Roni and Joey: Chapter 8: Can I keep him? (Updated)

Roni scanned the faces around the table—her parents’ confused expressions and Joey’s look of shock. The tension was thick in the air, and Roni knew she was taking a huge risk. But this plan was the only one she could think of that might save Joey. If her parents agreed, they could adopt him before he shrank, and she could do her training while he stayed safe at a facility. It was a long shot, but it might just work.

Mrs. Hale broke the silence first, clearing her throat as she glanced at Roni. “You… want us to adopt Joey? Honey, I don’t think I understand. His parents are still alive, and even though they’re forcing him out, they still technically have authority over him.”

“Yeah, I’m not really getting this either,” added Joey, struggling to wrap his head around the idea. He couldn’t deny that being a Hale sounded far more appealing than remaining a Calhoun, but beyond feeling momentarily relieved, he didn’t see how it would change much in the long run.

Roni took a deep breath, her resolve hardening as she explained. “I did some research when we got home. There’s something called kinship adoption. In California, anyone under 18 can be adopted by someone close to them. If you and Dad were to adopt Joey, he’d become part of our immediate family and—”

“And you’d be able to claim me once I shrink…” Joey finished, the realization dawning on him, bringing a flicker of hope he hadn’t felt in days.

“Exactly!” Roni said, her excitement rising. “Then I could get my guardian training, and I’d take care of you! It’s the perfect plan!”

Mrs. Hale bit her lip, considering Roni’s words. There was some logic to it, but several aspects didn’t quite sit right with her. Before she could voice her concerns, Mr. Hale shot a sharp look at Roni, his face flashing with anger.

“Veronica, did Joey put you up to this? Did he offer you money? Did his parents? Where are you getting these ideas?”

“What?! No, Dad! Joey didn’t ask me to do this! This was entirely my idea!” Roni exclaimed, exasperation creeping into her voice. “It makes sense! You’ve even said yourself that Joey’s like the son you never had!”

“It’s true, sir,” Joey said quietly, his voice barely audible. “I didn’t ask Roni to do anything. I just wanted to tell her what’s been going on. I didn’t expect her to invite me to stay the night or try to help me.” He looked Mr. Hale directly in the eyes as he continued, “I didn’t think anyone could help, honestly. I didn’t think I deserved it.”

Roni’s heart sank hearing Joey’s words. She wished he understood how much she cared, how she would do anything to help him, and that his being an underbred changed nothing in her eyes.

“Jeff, maybe we should just take a moment and calm down,” Mrs. Hale suggested gently, trying to process everything.

“Calm down? Kat, the boy’s trying to con our daughter into letting him stay here! And now she’s convinced she can be his guardian!” Mr. Hale’s voice was filled with irritation, disappointment, and something deeper—an emotion only Mrs. Hale and Roni recognized from a few years ago.

“Dad, I swear Joey had nothing to do with this!” Roni cried, fighting back tears. “I want to give him a home! A real family! You know he needs us!”

“That’s not the point, Roni,” Mr. Hale said firmly, his voice unwavering. “This isn’t just about what you want or what Joey needs. We have to consider what’s best for everyone, and trying to save one underbred isn’t what’s best for our family.”

“Honey, I understand that you want to help Joey,” Mrs. Hale added softly, her gaze shifting toward Joey. “We really do wish we could help, Joey. But… we don’t have the resources…”

“But he’s part of this family!” Roni insisted, her voice trembling. “You wouldn’t do that to me!”

“It’s more complicated than that, Roni,” Mr. Hale said, his voice firm but measured. “If this were you, it would be different. But Joey… isn’t you.”

“So what? Joey doesn’t deserve to lose everything!” Her voice cracked, frustration bubbling to the surface.

“He might not lose everything,” Mrs. Hale said, trying to remain optimistic. “He could end up in a good home.”

“Exactly,” Mr. Hale added. “You’re not the only one who could offer him a good home.”

“Mom! Dad! Please! We owe it to him to do this! He’s being abandoned by his parents! They won’t even let him in the house anymore! They’re not telling Johnny until Joey is shrunk and gone! His parents are treating him just like Aunt Lillie was treated!”

Mr. Hale opened his mouth to respond, but Roni’s words caught him off guard. The mention of his sister, Lillie, struck a nerve. The comparison was too close for comfort.

“Veronica,” Mr. Hale said slowly, his voice strained. “You know we don’t talk about your Aunt…”

“Daddy, I’m sorry, but you need to hear this,” Roni pleaded. “What’s happening to Joey is just as bad as what happened to Aunt Lillie. But at least you can still see her! Joey’s going to be gone forever! Could you really just let that happen?”

Mr. Hale’s face softened as he thought about it. Lillie had succumbed to Smallara in 2019. Before he had the chance to offer to be her guardian, Amelia, the youngest in the family, had taken over. And when he finally visited his sister months later, it was like she didn’t even know him. Their shared past erased as if it had never existed.

“Aunt Lillie is underbred, Veronica,” Mr. Hale choked out, “and… they revert to their instincts…”

“No, Dad! That’s what Aunt Amelia told you!” Roni cut him off, her voice growing louder, more desperate.

Joey’s weak voice broke the escalating tension. “It’s Preema Tech sir,” he said, his words barely a whisper. “Their chips… repress memories. Everything from before being… little. My parents… they’re considering it for me…”

“They… they want to do that to you?” Roni asked, her heart breaking at the thought.

“They want me far away,” Joey said quietly, the weight of the last few days pressing down on him. “As far as possible.”

Mrs. Hale’s heart ached, hearing the truth about Preema Tech and remembering the cold distance that had taken over Lillie. “Jeff, Joey has always been a good boy. After what Preema Tech did to your sister… can we really let that happen again?”

Mr. Hale’s fists clenched, his mind flashing back to the emptiness in Lillie’s eyes. Could he live with himself if he let Joey be taken away, too?

“I… I don’t know if I can,” he admitted, voice thick with emotion. “But we can’t afford another child, Kat. We don’t have the money for when he shrinks, or to pay for Roni’s training…”

“We can get a loan!” Roni said, her words rushing out. “We can use the college fund from before tuition became free… and Joey… Joey wouldn’t be a person anymore. I’d have the best grades in school. I’d qualify for any scholarships…”

Joey flinched, the harsh truth hitting him harder than expected, though he knew Roni wasn’t wrong. Roni saw the pain in his eyes and her heart broke, but she pressed on, unwilling to falter. “Please! Just…Just think about it, daddy! I can even get a job and—”

“I have money,” Joey said suddenly, his voice trembling. The room fell silent as all eyes turned toward him. “I have an account my parents can’t touch… It’s enough to cover my stay, and anything left would go to Roni when… she claims me. I just… I just want to know what it’s like to be part of a real family.”

Mrs. Hale felt her own emotions stirring. Joey had always been like a son to her. Hearing how desperate he was, how much he longed for the love and care he had been denied, reminded her of her own struggles growing up.

“Jeff,” she said softly, “I think we need to consider this…”

Mr. Hale sighed, running his hands through his hair. “Joey… how much money are we talking about?” he asked, his voice heavy with exhaustion.

Joey stood up and whispered the amount in Mr. Hale’s ear. Mr. Hale’s eyes widened in disbelief. “That much? And Roni would get the rest?”

“Yes, sir. It’s all legal. I can confirm it with the bank tomorrow.”

Mr. Hale studied Joey for a long moment, then turned to Mrs. Hale. The room was thick with silence, the weight of the decision pressing down on them all. Finally, he looked back at Roni.

“So… how do you plan to get the Calhouns to agree to this?”

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Lethal Ledgend
5 days ago

1) So being related to a little makes it easier for them to claim him, which was actually briefly touched on in Dayton 5!

2) Jeff accusing Joey of bribing Roni makes sense, but Joey is just as surprised as Jeff is.

3) I get their hesitation, they wouldn’t be able to afford him and the struggles that would lead to would only make the situation for him worse as resentment crept in.

4) “It’s Peermatech, sir,” It’s actually pronounced “Preema Tech”.

5) the Calhouns wanting to wipe Joey’s memories was brutal.

6) That is so sad about Aunt Lillie, I hope we meet her and Aunt Amelia in the future.

7) Joey having money to pay for it makes sense and definitely helped.

8) “So… how do you plan to get the Calhouns to agree to this?” you are annoyingly good at cliffhangers!

5 days ago

Sad story about Jeff’s Sister. L. Ledgend is right: you rock with cliffhangers!!!!!!

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