Cannon Timeline

This is Just the Cannon timeline, It will not Contain Fanfic information such as from Roni and Joey or Triplets, they are on a second timeline that may be uploaded at a future date.



1.      Births

a.      Gregory “Greg” James Wessen (June) [Maddison’s World Redux]


1.      Births

a.      Cindy (June) [Maddison’s World Redux]


1.      Births

a.      Daniela “Dani” Sanchez [Smallara]


1.      Births

a.      Emilia “Emily” Brooks [Smallara]

b.      Jordan Fitz [Smallara]

c.       Lisa (April) [Smallara]

d.      Scott [Chrissy]


1.      Births

a.      Kelli Walace [Kayla]


1.      Births

a.      Danielle Jones [Maddison’s World Redux]


1.       Births

a.      Charity Stevens [Smallara]

b.      Chloe Alexandra Gracewood [Smallara]

c.      Ellanor “Ellie” Rose Montgomery-Ward [Smallara]

d.      Gavin [Good Girlfriend]

e.      Kayla “Kay” Wallace [Kayla]

f.        Mallory “Mal” Bak [Good Girlfriend]

g.       Missy Price [Smallara]

h.      Saddie Daniels [Smallara]

i.        Sara Amber Reeves [Smallara]

j.        Stephonie “Steph” Wilson [Smallara]

k.       Thomas [Dayton: JGC]


1.      Births

a.      Mia Lawson [Birthday Shipment]


1.      Births

a.      Allison Fitz [Smallara]

b.      McKenzie “Kenzie” Wessen [Maddison’s World Redux]

c.      Sydney “Syd” Goodman [Dayton: JGC]


1.      Births

a.      Chrissy Watson [Chrissy]

b.      Dayton Harris [Dayton: JGC]

c.      Londyn Paulson [Chrissy]

d.      Mike Nelson [Chrissy]

e.      Nicole [Dayton: JGC]


1.      Births

a.      Ava [Maddison’s World Redux]

b.      Brooklyn Reynolds [Maddison’s World Redux]

c.      Emma [Maddison’s World Redux]

d.      Evan Kingsley [Maddison’s World Redux]

e.      Krysi Margret Snyder [Maddison’s World Redux]

f.        Madison “Maddie” Grace Wessen [Maddison’s World Redux]


1.      Smallara disease begins.

a.      Smallara is initially concealed to avoid a panic.

b.      Conspiracy theories begin to circulate as people go missing and sightings of littles start to get reported.

c.      Genritech secretly begins work on curing Smallara infected individuals.

2.      Births

a.      Hailey Bishop [Brothers]

b.      Liam [Brothers]

c.      Noah [Brothers]

3.      Cindy Hired at Preema Tech [Maddison’s World Redux]


1.      Genritech Develops cure for Smallara.

a.      Cure is revealed to only be temporary.

2.      Smallara Disease becomes public knowledge.

a.      Conspiracy Theories begin to circulate claiming the disease is a hoax and attempt to fearmonger and control the population.


1.      Current American President gets elected (first term).

2.      Sara begins babysitting Dayton [Smallara]


1.      Gracewood Family takes international trip. [Smallara]

a.      Chloe sees the effects of Smallara first hand, and the abuse Littles are enduring.


1.      Jordan buys and moves into his house [Smallara]

a.      Jordan is noticed and objectified by neighbourhood girls.


1.      Infections

a.      Lisa [Smallara]

b.      Rachel Harbours (the first recorded case in USA)

2.      Guardian training is introduced to Americans.

3.      Maisy and her Family are tested and immune [Smallara]

4.      Lisa undergoes little training

a.      Is selected as a working little

b.      assigned to a Genricare facility in New York

5.      Maisy and family get Guardian trained and licenced [Smallara]

6.      Maisy and her Family go to Chile and build little residents [Smallara]

7.      US Government declares all US littles government property.

8.      Sara and Kaitlyn start dating in secret [Smallara]

9.      Mal and Gavin start dating [Good Girlfriend]

10.  Sara attempts Suicide [Smallara]

11.  Ellie quits gymnastics [Smallara]

12.  Sara begins therapy [Smallara]


1.      Sara cheats on Kaitlyn with Chloe [Smallara]

2.      Cindy Resigns from Preema Tech to become a Guardianist, bust still supported by Preema Tech [Maddison’s World Redux]

3.      Sara Breaks up with Kaitlyn [Smallara]

4.      Current US President runs for re-election with anti-little sentiment.

5.      Guardian Training class

a.      Cindy (License Granted) [Maddison’s World Redux]

b.      Ellie (License Granted) [Smallara]

c.      Greg (License Granted) [Maddison’s World Redux]

d.      Madison (License Withheld, too young) [Maddison’s World Redux]

l.        Mal (License Granted) [Good Girlfriend]

e.      McKenzie (License Granted, Rank 23) [Maddison’s World Redux]

f.        Saddie (Licence Granted) [Smallara]

g.       Sara (License Granted, Rank 1) [Smallara]

6.      Smallara vulnerability tests.

a.      Allison [Smallara]

b.      Ava [Maddison’s World Redux]

c.      Brooklyn (Immune) [Maddison’s World Redux]

d.      Charity (Vulnerable) [Smallara]

e.      Chloe (Immune) [Smallara]

f.        Chrissy (Immune) [Chrissy]

g.       Christine Daniels (Vulnerable) [Smallara]

h.      Cindy (Vulnerable, incorrectly told, Guardian licence cancelled) [Maddison’s World Redux]

i.        Dani (Immune) [Smallara]

j.        Dayton [Dayton: JGC]

k.       Ellie (Immune) [Smallara]

l.        Emily (Classified) [Smallara]

m.    Evan (Immune) [Maddison’s World Redux]

n.      Gavin (Vulnerable) [Good Girlfriend]

o.      Greg (Vulnerable, incorrectly told, Guardian licence cancelled) [Maddison’s World Redux]

p.      Hunter (Immune) [Smallara]

q.      Jordan (Vulnerable) [Smallara]

r.        Kayla (Immune) [Kayla]

s.       Kelli (Vulnerable) [Kayla]

t.        Krysi (Immune) [Maddison’s World Redux]

u.      Maddison (Immune) [Maddison’s World Redux]

v.       Mal (Immune) [Good Girlfriend]

w.     McKenzie (Immune) [Maddison’s World Redux]

x.       Nicole (Immune) [Smallara]

y.       Sara (Immune) [Smallara]

z.       Saddie (Immune) [Smallara]

aa.  Syd [Dayton: JGC]

bb.  Talisa (Immune) [Kayla]

cc.  Tiffany (Immune) [Smallara]

7.      Sara and Chloe start to date in secret [Smallara]


1.      Kelli gets infected and is sent to a facility [Kayla]

a.      Kayla pre-claims Kelli and begins guardian training [Kayla]


2.      Gavin starts to pull away from his relationship with Mal. [Good Girlfriend]

a.      Sara hides Gavin from Mal. [Good Girlfriend]

b.      Gavin cheats on Mal with Helen [Good Girlfriend]

c.      Gavin rats Sara out to Mal. [Good Girlfriend] [Smallara]

3.      Gavin gets infected. (Good Girlfriend Begins) [Good Girlfriend]

a.      Chloe pulls strings to allow Gavin to break the existing laws and stay with his untrained mother. [Good Girlfriend]

b.      Mal learns about Gavin cheating on her [Good Girlfriend]

c.      Mal convinces Gavin’s mother to allow her to take Gavin in as her little [Good Girlfriend]

d.      Gavin is Legally renamed “Gavin Bak” [Good Girlfriend]


1.      Emily Brooks leaves Jordan [Smallara]

2.      Mal and her clique bully Helen until she switches schools twice [Good Girlfriend]

3.      Christine gets infected [Smallara]

e.      Is immediately claimed by Saddie [Smallara]


1.      (13th) Kayla finishes training [Kayla]

f.        claims Kelli properly [Kayla]

4.      (14th) Jordan gets infected (Smallara: A Giantess Story begins) [Smallara]

a.      (15th) Claimed by Sara [Smallara]

b.      Jordan is legally renamed to “Jordy Reeves” [Smallara]

5.      Jordan’s Parent’s shrink and Alison Fitz pre-claims them [Smallara]

a.      (18th) Allison and Sara find each other as Allison is trying to pass on the news about her and Jordan’s Parents to him [Smallara]

b.      Allison looks at getting guardian trained with Sara’s help [Smallara]

6.      (18th) Sara comes out as gay to her friends [Smallara]

a.      Sara and Chloe’s relationship becomes public knowledge to her friend group and classmates [Smallara]

b.      (18th) Kayla approaches Sara hoping to socialise Kelli [Smallara] [Kayla]

c.      (18th) Jordan is Chipped [Smallara]

d.      (18th) Jordan attempts to escape [Smallara]

e.      (18th) Jordan is Collared [Smallara]

f.        (20th ) Kayla introduces Kelli to Sara and Jordan [Smallara] [Kayla]

g.       (20th) Dani attempts and fails to littlenap Jordan [Smallara]

7.      Collaring Law becomes mandated


1.      Genritech updates guardian training.

2.      Guardian Training

a.      Allison Licence Granted [Smallara]

b.      Brooklyn [Maddison’s World Redux]

c.      Dayton (Dayton: The Junior Guardian Chronicles Begins) [Dayton: JGC]

d.      Sydney [Dayton: JGC]

3.      Trina Purchased for Brooklyn [Maddison’s World Redux]

4.      Vulnerability tests become mandatory.

5.      Dr Wilson permitted to become Lisa’s guardian

a.      Lisa renamed ‘Lisa Wilson’

6.      Little Mart Subsidiary of Genritech debuts

a.      Sara hired as Little Mart spokesgirl [Smallara]

b.      Jordan made into Spokeslittle [Smallara]

7.      Little chipping becomes mandatory.

8.      The US government transfers ownership of littles to Genritech.


1.      Smallara Bonus: Beach Getaway Day (Weekend) Happens [Smallara]


1.      Guardian Training class

a.      Steph (License Granted) [Smallara]

b.      Madison (License Granted, Rank 247) [Maddison’s World Redux]

2.      Steph listed as Secondary Guardian to Lisa

3.      Smallara Bonus: Sunday Funday Happens [Smallara]

4.      Scott is infected with Smallara [Chrissy]

a.      Sold to Preema Tech [Chrissy]


1.      Infections

a.      Cindy [Maddison’s World Redux]

b.      Greg [Maddison’s World Redux]

c.      Liam [Brothers]

d.      Noah [Brothers]

2.      McKenzie goes off to a tennis camp. [Maddison’s World Redux]

3.      Madison’s World Redux begins) [Maddison’s World Redux]

a.      Greg and Cindy are Claimed by Maddison and McKenzie

4.      Mia Confronts Bryce Wexler about changing her grade, and Bryce declines [Birthday Shipment]



1.      Bryce contracts Smallara, and his family is unable to pay in January [Birthday Shipment]

a.      Bryce is sent to a little facility. [Birthday Shipment]

b.      Bryce receives little training [Birthday Shipment]

c.      Bryce put up for sale on the Little Mart Store page online [Birthday Shipment]


1.      Mia Lawson Graduates High School [Birthday Shipment]


1.      Bryce is purchased by Tanner Lawson [Birthday Shipment]

a.      Tanner gifts Bryce to Mia (Birthday shipment begins) [Birthday Shipment]

b.      Bryce is Legally renamed to “Wexie Lawson” [Birthday Shipment]


1.      Mia’s Parents cut her off [Birthday Shipment]

2.      Bryce is hired as a remote teacher [Birthday Shipment]

3.      Scott Is Purchased by Mike for Chrissy (Chrissy begins) [Chrissy]

a.      Scott renamed Scotty Watson.



1.      Noah and Liam Purchased by Hailey, (Brothers Begins) [Brothers]

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    2 months ago

    This helps a lot, thank you for putting this together.

    2 months ago

    So Cindy doesn’t have a birthday 😜

    Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
    2 months ago

    Don’t mint be lethal! I’m just joking 😆

    2 months ago

    this is really good. i will create a direct link to it on top of the site in coming days. This makes you the official keeper of the timeline now.

    Jordan is considered a spokeslittle as he is featured with Sara. they just pay Sara more then they normally would since they can’t directly pay Jordan. Although they do give him him an allotment generitech credits to spend in the store.

    Cindy started working at Preema tech in 2010.

    In 2020 Cindy left preema tech to become a consultant for business – little integration and acquisition along with training.

    Cindy is 37 was born in October.

    Greg is 35 born in june.
    While it was never canonically relevant to the story they had Madison and McKenize young age.

    Allison was age 13 when her parent contracted Smallara.

    Scott was 23 year olds when he was purchased.

    I honestly never gave Lisa an age it was an oversight. So she can just be the same age as Jordan birthed in the month of your choosing.

    Last edited 2 months ago by Asukafan2001
    Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
    2 months ago

    You are right about Greg. I did make him older when I made the bio. I Just never updated my actual notes. So good catch

    Scott going back and looking what i have in my notes then skimming the through story itself. It looks like in the story he is +10 years from high school in the American version of the story. So he would be 28.

    A bit of lore for you. Chrissy originally started out taking place in Germany with Scott being an American college student who contracts smallara overseas and winds up getting brought to a Preematech facility based on German law. And then is put through the process and transferred to a preematech store following training. I got about 10 pages in before I had trouble with the language barrier and stopped. I rewrote it as Chrissy with the version that was posted.

    Reply to  Asukafan2001
    2 months ago

    Allison was always 13 I just hadn’t mentioned her age yet as I am unsure if she will ever appear in person within the story or if she will only appear via videophone or text message.

    So if she would appear she would actually appear older then that because of time. So it never seemed all that relevant.

    Cindy always worked for preema tech I never actually worked out when she went over to consultant until you posted the timeline and it was mentioned about Cindy’s age. As I then had to take into account her how long she worked at each place.

    Also with the reminder you gave me that Greg is 44 Cindy should probably be 42 so the difference age is closer so the backstory makes sense.

    As while I had Greg and cindy both going to high school at the same time. I never formally dated cindy’s age.

    I can do the same with the 2nd timeline as well. I will probably just make a timeline menu link with a dropdown for Canon and non-canon.

    Last edited 2 months ago by Asukafan2001
    C M
    C M
    Reply to  Asukafan2001
    2 months ago

    Cidny fucking worked for preena tech?! *near literal screaming irl*

    Last edited 2 months ago by C M
    C M
    C M
    Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
    2 months ago

    Reading r hard

    Reply to  C M
    2 months ago

    that was lethal’s response as well.

    C M
    C M
    Reply to  Asukafan2001
    2 months ago

    The nice thing about lethal is they pick up and react the way I would to most things so I never have to lol

    Reply to  C M
    2 months ago

    So if Cindy is 37…. She could still have a small born🫣

    Reply to  Asukafan2001
    2 months ago

    thank you for this timeline, I am trying to stay as close as I can to your original story but still have the fantasy aspect I wanted to see in a fan story. Thank you for being helpful to us Rookie writing fans lol

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