
Hombre Lobito Corp (HL corp) size/fantasy Story chapter 4:big girls building a empire

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As with the last chapter, it will have some ADULT CONTENT that will not be for everyone. I will not go too far even though I wouldn’t mind doing so because I love fiction that is close to real life but don’t want to offend anyone because we all see things through different glasses lol.

Morning of out break  No official recognition 

 Isis made the call to her friend Mary, who like her sister was very short. They were same in height but Mary did not have the voluptuous body that the twins had, she had small breasts and not skinny but a body that was very small also and people would make fun of her and say where was her mommy at the colleges and it frustrated her greatly, and that was part of what the twins and Mary bonded over. Mary like the twins had a genius level intellect who went to the greatest research & development college in the US and in the world. She had advanced degrees in manufacturing, mechanical, electrical, and micro technologies engineering. If Isis could get Mary to come on board, it would be a major win for their new company because it would make one of their greatest weaknesses, one of their greatest assets. She can probably recruit just at her school, the top machine & technology people in the world and of course our network of people in the field would be very helpful with this crazy new world that’s happened today and she could find little guys that will be very valuable to the company. When Isis told Mary her plan that their own little place on earth will be run by giant women, and they will love and protect their little men while their little men will worship and do everything, they can for the love of the woman they are bonded to. The thought of Mary not being looked over by everyone and for her to finally have her size match her talents and hard work greatly excited her. She agreed with Isis that she will definitely be part of the organization. Isis immediately sent over an employment contract and gave Mary authorization to offer a large sum of money as a signing bonus to anyone she wanted to sign. She was also authorized to do what she thought was right to safely transport herself and any little man she had acquired and any equipment technology that she wanted to bring with her at whatever the price it took to safely & quickly bring it down to their office area. Mary thanked Isis for the opportunity and went to work to doing everything she could while the strange event is happening. She was not aware of it at the time because it was still very early in the morning, but she knew since it was early in the morning, the first person that she would want on her team and to be bonded to her personally was a man called Raphael. He was a very beautiful man she had a crush on. He was even more of a genius intellect when it came to the technology of equipment then she was. He got paralyzed in a technology equipment testing accident, and was now in a wheelchair, which allowed her to talk to him in a way that she couldn’t to others because in his chair, he was under 4 feet tall and she could look down on him and feel comfortable and not literally Get Talked down to like other people. She rushed over to the technology equipment testing room, where all the top graduate students like Raphael we’re always at testing their new highly experimental new equipment when she opened the door and walked in to the large open area, She didn’t see anybody, she only saw equipment, but no men anywhere and then she saw Rafael ‘s chair, but it was empty. When seeing there was nothing she could see she slowly walked over to Raphael‘s chair and in his chair, she saw some clothes but in the middle of those clothes she saw a tiny 4 inch Raphael completely healed, jumping up and down happy as can be.

Raphael had fell asleep in his chair testing his new Nano tech that could revolutionize what being a human was because of its ability to being injected into a person then with the DNA strains that were in the solution he could with his next level blue tooth type computer communication change and heal parts of a human body. I could possibly in a stretch of thought could end death to a point and be able to do major body reconstruction. As his body was wakening up it felt Strange. He could feel his hole body working to together. Most importantly he could feel his dick for the first time since his accident. He got up by himself which was again a first in a long time and saw giant walls of cloth around him, but even though he was very confused by his environment the first thing he wanted to do was pee. It was another thing he was not able to do in a long time with out a piece of equipment which was worse than not being able to walk. He stopped peeing and through the top of whatever thing he was in he saw the biggest woman or any living thing ever in the distant. He noticed it was the beautiful Mary he secretly loves but never thought to say anything because why would someone amazing like her want an injured person like him that would need constant care, but now he was hole but as his mind processed everything he was very small and guessed something had happen to him while he slept. Another accident with my nano tech? He didn’t care Mary was bigger and more beautiful in her high heels to make her taller in her old small size but now coming toward him in a skirt with her beautiful legs showing like smooth giant sky scrapers attached to a goddess he jumped up and down with his dick he can now feel for the first time in awhile got instantly hard in the lust he was feeling hoping that his personal now goddess would see him. Mary stopped in front of him and all his vision could see was her her giant sexy body as far as he could see. It was strange in his newly repaired body he could see much farther then normal and when he looked up that must been hundreds of feet, he could see the under side of what used to be boobs that he could barely see but now were mesmerizing gigantic but by scale I could see Mary’s face smile down at me and oddly I could smell Mary’s sweat, her breath, her musky odor from her arm pits and giant but mesmerizing vagina smell which was the size of a house to him and was right in front of him where he stood. It was like this new body was controlled some how by this giant goddess in front of him. His body ran forward to her as fast as he could, climbing the giant walls of cloth in surprising ease because his lower body had withered away to almost nothing from the non use and blood flow from being paralyzed but now this incredible new body had him jumping and climbing things like a Olympic athlete.  He reaches the house size object of his desire and like on auto pilot grabbed hold with surprising strength for his size that even got a instant reaction to the giant Mary and started rubbing and trying to cuddle into the object of his desire trying to make sure he is the only renter in the greatest house he has every seen. The more he rubbed his body against her the stronger a highly intoxicating smell started to take over his body and made him rub harder but differently. Not like the snuggling puppy any more, more like trying to break to the door down to his dream house. He felt his giant Mary starting to get moist threw her thin skirt and he assumed panties and he guessed this was the extreme smell that was taking over his body.

Mary had walked over to Raphael’s chair where the tiny version of what looked like a naked but totally healed and very fit body of Raf which was making Mary feel warm. Mary moved one of the seat handles and leaned against the chair so she could pick up her even cuter now crush and with him being she guessed at 3.5 or 4 inches  and being so much smaller then her and feeling a confidence she had never had before decided right then and there that no matter happens, Raphael is hers for ever and if he didn’t love her like she did him, she would grab him with the others she could find and make him love her. She felt a strange possessiveness for Raphael wash over her. She was snapped out of her strange day dream by a slight grabbing then strong rubbing on her vagina. She looked down and saw her little cutie Raphael showing as much love for her as his tiny body could muster. Her day dream felt so silly and wrong after seeing her little man showing his love. Her heart felt more complete then it ever had and reached down and grabbed Raphael gently and brought him up to her lips that covered his hole body and gave him a slow kiss and as she was kissing him she could feel his little boner on her giant soft lips and since she knew his struggle with not being able to feel his penis for a very long was determined to be the first to get all those years of built up sperm of his because now she was in control of love in his life and only she would get his first sexual break through for years. She held his little body against her big soft lips that felt like the greatest water bed ever then Raphael felt her giant wet tongue slowly rub and drench his body and the giant tip seem to spend more time on his already worked up boner and then the tip of her tongue seemed to get what it wanted. It seemed so overwhelming it could get what it wanted anytime. His body went limp in her lush lips, seeming to be supported and held there with love. Then with slow movements she laid him on her palm and lifted him up to her eyes that seem to have a layer of water covering them. His heart was instantly in love with this goddess and if she would let him, didn’t ever want to leave her body. It would be his island fortress of soft beauty and amazing smells. As it seemed her little prince had recovered, she slowly told him everything she knew from what Isis had told her what was happing in the world that they knew of at the time and the generous offer they both had been given and anyone they decided to recruit. Knowing that he would be working with his now love and it seemed for what he learned from her about what she knew about this crazy new body, it seems he has already been threw the first stages of the bonding with Mary and couldn’t be happier. Now it was a lot of skin and fluids which of course his naughty mind knew where he wanted to get them while they traveled for their bonding to be completed and just would get stronger which excited him. He of course said yes and with his advance smell and hearing heard 7 more of his genus friends he wanted to take with them and as Mary grabbed the other guys and sat in a chair and put the little guys on her very dominate smelling lap that was distracting the little guys but far above which seemed like a seat of power which in this new word it was, saying he was her main little man in her boobs holding place that was helped out by her push up bra and she was loving looking down at her little man in her bra making her boobs not just look big but gigantic for the first time in her life and she was so determined to get to Mexico and make love with her little man every night for as long as she can to make up for lost time with him. So the 9 of them all agreed to go to Mexico and they made a list of everything that needed to be shipped to the new home base in Mexico and then communicated with Isis on the great news and with all the craziness that was happening around the world she happened to find a woman run moving company that they paid 30x their normal rate in these crazy times to go to the college and meet Mary at the Labs loading dock and they would grab their equipment that they would not be able to find anywhere else and pick Mary up with her little men and drop them off in Mexico where they could pick up 80% of the rest of their fee in cash and could decide later after the craziness had stopped if they were going to record the job as official. If and when they started looking around the school would assume, a specially if the boys did get in the system and turn off all the cameras that they were robed in the day of this world event.




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