Little Dayton I

A Smallara AU fanfiction where Dayton is vulnerable.

Dayton stirred awake in the wee hours of the morning, instinctively reached over to her nightstand her fingers tapping across the surface searching.

 Her eyes opened slowly looking at the empty space on the bedside table beside her.  Letting out a deep sigh for her situation.  She sat up looking around her habitat beyond the glass confines she was in. She could see Sara, her guardian, resting peacefully, it was a Saturday and Sara had a late night previously, attended the premier of Safe Harbors, a Genri Studios event Dayton couldn’t attend because the age cut-off was 15, except for the cast members, so Dayton stayed home.

 She made little circles with her fingers and thumbs and pulled them around her eyes, remembering the time she had glasses before her shrunken eyes adapted to no longer need them. She’d, a long time ago, felt self-conscious about them, wished them off her face, would have paid anything, but then she’d gotten used to them, accustomed to wearing them, only then had her wish been granted, something Sara’s friend Steph called a “monkey’s paw”.

Dayton reluctantly got out of bed and walked over to the little pellets on her table, she hated how good they tasted, hated that her friend Nicole tricked her into trying them by pretending to break a piece off her cookie and hand it to her.

She poured herself a cup of water, using a pitcher and cup from an old dolls house she’d once owned, a Christmas gift from the Reeves, if she remembered correctly. After taking a sip she walked over to her gaming corner, a banner reading “Minidipidy” hung over it, the set up was surprisingly advanced, one of Sara’s sponsors had given it to Dayton (legally Sara, but the parcel had Dayton’s name on it) as a form of advertising for their new little systems.

She slouched in her hot pink gamer chair and turned the Genribox Series L on, it hummed as it booted up, “Genri Entertainment” logo flashing on the screen before Dayton scrolled through her game library, she picked Guardian Simulator, a cozy game where she could care for virtual littles.

Dayton took her time rearranging the furniture for her digital pets, customizing their home to her liking, having them complete tasks, perform tricks, and explore the little worthy parts of her house.  She eventually got to the point where she’d earned her fifth little in game.

After a solid twenty-five minutes of gaming Dayton stretched out, looking around the room as the rising sun made more parts of the room visible.  She could see the laundry on the floor, the anime posters on the walls, the greenness of Sara’s eyes, the gentle sway of the hanging chair and-

Dayton fell out of her chair flinching so hard at the realisation that Sara had her eyes open. She began picking herself up but as soon as there was enough room under her torso, she could feel the fingers sliding under her belly and Dayton was plucked off her habitat floor by Sara.

“Good morning, Whitto Wady” Sara said looking over Dayton, “did you get a fwighten?”

“Hey, Sara,” Dayton said, “you shouldn’t do that to people, I had no idea I was being watched.”

“I didn’t do it to people, I did it to my underbred,” Sara corrected her, “and you should know by now, I’m always watching.”

Dayton gulped, she had no retort as she’d have said the same thing if their positions were reversed, she instead tried to change the subject, “Ho-how was the movie?”

“I didn’t mind it, but Chloe was pissed” Sara answered, as she moved her pillow to the side, laying Dayton down in the warm spot where her head had been resting and running her fingers down her spine.

“What didn’t Chloe like?” Dayton asked, snuggling into the pillow, and leaning into Sara’s pets on her back.

“Revisionist history,” Sara answered, “Apparently, they turned a historically important film into a fluff piece for some horrible politicians, I don’t want you worrying about it.”

Dayton tried to frown but the petting made that impossible, “did you meet Hailey?”

“I was wondering how long until you asked that,” Sara said, smiling sweetly to her tiny pet.  She reached over Dayton and retrieved a photo of Haily Bishop and showed it to her.

“To Dayton, wish you were here, from Hailey Bishop,” Dayton read aloud, she then rolled over to hug and kiss Sara’s finger, “Thank-you, Sara.”

“Anything for my Witto Wady,” Sara said, “but I expect you to be on your best behaviour tonight, then we can hang it up in your habitat.”

“You mean for the dinner with mom?” Dayton asked, her mood deteriorating as she did.

“You know she doesn’t want you calling her that,” Sara corrected, “It’s Miss Harris to you now, or Ma’am, I’m sorry sweetie, but it’s actually getting more and more common these days for parents of underbreds to cut them off like that.”

Sara waited a moment, expecting Dayton to respond, the two lay together wordlessly in a silence that made Sara’s heart hurt, looking at this once lively young girl she’d babysat countless times dwell in a miserable state, the two of them first met less then twelve hours after Dayton had been born and the bond between them had formed even quicker than that.

“I love you, Dayton,” Sara eventually said, breaking the silence before it broke her.

“I love you too,” Dayton said weakly.

“And Ellie loves you, and Chloe loves you, Kayla, and Kelli love you, and Gavin, and Mal, and Steph, even Hunter, and Riley love you” Sara continued, hoping for some relief, “An-and my parents are still your godparents, I’m sure if you called them mum and dad they wouldn’t mind, you’re still very loved.”

“And Nicole?” Dayton asked, nervously, her friend had seemed distant since her infection.

“Yeah, of course she does, she’s just adjusting to her own sister being a little,” Sara reassured Dayton, “Maybe I could arrange another play date for you and her.”

“OK,” Dayton said, less than hopeful.

Sara sighed turning her attention to the console in Dayton’s habitat, “What are you playing?” Sara asked, pulling the guardian app up on her phone, “Training for our next stream I hope.”

“No,” Dayton confessed, “I was playing…”

“Guardian Simulator,” Sara cut her off, the app on her phone synchronised to all of Dayton’s accounts and devices allowing her to check them in seconds, “hey, you got a new one, good job.”

“Thanks,” Dayton said, grateful for the subject change, “Benefit of being such a master gamer I guess.”

“Oh, well hopefully that game mastery translates over to D&D this afternoon,” Sara told her sitting up in the bed.

“I thought Steph only ran her games on Tuesdays.” Dayton said, surprised by the change in plan.

“It’s not at Steph’s we’ve been invited to play on the Diceorama live stream, I need you to study your character before we leave.”

“Do I have to?” Dayton whined.

“Yes, this live stream is kind of a big deal, It’ll open so many doors for us,” Sara explained, ignoring Dayton’s tone, “besides all the players are guardians and littles, so you won’t feel so out of place there.”

“I don’t feel out of place at Steph’s, I just feel bored,” Dayton said, her tone hardening.

“And who’s fault is that?” Sara asked, “because it’s not the fault of any of the people there trying their hardest to get you to participate and help you feel included.”

“It’s mine,” Dayton hung her head, he didn’t believe her own words, but she knew what Sara wanted to hear.

“Good,” said Sara setting Dayton down near her computer on her desk and handed Dayton her tablet, “I’ve uploaded the character sheet and backstory onto this, I’ll just pop out to feed Mocha then I’ll bring you downstairs for our breakfast.”

Dayton booted up the tablet, entered her password of “Little_Lady08” and then began to read the documents Sara had given her, knowing she wasn’t getting out of this, Sara had made her mind up on that, all she could do was cope.

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    9 days ago

    1) So it seems like in this alternate universe Sara didn’t find Jordan. As it appears to be a habitat for one still. 

    2)Dayton without glasses feels weird. Its almost iconic for her, but good use of Smallara lore with the vision getting better as a little.

    3)Dayton being tricked into eating pellets is funny. 

    4) I wondered if you would work in little dishware.

    5) Guardian simulator seems like this world version of the sims. 

    6)Sara as controlling as ever nice to see. Also pleasantly surprised that Dayton acknowledged she would do the same if roles were reversed.

    7)Dayton being Hailey fan seems right. 

    8)Dayton’s mom Mrs. Harris disowning her daughter basically fits her character with her dislike of littles. As I couldn’t see her wanting to get guardian trained. 

    9) Sara trying to uplift Dayton’s spirits with the people involved her life who care about her is good to see. 

    10) Dayton understandably concerned about her relationship with Nicole. As she was kind of the defacto leader amongst them. Which now would be more difficult. 

    11) Dayton not liking D&D is very fitting her for character. 

    12) this was fun to read. I hope you continue it. 

    Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
    8 days ago

    1) From a writing standpoin that does make it cleaner. Though it would have been fun to see JOrdan and Dayton interacting but thinking about it further most if not all of the events between them would have never happened in this time line so he probably wouldn’t know who she was.

    2) I did like the touch of her reaching for the glasses.

    4)In my head if you existed in this world you would be a little dishware salesperson

    5)Nintendogs would be a good parallel. I’ve never played that myself but I’m aware of the gameplay and how it works.

    6) Thats logical. Dayton gonna Dayton. Sara would treat Dayton differently then Jordan. Gavin as well. I agree with you there.

    7) Thats a safe bet. Random child actress tv show on disney or nickalodean.

    8) That fits Mrs. Harrison. I could also see Cindy doing something like that in a alternate timeline where her daughters were infected but Greg would not that stand for that. Which would be the only real difference. Is greg would probably leave his wife if she forced something like that.

    9)I agree. Sara has a good heart towards her friends.

    10) that’s a very low bar. Dani kind of freaked out. The intent was to show a natural reaction of someone who kind of acted without thinking. Which most of us are guilty of from time to time.

    11) its not. Dayton definitely woudln’t be to pro D&D but at the same time Dayton would feel an obligation to do it because its Sara asking.

    12) that’s good. I see you changed the title to Little Dayton 1. I assume that means you decided to do more.

    9 days ago


    It was good. LOL

    C M
    C M
    9 days ago

    “Little_Lady08” surprised isn’t “Witto_Wady08” lol liked this. How long would Dayton have been a little at this point?

    Last edited 9 days ago by C M
    8 days ago

    Boooo Dayton is tiny.

    Good work lol.

    Now if Sara were tiny and Dayton were the guardian wait that gives me an idea.

    Last edited 8 days ago by Nodqfan
    Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
    8 days ago

    Yes, it is a Little Sara story the idea came to me after reading this lol. I wanted to see a tiny Sara with Dayton as her guardian.

    I feel bad for Dayton with her mother hating littles and wanting nothing to do with her all because she caught a disease that was out of her control.

    Luckily Sara and her family have taken Dayton in as a part of their lives and I can’t wait to see how Dayton adjusts to Sara ruling over her life in future chapters, of this AU story.

    Last edited 8 days ago by Nodqfan
    5 days ago

    Apologies for the late comment, but the part about Nicole tricking Dayton into eating a pellet is hilarious I imagine Dayton pouting angrily about not getting a cookie from Nicole.

    I kind of wish we’d gotten to see that meeting between a newly little Dayton and her best friend Nicole and all the emotions that would come with it.

    Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
    3 days ago

    Ah, that makes sense that pellets would taste real food, so littles wouldn’t miss the taste of real food from before they shrunk.

    Dayton’s anger would power a generator, and I could see Nicole finding the pouting adorable and petting Dayton to calm her down.

    A flashback of the play date would be cool.

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