Smallara Episode 520: Season Finale: A Giantess Story

Smallara 520

“Hey how are my two favorite girls, how was work?” Mr. Reeves said turning away from the tv and standing up to give both girls a hug and kissing the top their heads. Jordan felt small seeing the ease in which Mr. Reeves was able to hug Sara and Ellie. As he hugged Ellie he remained in her hand.

“How are things Jordy? You keeping these two in line? They can be a real handful.” Mr. Reeves said sitting back down.

“Daaad,” Sara whined as Tiffany walked into the room.

“Ellie, it’s so good to see you. Are you two hungry?” Tiffany asked. “We have some of that Pasta you like so much Ellie.” Tiffany said trying to tempt Ellie.

“Thank you but I better not. I try not to eat so many carbs this late.” Ellie said as she looked down at Jordan who was trying to get her attention about the Pasta. “On Second thought maybe just a small helping. Mrs. Reeves.” Ellie said with a nod to Jordan.

“Really? You’v been so big on this no carbs thing after dark.” Sara said.

“Well, you know me and your mom’s Pasta. Everyone deserves a little cheat.” Ellie said, walking into the kitchen still holding Jordan as Sara looks down at Jordan and then at Ellie putting together the real reason for Ellie’s decision to have a cheat day. As she followed Ellie into the Kitchen.

“You okay honey? You seem a bit reserved.” Tiffany asked as she put the sauce back up on stove and boiled some water for the noodles.

“I’m fine Mom. It was just a long day you know. Looking forward to the weekend.” Sara said as Tiffany looked at her daughter skeptically but decided not to push the issue.

“Do you want a small helping Jordy?” Tiffany asked looking over at Jordan who was taken aback by the question.

“Umm sure Mrs. Reeves. That would be very nice.” Jordan said excitedly as sat on the table between Sara and Ellie.

After a few minutes Mrs. Reeves sets down at plate in front of Ellie before setting down a small piece of parchment paper followed by a single noodle covered in sauce for Jordan. Sara looked down at Jordan and the noodle knowing she was going to have to clean him after this. It would be impossible for him to eat that without making a mess.

“Sara honey, make sure Jordy doesn’t make a mess please.”

“Yes Mom,” Sara said. Jordan noticed that Sara didn’t argue for fight with her mother. He always found it odd how obedient Sara was to her parents. It was clear how the hierarchy existed

“Are you and that Mrs. Brooks getting along, okay? I know you said she was giving a hard time in English.” Tiffany asked as she cleaned the pots in the sink.

“She’s the worst mom. I just had to turn in a paper on underbred rights so I guess we will see how it goes. She’s always judging me though. She hates that I know the answers to her dumb questions.” Sara vented

Jordan knew better than to say anything. Sara had made it clear where she stood when it came to his friend Emily Brooks. Especially after today Jordan couldn’t muster up the energy to even defend anything. He knew it would only end badly and he couldn’t even deny that Emily probably was being a bit harsh towards Sara.

Jordan bit into the noodle unable to believe just how good it was. He took bite after bite until his portion was eaten. Due to the size of the noodle Jordan’s face was covered in sauce but he managed to keep the Sauce away from his body outside of his hands. Sara dropped a napkin next to him so that he could clean his hands and face. She knew she was going to have to work better at keeping him on a balanced diet as between Chloe giving him food and now her mother and Ellie orchestrating to get him pasta. Today was not the most nutritious day he has had as a little.

If this keeps up the thought of maybe having to give him some little pellets to supplement his diet entered his mind. She would have to broach that topic with him if things don’t change. As she knew he was opposed to a diet of little pellets which she couldn’t blame him on. But, he also needed to be able to get enough nutrients into her diet. If nothing changes she would have to sit down with him and discuss eating a couple litlte pellets each day similar to that of multivitamin. Then he could still eat regular people food for lunch and dinner.

Sara watched Jordan clean himself before she got up fetched him a bottle cap worth of water to drink before setting her hand down for Jordan to climb into as Ellie finished eating. Jordan yawmed a bit as he climbed into Sara’s hand without question. The warmth from her hand radiating upward felt good as her and Ellie went upstairs and into the bathroom.

“You have your own toothbrush here?” Jordan questioned as Ellie pulled out a full set of supplies that were neatly packed away.

“Of course i do. Sara has full set of supplies at my place. It just makes sense.” Ellie said as she started brushing her teeth before looking down to see Jordan’s tiny bathroom setup. “oh my goodness. Look at how adorable that is. That was not here last time I came. Look at Jordy’s little bathroom setup.” Ellie cooed as she looked at Jordan climbing up the ladder before grabbing the tiny toothbrush Sara had placed down.

“Mom got him a whole 4 pack of little toothbrushes from the hospital. He is living large now.” Sara said as Jordan looked at the tiny tube of toothpaste which he also assumed was from the hospital.” Sara said as they finished brushing their teeth and Sara turned water on to lowest setting. “You want to try showering in the sink Jordy or do you want to use the full shower with us?” Sara asked

“I’ll try the sink.” Jordan said as Ellie lifted him up to sink before squirting a dab of hand soap onto the sink just out of reach of the water. Sara and Ellie then left Jordan in the sink to shower as they both climbed into Sara’s shower. Jordan ignored there talking and giggling as he lathered himself up before stepping underneath the stream of water. The water while he knew was in reality lukewarm, but it felt extremely hot to a tiny body.

After several minutes Sara and Ellie start drying off before Sara wraps the towel around her body and grabs tucking him into her towel. Ellie smiled as she looked down at Jordan tucked into the towel with Sara’s breasts at his back.

The two casually walked towards Sara’s room and Jordan was once again on high alert searching for Sara’s parents but who never came as they headed into Sara’s room. Sara set Jordan down into his habitat as Ellie and Sara got into the Pajama’s and chatted before going to bed.

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Lee Han
2 months ago

Uneventful and simple. Also Jordan wanting to shower by himself is pretty smart and understandable. At the time this episode takes place I would’ve been 22 since it’s 2020. The idea of showering with underaged girls even as a little is off putting for sure. But overall a pretty quiet end. Maybe a calm before the storm type deal? Afterall there is a party with underaged unsupervised drinking coming up. Also with the giggling and showering together let’s hope they are staying appropriate for Chloe’s sake.

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

Yep I love Sara and Ellie but there mentality of “it’s okay to shower with us naked and underage” is so off putting hell you don’t even do that shit with a dog or cat because it’s weird.

Also I’m sure there just making jokes about something nothing else……hopefully lol

Also bro I hope there like serious consequences for this party like I don’t want someone to die but something serious happens that causes some trust issues with Jordan and Sara likening seeing a side of her he never thought possible

Lee Han
Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

I want there to be something so bad. I wanna read that entire party season and leave being just exhausted at how insane it’ll be. Asuka did say a time skip is coming, more than likely after the party is my guess but asuka didn’t say how long of a time skip which is what I’m really interested in. We know Jordan and Sarah are still with each other per Daytons story and that Chloe and Dayton are in contact so it’s safe to assume they’ll all still be talking to each other after this as Daytons story is 1 year after the main story. But we haven’t heard anything in future stories about Gavin or Kelli. I can’t imagine that if anything happened to them Jordan could ever stick around willingly and calmly. I hope their friend group doesn’t desolve. We know this world can be cruel but I don’t think Asuka is that cruel to kill off someone we like. I really wanna know how long the time skip is though. That’s what most interesting.

Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

I didn’t want to end the season in a cliffhanger this time. I wanted a peaceful low key end to the day especially after the little napping attempt.

I love hearing people’s thoughts on the party. I have it planned out but time will tell if it falls how people want it too.

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Any word on how far the time skip will be or is that a spoiler? Also do you use discord?

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Np. Maybe later

2 months ago

Idk why the thought of Sara deciding whether or not to tell her mom about what happened didn’t occur to me, but thank God she didn’t, cause regardless of what jordan or Sara want, she’d have pressed charges

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  C M
2 months ago

True very very true

J -Vader
J -Vader
2 months ago

Well at least it was calm and peaceful chapter today and Tiffany caring about Jordan and getting him food either she felt bad about the put him on the floor discussion or is really seeing him as family now at least more so and hey it Mr. Reeves (just call him bob or Robert at this point lol). I can see Jordan phasing out Emily out of his life at this rate but I swear if he does it to freaking Daniella I’m going to be pissed I understand keeping to your own kind and spices but damn it you don’t phase out your best friend for years without issues once and now your trading that with freaking Dayton, Maisy and fucking Mal of all people like no fuck that !!! I mean Kelli X Jordan still but come on Jordan don’t give up on Dani of all people.

Also what with the Allison and seeing his family again like sometimes I don’t get this “remember me as I was” mentality like bro it’s your freaking family and people who love you no matter what like I sorta get it with Scott barley but still like Jordan go talk them you never know how much time you have with them and love them like gaaaah….. sorry for the rant right there I just needed to get that out

Anyway great chapter and is this the season finale or no?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

You’ve never mentioned Who’s-Her-Daddy’s name (that’s why I call him Who’s-Her-Daddy).

I remember you like my headcanon of his name being William Robert Reeves, but you’ve not used it in the story so I didn’t know if it had been canonised.

Kayla and Kelli’s dad was Greg, so was Madison and McKenzie’s dad, so he’d be your third Greg.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

How about henry lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

Did you ever find his name?

J -Vader
J -Vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

I understand Sara is trying to get him and them together again but I just don’t get him being against it like it comes off as he hates his own family of all people and it’s just so odd to me I never meet someone who thought like that

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J -Vader
2 months ago

He doesn’t want to burden them specifically Allison, with his issues, especially since Allison is already taking their parents in.

Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

0) so with this being the season finale, will the next episode of Smallara be on Friday or post time skip. Smd will there be a break between this week Madison’s world Season two?

1) Mr Reeves greeting Jordan was nice to see, I wasn’t expecting it but it was so wholesome.

2) Ellie cheating on her diet for him was also a cute scene.

3) Tiff giving him his own noodle instead of expecting him go pick off Ellie’s plate was good.

4.1) Must be hard for Jordan listening to Sara so openly talking about his friends, especially after what happened
4.2) thank goodness Tiff doesn’t know what happened with Dani tonight.

5) I liked that Jordan was making an effort to stay clean

6) Sara already contemplating breaking her word to him sucks, she could easily buy him little sized food as it would definitely supplement his diet the sane way pellets would (and be affordable as itd only be one meal a day). I hope she actually bothers to compensate him for the broken promise this time.

7) Ellie reaction to Jordan’s sink was smaller than I thought it would be.

8.1) Sara and Ellie shower together? I get that their close but that freaking close? Even for biological sisters that’d be weird.
8 2) letting Jordan chose where to clean himself was nice, can’t imagine going in the shower with them being a fun experience for him.

Lee Han
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

I think she might be cooling down along side the rest of the family. But I think the party is gonna be a massive test of things for sure. But they might be seeing Jordan more favorably because overall he’s a genuinely good dude whose trying his best with what he has. He doesn’t cause issues unless he’s truly scared and doesn’t disrespect people. He’s a good guy in an unfortunate place.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

I’m assuming you mean Tiff, and yeah, she does seem to be more ok with him living there now. I am interested in how the party will go, but my calculations we should be getting to it next September (joke) l.

I do think they’re realising Jordan is pretty chill, which would be easy for then as Sara’s definitely hiding when he hasn’t been from them.

He doesn’t cause issues or disrespect unless truly feeling he needs to, unfortunately he takes a lot of disrespect and issues without standing up for himself, which bothers me, though standing up to people the size of buildings would be understandably difficult.

Lee Han
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

If Jordan was more manipulative he could definitely hit pressure points that he knows Sarah doesn’t know he knows. I think if Jordan even implied self harm she would haul ass for him. But he’s not that kinda guy. But you are right, him arguing with her would be like yelling at a sky scraper. He has no leverage and nothing to give. But he also has little (pun intended) to lose. If his life style were compromised I’m sure hed make do but he is her pet that the end of the day. A cat can scratch, a dog can bite but a little can speak. But he’s smart and pretty good at persuasion. He could definitely use that to his advantage. He should’ve been a therapist fr.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lee Han
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

I kinda wish he’d done that with the collar, I suggested when it first came up he should tell Sara “If you put a collar on me I’ll choke myself with it” even as an empty threat Sara would probably take it seriously given her own experiences.

But Jordan’s just not that guy.

I fully believe Mocha’s scratched Sara and Ellie multiple times each.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

September second, Got it.

1) no, it seems he’s only ever supported this idea.

2) she’d make a pretty good guardian.

3) I still remember her as the first person to stand up for Jordan, so seeing her change from thatcwaa disappointing, bit I don’t think she’s a bad person.

4. 1) I get that, but at the same time Jordan has to endure Maisy and Mal for Sara, she wouldn’tet him talk shit about at least one of those girls.
4.2) I 100% believe that.

6) I suppose I could be wrong, I don’t really know Sara’s budget nor the actual cost of little sized food. Though altering the human food he eats wouldn’t be as bad.

We know in the future she has him on pellets. It’s not the worst promise she’s broken as it does make sense for health reasons, but with the amount of promises she’s broken without a care apology or compensation it gets to the point where letting more things slip becomes infuriating. It’s probably a matter or “Sara should have thought before making that promise” more than anything.

8 1) I probably was being too harsh on that one.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

4) agreed, but mmy point remains that Jordan can’t hust insult Sara’s friends like she does to his.

6) Supply, demand, Effort in making it more expensive makes sense, though of its so expensive why does Genritech give it to their littles for free?

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

In the case of little food I do have to wonder what would littles would eat. I doubt nature would make it so that they would HAVE to be dependant on tallies for everything. I mean. Wouldn’t there be a place where littles would feel alright in a more wild setting. Living in the trees of the American east coast wouldn’t seem to far fetched. As long as they had access to proper garments. Like it seems being wild is near impossible without assistance. Evolution in this universe must be default stupid.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lee Han
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lee Han
2 months ago

Evolution is caused by lifeforms adaptating to the dangers of the world with changes over generations. There is only one generation of littles, Evolution takes potentially hundreds. It should also be noted that littles are, for the most part, kept separate from the dangers of the world meaning it would actually not interfere with their evolution too much.

This isn’t truly an evolution though, it’s more of a mutation/ alteration since it happened automatically after exposure to a specific mutagen.

It’s also worth reminding that Genritech is setting up a selective breeding program for littles that may facilitate that kind of evolution for some of them.

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

Could we see a smallara story about wild littles surviving and thriving successfully. They do have the advantage of thumbs and advanced thinking and immunization. Like maybe a thriving underground society with clay walls and tools with gathering parties or something. It would be interesting to see.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

More Madisons world??? LETS GOOOOO!!!

Reply to  Captain1
1 month ago

Yessir, only one week away from the return I have about 12ish episodes written so far. Will need to work on renders this weeks.

2 months ago

Just wanted to say thank you for this awesome story. Excited to see where it goes from here in the future, omce it resumes. Appreciate you!

2 months ago

Is it possible this story will ever go beyond PG-13? It seems like at every turn, you negate possibilities for Jordan with every giantess he knows. Him being with another underbred is far less interesting to me.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Dave
2 months ago

How do you mean? The vulgarity and nudity would likely land it in an M rating, And the cruelty that occurs to littles mentioned in passing would bump it up further.

I feel I should also mention to you he’s with underage giantesses the majority of the time.

I doubt this’ll become giantess porn if that’s what your after.

Lee Han
Reply to  Dave
2 months ago

What lethal said. This already got taken down from DA because of its content. This is a story based world not really fetish material.

Reply to  Dave
2 months ago

As Lee Han and lethal pointed out mature themes do occur within the story but if you’re looking for Sara to dominate Jordan in a fetish way that’s not really what this about. It’s more akin to a crueler more harsh version of the borrowers in some ways.

The other issue is Sara is not physically attracted to Jordan and doesn’t really like men sexually. So she wouldn’t be interested in that.

If something sexual were to occur it would probably be more likely to occur in something like good girlfriend. As it would make more sense for those characters being boyfriend and girlfriend.

However, with that said even if something like they did ever happen the story isn’t really fetish story it’s about a world where size differences occur. But it’s not specifically made with fetish material in mind.

So anything sexual generally happens when it’s logical. Like Sara and Ellie have been depicted showering with Jordan using there soap as it’s natural outcome that is occuring in the story. It has some humiliation themes to it but it’s not intended to be a focal point. As the story is in the world some of the characters

Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

I’m not looking for Sarah to dominate Jordy. Yes you’ve made it clear Sarah isn’t attracted to Jordy, which is why I made the statement that you have systematically negated his possibilities with the giantesses in the story.

Since this is a lifetime arrangement, maybe Sarah could realize that Jordy has sexual needs, and those tensions need to be released every once in a while. I think she could play with him and get him off while still just looking at him as her whittle man who needs that kind of attention every now and then.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Dave
1 month ago

I feel like Jordan’s sexual “needs” wouldn’t be Sara’s biggest concern. I doubt she’d intervene for them, at best she could set up a “playdate” with Kelli, or more likely, just give him some privacy to “take matters into his own hands” if you know what I mean.

1 month ago

A day with Sara’s parents would be fun to see. I winder how hard it would be for Jordan to spend a gole day being treated like a baby by these too adults and seeing them intimate and flirting with each other like he is not there. And mayb have Jordan habitat next to there bed for the night cuz Sara is haaving a sleep over or something so the can keep an eye on him m. Jordan will have the hardest time dealing with the adults coz he is now way lower than the cat they had

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