural town, but I never had thise issues growing up.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

Yeah, we have some pretty fucked up people that end up being teachers in the United States. Granted this is a private school so it’s not likely to be an issue, but that’s more of an exception to the rule

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

That just makes Sani sound like she was risking even more to go see Jordan.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1) his old life wasn’t perfect, he wasn’t nearly as privileged as Sara and Ellie, but it was still better than his life now

2) lol, nice.

3) she’s also previously defended Dani, complering Dani and Jordan to Sara and Gavin, so it’d be a shock to her.

5.1) it’s not great, he’s breaking the law because his clients bratty daughter asked him to.

He Seems to think there’s a risk if getting fired
5.2) I meant handling a little while drunk would be reckless endangerment, and I can see the laws changing soon, that loophole closing

9) both have merit and issues, like many controversial issues irl.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1) where did you hear that? From a reliable unbiased source, or one of the people Sara is close with who’d have reason to hype her up even if it’s untrue?

5.1) it’s very common hear too, easier since our drinking age is only 18, and I grew up in a rural environment where underage kids can legally drink on private property (with the owners consent).

My issue isn’t the drinking its persay its the hypocrisy. Sara and Mal are so anal about their littles following the rules they set then turn around and blatantly ignore the rules set for them.

The fact that this one escalates from house rules set by Tiff to an actual Law adds to it, as Sara sights “following the law” as why she gets to treat Jordan how she does, then proceeds to ignore it when it suits her.

Also getting other people to break the law fir them is just nasty to me.

5.2) From what we know about Sara’s drinking (a single off handed comment from Ellie in Good Girlfriend 10) it’s implied that Sara drinks a fair bit when she gets alcohol. Plus depression and alcohol aren’t a good mix, and this’ll be the first time she’s drinking with her antidepressants.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

5.1) that’s a very good point, especially directed at Mallory since she’s a abhorrent control freak in comparison to sara

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