Madison’s World Redux: Season Two: Episode Seven

Madison's World Redux Sesaon 2 Episode 7

Note: I see I forgot to attach the photo with today’s episode. I will have to correct that once I am at home this evening. So approximately 6-7 hours from the posting of this episode.

Madison’s smirk widened as she caught a glimpse of her mother’s futile attempts to get her attention. Her eyes flickered with amusement as she stood by the doorway, knowing that Cindy’s voice—so authoritative for all these years—was now nothing more than a muted hum trapped inside the habitat. The sight of her mother, once so commanding, reduced to a silent figure in a miniature bed inside the habitat, filled Madison with a deep, satisfying sense of power.

“Wow, it must be so nice,” she continued, her voice laced with mockery. “Not having to worry about skincare, makeup, or your hair. Littles like you really have it easy, huh? All you have to do is figure out how to be useful to someone important. Like, you know, me. Your guardian.”

As Madison spoke, she reveled in the role reversal. Gone were the days when Cindy’s voice rang through the house, commanding her daughter’s attention, dictating her life with rules and chores. Now, Madison was in control. Her mother’s inability to speak, to enforce any kind of authority, was a far cry from the past. For years, Madison had endured the constant nagging, the ripped-out AirPods, the scolding for not listening. But today, none of that mattered. Today, Cindy’s voice no longer had the power it once did, and that silence was Madison’s reward.

She glanced down again, her smile fading into a sneer. “Finally, you’re both up. Took you long enough,” Madison said coldly. “Your day starts when I say it does. And guess what? You should be ready whenever I need you. Since I’m important, I’ve got to get ready now. You two? Yeah, you’ll just have to wait here until I decide to do something with you. That’s how it works from now on. Got it?”

Inside the habitat, Cindy was fuming. Her hands were clenched into fists, her face red with frustration as she tried to process the audacity of her daughter. “Greg, she’s not serious,” Cindy spat, her voice shaking with anger. “She can’t be serious right now. Who does she think she’s talking to? This is exactly why we were discussing sending her to boarding school! Do you see what I’ve been talking about now? Only now, it’s too late to do anything because, apparently, we’re her Littles.”

Greg rubbed his temples, his expression one of reluctant acceptance. “I think she’s dead serious,” he said quietly, his voice heavy with resignation. “I haven’t seen this side of her before, but… I think she’s testing boundaries. She has more freedom now, more control than she ever had before.”

Cindy turned toward him, incredulous. “More control? Greg, she’s treating us like we’re her pets! How are you so calm about this? We can’t just let her act like this!”

Greg sighed deeply, his frustration evident. “I know, Cindy. But what do you expect me to do? She’s not the same kid anymore. She’s got all the power, and we… we don’t have any. We can’t punish her, we can’t send her to boarding school, and we can’t even argue with her like we used to. We’re Littles now. That’s how she sees us.”

Cindy shook her head, disbelief still clouding her expression. “This can’t be happening. We raised her better than this. We gave her everything, and now she’s acting like we’re beneath her.”

“She’s testing her limits,” Greg replied, trying to keep his voice steady. “She’s seeing how far she can push things. But right now, we don’t have much say in the matter. We need to figure out how to navigate this, at least until we can talk some sense into her. I don’t like it either, but we need to be careful.”

Cindy let out a bitter laugh, shaking her head. “Talk some sense into her? Greg, she doesn’t care what we have to say. We’re nothing to her now. We’re just her Littles.”

Greg didn’t respond right away, knowing that Cindy was right, at least to some extent. Madison’s words had made it clear: in her eyes, they were no longer her parents—they were her responsibility, her property. But despite the grim reality, Greg still hoped there might be a way to reach their daughter, to remind her of the bond they once shared.

“I don’t know what to say, Cindy,” Greg finally admitted. “We’ll have to figure this out as we go. But for now… we need to be smart about this. Pushing back might make things worse.”

Cindy stared at him, her frustration boiling just beneath the surface, but she knew Greg was right. As much as she wanted to storm out of the habitat and confront Madison, there was nothing they could do. Their daughter held all the cards, and they were left to wait, powerless, inside the habitat that Madison had purchased for them.

The music continued to blare as Madison exited the room, her steps echoing with the confidence of someone who knew she was in control. For Greg and Cindy, the day ahead felt uncertain, and their roles as parents seemed to be slipping further from their grasp with each passing moment.

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J - Vader
J - Vader
1 month ago

Oh boy Madison is going to have a welcome to the real world moment where it becomes a lot to handle and realize how much freedom and power she really has it literally screaming and yelling that it’s going to happen and it’s going to hit hard on her after this chapter

Lee Han
1 month ago

Pretty short today huh? It seems good that their both starting to realize their situation. But I wonder what’ll happen when Cindy and Greg are pushed to far? It seems like its going to happen eventually. Cindy will definitely crack first.

1 month ago

Man the dynamics and emotions change really fast lol caring one moment, condescending the next, but that’s how it goes for this sort of thing.

Anyway, it kinda sucks that Cindy doesn’t really know how conflicted madison actually is. Greg’s got some sense to it so probably knows not to push it but to at least converse with madison slowly when they have the chance. Cindy needs to learn that too. Pushing madison is gonna get a more severe push in response.

Also, I hope kenzie punishes madison for the music. A: even in the habitat it’s gotta be bad for their ears and B: remind madison she’s not as in charge as she thinks she is

Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

Oh I thought the music was loud enough to be heard out side of hte room lol

Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

gotcha. no worries. i guess it makes sense for Kenzie to leave early going forward. I wonder how receptive Madison would be to just turning it down enough just so it doesn’t bother their ears in this case. like she knows she has to speak softer around them, so I’d assume she’d know that at a certain point, the music’s gonna be physically painful and she doesn’t want to actively hurt her parents

Lethal Ledgend
1 month ago

1) for someone who’s “conflicted about everything,” Madison’s getting a lot of enjoyment out of this.

2) “We raised her better than this” no, this is exactly how you’ve raised her.

3) “We’re nothing to her now. We’re just her Littles.” that was a very quick transition in my opinion, she didn’t need to think about it or adapt to their surprise vulnerability, just immediately dropping in her opinion.

4) “Your day starts when I say it does. And guess what? You should be ready whenever I need you” That’s not gonna work with out proper communication Maddie.

5) it always pisses me off when a human calls a little “lucky”.

Last edited 1 month ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

For number 3 sometimes I have to remember that despite the number of stories you wrote they actually don’t move that fast or long. Sometimes I forget that smallara prime despite the number of episodes is just about a week long and that Madison’s world is only about 3 days (at this point). So that would imply that the 30s would if I’m guessing by post to in universe time ratio would be roughly 2 weeks to a month of being small. Which isn’t really that long but then again Jordan got used to it quicker but he didn’t get taken by family, rather a neighbor girl. It would take these two longer due to the established relationship and pre-ingrained teachings.

Last edited 1 month ago by Lee Han
Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

Ah so it’s going by faster. Got it

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

How many episodes will Madison’s world be in total?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

1) true.

3) that’ll be interesting to read, how many chapters do you intend for this season to be total?

4) I can imagine a few adults I know saying it. But definitely gave if bratty and immature, she has put no thought into the logistics of that command. Definitely in Character for her I agree

5) you have “worked it in” Sara and her friends love telling Jordan how “lucky” he is, Mal also does it for Gavin.

If the little was named Lucky, that’d be different, and frankly adorable, especially of it was before shrinking, but I meant lucky the adjective, not lucky the noun.

Actually an idea I had for a fanfic I never did anything with, was if some culture was treating Littles like good luck charms, ironically believing Littles could improve the luck of humans, ignoring the misfortune littles endure.

Alright, time for some of my lore…

I was born in ancient times (1999), but my birth was not without issues, for I was born crippled, a clubbed foot, however from the ages of 6-18 months I was taken around Australia, being shown to and examined by many surgeons and doctors, and then undergoing surgeries the rectify the issues.

I could walk, it was considered good, and truly I am grateful for the early 2000s medical sciences that made it so, however I have a limp, am much slower than normal people, and after a while my legs and feet hurt (way earlier than normal), and i have a high chance of needing a wheelchair in my later life, these issues are minor, but were enough to temp the crueller of the girls and boys I grew up with, subjecting be to much bullying,

And yet despite these set backs, people still want to say how “lucky” I am, now i can tolerate it from some, specifically people with worse conditions than myself (missing leg, wherlchair, etc) but most of the people calling me lucky can walk just fine, faster than i even, have a much lower chance if losing their ability to walk and never had i questioned if they were ever going to walk.

That upset me, because it often felt like they’re minimising the issues I had, trying to trick me into thinking all my problems were solved, or manipulating my gratitude for thinking it’s a gift for me to be able to do what most people can already do without issues, guilt tripping me for even acknowledging for imperfections with the situation.

I look at the littles in your world and see that have it much worse, and yet also get called lucky just as I was. But maybe that’s just my personal experience effecting my view of the situation.

Last edited 1 month ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lee Han
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
1 month ago

Thought I was the only person here born before 2000.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lee Han
1 month ago

I’d hazard to guess most of us here were born before 2000

Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

I was also before 2000, god I’m old.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

3) I see, well I look forward to reading your more planned story, sounds like you’ve got over a Month’s worth.

5) I must have been half asleep when I read that, cause I thought “Littles like you really have it easy” was “Littles like you really have it lucky”, lol, that must have been confusing for me to bring that up unprompted, lol.

That was precisely what the section was intended to do, I’m glad I can show where I’m coming from with some of the issues i have with certaincharacters, I felt really weird typing paragraphs about myself but that confirmation makes it worth it.

Yeah, it’s really annoying to me, and I know littles aren’t a 1 to 1 comparison (they have it way worse) but it definitely helps with why i can empathise with them like I do.

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