Madison’s World Redux: Season Two: Episode Twenty Eight

Madison's World Redux Season 2 Episode 28

“I’m going to take my shower. I feel gross,” McKenzie said, gathering a few things before turning to Greg. “You can stay here in my room. I’ll let you have a break from Madison.”

Greg sighed with relief. “Thanks, Kenzie. I appreciate it.” He watched as his daughter moved around the room, picking up a towel and some clothes, before heading out and closing the door behind her.

The room immediately felt calm, the soft click of the door marking a brief reprieve from the oppressive atmosphere that often surrounded Madison. Greg stretched out on McKenzie’s bed, sinking into the soft folds of her comforter. He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the peace. It was nice—no, it was liberating—to not have Madison lording over him. McKenzie’s room felt like a sanctuary, a space where, for just a short while, he could forget his new reality.

The soft scent of McKenzie’s perfume lingered in the air, calming him further. The room, familiar yet now foreign, stretched out like a vast, comforting landscape. He breathed deeply, letting the quiet soothe him.

But that calm was short-lived.

A knock at the door shattered the silence, and Greg’s heart immediately skipped a beat. Before he could react, the door opened, and Madison stepped into the room, carrying a basket full of clothes.

Greg froze, his body stiffening with a mix of dread and instinctual fear. He watched as Madison scanned the room, her eyes narrowing in confusion. “She’s not here,” Madison muttered to herself, setting down the laundry basket. “I thought she fell asleep.”

Almost immediately, Greg’s heart began to race. He remained still, hoping that if he didn’t move, Madison wouldn’t notice him. But he knew better. His eyes darted around, desperately searching for some kind of cover, though he knew hiding was futile. He tried to sink deeper into the folds of McKenzie’s comforter, hoping to become invisible. But even in his smallness, he felt impossibly exposed.

This was his life now—hiding from his youngest daughter, feeling powerless and ashamed as she stood over him, one of his official guardians. A wave of humiliation hit him like a punch to the gut.

Madison’s eyes scanned the room with the sharpness of someone who had spent years snooping through her sister’s belongings. She had made a habit of slipping into McKenzie’s room, borrowing clothes, and rifling through things with a practiced ease. Nothing escaped her notice.

It wasn’t long before her eyes landed on the bed, and her gaze swept over the comforter—until she saw him. Greg lay there, motionless, his heart pounding in his chest as her eyes fixed on him.

“Dad, what are you doing out?” Madison’s voice snapped with a scolding edge. She crossed the room quickly, her towering form making Greg feel even smaller than usual. “McKenzie is exhausted. She probably wasn’t thinking straight and forgot about you.” Madison’s words dripped with mild disapproval as she moved closer.

“No, wait, Madison—McKenzie said I could stay here,” Greg stammered, his voice trembling as he tried to explain himself. He was pleading with his own daughter, a twisted reality that never ceased to shock him. It felt like some kind of nightmare, this world where he, the father, had no authority. None. “I was just waiting for her to come back.”

Madison stopped at the foot of the bed, her arms crossing over her chest. The posture was familiar—a stance Greg had seen countless times before when disciplining his daughters. But now, it was his youngest daughter towering above him, her eyes narrowing with the same disapproval he used to wield.

“Sit, Dad,” Madison commanded, her tone leaving no room for argument. “It doesn’t matter what you were offered. We discussed this earlier. I’m your guardian. As soon as McKenzie was done or if you saw her getting tired, you should’ve asked her to take you back to me. Isn’t that right, Dad?”

Greg’s heart sank as he looked up at her. Every word was like a hammer driving a nail deeper into his pride. Desperately, he wanted to explain, to somehow escape this twisted scenario. But the words were trapped in his throat. He couldn’t muster the strength to resist. Instead, he nodded obediently, feeling a heavy sense of defeat wash over him. “Yes, Madison,” he said, his voice small, almost a whisper.

“That’s what I thought,” Madison replied, her voice firm, as though she was talking to a misbehaving pet. “You’re nervous because you know you did something wrong. Isn’t that right? You can always tell when a Little knows they’ve messed up—they get this guilty look, just like a dog when it’s been caught. You wouldn’t be like that if you didn’t know you were wrong. If you didn’t understand the rules and choose not to follow them. Isn’t that right?”

“No, Madison, princess, I wasn’t—” Greg tried again, but Madison’s stare silenced him.

“I’m your guardian, Dad. Look at you,” Madison said, her eyes piercing as she gestured toward him. “You haven’t moved from that sitting position since I put you in it. You wouldn’t dare.” She shook her head, almost amused by his compliance. “You and Mom are my Littles. I care for you. As soon as McKenzie is done with you, you ask to be brought back to me. Is that clear? That’s the expectation I hold for all my Littles. A proper Little needs to be available to its guardian at all times. You never know when I’ll need you for something.”

“Yes, Madison,” Greg said again, the words slipping out automatically. He didn’t dare challenge her further. He could only sit there, hoping that McKenzie would return from her shower soon, to save him from this unbearable situation. But even as he wished for her return, he hated himself for it. He hated how powerless he felt, how he was relying on one daughter to protect him from another. It wasn’t right. He was their father, but here he was, being reprimanded like a disobedient pet.

And worse—some part of him felt like he had truly let Madison down. Like he had broken a rule that mattered. His mind rebelled against the thought, but his body, conditioned to this new life, sat perfectly still, afraid to disobey.

As Greg looked up at his youngest daughter, a feeling of helplessness flooded him. He had once resented Cindy’s methods for shaping Littles, the rigid rules and expectations she had drilled into their family’s life. He had hated the way she trained Littles to be obedient, subservient, always answering to their guardians. But now, faced with Madison’s dominance, he couldn’t deny the effectiveness of those methods.

McKenzie had said it herself—Madison wasn’t even doing anything wrong in the grand scheme of things. They were Littles, and they were registered to her. Madison was simply enforcing the rules in the strictest way possible, following a methodical, controlling approach to bring her Littles to heel.

And Greg hated every second of it. As Madison took another step forward, lowering her hand onto the bed, he felt a bitter knot tighten in his stomach. He recognized the gesture immediately—the lesson from earlier, when she’d explained what this meant, fresh in his mind. She had learned the technique online, from some streamer she idolized, and now here he was, caught in the web of her newfound methods.

But despite the resentment that simmered beneath the surface, there was also a flicker of relief that washed over him. His muscles ached from maintaining that seated position for so long, and now, at least, he could stand. Rise from that demeaning posture and move toward her hand. It felt wrong on so many levels, but the relief was undeniable.

He stood slowly, stretching out his stiff limbs as he made his way over to Madison’s outstretched hand. Each step felt like a betrayal—not just of himself but of the father he once was. The father who had protected and guided his children, not the one who now walked toward them in obedience.

As he reached Madison’s hand, her face lit up with pride, her expression beaming. Her eyes softened with a mix of affection and satisfaction, and Greg felt the weight of her gaze, knowing exactly what was coming next.

“Good boy, Dad,” Madison said sweetly, her voice dripping with flowery praise. She lowered a finger to his back and began stroking it gently, as though he were a pet deserving of a reward for his compliance. The touch was soft, almost tender, but the patronizing undertone was impossible to ignore.

Greg understood all too well what was happening. Madison wasn’t just showing affection—she was reinforcing good behavior. She was teaching him, conditioning him, just as she had been taught. The praise, the kind words, the gentle touch—they were all tools to stroke his ego, to connect obedience with the feeling of love and approval. His body, despite his mind’s rebellion, responded to it.

He hated that he could feel it—the quiet sense of satisfaction that stirred within him at her praise, the warmth that spread across his chest as her finger gently petted him. His mind screamed against it, but his body couldn’t help but release the dopamine in response to the approval she was offering.

He could see the game Madison was playing, could feel himself being pulled into it. When he obeyed, when he followed her commands, he received affection, approval, and that fleeting feeling of accomplishment. But when he didn’t—when he resisted—those feelings were withheld. The praise vanished, and with it, the subtle rush that came with it. The satisfaction that one naturally feels from a job well done was stripped away, leaving behind only emptiness.

It was simple, really. So simple, it made his skin crawl. Madison, with all her youth and inexperience, had figured out how to mold him and Cindy through basic psychological conditioning. Reinforce the behaviors she wanted with affection and praise, and starve them of those same rewards when they didn’t comply. Over time, his body would crave the approval, the dopamine rush that came with obedience, and the absence of it would feel unbearable.

And what unsettled Greg the most was just how effective it was.

As Madison continued to stroke his back, murmuring more words of praise, Greg couldn’t help but feel the deep shame creeping into his bones. He was being trained like a pet, a Little, his own mind and body betraying him as they began to crave the very rewards he despised. It was a horrifying realization—he could see it happening, and yet he felt powerless to stop it.

He glanced up at Madison, whose smile hadn’t wavered. She truly believed she was helping him, guiding him toward being a “proper Little.” In her eyes, this was all a part of caring for him, of making sure he was safe and compliant. But in Greg’s mind, it was an unrelenting reminder of just how far he had fallen. He had become trapped in a world of control, one where even his own body was turning against him, responding to the conditioning he despised.

And yet, even as the shame washed over him, he couldn’t deny the small sense of relief that came with her praise. That was the worst part of all—knowing that, despite everything, part of him longed for the approval she was offering.

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6 days ago

“It doesn’t matter what you were offered. We discussed this earlier. I’m your guardian”

“Yes Madison, but you told me any command coming from Kenzie and Krysti should be seen as a command coming from you. I’m just following the rules pumpkin. You might need to help me understand them better. i’m just a little after all.”

problem solved lol wasn’t an offer, was a command from his guardian’s Guardian, which is a command from Madison

J - Vader
J - Vader
6 days ago

Of course Mads had to come in and ruin everything my god please Greg once McKenzie comes back tell her what really happened Jesus!!!

Reply to  J - Vader
6 days ago

I don’t think he will, too risky and it might stir up shit between the two sisters. that being said, I do wonder if Kenzie will be upset that Madison entered her room and took greg without checking with her first. after all, she deserves to spend time with her own parents, especially after a long day. Madison shouldn’t take that opportunity away from her sister

J - Vader
J - Vader
Reply to  C M
6 days ago

That’s sad part he won’t just to keep the conflict at bay. But McKenzie should see that Mads is basically hogging their parents away from her at this point and should have a talking to about sharing custody of their parents and how she has the right to have either one with her plus her going into her room without knocking or asking which as an older sibling who had younger siblings do that it’s annoying as shit

Reply to  J - Vader
6 days ago

that’d be a tough one. Madison’s the primary guardian, so technically she’s got dibs. I still think it’s dumb that she just walked into her room and grabbed greg as well as reprimanded him. He followed the chain of command and still got in trouble lol

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 days ago

It’d be really big of Madison to do that. I think it just depends on how Kenzie handles it, as technically she’s the head of the household and she isn’t stupid, so for Madison to think she accidentally left Greg out when she still wanted to spend time with him or let him have his own free time kind of undermines her authority, so she should say something, imo. not just because of Greg and wanting to spend time with him, but because Madison needs to know she can’t just do things like that without actually checking with Kenzie.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J - Vader
6 days ago

It’s especially shit when you consider how the bond works, Asukafan2001 has confirmed that its rare and next to impossible for a little to properly bond with a second human after they bond with a first. It’s part of why guardianship is a life long commitment and returning a little is a messy process.

Madison has Cindy and McKenzie has Greg, but it actually seems like Madison is trying to bond with both if them which would further cut McKenzie off from her parents.

(Also hate to defend Madison but she did actually knock, but still didn’t ask or have permission)

Last edited 6 days ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
6 days ago

1) Giving Greg a break from Madison where he can just chill is good, also indicates that McKenzie’s very aware of how bad she is.

2) “Madison’s eyes scanned the room with the sharpness of someone who had spent years snooping through her sister’s belongings” a very sisterly description.

3) “It doesn’t matter what you were offered… I’m your guardian.” Madison trying to cut out McKenzie’s claim and authority over Greg is pretty shitty.

4) “You’re nervous because you know you did something wrong. Isn’t that right?” No, he’s nervous because you’ve proven to be abusive and prone to over reaction.

5) “As soon as McKenzie is done with you, you ask to be brought back to me” and who said McKenzie was done with him? Greg could easily tell Madison that McKenzie wanted him there when she got back.

6) “He had once resented Cindy’s methods for shaping Littles” then why didn’t he say anything?

7) “Madison wasn’t just showing affection—she was reinforcing good behavior” conditional kindness is still a very prevalent thing in guardian/little relationships.

8) “Madison, with all her youth and inexperience, had figured out how to mold him and Cindy through basic psychological conditioning” sucks that he can literally see and understand the trick she’s pulling, yet is still completely powerless to rebel.

9) I hope when McKenzie gets out of the shower and realises Greg’s not where she left him, she storms onto Madison’s room and goes off at her for taking him like that, and Madison gets put in her place by her guardian.

Last edited 6 days ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 days ago

1) Maybe not “bad, but she does know at least that she’s the kind of person people benefit from having a break from. I do like the Madison proving herself angle.

2) You’re welcome, It reminded me of my own siblings, but especially my sisters.

3) That is interesting to know, but the reality McKenzie is a guardian too, specifically Greg’s guardian. Madison trying to cut her off like that has to back fire eventually, either on herself, McKenzie or Greg.

5) Unattended doesn’t mean done with. I can see the danger but I’m sure McKenzie has little worthied the house a bit.

6) Can’t blame him for that.

7) it’s conditional on the psychological effect it would have.

9) I wouldn’t mind that .5 chapter. Are you up to season 3?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 days ago

A Kayla series sound great. I’m a bit surprised we’re not immediately going back to Smallara Proper, but I like that more stories are being fleshed out.

6 days ago

Damn, Madison was straight-up evil in this episode.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 days ago

Of course, she’d subscribe to a “Might makes Right” type mentality like that.

6 days ago

Is there any chance mok ends up under Madison’s foot to teach a lesson?

Reply to  Captain
6 days ago


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