Madison’s World Redux: Season Two: Episode Nineteen

Madison's World Redux Season 2 Episode 19

As Madison’s door swung open, Greg’s heart sank when he saw her and Krysi walk into the room. It still felt surreal, these two teenage girls had complete run of his house. Greg’s gaze followed Madison as she casually popped one of his pizza rolls into her mouth, chewing with ease as her eyes drifted toward the habitat. Too late, Greg realized he was still in the kneeling position. The smile that crept across Madison’s face told him all he needed to know, she had seen it.

“Aww, are you practicing for me, Dad?” Madison cooed, her tone dripping with exaggerated sweetness, the kind people used when praising a baby or a young child. “I’m so proud of you. You’re such a good little.”

Greg’s face burned with humiliation as he scrambled to stand up. The damage, however, was already done. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment, the sting of being caught “practicing” these degrading lessons from his own daughter only made worse by the casual tone she used to praise him.

But beyond the shame, another frustration boiled within him. She was eating his pizza rolls. One of the few rules he’d laid down in this house had been clear: Don’t eat Dad’s pizza rolls. And yet here she was, walking in, popping them into her mouth like it was no big deal, like his rule didn’t matter anymore. He felt the sting of how much had changed, how little authority he had left in his own home.

Madison, oblivious to, or perhaps enjoying, his frustration, looked over at Krysi with a grin. “See? He’s already learning. Soon enough, he won’t even need to think about it, right, Dad?” she added, a smug satisfaction lingering in her voice.

Greg gritted his teeth, biting back the urge to snap at her. The old Greg, the one who had once run this household, would have said something by now, put her in her place. But that Greg was a distant memory now. All he could do was stand there, fighting the anger rising in his chest, knowing that she held all the cards as he started to stand up.

“You did good too, Mom,” Madison added, her tone still carrying that patronizing edge as she praised her mother. “We need a few more days like this, where My Littles continue to make good progress. I don’t expect you two to be on the level of Brooklyn’s Little yet or even my other friends’ Littles like Evan or Emma’s. But if you can at least not embarrass me, that would be ideal. I do have a reputation to maintain, after all. Now that you’re both Team Madison, one of your main concerns should be my social standing at all times. One of your core thoughts should be, ‘How does this help Madison?’ and ‘Could this action reflect badly on Madison?’”

Greg stared up at the lid of the habitat, frustration and disbelief surging within him. “She’s not serious? Tell me she’s not serious,” he muttered, his voice barely audible in the confined space. The realization that neither Madison nor Krysi had any intention of removing the lid sank in quickly. They were trapped, silenced, unable to question or argue unless Madison decided to let them. She knew it, too, knew the power she held over them in this moment.

Cindy, sensing Greg’s growing agitation, placed a hand on his arm in a futile attempt to calm him. “I know it’s hard, but we have to play along. She’s testing us, pushing boundaries. If we push back too hard…”

Greg clenched his fists, feeling the sting of their helplessness. “It’s like we’re not even people to her anymore,” he whispered, the words heavy with bitterness.

Cindy nodded, her own heart heavy. “We’ll get through this,” she said, though even to her own ears, the words sounded hollow.

Madison, oblivious to, or perhaps indifferent to, their internal struggle, continued talking with Krysi about their plans for the day, casually reinforcing her new role as their guardian, their superior. The dynamic had shifted completely, and they were left to grapple with the reality that, for now, they were at Madison’s mercy.

“Since Krysi was kind enough to teach you to sit, we can squeeze in one last lesson for today,” Madison said, her voice filled with authority. “As you probably noticed, your voices don’t carry outside the habitat unless we remove the lid. So, when you’re asked a question, you can just sit to show you understand. We could remove the lid or install the two way communicator i bought, but, like Mom always said, a little should be seen and not heard. If someone needs a Little’s opinion, they’ll ask for it. Isn’t that right, Mom?” Madison’s eyes zeroed in on her mother, her gaze almost daring Cindy to contradict her.

Cindy felt her stomach twist into knots. “Yes, Madison,” she muttered, the words escaping her mouth before she could stop herself. Then it hit her, those were her words, ones she had said countless times in the past, but never with the intention of them being applied to her or Greg. She had said them about Littles, about people who needed guidance. But now… here she was, being reduced to the very thing she had preached about. A leader in the community, respected, vocal, now forced into a silence of her own making.

There was no escaping it. Cindy knew that any further hesitation would only anger Madison, and that obedience school loomed in the background, like a shadow threatening to consume her. The thought of her daughter’s friends coaching Madison on how to “domesticate” her, to break her like some unruly pet, was too much to bear. She couldn’t risk that humiliation.

So, Cindy did the only thing she could. She knelt down, pulling herself into the position that Madison had drilled into her. Her back arched perfectly straight, just as she had been instructed earlier. Every motion, every adjustment, reminded her of how much control she had lost. The embarrassment of it all was overwhelming.

Madison’s smirk deepened as she watched her mother obey. “Perfect. You’re learning, Mom.” The condescension in her voice made Cindy’s face burn with humiliation.

Krysi looked on, impressed by how quickly things were progressing. “She’s really getting the hang of it, Mads. Soon she’ll be just like Brooklyn’s Little,” she added with a casual laugh, her words stabbing deeper into Cindy’s pride.

As Cindy knelt there, her entire body tensed from the effort to remain still and compliant, she couldn’t help but feel the crushing weight of her new reality. A reality where she was no longer Cindy Wessen, respected and admired, but just another Little under the control of her daughter.

“Great, I’m glad we’re on the same page, Mom. This will make things easier,” Madison continued, her tone dripping with condescension. “Just because your lid is pulled off doesn’t mean anyone wants to hear from you. I expect my Littles to be attentive and waiting for instruction. If you’re out with others, the rules don’t change. My rules are the final say. It’s like you always said: ‘A Little can only have one master.’ Isn’t that right?” Madison emphasized each word, her gaze fixed firmly on her mother.

Cindy’s heart raced. She wanted to stand up, wanted to resist, wanted to tell Madison that she had been wrong all along. Living this life as a Little for the past few days had shown her the harsh reality of it all, the cruelty she had once justified. She had walked a mile in a Little’s shoes, and now she understood. But as she looked up at Madison, towering over her with complete control, the sole arbiter of her existence, Cindy felt the weight of her own words crushing her. The defiance she so desperately wanted to show was swallowed by the suffocating reality that she was powerless. Her body remained locked in the sitting position, mimicking the obedience she had once praised in her friends’ Littles.

It was a nightmare she couldn’t wake up from, a parallel universe where she, the one who had once held the power, was now subject to the rules she had enforced on others. The bitter irony wasn’t lost on her, and it gnawed at her insides like a festering wound.

Her eyes flicked toward Krysi, hoping for some sign of intervention, some indication that maybe this had gone too far. But Krysi offered nothing. No words of comfort or suggestion that Madison reconsider. She just stood there, her expression one of calm satisfaction, like she was witnessing a Little fall into line exactly as expected.

There was no one to save her, no escape from this twisted new world. Just the cold, hard truth that Madison’s words now dictated her reality. And in that moment, Cindy understood what it truly meant to be a Little..

“Is there a problem, Dad?” Madison’s voice cut through Greg’s thoughts like a knife. She crossed her arms, a smirk creeping onto her face. “I see you standing, but I’m sure my eyes are deceiving me. Do you see the same thing, Krysi?”

Greg felt a jolt of disbelief surge through him. It was one thing to watch Cindy endure this humiliation, but for Madison to expect him to go along with it? That was something else entirely. Every instinct screamed at him to push back, to assert his authority as the father, the one who had raised her. But as Krysi calmly lifted the lid off the habitat and set it on the floor, Greg felt the weight of the moment crash down on him.

“Madison, princess, it’s me, Dad,” Greg began, his voice strained as he tried to reason with her. “You don’t expect me to do that, do you? I—I let you and your mom come to your own conclusions, your own thoughts. I don’t particularly care about all this… Little nonsense.” His voice faltered as he looked up at her, hoping to appeal to the daughter he used to know. “Princess, let’s just,”

“Dad,” Madison interrupted, her tone sharp and dismissive. She took a step closer, her presence looming over him like a giant. “This isn’t a debate. You are a Little now. And just like Mom, you’ll follow the same rules. I don’t care what you used to think. You said it yourself, you let me come to my own conclusions. And this is where we are now.”

Greg’s heart pounded in his chest. The words caught in his throat as he stared up at his daughter, her eyes cold and unwavering. He felt trapped, like there was no way to break through to her, no way to make her see reason.

Krysi chuckled softly from the side, her presence adding to the pressure Greg felt. “It’s like she said, Mr. W—I mean, Greg,” Krysi corrected herself, still struggling with the shift in dynamics. “This is just how things work now. You’re part of Team Madison. It’ll be easier if you just accept it.”

Greg clenched his fists, his pride screaming for him to stand his ground. But as he looked at Madison, the smirk still lingering on her face, he realized that she wasn’t going to back down. Not this time. And with Krysi backing her up, there was no one left to appeal to.

The cold reality hit him like a wave. He wasn’t just Madison’s father anymore. He was her Little.

Madison’s words dripped with condescension as she smiled sweetly down at Greg, her tone sweet as if she were speaking to a child or a simple pet. “I understand this can be overwhelming for you, Daddy. It’s so much to take in, and I was so proud of you for working on these commands for me. You did so good. The best boy, one could say,” she added with a slight, mocking giggle.

Greg’s heart sank. He felt trapped in his own body, the words coming from his daughter completely degrading, but he knew he couldn’t fight back, not now.

“I know this is so much for your little brain to comprehend,” Madison continued, her voice slow and exaggerated, as if she were explaining a basic concept. “But when you’re asked to do something in the habitat, you can just use the sit command instead of trying to speak. No one can hear your little voice in there, anyway. Your vocal cords are just too small now. Too weak. We don’t always have the time or want to remove the lid.”

Greg clenched his fists, but he said nothing, his body locked in place as Madison continued.

“You understand, right?” she asked, her tone patronizing. “Littles wait until they’re spoken to. It’s rude for a little to speak unless asked. You wait quietly, like a good boy, because that’s what good littles do. And I need you to understand something else, Dad: I make the rules around here when it comes to you. Until I tell you otherwise, it is how it is. You ultimately answer to me, and the rules I set for my littles.” Madison leaned in closer, her eyes locking with his, her voice filled with an unsettling mixture of affection and authority.

“Dad, I love you. I do. You were the best father,” she said softly, as though her words were meant to comfort him. “But now you’re a little. And I need to know you understand, you’re my little now.”

The weight of her words hit Greg like a punch to the gut. His mind raced with memories of the man he used to be, of the father he had been. And yet, here he was, being spoken to like an obedient pet by his own daughter. He knew resisting wouldn’t change anything. Not now.

Greg’s heart pounded in his chest as he stared up at his daughter, disbelief and shock coursing through him. The words she had just spoken felt like a punch to the gut. He was her father. He had raised her, taught her how to be her own person, and now here she was, telling him that he was nothing more than her Little, nothing more than someone who would obey her commands.

Greg’s mind reeled. How had it come to this? This was his home, the life he had built with Cindy, and yet it all felt so far away now, unreachable. He looked down at Cindy, seeing the same mixture of disbelief and resignation in her eyes. They were in this together, trapped in this humiliating new world where their own daughter had complete control.

The weight of the situation pressed down on him like a lead blanket. He knew that there was nothing he could do right now. As much as he wanted to protest, to push back, it would only make things worse. He needed to live to fight another day, to bide his time, and maybe, just maybe, find a way to regain some control.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Greg did the only thing he could. Slowly, and with a deep sense of defeat, he sank down into the kneeling position that Madison had taught him. His knees hit the floor, his back straightened, and his hands rested on his legs just as she had instructed. He hated every second of it, but for now, compliance was his only option.

As he knelt there, complying with Madison’s rules, a part of him vowed that this wouldn’t be forever. He would find a way to change things. But for now, all he could do was endure.

Madison’s voice wavered with a mixture of authority and emotion as she spoke, her words cutting deep into Greg’s heart. The tears in her eyes were genuine, but the message behind them only amplified the surreal cruelty of the situation.

“Thanks, Dad. This is for the best,” she continued, her voice softening slightly. “Mom taught us so much about a little’s place. If she were still full-sized, this is exactly what she would expect from you. What she would want from her littles.”

Greg’s heart sank further as she invoked Cindy’s own teachings, the same words that once shaped their family, now turned against them. Madison went on, her tone filled with an almost naive sincerity that made it all the more painful.

“I plan on teaching you and raising you just as she would’ve wanted. It’s the least I can do to honor her.” Madison sniffled, leaning her head onto Krysi’s shoulder for support. “I don’t like having to do this, but you’re littles, and Mom always said a little is a little, no exceptions. As God made man, and God made littles. It’s not my place to question who’s a little and who’s not. A person must accept they’re a person, and a little must accept they’re a little.”

Greg felt a sharp pang as she glanced over at Cindy. He could see the turmoil on his wife’s face, struggling to stay composed as her own words came back to haunt her.

“Isn’t that right, Mom?” Madison asked, her voice taking on a quiet, reverent tone. “I know you thought I wasn’t listening, but I was. I always was.”

Cindy remained silent, her body rigid, unwilling to confirm the twisted truth that had become their reality. Greg wished he could reach out, comfort her, tell her that they would find a way through this, but he couldn’t. Not now.

Madison, however, took the silence as agreement.

“You two are my parents, and I love you both. It’s my honor to raise you into proper littles and guide you on this journey to littlehood, just as you raised me.”

Tears welled in Madison’s eyes as she leaned more heavily into Krysi, her emotions on full display. Krysi wrapped an arm around her friend, offering silent support as the room filled with an overwhelming sense of finality.

Greg, still kneeling, fought the urge to scream, to protest, but he knew it would do no good. Not now. The rules were in place, and Madison, his own daughter, was both their guardian and their jailer.

As Krysi gently placed the lid back onto the habitat, sealing Greg and Cindy inside once more, she leaned in and whispered, “Don’t worry, I got this.” Her words were meant to be reassuring, but they carried a chilling finality as if their fates had already been decided.

Wrapping her arm around Madison’s shoulders, she guided her friend out of the room. “I’m so proud of you, Mads,” Krysi said softly, her voice filled with admiration. “That was beautiful. I know how hard that must be for you. Losing parents is tough… but at least you still have a version of them around. Just as Littles.”

Madison nodded, wiping away a stray tear as they walked down the hallway. “Yeah… it’s not the same, but I guess it’s better than nothing. It’s just… sometimes, it feels like I’m not ready for this, you know?”

Krysi gave her a comforting squeeze. “You’re doing great. They’ll come around. You’re the guardian now, and you’re honoring your mom’s wishes. They just need time to adjust.”

As their voices faded down the hallway, Greg and Cindy were left in silence, the weight of Krysi’s words hanging in the air. “Just as Littles.” It was a brutal reminder of the lives they once had, now reduced to nothing more than pets under the control of their own daughter.

Greg turned to Cindy, his face etched with worry and disbelief. “We can’t let this go on, Cindy,” he whispered. “We’ve got to find a way out of this… before we really lose ourselves.”

Cindy, still reeling from Madison’s emotional speech, nodded slowly. But deep down, she wondered if it was already too late.

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J - Vader
J - Vader
19 days ago

Wow seems heartbreaking on both sides and hopefully they find the balance but damn it Cindy you dumbass and Greg you freaking bum dear god I can’t believe you allowed this and here it is biting you in the ass

But great chapter

Reply to  J - Vader
19 days ago

Cindy made things difficult that’s for sure. I would say it’s not Greg’s place to allow or disallow. Cindy is her own person. He just
Chose not to care the same way some people don’t care an about politics.

19 days ago

guessing Kenzie’s gonna be entering the scene in the next few chapters, looking forward to seeing if she can work with Madison on somethings.

Reply to  C M
19 days ago

Kenzie is coming fairly soon. Within the next few episodes if not tomorrow.

Lee Han
19 days ago

They’re fates have been sealed. This is the end and there is no light at the end of the l tunnel it seems. Very bleak future and a long painful life to come.

Reply to  Lee Han
19 days ago

I wouldn’t go that far to say the say the end has no light. I think the future is more fluid.

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
19 days ago

A life of servitude is no way to live under any circumstance. Unless there’s silver lining I’m unaware of.

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
19 days ago

Gotcha. so tomorrow is episode 20. 5 posts a week? That’s pretty awesome. Didn’t realize you were moving so fast. That’s about 10 more weeks worth. Can’t wait.

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
19 days ago

What do you use for renders? Daz3d?

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
19 days ago

That’s awesome. I haven’t been able to keep up with tech for a while so I’ll definitely check out the 5090. But I’ve been wanting to get into rendering for a while and after I upgrade from my potato computer wanna give it a shot. You ever thought about getting help for rendering or allowing others to upload stories directly. It would seem that many are invested in your universe. Also when is the 5090 slated to drop? If it’s good for gaming and rendering might might buy it and make a rig around it with an Intel i9. I’ll have to look into it

Lethal Ledgend
19 days ago

1) practising the little sit isn’t the worst thing Madison could’ve walked in on him doing, but it’s definitely not something he wanted her seeing.

2) she’s stolen the man’s Pizza rolls, Madison has officially gone too far.

3) Even has a little? First male guardian confirmed?

4) “Team Madison”, so just fuck McKenzie I guess.

5) “It’s like we’re not even people to her anymore,” you’re not, Cindy made sure of that.

6.1) Cindy’s words getting thrown back at her is always fun to read, and remind us who’s fault this is.
6.2 ‘A Little can only have one master.’ actually these littles have two, unless Madison isn’t going to treat Greg like that.

7) Greg getting these rules forced on him feels worse, he wasn’t as strict with enforcing his beliefs as his wife, he ley her form her own opinion, and is now suffering for his open mind, just as Cindy’s suffering for her closed one.

8.1) I do sympathise for Madison having a hard time, but she could chose to make it easier for herself simply by not blindly following her mother’s teachings
8.2) “I know you thought I wasn’t listening, but I was. I always was.” oh the horror.

9) “Losing parents is tough… but at least you still have a version of them around. Just as Littles.” that line stung so much to read, you can tell she’s trying to be so nice, especially with her turning to reassure the parents before her that she’ll take care of Madison. 😭

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
19 days ago

3) oh, lol, never heard that name used for a girl before.

4) hope she gets put in her place for that.

6.1) and that’s why I’m not as upset for her as I am with any other little
6.2) again, Fuck McKenzie I guess.

7) Cindy’s actions have consequences, and Greg’s inaction has consequences (though Cindy’s actions do get the lion’s share of the blame.

8.1) I’m looking forward to the slight alterations of Cindy’s beliefs, but so far it still seems like Madison’s following her mother completely and uncritically.
8.2) definitely biting her in the asre.

9) Krysi does seem like a good support, though also seems like she was poisoned by Cindy’s teaching.

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