Madison’s World Redux: Season Two: Episode Four

Madison's World Redux Season 2 Episode 4

Cindy felt a mixture of frustration and helplessness as she watched Madison lounge on the sofa, her youngest daughter clearly testing the boundaries of her authority. The sight of the chips scattered on the cushion Cindy had just cleaned was almost too much to bear. It was obvious that Madison was pushing her buttons, deliberately flaunting the rules that Cindy had so carefully enforced in the past.

When Madison demanded, “Chip me!” with her mouth wide open, Cindy felt a shudder of disgust and fear. The sight of her daughter’s mouth, large enough to swallow her whole, was a stark reminder of how small and vulnerable she had become. Cindy knew there were laws and rules to protect Littles, but the fact that Madison could even suggest such a thing was humbling in the most terrifying way.

Trying to muster what little authority she had left, Cindy’s voice came out firm, a last attempt to reassert herself. “Madison, that’s quite enough. It’s bad enough you’re lounging around and eating in the living room like this. Sit up straight and put those chips back in the bowl. Why don’t you try acting your age?”

For a brief moment, Cindy saw a flicker of uncertainty in Madison’s eyes. Her daughter had started to sit up, as if the command in Cindy’s voice had triggered an instinctive response. But then Madison’s gaze fell on her mother’s diminutive form, and any hesitation melted away, replaced by a sneering arrogance.

“I don’t think my Little should be talking to me like that, don’t you agree?” Madison retorted, her voice dripping with condescension as she lazily reclined back down, completely disregarding Cindy’s words.

The blatant dismissal stung, and Cindy could feel the powerlessness settling deeper into her bones. Madison’s words were a stark reminder that the dynamic had shifted irreversibly. The authority Cindy once held was now a distant memory, and her daughter had fully embraced the role of the one in control.

Cindy’s gaze fell to the floor, the reality of her situation pressing down on her. She had tried to stand her ground, to assert herself, but Madison had made it clear that such defiance would no longer be tolerated. The thought of being further humiliated, or worse, sent to Little training, kept Cindy from pushing back any further. Instead, she remained silent, her heart heavy with the weight of her new reality.

Cindy felt a profound sense of loss as she sat on the sofa, dwarfed by the presence of her daughter. Every ounce of authority she once held seemed to drain from her, leaving her deflated and powerless. Madison’s body sprawled across the sofa, dominating the space in a way Cindy no longer could. She desperately wanted to maintain a semblance of defiance, to show Madison that she was still in control, that nothing had truly changed. But the words wouldn’t come. Deep down, Cindy knew it was a lie—she was no longer the one in charge.

Madison, meanwhile, watched her mother with a slight smirk. She could see the internal struggle Cindy was going through, and it only solidified the shift in their dynamic. Madison still felt a pang of annoyance that McKenzie had ended up with their dad, but she reminded herself that the arrangement wasn’t about splitting their parents like property. It was more about having legal safeguards in place, ensuring that if things ever fell apart between the sisters, they each had a defined role in their parents’ lives. And at the end of the day, her mother was hers.

But even as she relished this new control, there was a part of Madison that felt disappointed. She had long dreamed of having a Little—someone she could care for, show off to her friends, and even teach things. In her mind, her Little would have been a tiny companion, someone who was obedient but with enough personality to make their interactions interesting. She had envisioned dressing her Little up, taking them to school, and sharing experiences with them.

Instead, the reality was far more complex and far less satisfying. Her Little wasn’t just anyone; it was her mother—a woman who had always been a figure of authority and control in her life. The relationship she had imagined, the companionship she had longed for, was replaced by a strained and awkward dynamic. It was hard to reconcile the image of the ideal Little she had always prayed for with the reality of her mother, shrunken and submissive, sitting on the sofa beside her.

Madison sighed inwardly. She had gained control, but at what cost? The relationship she had with her mother now was not the one she had hoped for, and that realization weighed heavily on her. She wanted her mother to be obedient, to listen, but she also wanted more than just compliance. She wanted the connection she had imagined, the bond between a Guardian and their Little that she had always envied in others.

But that bond seemed out of reach now, buried under layers of family history, unspoken resentment, and the harsh realities of their new lives. Madison knew she could continue to assert her dominance, to push her mother into submission, but the truth was, she wasn’t sure if that would ever bring her the fulfillment she had been seeking. As she looked at her mother, she felt a strange mix of satisfaction and sadness, the weight of her new role settling heavily on her shoulders.

Madison felt a deep pang of regret as she looked down at her mother, the once imposing woman who had commanded respect and authority, now reduced to something far smaller—both physically and symbolically. Cindy was no longer the person who had educated her about Littles, who had tirelessly advocated for their proper place in society, often referring to them as the world’s “newest animal.” Madison had grown up with those lessons, ingraining them deeply into her understanding of the world. But now, that same woman was little more than a shadow of her former self, resembling something more akin to a doll, or as Madison thought bitterly, Barbie’s kid sister.

It was painful for Madison to reconcile the two images in her mind: the mother who had once been a formidable force, and the Little who now sat so vulnerably in her lap. Cindy, who had once prided herself on educating others about Littles, was now struggling to maintain a facade of humanity, clinging to the remnants of the person she had once been. But to Madison, it was clear—her mother was no longer the person she had once known. The reality was hard to accept: the person who had taught her about a Little’s place in the world was now her pet, her Little.

Madison’s hand hovered over her mother for a moment before she gently placed it atop Cindy’s tiny body. She began to pet her, her fingers moving softly down her back, stroking her with a tenderness that was rare for Madison. She could feel her mother resist at first, her small body tensing up under the touch. But Madison knew how to hit the pressure points, the spots on a Little’s body that were designed to soothe and calm them, to remind them of their place in the world.

As she continued to pet her mother, Madison felt Cindy’s resistance slowly ebb away. The defiance that had always been so characteristic of her mother was gradually giving way to the inevitability of her situation. With each gentle stroke, Cindy’s legs began to weaken until she could no longer hold herself up. Madison watched as her mother sank to her knees, the gentle touch finally breaking through the walls Cindy had tried so hard to maintain.

Madison’s voice was soft, almost whispering as she comforted her mother. “Shhhh, it’s okay. I’m going to take care of you, Mom,” she said, her tone uncharacteristically gentle. “You just have to let it out.”

She saw the tears welling up in Cindy’s eyes, the tears her mother had been holding back for so long. Madison knew that Cindy had been trying to be strong, to be the rock for the family as she always had been. But now, that strength was faltering, and Madison could see that her mother needed to release the emotions she had been bottling up. Normally, Madison would provoke her mother into breaking, pushing her buttons until she snapped. But this time, it was the gentleness that did it. The kindness, the tenderness—it was more than Cindy could bear.

As the tears began to fall, Madison reached for the remote and turned up the volume on the TV, giving her mother a semblance of privacy, a moment to cry without feeling exposed. It was the least she could do, a small gesture of respect as she continued to gently pet her mother’s back, soothing her with each stroke.

Madison stayed like that for several more minutes, letting her mother cry, letting her release the pent-up emotions that had been weighing on her. It wasn’t the relationship Madison had envisioned, but in that moment, it was what they both needed. As the tears flowed, Madison realized that maybe, just maybe, this was the beginning of a new understanding between them—a fragile, tentative step toward a different kind of bond.

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1 month ago

Madison being nice to her mother what is this opposite day?

J - Vader
J - Vader
1 month ago

Welp this was a bit of a surprise great chapter by the way and wow finally something that is actually needed of letting the emotions flow finally!!!!! I just …I so happy 😀 to see this after last chapter

1 month ago

Gotta love conflicted characters lol this is the real madison i think, just going to take a lot of re-teaching and maturing to actually get the caring and companionship part out of her, but i’m starting to think Madsions little being her parents might have been the best thing to happen to her from a view point on littles perspective.

chapters like these are also why I try to refer to dayton as “current dayton”. helps remind me her character, as much as i despise her, isn’t set in stone and could be changed under the right circumstances, just a matter of if those circumstances present themselves

Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

i definitely enjoy them. it’s nice to see what everyones thinking compared to smallara proper where we really only see jordans thoughts with sarahs and companies sprinkled in. I’d even like a good girlfriend where we see some of what crosses mallory’s mind

Lethal Ledgend
1 month ago

1) this one was different, a much more tender and emotional moment between the two, and fucking finally we see and read about a lite actually crying over their new situation.

2) this is the best chapter yet displaying Madison confliction over the situation and changes brought about by it.

3) there’s clearly an element of Maddie wanting her mother to be proud of the lessons Madison’s taken in, irony that’s a cruel twist from Cindy’s Karma.

4) I wondered if Madison would be upset Kenzie took Greg.

5.1) Madison now contemplating her own experience with expectations vs reality, though in her case it’s a much bigger difference because unlike Sara she was expecting a little-trained stranger and their relationship would come with a fresh slate, instead she got her mother, untrained and with baggage.

5.2) That bond she wants between her and her little she could still have something closer to it. she just needs more moments like this amd less of the the cunt she’s been acting like.

6) “Chip me!” how? She’s neither near the chips nor your mouth, throwing would be a pain for her and I doubt Madison has the patience to let her climb.

7) “It was obvious that Madison was pushing her buttons, deliberately flaunting the rules” actually Madison didn’t want that, she’d wanted you left in the habitat.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

1) yeah, I know it technically happened in Smallara Prime 60, but that had no words, and easily could just be happening off screen, but I like that this one’s shown to us. It’s nice when the different emotions come through.

3) alright, this feels good after over analysing so many pointless things.

This one comes across as Maddie going “look Mummy, I learned from you” while Cindy’s thinking “why the fact did I teach her that?”.

4) Don’t you just hate it when you siblings ruin your plans

5) Expectation V.S. reality is definitely a recurring theme in you stories, even Syd and Dayton are setting expectations and they’re just getting trained. I’d say Chrissy is the least effected by it, she seemed to know exactly what she was getting into with Scott, atleast that’s what is seems like to me.

Madison’s hurts even more, cause she’s also losing her parents in away she’s now realising she’s gonna need to take care of herself more, and her littles.

Madison was expecting a trained little, a stranger she wouldn’t have memories of them before shrinking, and wasn’t considering that they too would have baggage.

6) I can see why she’d find that funny, but I couldn’t see Cindy doing that. Greg maybe, but not Cindy.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

1) I did t even realise until you told me he was.

3) yeah, and I like that you’re good a setting things up that can be detected early.
I’m sure Cindy will be thrilled.

5) I reckon Chrissy’s biggest advantage was that Scott has a memory erasing chip in his head, any baggage he had will be long forgotten in no time.

But I do agree that she’s the only one who picked out her own little would also be an advantage, though store bought littles would probably still have baggage from their past lives.

More like Jordan stumbled onto Sara. Syd’s deal interests me, but I know it’s intentionally vague, Mal did pick, and (I’m still headcanon believing bribed) got Gavin’s mother to let her be his guardian. Kayla and Nicole were related to their littles so the deal was semi automatic for them.

1 month ago

legendary story!!!

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