Madison’s World Redux: Season Two: Episode One

Madison's World Redux Season 2 Episode 1

Reality had set in for Greg and Cindy. Madison had walked across her bedroom and sat at her desk before turning on her computer. Neither Greg nor Cindy could do anything to contact her. They both glanced up at the lid of the habitat that rested firmly atop their home. Blotting out any hope of sound escaping through the dense acrylic walls. More frustrating was hearing the clacking of Madison’s mechanical keyboard yet her not being able to hear them.

Several minutes had gone by before Madison looked back at her parents. She walked back across her room bending down as she looked into the cage. She tapped the glass with her finger as she peered inside.

The simple tap of her finger against the cage sounded monstrous to Greg and Cindy. It sounded like bombs going off around them. They could hear her doing something but neither could find an angle to see what she was doing. They already hated this. They hoped Madison was just teasing them and this wasn’t going to be the resting place of this habitat.

Madison leaned over the cage with a smirk, her tone deceptively sweet. “You guys are probably hungry, huh? You haven’t eaten anything since that cereal I left you this morning,” she said, lifting the lid of the cage off with a casual flick of her wrist.

Greg and Cindy looked up at her, their stomachs suddenly reminding them of the hunger they had been too overwhelmed to notice before. They had been so caught up in everything that the basic need to eat had completely slipped their minds. Now, as they gazed up at Madison, the reality of their situation and their own vulnerability settled in even deeper.

“Here you go, eat up.” Madison said as both Greg and Cindy watched a few Little Pellets fall into the cage.

“Madison, get us some real food. We are hungry and don’t want to mess around with your games.” Greg said looking down at the pellets not impressed by Madison’s games of feeding them this Little Kibble. “We aren’t tiny savages. We are your parents.” Greg admonished as he looked up at his daughter.

“You heard what Danielle said. People food doesn’t provide the nutrients you need to survive. It’s just empty calories as mom always says when I want some chips. This is for your own good Dad. If you behave maybe, I’ll drop in some of my leftovers as a treat for being obedient littles.” Madison said standing back up to her full height before looking down at her parents.

“She’s just trying to sell Pellets Honey. You can’t take the words of some fish oil salesman like that.” Greg argued back as Cindy nodded along supporting her husband.

“I think I will take the word of the professional over my littles. When you’re hungry that’s what you will be eating. I’ve made my decision Dad.”

“Madison Grace Wessen.” Greg shouted before kicking one of the pellets.

Madison smirked as she placed the lid back on the habitat. “Sorry, Dad, but from now on, you need to show me a little respect,” she said with a condescending tone. “If that’s how you guys are going to act, then this is what’s going to happen from now on.”

She paused for effect, letting her words sink in before continuing, “I was trying to be nice, but clearly, that’s not working. So now, I want to see two weeks straight of you eating those little pellets. After that, I might consider letting you have some of my leftover food—as a treat. That is, assuming your little bodies don’t start rejecting real food by then,” Madison taunted, her voice dripping with mockery and satisfaction.

“Take this lid off right now and while you’re at it you can get McKenzie. We may be stuck as littles, but we aren’t staying in your room like this. You are still our daughter.” Greg shouted angrier than he had ever been at Madison. As soon as the words left his mouth Greg felt the pink-collar Madison had wrapped around his neck star to constrict. “Noooo” He desperately cried out as the air left his lungs.

A few moments of silence later the collar released its hold on him as Cindy helped him back up. He had never been so powerless before in his life. The idea that he was going to live in this cage on display in Madison’s room was terrifying to Greg.

“She just has to get this rebelliousness out of her system. It’s like you said Greg. She’s just pushing against the system to see how far she can get. She’s going to find out real quick the reality of this. They’re going to need money and it’s not so easy to get littles jobs as they think.

“I know,” Greg said walking over the bottle Madison had attached to the side of the cage. “Just look at this we’re supposed to drink out of this like were animals.” Greg said angrily before bending over and placing his lips on the nozzle allowing water to start gushing out. A couple of seconds later he pulled away after drinking more than enough water.

“I know, it’s warm and from the sink. It’s kind of gross. It’s definitely not the bottled water we are used too.” Cindy said walking over and getting a good drink of the water herself.

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1 month ago

Greg should have paid more attention in training. It’s pretty much confirmed that, while possible to a degree, what danielle said is what the training says.

Also they really underestimate kenzie. Granted I feel really bad for her as she has to be an adult at 16, I’m pretty sure she’s got it more covered than they realize. Madisons probably gonna be sheltered from that part of reality for a while

Lee Han
1 month ago

I’m curious about where this might go. Even while they are definitely suffering from their own misguided actions I doubt people would be able to take it for so long. Long periods of solitary under a cruel warden is more than capable of breaking somebody even if brief moments of respite via their better daughter is apparent. It’s only a matter of time before something happens. I wouldn’t be surprised if their hurt themselves out of despair. Typically self harm is a psychological reaction due to lack of control and their basically living in a pseudo supermax prison. After all they have collars which restrict their ability to speak outm that’s pretty cruel. They will break mentally if this keeps up.

Last edited 1 month ago by Lee Han
Reply to  Lee Han
1 month ago

I think it’s a good possibility, though I have a lot of faith in kenzie making sure that doesn’t happen or at the very least she makes sure that they’re not stuck in there all day.

Madison is a pretty cool character too, when it’s all said and done. She won’t show it outwardly but she does care for her parents, and she is only treating them how her mom said they were to be treated. I think with kenzie as her parental figure that’ll change a bit over times as I never really saw any evidence that kenzie shared the same views as her mom on littles

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

I can understand the bratty teenage phase but I’m probably thinking from an advanced perspective. Imagine everything you’ve worked for stripped away, your freedom stolen and now your trapped in a cage for long period of time at the mercy of an unqualified individual. The idea of a training collar on its own is pretty horrendous. Maybe as people come to the reality that littles and tallies are the same in the personality department there will be a change in perspective. They maybe small but their experiences and feelings are still valid.

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

Seems like on the grand scheme of things being a little is akin to being born in the worst case possible. Mentally able to be on the same level but not ever having said ability. It’s like being barely in reach but held back by greater forces. Ultimately very sad. They may be born that way but I doubt they’d ever be truly fulfilled as their destinies will be set by someone else. despite being born that way I doubt they’d lack ambitions or greater things but suffer with reality that it’s impossible. Like a permanent feeling that something is missing but they don’t know what. Honestly it becomes harder to read as the bleakness is made evident. There’s no happy ending just a less bad ending. Also shock collars may be seen as humane by some people but not all.

Lethal Ledgend
1 month ago

1) I like how everyone acknowledges that even though pellets are technically healthier, real food is always the preference.

2) Cindy calling Danielle a “fish oil saleswoman” was pretty funny (though, where I’m from the term would be “snake oil saleswoman”

3) those choking collars wasted no time pissing me off again.

4) Greg and Cindy complaining about Madison’s treatment of them is understandable, but also the consequence of their own actions.

5) of course they’re bottled water type people.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
1 month ago

6) don’t tap on the glass, Maddie, everyoneknows it’s annoying for who or whatever is on the other side, it’s a universal rule from aquariums to terrariums, zoos to prisons to petshops, everyone fucking knows that.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

1) That’s very true, though in this case I can’t imagine many littles wanting to extend their life with the benefits of eating pallets.

There’d also be the psychological matter of being a person and not wanting to eat pet food.

2) well, some cultures and languages to refer to snakes as “land fish”

4) I agree with that, but think Hangover is the wrong similarly as Hangovers are recovered from quite quickly, I’d say it’s closer to crippling oneself and then being angry at the disadvantages that they’re handing themselves.

5) bottled water is one of the biggest scams I’ve ever seen, unless they live in a place where the tap water is subpar (which I doubt given they can afford two littles with no working parents) there’s no point

6) that sounds right.

1 month ago

Chapter 15: The Black Sheep:

The older man at the end of the table and the teenager at the other end locked eyes the moment Leonard entered the room. The scowls they exchanged mirrored each other, a silent testament to their shared bloodline. Leonard Calhoun, a towering figure with greying brown hair, carried the same sharp green eyes as his son, Joey. Though Leonard had put on weight during his years as head of Calhoun Shipping Enterprises, it was clear he had once been as strong as his son—muscles honed from the same labor Joey had just started a year ago.
The tension between them crackled like a live wire, neither willing to break the silence. Finally, Leonard’s lip curled into a sneer. “Well, it looks like this animal has a pretty strong will. Let’s hope its owner knows how to put it in its place,” he said, his tone dripping with condescension.
Joey’s eyes narrowed, his jaw tightening. “Yeah? Well, my father always told me the first one to break the silence in a negotiation is the one with the weakest will,” he shot back, his voice a low snarl.
Leonard’s face darkened, and his voice dropped to a menacing growl. “You watch your tone, boy. I can make sure the facility you go to castrates you to lower that aggression level.”
Joey’s breath hitched, but he held his ground, anger flaring in his chest. “I’ll be sure to scream out the Calhoun credo as it happens, Dad,” he spat, his words laced with venom. “Strength in Family, Honor in Tradition, Excellence in All—just like you always drilled into me and Johnny!”
Leonard’s temper flared, and he took a menacing step forward. “You little shit! Maybe your mother and I should keep you, teach you how to stay in line!”
Joey matched his father’s step, his fists clenched at his sides. “Maybe if you actually put family first, you wouldn’t feel the need to send me away at all! But no—I’m an underbred, and God forbid I bring even the slightest negative publicity to the Calhoun name!”
Leonard’s eyes blazed with fury. “This name was all you had! And now, you have nothing! My obligations are done. You’re a filthy animal with not a damn thing to your name now. And don’t think I’m not putting my family first. I’m doing what’s best for the family by sending you into obscurity. This is what’s best for the family, and frankly, you aren’t it. You never were!”
Roni watched the exchange in horror, her breath hitching as the verbal blows landed. She couldn’t even fathom some of the things Leonard was saying. “Joey…has it always been like this?” she thought, her stomach churning as she glanced at Mrs. Calhoun, who wore a small, amused smirk as though watching a soap opera. Roni’s hands clenched into fists, itching to wipe that smug expression off her face, but Mr. Hale’s firm grip on her hand kept her grounded.
Mr. Hale remained stoic, his expression betraying nothing as the shouting match escalated. He had seen this kind of tension before, in Kat’s home when her brother and parents would get into it. While it pained him to see Joey caught in such a situation, he knew this was likely the last time Joey would ever face his parents on equal footing. This was Joey’s last chance to speak his truth, to stand up for himself before everything changed. When Roni tensed beside him, he gave her a knowing look.
“Dad…I can’t let this keep going…he’s treating Joey like…like…like he was never anything,” Roni hissed, loud enough for only Mr. Hale to hear, though her voice was drowned out by the shouting match.
“I know, Roni. Trust me, I know exactly how you feel, but…” Mr. Hale’s gaze flicked back to Joey, who had just called his father a coward. “You need to realize that if all of this goes the way you want it…Joey won’t ever be able to speak for himself again, or stick up for himself. It’ll be you fighting his battles for the rest of his life, so…this is his last chance at…well…being human…being a man.”
Roni’s heart ached at her father’s words, but she knew he was right. Despite her fierce desire to protect Joey, she understood that this was his moment. It was likely the last time he could stand on his own, face his father, and fight for his dignity. She pictured him, small and fragile, a being in the palm of her hand. The thought twisted her insides, but she forced it away, focusing on the present. Joey was still here, still standing tall, and she needed to let him fight his battle.
The room fell silent as Leonard’s fury cooled into something more dangerous—cold, hollow disdain. “You shouldn’t have come back here, Joe. You’ve disappointed me, your mother, and the Calhoun name enough,” he said, his voice icy.
Joey, though shaken, didn’t back down. “No, Dad, I’m not the disappointment here. I’m not the one abandoning their child in favor of their own reputation. You and Mom are self-centered, horrible people. The fact that I’m not even the same species as you makes me prouder than anything else I have.”
The words barely left his mouth before Leonard’s hand flew out, striking Joey across the face with a sharp, echoing thwack. Joey staggered, his cheek burning red, but he didn’t retaliate. He stood there, chest heaving, eyes wide with shock as the room held its breath.
“You never learn, do you? Your fucking mouth gets you in trouble, and if there’s one thing I’m going to make sure you understand before you leave this house, it’s when to shut it in front of your superiors!” Leonard raised his hand for another blow, but before he could deliver it, a delicate hand caught his wrist mid-air.
“Leonard! Enough!” Margaret Calhoun’s voice cut through the tension like a knife as she stepped between her husband and son. Her lips curled into a sly smile as she turned to their guests, her eyes glinting with a predatory curiosity. “It’s just an animal, darling. You know they don’t know any better…besides,” she added, her tone dripping with false sweetness, “we have guests.”

Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

Thanks. I’m pulling a lot of their opinions from Tywin from Game of Thrones (show not books). Leonard especially feels this, but what they consider for the good of the family is really what’s good for the family name vs the immediate family, so having any kind of weakness that could damage the calhouns reputation really upsets them.

I’m still kinda toying around with how Joey’s parents plan on spinning their decision to give him up in general since that in itself could be taken pretty badly once word gets out, cause eventually it will cause they’re just that well known in this part of the state, so they’ll need some kind of excuse to tell the public and Johnny when he eventually finds out.

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