Madison’s World Redux: Season Two: Episode Eight

Madison's World Redux Season 2 Episode 8

Greg and Cindy stood in the habitat, a deep sense of helplessness washing over them as they listened to Madison’s favorite pop songs blaring from the speakers. The music, which they had once told her to turn off or down countless times, now served as a taunting reminder of how much control they had lost. The fact that they could clearly see Madison’s digital clock ticking away the minutes only made the situation feel more oppressive. For over an hour, they had been subjected to the relentless noise, unable to do anything but wait.

When Madison finally returned to the room, she looked every bit the confident teenager she had become. Her makeup was flawless, her hair perfectly styled, and as she approached the habitat, they could see that each of her fingernails was meticulously painted. The contrast between her polished appearance and their own disheveled state was stark, a visual representation of the power dynamic that had shifted so drastically.

Madison gave them a casual wave, her expression smug as she admired her reflection in the mirror. “I look beyond fabulous,” she drawled, clearly pleased with herself. Her tone was dripping with self-admiration as she continued, “Now, don’t worry, my littles—I know you must be bursting with excitement to help maintain this absolute vision of perfection. But let’s be real—it’s going to take some serious time and practice to even begin understanding the Madison Way.”

She paused, letting her words hang in the air, fully aware of the impact they were having on her parents. “And just so you know, for the uninitiated, that’s the right way. But the really smart ones? They know it’s the only way.”

Greg and Cindy exchanged a glance, their hearts sinking further at the realization of how deeply Madison had embraced this new role. The confidence with which she spoke, the casual dismissal of their autonomy—it was clear that she had no intention of treating them as equals. To her, they were Littles, and she was their guardian. The balance of power had shifted irrevocably, and Madison was fully aware of it.

Cindy, her frustration still simmering beneath the surface, struggled to maintain her composure. She wanted to lash out, to demand respect, but she knew it would be futile. Madison held all the cards, and any attempt to assert herself would likely only make things worse. Greg, sensing his wife’s turmoil, reached out to her, a silent gesture of support. They were in this together, and they would have to find a way to navigate this new reality, no matter how difficult it was.

Madison, seemingly oblivious to the internal struggle her parents were facing, continued to preen in front of the mirror, her every movement deliberate and self-assured. To her, this was the new normal—a world where she was in control, and her parents were merely accessories to her life.

The music continued to play, the upbeat rhythms a stark contrast to the heavy atmosphere inside the habitat. For Greg and Cindy, the day ahead felt daunting, filled with uncertainty and the knowledge that their lives were now dictated by the whims of their teenage daughter. Their only hope, it seemed, lay in McKenzie—the one person who might still see them as more than just Littles, and who might help restore some sense of balance to their lives.

Madison’s haughty glance cut through the air, her tone dripping with the superiority she now wielded over her parents. “I mean, you two should agree since it was you who taught me that a Little’s only purpose is to serve its guardian. So let’s get one thing straight: your sole reason for existence is now me. Frankly, it should’ve been that way before, but I never quite felt you were giving a full hundred percent to Team Madison. But don’t worry—now it’s your career, your passion, your life’s purpose.”

Greg and Cindy stood in stunned silence, the weight of her words pressing down on them like a physical force. Madison’s declaration was both a bitter irony and a cruel twist of fate—lessons they had once believed in, now turned against them with a vengeance they could never have anticipated.

Madison’s lips curled into a smug smirk as she added, “If either of you dares to disagree, go ahead and speak up while I change into my school outfit… or you can just accept your fate and hold your peace forever.” Her eyes gleamed with the thrill of power as she flicked her fingers dismissively, knowing the gesture would irritate them to no end. Without waiting for a response, she turned on her heel and sauntered toward her bed, already picturing the perfect day ahead, one where she was the unquestioned center of her own universe.

Cindy’s hands clenched into fists, her knuckles white as she fought to control the rage building inside her. She could feel Greg’s eyes on her, silently pleading for calm, for patience, but it was taking every ounce of willpower not to explode. The very idea that Madison—her daughter—could speak to them this way, could strip away their dignity with a few cruel words, was almost too much to bear.

Greg, sensing Cindy’s struggle, took a deep breath and stepped forward, his voice barely more than a whisper as he spoke. “Cindy… we have to be smart about this. She’s pushing us, trying to see how far she can go. If we push back now, we’ll only make things worse.”

Cindy’s eyes flashed with anger, but she knew Greg was right. Madison was testing boundaries, exerting her newfound control with a kind of reckless abandon. Any show of resistance now would only embolden her further, make her more determined to assert her dominance.

Swallowing her pride, Cindy forced herself to speak, her voice tight with barely suppressed fury. “Fine. Let her play her little power games. But this isn’t over, Greg. We can’t just… let her do this.”

Greg nodded, his heart heavy with the weight of their predicament. “I know. But we have to pick our battles. Right now, we don’t have any leverage. We need to figure out a way to get through to her, to make her see reason. But that’s going to take time.”

As they stood there, watching Madison walked over to her carelessly tossed chosen outfit which lied on her bed, a sense of helplessness settled over them. The daughter they had raised, the girl they had loved and guided, was now their keeper. The balance of power had shifted so dramatically that it was hard to even recognize the life they had once known.

Madison’s smirk remained as she began to change into her school outfit, her mind already on the day ahead. For her, the future was bright and full of possibilities—possibilities that revolved entirely around her. For Greg and Cindy, the future was far more uncertain, their lives now dictated by the whims of a teenager who had no intention of letting them forget who was in charge.

As Madison finished getting dressed, she cast one last glance at the habitat, her smirk widening at the sight of her parents standing silently, their defiance quelled for the moment. “That’s what I thought,” she muttered to herself, satisfied with her victory as she turned back to the mirror, admiring the reflection of the girl who had it all.

Greg let out a heavy sigh, his words laced with regret and frustration. “Okay, I’m sorry, you were right,” he admitted to Cindy, though they both knew it was far too late for any apology to change their circumstances. The once powerful, authoritative figures in their household were now reduced to mere shadows of their former selves, confined to a tiny habitat and stripped of their dignity.

“My kingdom for enough size to just wring her neck and bend her over my knee like when she was a child,” Greg added bitterly, the longing for a time when he still had some control over his daughter evident in his voice. But those days were long gone, replaced by a harsh new reality where their roles had been cruelly reversed.

Cindy, her anger simmering just below the surface, nodded in agreement. “She knows our voices can’t penetrate this damn habitat she put us in,” she said, her frustration evident as she stomped her foot in a futile expression of her feelings. She was careful not to raise her voice too much, mindful of the collar around her neck—a collar that Madison had activated enough times to make Cindy wary of provoking her further.

“Where is McKenzie in all this?” Cindy continued, her voice tinged with desperation. “Should she not be checking on us? If anyone could put an end to this, it’s her.”

Greg nodded, sharing his wife’s frustration and hope. McKenzie had always been the more level-headed of the two daughters, the one who might still see them as parents rather than mere Littles. But the fact that she hadn’t intervened yet was worrying.

“I don’t know where she is,” Greg replied, his voice strained. “But we need her now more than ever. She’s the only one who might be able to reason with Madison, to remind her of who we are—who we were.”

Cindy’s eyes narrowed as she considered their situation. “We need to find a way to reach her, Greg. We can’t just sit here and let Madison treat us like this. McKenzie might be our only hope.”

Greg squeezed her hand, a silent gesture of solidarity. “We’ll figure something out, Cindy. We have to. But for now, we need to stay calm, stay smart. We can’t let Madison see us break.”

As they stood there, trapped in their tiny world, the weight of their situation pressed down on them like a physical force. The daughter they had raised with love and care was now their captor, and the daughter they had once looked to for guidance and support was their only hope for salvation. It was a bitter irony, and one that neither of them could have ever anticipated.

But even in the face of overwhelming odds, Greg and Cindy refused to give up. They might have been reduced in size, but they still had their wits, their determination, and each other. And as long as they had that, they would continue to fight—if not for their freedom, then at least for a semblance of the respect and dignity they had once known.

“Oh, McKenzie mentioned something about having to get to school early since she came back ahead of time,” Greg said his conversation with McKenzie last night suddenly popping into his head.

Cindy stood with her arms crossed, her frustration barely contained as she spoke to Greg. “Great, so our only lifeline right now is Madison until tonight when McKenzie gets home. Well, believe me, she is going to get an earful. We won’t be talked to like this. We deserve some respect. We are still her parents. She can’t keep comparing us to common Littles.”

Greg nodded in agreement, though he knew that confronting Madison directly was risky. The best they could hope for was McKenzie’s intervention later in the evening, but until then, they were at Madison’s mercy.

As Cindy fumed, Madison finished getting dressed, her confidence radiating as she admired herself in the mirror. Just then, her phone rang, and she answered it with a bright smile. “Oh hey, Kenz! I was just getting dressed. The parentals? They are doing great,” Madison said, her tone casual and dismissive. “They are up and ready to go. I was just letting them fully take in how amazing my makeup looks today. I followed this tutorial I found online. What do you think?”

Madison turned her phone, showing off her makeup from all angles over FaceTime. Greg and Cindy could hear McKenzie’s voice faintly through the phone, but they couldn’t make out what she was saying. Madison, however, seemed pleased with the response as she continued chatting, her attention completely focused on herself and her appearance.

Greg and Cindy exchanged a look of helplessness. Madison’s casual attitude, her complete disregard for their feelings, only made the situation feel more surreal. Here she was, chatting with her sister as if nothing was amiss, while they were trapped in a tiny habitat, their voices and concerns utterly dismissed.

“I can’t believe this,” Cindy muttered under her breath. “She’s talking about us like we’re nothing more than an afterthought. Like we’re just… accessories to her life.”

Greg placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “We have to hold on, Cindy. McKenzie will be home soon, and she’ll set things straight. We just have to get through today.”

Cindy nodded, though her anger was still simmering. “She better. Because I’m not going to let Madison get away with this.”

As Madison continued her conversation with McKenzie, Greg and Cindy could do nothing but wait, their hopes pinned on the possibility that McKenzie would see reason and step in to restore some semblance of order. For now, all they could do was endure Madison’s antics and hope that the evening would bring the relief they so desperately needed.

Madison’s smirk widened as she lifted the lid off the habitat for the first time, revealing her parents inside. The moment she did, both Greg and Cindy began speaking at once, their voices overlapping in a desperate attempt to be heard.

“Whoa, you two really need an attitude adjustment. That is not how you talk to someone first thing in the morning,” Madison snapped, her tone firm and unyielding. She raised her free hand and made a sharp, decisive motion, as if physically shutting down their protests. “We’ll discuss this later, though. Right now, zip it,” she ordered, her authority unmistakable. “McKenzie wants to talk to Dad,” she added with a smirk, lowering the phone over the habitat as if she were bestowing a rare privilege upon them.

Greg’s heart raced as McKenzie’s face appeared on the screen. The warmth in her voice was a stark contrast to Madison’s cold commands. “Hey, Dad. I just wanted to check on you. I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there for your first full day. But I had to make sure I got back on the schedule at work, and then I wanted to do some morning practice so I could be home at a decent time tonight. You know how Coach Mike gets if I slack. Are you doing okay?”

Greg hesitated, his eyes meeting Madison’s as she loomed over them. Her gaze was intense, almost oppressive, and it froze him in place. It was a look he had seen Cindy use on the girls when they were younger, but this was different. The size difference, the new dynamics—it all made Madison’s gaze feel heavier, more commanding. Greg had intended to tell McKenzie about what was happening, but under Madison’s watchful eye, he thought better of it.

“McKenzie, honey,” Greg began cautiously, his voice wavering as he felt Madison’s gaze on him. He could sense her waiting, daring him to say something out of line. The weight of her stare made him falter, and the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat.

Before he could continue, Cindy, unable to hold back any longer, interjected. “McKenzie! You need to have a talk with Madison. She’s talking about us having to do her makeup,” Cindy said, her voice tinged with frustration and desperation.

McKenzie, however, didn’t seem to grasp the gravity of the situation. “Look, Mom. You’re Littles now. Lots of Littles help with makeup. I really don’t think—”

“No, McKenzie, you don’t understand. It’s how she said it. You—” Cindy tried to explain, but before she could finish, Madison swiftly turned the phone away from them, cutting off their conversation.

Madison’s expression remained smug as she pulled the phone closer to herself. “So, anyway, I was thinking of trying that new eyeliner trick you showed me last time,” she said, dismissing her parents’ concerns without a second thought.

Inside the habitat, Greg and Cindy were left in stunned silence. The brief glimmer of hope they had felt when McKenzie called was quickly extinguished. Madison’s control over the situation was absolute, and she wasn’t about to let them undermine her authority. The powerlessness they felt was crushing, and the realization that even McKenzie, their last hope, might not fully grasp their plight, left them feeling more isolated than ever.

Greg exchanged a look with Cindy, both of them understanding the gravity of their situation. Madison had effectively silenced them, and with McKenzie unable or unwilling to see what was truly happening, they were trapped in a world where their voices were irrelevant, their concerns dismissed, and their dignity eroded.

As Madison continued her cheerful conversation with McKenzie, Greg and Cindy could do nothing but wait, their thoughts filled with dread for what the rest of the day might bring.

Madison’s tone shifted slightly, taking on a more serious edge as she reassured her sister. “I’m really sorry, Kenz. I’ll have a talk with them about how Littles shouldn’t interrupt when their guardians are speaking. You’ll have to forgive Mom. But honestly, they’re doing great. I was just about to grab some breakfast before I have to catch the bus.”

McKenzie’s voice came through the phone, firmer now. “Madison, remember to watch your tone. They are still our parents. You need to show them some respect.”

Madison nodded, though the gesture was more for herself than for McKenzie. “Of course, Kenz. We’re totally on the same page. You know how Mom is—always going on about something. But don’t worry, I’ve got them covered,” she said, her voice casual as she used her free hand to place the lid back on the habitat, effectively silencing any further protests from her parents. “Like I told you, I’ll handle raising the Littles. You just focus on your tennis and all that. You’re so close to making it big! I’ve always wanted Littles, and you’re going to be the next Maria Kournikova.”

“Maria Sharapova,” McKenzie corrected gently, “and promise me, Madison, you can handle this. Like I told you last night, if I have to give up tennis for the sake of the family, I will. Making sure you, along with Mom and Dad, are okay is what matters most. Nothing is more important than family.”

Madison’s expression softened slightly as she listened to her sister’s earnest words. “Kenz, no one wants you to give up tennis. You love it so much, and you’re amazing at it. I never see you happier than when you’re out on that court. Seriously, no one wants you to give that up,” she insisted, her eyes flicking down to the habitat as she spoke, making sure her parents could hear the conviction in her voice.

Inside the habitat, Greg and Cindy could only listen in silence, their hope waning as they realized that McKenzie, despite her good intentions, was still under the impression that Madison was handling the situation appropriately. Madison’s words were carefully chosen, designed to keep McKenzie reassured and uninvolved, while subtly reinforcing her own control over the situation.

“Okay, Madison,” McKenzie replied after a moment, her voice softer now. “I trust you. Just… make sure they’re okay. I’ll be home as soon as I can tonight.”

“Don’t worry, Kenz. I’ve got everything under control,” Madison replied, her tone cheerful and confident. “You just focus on winning that next match.”

As the conversation ended, Madison hung up the phone and looked down at the habitat, her earlier smirk returning. The exchange with McKenzie had gone exactly as she had hoped. McKenzie was none the wiser, and Madison’s grip on the situation remained firm.

“See?” Madison said, addressing her parents inside the habitat. “Kenz has got big dreams, and I’m not about to let you two mess that up. So, you better get used to this, because it’s not changing anytime soon.”

Their only hope had been McKenzie, but it was clear now that Madison had expertly maneuvered her way into complete control. The silence in the habitat felt suffocating, the weight of their situation pressing down on them like never before.

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1 month ago

It’ll be rough for awhile, but eventually Madison will loosen up. already have seen glimpses of her compassion and love for her parents, just need to keep digging and trying to get it out of her

Lee Han
1 month ago

Cindy is about to explode any moment now. But it’s sad that Greg is having doubts. I wonder when the climax happens what Greg and Cindy will do and how it will change the way their daughters feels. Despite being littles they’re still family and that is going to have a massive impact on how they feels.

1 month ago

So this begs the question if a Little is mistreated and abused in this world like a pet would be. Could they be taken from their guardian?

Reply to  Nodqfan
1 month ago

Yes, though I think it has to be tangible physical abuse vs emotional\physiological and neglect. And there are guardians that know how to skirt around that anyway, which is why whats her name, I think Sadie, still has her mom as her little despite being another spawn of satan

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Nodqfan
1 month ago

We already know about SEA (Smallara Enforcement Agency) and LVUs
(little Victims Untits) that are attaved to Police Departments, designed to “protect littles” but I don’t fully trust either.

Abusing a little could result in the guardian losing them, and their licence, but the question is “What counts as abuse?” Littles don’t have the same rights as humans, so there are different expectations on how to treat them, Saddia was degrading and publicly humiliating her mother, reducing her to a blubbering mess at her feet for all to see, and that wasn’t considered abuse by the systems that are supposed to protect littles.

One of the scariest parts of being a littke is that it’s not clear to them
(or us) where the line is.

On MWR 30 Asukafan2001 said this,

“Littles who are caught trying to abuse the system to incur the guardian is in trouble. Are tortured but not killed over the rest of their natural lifespan. They recieve medical attention to stop death from occuring where they are then tortured once again in the most painful and inhumane ways possible with purpose of causing non-fatal pain that makes the little beg for a death that will never come due to their longer life spans.”

Which is terrifying as a little who is being abused, but wrong about the law could be tortured simply for looking for justice the government didn’t want to give them. And it would discourage littles from seeking help they need, especially problematic as most littles aren’t informed about the actual laws.

Lee Han
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
1 month ago

Wtf. That is horrific! Jesus Christ

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

Basically turned this entire world into a horror show bro. Didn’t even realize the stuff that was allowed. Especially the torture stuff. It seems exceptionally cruel and unnecessary mixed in with psychological torment.

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

Causing psychological abuse is illegal under two separate laws depending on how it’s caused. Demestic Violence and Harassment. There are other laws that specify women and children. But it’s much deeper. I actually wrote a project on it in college as I found it useful per my personal experiences. But it kind of fits into other laws. The only real thing that gets me is the torturing of littles who “allegedly” falsely accuse their owners. It seems very sadistic and unnecessary when you take into account that they are harmless and pose no threat. Why would the government be unnecessarily evil towards one group simply for being unhappy. We see a crying dog and we sympathize with it. Why not littles?

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

After the smallara is completed in totality do you plan on. Starting anything new? Like a new world that you actually wanted to make. Sometimes I feel rude because I forget this is your first go and I don’t wanna discourage as I actually love the world you make and I can understand that you’re trying to figure it out. But do you think you’ll make a fully fledged redux or just start something new. Also as for the protections I do like that they are heavily protected and are treated well. But it was more so what lethal said on how littles would be tortured for the rest of their life if they supposedly lied about their guardian abusing them.

Reply to  Lee Han
1 month ago

I’m hoping we get a 100-200 year time skip so he doesn’t have to necessarily start from scratch but has more suspension of disbelief that’ll let him make his own laws and whatnot.

Also agree with the torture of Littles but, in a comparison, you could argue that’s what we allow to happen to prisoners in the judicial system. Like rape and murder are unprecedented in jail for a certain level of convict but we don’t really have systems in place to stop that from happening. I still think doing that to a little for life is wrong and cruel and unusual punishment, but I think that’s where asuma is drawing inspiration from

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

So kinda like Smallara meets Macross? That sounds interesting 🤔. Also in the punishment aspect it’s more does the punishment fit the crime.

Last edited 1 month ago by Lee Han
Lethal Ledgend
1 month ago

1) “they could clearly see Madison’s digital clock” for the first time yet a little has unfiltered access to knowing the time.

2.1) “I never quite felt you were giving a full hundred percent to Team Madison” away poor baby, were they seeing another daughter on the side? /s
2.2) they Madison talked about serving her being their one and only purpose really made me wanna slap the cunt, if this wasn’t Cindy’s own fault, I’d probably feel much worse about it.

3) Man Maddie’s enjoying this so much, it’s got a egotistic charisma that only a fictional character could pull off.

4) “My kingdom for enough size to just wring her neck and bend her over my knee like when she was a child,” that was surprisingly violent for Greg, though it shows his frustrations are boiling too.

5) I’m a bit torn, I like that Cindy isn’t going to take the abuse lying down, she’s looking for ways to get back at and demand respect from her daughter, but at the sane time, Cindy’s my least favourite little because it’s her teaching that landed her in this situation.

6.1) the phone call with Kenz went about as well ass expected, Greg to scared to speak up infront of Maddie, Cindy cutting him off but being ignored, Madison fooling Kenz and McKenzie being none the wiser at the end.
6.2) I hate how blindly McKenzie is trusting Maddie, I hope she decides to check the collar footage (assuming theirs do that) and actually checks what they’re enduring.
6.3) though technically we don’t know for sure if McKenzie would be against it.

7) fuck I’m hating Maddie’s power games, she’s deliberately provoking her parents to see how long until their anger outweighs their fear, and then probably gonna punish then for the out burst. It’s like a worse version on the BH nonsense from prime.

8) Maddison beings such a supportive and kind sister McKenzie was a bit of a shock seeing her switch so quickly, especially after how she treated her parents. (Though I’m guessing the reverse has happened where during a spat with Kenz she’s smiled and fooled Cindy into trusting her).

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
1 month ago

2-4: I think this is a pride goes before the fall type of thing for madison, or at least I’m hoping so. granted, we definetly are seeing the fall for Cindy in every chapter lol but I think Madison is gonna have a huge wakeup call when, even if after everything goes their way and Cindy and Greg decide to fall in line, Kenzie might still have to drop tennis to support them more, and Madison will have to take a more responsible grown up role that’ll shock her into seeing things from how her parents saw them.

idk. i’m a bit of a optimist for this story lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

0) Sorry it took so long to respond, work was shitter than it had been for a while

1) It could be, but since such effort has been taken to keep littles chronologically unaware I thought it was worth a mention.

2.1) Indeed.
2.2) I can disapprove of someone’s actions and statements without feeling sorry for their victims. but bare in mind littles have only existed for 13 years at this point. Someone did come up with this behaviour and attitude towards them, and others had to approve for it to become mainstream.

3) I think if it was just “what is to be expected” she wouldn’t be reveling in it, or rubbing it in their faces as much as she is.

I didn’t just mean in how she’s treating her littles though I just meant in general, especially with lines like “she was the unquestioned centre of her own universe”

4) Yes, I’m glad he’s getting a bit of a fire under him, I like seeing littles get angry about their shite hand. I’m curious if any of that anger will be directed inwards as the weight of his own in action.

“First they came for the littles, and Greg said nothing for her was not a little… at least not to his knowledge”

5) Biggest hypocrite you’ve made, 100% agree

6.1) I can see why she wouldn’t find issues with what she’s been shown, Cindy was trying to explain in more detail, but Maddie cut her off, and Kenzie wasn’t overly interested in listening to her mother anyway.
6.2) I see, I thought video might be a standard feature, but I guess it don’t all have it, especially in a temporary stepping tone. How long would these training collars be worn on average?
6.3) I can see that she disagrees with her mother on this, she’s not as good as Chloe but much better than Maddie, she’s similar in opinions to Chrissy, but nowhere near as charitable as her.

7) BH is Body Hottie, (I thought used it in a previous message lol) In both cases the two were doing something their littles wouldn’t like goading their littles retaliating, while simultaneously making it clear that anything that doesn’t go the guardian’s way the little will be punished for.

She did get ready as usual, but she was also teasing her parents, testing how much she could tease before they snapped at her for it.

8) I meant that as a compliment to how you’ve juxtaposed the interactions, I didn’t think the switch was by accident.

Madison and McKenzie do seem to have a good relationship, It seems like a typical older sister, little sister bond I’ve seen in a few places, including my own family, and McKenzie seems to be the family’s best hope at steering the metaphorical ship they’ve got.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x