
HL corp :chapter 6 Secret size change break through

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Hombre Loboito Corporation (HL corp) chapter 6: 

As with the last chapter, it will have some ADULT CONTENT that will not be for everyone. I will not go too far even though I wouldn’t mind doing so because I love fiction that is close to real life but don’t want to offend anyone because we all see things through different glasses lol.

One month after outbreak

After about a month of Mary’s team working with the Twins to help Raphael’s liquid nanotech get to the point where Raphael is ready to present his nanotech tech to Mary in front of the other three Woman leaders. 

Early in the morning in equipment technology building sitting in front of a white screen Mary was there with Raphael in his boob thrown with a smile across his face and his hands rubbing together.  Mary started talking and she also had a large smile on her face, she put on a small mike and started talking “this is a very special day for many reasons, the first thing I want to announce is that in this new culture we are creating I am announcing and formalizing that I am taking Raphael as my husband to love and protect forever and he will take my last name. In our new Woman led culture I thought today was a good day to start a new tradition of unions of two people being decided and finalized with the human woman’s decision to bond and marry at any moment with just declaring to more than two people then that was it. The the little man would be linked and serve his wife forever and make her body his home to keep clean and satisfied while she provides love, safety and income for them.  I am announcing 2 amazing events in Raphaël and my life. The second will change the world in secret by our company by perfecting Raphael’s organic based nanobot technology imprinted with the DNA and stem cells of our little men’s new body  to be able to change a human that does not have enough of the little cells to be activated by the virus that we found out in back channel communications is being called the smallara virus by a company called Genritech which at this time we believe is trying to position it self as the place for governments and people to look to for a cure, life products and food that will use process methods to make into pills that we believe is not as effective as a woman eating a special diet and creating breast milk that doesn’t just keep them healthy but grows their  immunity  system and bond that we are still learning about because of the massive amount of DNA and hormones in the milk  from the human woman.  Even our first method of having little daisy eating her maternity diet and letting the little men suckle till full is not a good as the human woman’s milk but is still better then their processed food because like all processed food made to make money, it uses non heirloom food produced with chemicals and GMO splicing that make them resistant against weed poisons buy also absorbs the poisons that sit on them making a toxic combo for Mammals of all breeds. We currently have in some small plots of land heirloom seed crops that are only given treated water from the ocean and natural food in a drip network controlled by computer for labor free operation.

We have a process in place to rotate crops to maintain a healthy balance and we have a friend of Trish’s that is an expert in natural farming methods that would be a big positive for us if Trish can find something that will convince her to join our team. We don’t look at Genitech as a competitor because we have had a peek at what they are working on and we determined their methods are not working because unlike our method using organic nanobots to change a person down to the DNA/stem cell level. They are trying patch work methods that don’t acknowledge the magic process and how its effects even with out tech and knowledge gives never before survival traits like the two way bonding with female mammals and when the change happens the littles have advanced animal traits similar to a werewolf of legend because of dog senses , increased strength and durability and if paired with a human woman women that feeds the little, we have also seen an advance healing/immune system.

We currently are ready for human trials and KUI has suggested a man she thinks is cute in Cabo and wants to make him hers so we will be honest of the test we are doing and that if it succeeds he would have to stay with KUI but since what we are doing sounds like science fiction, we will offer him a large amount of money that he wont be able to resist because he will think the test is a joke anyways. We never want to do anything to good people without their ok and we will do our best to live by those rules. Because all the construction has been completed and maintained or new one-off buildings needed can be handled by Trish’s leadership, Trish has suggested using Adam as the first person to not be reduced all the way but be reduced to a small new born size at about 18 inches long witch seems to be based on our millions of digital tests run by our computers the being of the size that starts getting some of the littles powers. We don’t think he will get all but we need him to be able to pass as a human baby so we can use him as a secret plant to change people doing bad things into littles with a liquid nanobot injection that will be active when our cell phone sized computers activate them or even over a cell signal. When we start to move this product to a small but rich country and secret elite clients, event when we ship them the solution to inject into themselves or somebody else they will not see the nano bots because they hidden as simple proteins and after they inject the solution, we can activate it by cell phone signals and the change will happen without any knowledge of our company because the solution can be dropped off at site of our choosing and the payment will always be in gold payments put into the large remote controlled car that will leave to a small secret tunnel hidden in the landscape surround by jammers to prevent tracking.  Then the gold can be picked up at a tunnel exit spot many miles away. Everything we are trying to do is to keep us out of the public and most country’s knowledge because we will be seen as a threat even if we are helping solve countries and the publics problems that currently can’t because people fear what they don’t understand or can’t do. Also, the current society would not be a fan of a part of the world that all decisions are made by woman and all males are dependent on woman for love, food and safety. We also believe later on we can for a large price reduce a man or women’s partner into a little to spice up their relationship or for a kink they have. We are close to making the metamorphous to heal people with physical disabilities, even make them a bit younger but there is a limit to about 10 years we believe because it would depend on the strength of the stem cells we use. In theory we could use a wife’s and her two sisters strongest Stem cells to create a mix that could heal the husband and make him a lot younger but also could change his eye, skin and color to match his wife and her sisters. His facial features could start to look like them also because on a DNA level he is now the baby sized man of his wife and sisters which of course would make breastfeeding a diaper changes interesting. As you can see there is so much adventure and making our dreams come true Infront of us. The first trials with Adam hopefully start today if Isis and Trish can convince him that his enrollment is important to change the world for the better which I believe they can because Adam is a good man that size and strength doesn’t define him like our little men we love so much. I have given all of us a small shot that will freeze our DNA from changing to keep us big and in charge. 

Later that day Isis and Trish sat down in the home living room with Adam to talk to him about the change they want to ask him to do and why. After telling him the plan of making him the size of a new born at 18 inch tall with possible powers of the Littles but being at a size that can help the girls secretly turn bad guys into littles by injecting them with an aggressive preprogramed nanobot injection that would instantly turn Someone. The bad guys would then be put into one of the large buildings creating a spot that the young girls being kidnaped can be counseled to try to help their trauma then let their captors become their littles that they will be in charge of every aspect of their life and the reverse in power and the little bonding will give the trafficked girls a job and a future if they want or they can go back to their old life if they wish with of course a injection that would trigger then being turned into a little if they tell anyone of the people that saved them because the key to the HL team being able to use their secret advanced tech to help girls and woman being abused and give them a chance to be saved and in their new woman led community be in charge of every aspect of the people that had wronged them to help them recover and help reform the littles in their image in every way and get them to work in community jobs that would help the community function but would have no privileges being in the criminal little reform programs unless their bonded giant woman give it to them. Adam surprisingly was excited being like a little super hero in a team with his wife without thinking about the downside of being reduced to the point he would be at the mercy of all the woman not just in the family but all his wife’s friends and kids that he didn’t realize was in the works to be recruited by Trish by showing them Adam and the future they could be part of being so InControl of any ex husbands or boyfriends that wronged them and left them when they found out they would being having a baby. Having a few of the little girls in charge of the dads they haven’t seen a lot if ever would be a good way to heal the abandoned kids because the moms could tell the girls to play mommy’s and would help her raise their dads to be good dads that serve their daughters needs and will build very close bond that will in time replace the bond with their mother so their dads will be the daughters littles for ever and will help the daughters as they grow in the new community and get a jobs and move on in their life in the community .

Adam, Trish and Isis met Mary & Raphael at Machine technology building where Tracy and her little men were living and working and it was amazing clean and cozy environment that Tracy created for her little men so they could work on their technology with living areas right next to their work areas if they needed anything but the most interesting thing was seeing a small chilled milk Despenser at every living system that contained Mary’s milk so her little men could stay healthy and more bonded everyday to her. Of course, Raphael didn’t have a living area because his living space was on Mary and when she worked, he built a little computer for himself and all the littles to use that are all linked to Mary’s big main computer so she can track everything they are doing and they can use her bigger computers power and internets connection.

I am looking at my wife and sister and her friend and all the little guys working on little computers in what looks like little heating lamps in their outside work area. I get showed an injection that is only the size of a small flu shot that is bright blue in color. Tracy looks at me smiling saying take in the last time you are going to be able to look down on us and you are going to be my bad ass baby that we always wanted. With that I was injected with the blue liquid and I didn’t feel the shot. Then all of a sudden, the preprogramed organic nanobots started working and I starting getting smaller and smaller and as I was looking at Trish, she started getting bigger and bigger. I was starting to be able to hear all the girls’ hearts beating faster especially Trish who was looking at me get smaller with almost a hunger to do something with me that has building up for years and I am guessing It was the baby we had not been able to have yet and now she had me and I am wondering how I didn’t think about this more before agreed to this role. Then I looked over and saw my little sister now growing to be a giant to me and she had an increased heart beat also and seemed to be enjoying my new size then she said” look at how cute Adam Is becoming, we finely have a little brother we can love and dote on “ she said as she smiled and looked at me get smaller, then my eye sight seemed to be able to zone in on everything and I feel like I had tons of energy. I had seemed to stop my transformation and then Trish’s giant body bent down with her large hands going under my arm pits with her massive breasts looking bigger then ever and with my new eye sight I could see the small details of her shirt starting to get damp and then the smell met my noise and I knew it was her milk coming in from the stuff my sisters had given her to keep me healthy and fed. She brought me up and set my on her hip, then grabbed a soft chair that I didn’t notice before and sat down then removed her shirt and exposed her massive breast with a bead of milk forming and said” now that my dream has come true and I have my baby, mommy going to feed you and then go to the house and get the pre mature baby cloth diapers I got for you. And for now, on I’m mommy not Trish, do you understand. If you don’t listen to mommy, I will spank your butt till you understand your new place in our family”. I was blown away, what happen to this being a super hero team, I am losing all of my Alpha husband standing and now I’m not just a baby, but a super small baby that a new born would tower over. Then Trish pulls me over to her nipple and pinches me to open my mouth and put her hard nipple in my mouth and I tried to pull away with the added strength that I was suppose to have but to my shock, I got all the powers but strength. I had the strength of my current small size that was nothing compared to Trish. She had her hand to the back of my head gently holding my head against her breast as my mouth touched her giant nipple and a stream of milk started coming out and has much as I pushed, I couldn’t move and the milk just started streaming into my stomach that I had to start suckling like a baby so I could breathe. Then I heard Trish moan a say, “That’s a good baby, you need mommy’s milk to get stronger and be bonded more every feeding so you can be mommy’s perfect baby husband” I just looked up at her over her breast and I could see her looking at me with so much love in her eyes but was different than I’m used to seeing. I think she is feeling like as my small body is surrounded by her that I am looking up at her like she is my total focus and I love her more then anything like she does me with her maternal instincts hitting overdrive. Feeling the warmth of her soft, warm body all around me and the warm cream tasting milk filling my tummy I slowly was losing my fight to keep my eyes open. As my struggle was being seen by my sister and Mary, I heard the coos how cute I was and Isis said she couldn’t wait to change my diaper making fun of him like he did to her and KUI when they were little. Then I fell asleep to Trish’s giant heart beat moving my body up and down and almost syncing my body to it.

 I woke up in my wife’s arms but noticed I’m wearing a diaper and my mom, sisters and Mary with her new husband were surrounding me looking like they were waiting for me to wake. Isis started talking, “now that your up Adam, we need to evaluate your transformation. So you are 18 inches tall, weight is normal for your size. You are currently the size of a small newborn so you will be perfect for undercover operations. After about an hour of blood tests and exams of my physical abilities, they came to the conclusion that at 18 inches’, I had all the added abilities of littles other than the added strength, the next test of the preprogramed fast transformation shot to 4 inches to full little transformation, will see if all the abilities show up. KUI having her eye on a man she liked in Cabo at a high-end bar, went down there with Mary to give the instant little injection a go on the man named Manny, he was tall and  around 6.3 and athletic from working outside in the sea a lot and was a bit of a player. Back when the girls were younger, they would see him around town all the time and were friendly but he of course would hug them and make fun, not mean comments about their height. He was just a friendly guy that loved woman and was enjoying his youth, but like most young people. He need money to keep his lifestyle going and this is an angle that KUI knew she could use to willingly get Manny to be hers. They went in the bar and since it was morning, no one was in the bar but Manny having a coffee before he did some dives. He saw KUI and got up and went over to her and gave her a big hug and said” how is one of the two shortest but smartest people I know doing” he said will a big smile and warm sound. KUI said” Manny, I’m not sure if you know but Isis and I have a new lab and we want to pay you 20 thousand dollars to test a simple test fluid that will in theory make you small but with beyond human ability’s and cure any physical issues your body has. Manny was not dumb but was a classic lover of the outdoors and was lucky to grow up in a nice area so he didn’t have to go away to college because he wasn’t interested in science at all. Manny thought for a second then said “there is no way one shot can do that, so I’m in, lets do this so I can get some fun money” After KUI and her friend told me of their crazy offer , I went to then corner of the bar because nobody was there and looking down at them I asked  if they had the shot and check and looking at their smiling face KUI said she did and her friend then pull out a small injection with dark blue liquid, and showed it to me and said if I was ready. She was cute but looked really young and  short and seemed to be moving around her small breasts for some reason. KUI had a check in her hand and said its mine as soon as I get the injection. I looked at the check then held my arm out. Her friend quickly poked my arm and the seemed to hit a stop watch on her watch for some reason then almost right away I am starting to feel dizzy, then I looked at little KUI and she didn’t look so little anymore. I was looking up at her towering body with smell and sights of her beautiful giant body mesmerizing me. The I snapped out of it and I was looking right at a huge but beautiful high heeled shoe. I looked up and it was attached to the now giant KUI which I saw bending down and then with one of her hands closed me in her warm embrace and could feel myself going up like a fast elevator. What the heck was happing, was I given some kind of drug that made me see things? I have been a bigger than normal person my whole life, being small enough to be put in little KUI’s hand can’t be real. The heat that I feeling and the sight and smell of being in her hand has to be a fever dream or something. The light is bright again and am looking at KUIs gigantic but beautiful face, she brings me close to her Rosey lips and Kisses most of my Body and gives my naked body a little lick like candy. She then said “well Manny it looks like that preprogramed shot works, so It looks like you’re going to be my little husband because in our new world little men serve their woman and of course you cant take care of yourself now, spiders and cats could kill you so its my duty to take care of you forever. Don’t worry about people missing you because I am not sure if you heard on the news but there have been many people all over mysteriously missing from we are guessing the same transformation that we activated in you so in a way we are doing you a favor making sure you are safe instead of maybe getting small by yourself and getting eaten by a city cat” what she was saying was blowing me away then I yelled “please turn me big again please, I didn’t know your shot was going to work” Her beautiful face just smiled at me and said” baby you are going to love taking care of my body, I am more women then you will ever need for the rest of you long life, now I’m going to put you in your new home In my boob chair and if you are hungry I have just started to lightly producing milk you can grow healthy on. When we are driving back to the house, I will tell you about your new body and all the stuff you will be finding out is different now. Since you were part of a new test to use our new tech for good, we have to do a total breakdown of the transformation. She then kissed by hole body again, the soft unreal moist hot water bed feel was crazy then I descended in KUI’s giant breasts. They were always big but now they were like intoxicating smelling landmasses. I was placed in between her breasts with my back against her giant beating chest. Looking out at a giant world I was no longer a part of in an observation point of my now giant soon to be wife that used to not even make my chest in height now I’m in her chest, with my body seeming to need her body heat to keep me warm and it sounds like I need her milk to survive for some reason. I am really at KUIs Mercy, and what kind of way is that to build a life. I guess I will find out because a deal is a deal. I agreed to take the shot because I didn’t think it would work but it sounds like she really is doing me a favor making me her little husband because who would want me now, I am too small to have sex with a barbie doll and would just end up in some girls doll house being some dolls baby.

After KUI and Mary came back to the lab, they did a full eval on Manny and of course the girls had to check his physical health with their fingers, the twins mom having the most fun rubbing his groin with a sly smile of a woman that hasn’t been able to let loose in awhile being a good wife, but now with the changes happening around them she gets to have fun with all the little men in their little men family harem.  And her little husband now gets to enjoy many giant women to try to please them. It’s a win/win in her mind. I went through all the tests from these giants in this new giant world I was thrown into. One of the giant women, a little bit older but still beautiful Asian woman I would later find out was KUIs mom was smiling and slowly rubbing my chest and groin, then rolled be over to place her pinky between my butt which made me try to move but her finger was more than enough to keep me in place and after she saw me try to wiggle away, she made a soft giggle. This was not the meek Asian woman I have herd about; she was a giant and was so much in control she could hold me in place with a pinky on my butt. This is a strange new world I have to get used to but I will try to keep myself together and make the best of a weird choice I made and see what the future holds.

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Reply to  washsnowghost
3 months ago

I’m glad you are enjoying writing it. I havne’t had a chance to read your series yet. I have been saving them for Christmas break.

As between rendering, writing, site updates, etc.

Last edited 3 months ago by Asukafan2001