Madison's World Redux Season 2 Episode 74

Madison’s World Redux: Season Two: Episode Seventy Four

This week will end season two of Madison’s World. I also created a season two Epilogue/interlude that happens a few weeks after the Finale of Season two, which will be posted the day following.

Once Madison’s World Season Two is complete, the official 2024 posts will be formally concluded for the year. I may (probably will) post side-story updates during the holiday break but no specific schedule or plan as it would just be if I have free time.

2025 will mark the kick-off of the Kayla Series. We will also see A return to Smallara proper. Along with Season 3 of Madison’s World. I’m also planning a Brooklyn and Evan Side story, either together or separately; it’s undecided. The Kayla series will start January 6th, as that’s the first full week of the year. 


“Cindy I’m sorry. I should have held my tongue. I really made a mess of things.” Greg said as he finished the last of Ava’s homework.

“You don’t have anything to be sorry for. I’m the one who really got us into this mess. I just never imagined we’d be living as littles. Even in my wildest fantasies of what could happen I never imagined we’d be living as little rodents under the care of our daughters. I never thought Ms. Wessen would be the one caring for our every need.” Cindy said as she sat down on the Sofa trying to relax.

“I never thought we would be having to refer to her as Ms. Wessen.” Greg said.

“Speaking of which, you really don’t have to call our eldest daughter Mistress Wessen?” Cindy asked a hint of jealousy apparent in her voice.

“She doesn’t really like it. She disabled it. She was just enabling it if Madison was around. As you heard her. She feels very strongly about your rules on this.”

“Well Greg, it wouldn’t be proper for a rodent to speak to a person as if they were equal.” Cindy said catching herself.

“You realize we are what you call rodents don’t you?” Greg said.

“I’ve accepted that we are diminished. I don’t agree with us being thought of as equal. We should at the very least be elevated to a status above littles even if we are less than normal people. I mean look at all we’ve done and fought for Greg. We deserve a place befitting our commitment.” Cindy said.

“Cindy they don’t care. You heard Ms. Wessen. No exceptions. A little is a little to them. Those are your own words coming out Madison’s mouth.” Greg said as Ava walked into the room on her way to the bathroom slipping into Madison’s room.

“Hello littles.” Ava said with a bit of sass in her voice. “Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I never would have thought The Cindy Wessen was actually a little. When I told my parents they were shocked. They didn’t even believe me until I showed them the video Madison sent us in our group chat. Don’t worry my dad already talked with McKenzie. He cut the rate a bit for the yardwork and snow removal and stuff while things get settled financially.

Cindy shuddered as she looked up at Ava Cruz. She never hard gotten along real well with her parents. They were at first generation immigrants. They had Ava shortly after moving here making Ava a natural born citizen, but she does hold dual citizenship in Mexico and the United States. Their family often goes back to Mexico for holidays to be with family.

Cindy hired the Cruz’s to do yardwork, snow removal and such years ago. As they had started a business when they first moved here. Cindy always said she did it to help out, but most people knew better. While they always had a decent business relationship, they never really went beyond that outside of their daughters being friends. Cindy knew Madison adored Mr. and Mrs. Cruz and they treated her like a daughter. Cindy just didn’t like when they first moved here, they didn’t speak English very well. She always felt if someone moved here, they should know the language. She wouldn’t move to Mexico and expect them to speak English for her. This petty action led to them never really getting along.

“My dad told me about you.” Ava said, smirking as she looked down at Cindy.

“What is she talking about Cindy?” Greg said confused having not met her parents outside of a barbecue one time and they seemed nice enough.

“Oh, don’t worry Mr. Wessen. My parents were very sorry to hear you were also infected. They appreciated how you always made them feel welcome. They appreciated the holidays gifts and cards you would send. The birthday wishes. It meant a lot to them. It’s why when after I told them what happened they reached out to McKenzie right away.” Ava said before glaring at Cindy who had taken a few steps back.

“Step forward little. I wish I could say I was sorry when I heard you were infected but since you always thought my parents never should have come here. I felt a little touch of pride knowing that while my parents immigrated here, they are people, and they worked to become citizens with full rights. While you now have the rights you deserve Cindy. A mere animal as you say or to put it in simpler terms for what did you call them? Oh yeah rodent brain. No matter how hard you work you will always be beneath that of even my immigrant family. As we’re all people and you’re just a domesticated pet now.”

“Ava,” Cindy said as her collar went off tightening and constricting around her neck.

“Oh, sorry, Cindy. I hadn’t gotten to the part where Madison added Emma and I to your collars restricted names a few minutes ago. It’s Ms. Cruz from now on. It’s like you said. A rodent shouldn’t be addressing its betters so informally. Ava said with a smirk.

“I heard you got added to the community. I almost died laughing when I heard you were made service littles. I’m going to love seeing you toil away at the most menial jobs. The jobs you always felt you were too good for. The kind of jobs my family did to makes ends meet before the lawncare business got established. Now it’s you who will learn a lesson you desperately need. It’s called humility. I’d tell you to look it up but who knows if your little brain can still read. Don’t mind me though. I was just heading to the bathroom. I’ll try not to make too much of a mess. Madison told us it’s your job to clean it up now. Don’t worry when we heard you were cleaning sinks my family wanted to give a gift to you. We got you a cleaning harness so a little can clean the inside of a toilet. The harness makes it easier for you to climb upand down the walls and it also protects you from any accidental flushings. It works pretty well for sinks too. You’re welcome. I hope you think of the Cruz family every time you use it.” Ava said with large smirk on her face before doing a finger wave and walking off to use the bathroom before rejoining everyone downstairs.


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2 months ago

Enjoy the holidays.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

I second that bud, have a great Christmas time with your love ones and thank you for the joy you give so many people. You are truly giving many people joy and inspiration with your work. You should be proud of what you do.

2 months ago

2025 will mark the kick-off of the Kayla Series


Ava’s really gonna be punching down. I don’t blame her. Immigration and the legal process of citizenships tough as hell in the United States. Anyone that’s gone through that ordeal has more than earned citizenship. Cindy not recognizing that really screwed herself. Toilet cleaning sounds awful, too, as a little.

Lethal Ledgend
2 months ago

0) Thank you for the update on the plans for the rest of the year. And look forward into next year.

1) “You don’t have anything to be sorry for. I’m the one who really got us into this mess.” I’m glad she feels regret.

2) “You realize we are what you call rodents don’t you?” she’s still not fully accepting that.

3) “I don’t agree with us being thought of as equal. We should at the very least be elevated to a status above littles even if we are less than normal people. I mean look at all we’ve done and fought for Greg. We deserve a place befitting our commitment.” What the actual fuck is wrong with you Cindy, you’ve fought for the oppression of littles and now think that means you should be above the other littles?

4) “Cindy they don’t care. You heard Ms. Wessen. No exceptions. A little is a little to them. Those are your own words coming out Madison’s mouth.” He’s right, and Cindy knows it. Aslo its interesting seeing him make the effort to call her Ms. Wessen now to stop Cindy feeling bad.

5.1) “Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I never would have thought The Cindy Wessen was actually a little. When I told my parents they were shocked.” Salt in the wound, also enforcing what Greg just said.
5.2) “Don’t worry my dad already talked with McKenzie. He cut the rate a bit for the yardwork and snow removal and stuff while things get settled financially.” that was nice of him

6) “She never hard gotten along real well with her parents. They were at first generation immigrants” did she not get along with them because they were immigrants or for unrelated differences?

7) “Cindy just didn’t like when they first moved here, they didn’t speak English very well. She always felt if someone moved here, they should know the language. She wouldn’t move to Mexico and expect them to speak English for her.” that’s not too bad, It’s not like she’s against immigration, though, some people don’t have time to fully learn a language before moving. I imagine Cindy would have been a cunt about it

8.1) “My dad told me about you.” oh, shit.
8.2) “What is she talking about Cindy?” Greg said confused having not met her parents outside of a barbecue one time and they seemed nice enough.” that’s right Greg you keep being a nice guy who isn’t fully aware how much of a Karen your wife is.

9) “Oh, don’t worry Mr. Wessen. My parents were very sorry to hear you were also infected. They appreciated how you always made them feel welcome … It’s why when after I told them what happened they reached out to McKenzie right away.” Greg’s kindness is helping McKenzie in it’s echoes, (Though I’m sure Madison’s friendship with Ava was also a huge factor)

10.1) “since you always thought my parents never should have come here. I felt a little touch of pride knowing that while my parents immigrated here, they are people, and they worked to become citizens with full rights. While you now have the rights you deserve Cindy” So she’s having a moment not too different from when Sara found out Charity was vulnerable.
10.2) “A mere animal as you say or to put it in simpler terms for what did you call them? Oh yeah rodent brain. No matter how hard you work you will always be beneath that of even my immigrant family” Salt that wound and rup it in.

11) “Oh, sorry, Cindy. I hadn’t gotten to the part where Madison added Emma and I to your collars restricted names a few minutes ago” Figured that’d be sooner rather than later.

12) “It’s like you said. A rodent shouldn’t be addressing its betters so informally” She really doesn’t like making this better for herself.

13.1) “I’m going to love seeing you toil away at the most menial jobs. The jobs you always felt you were too good for. The kind of jobs my family did to makes ends meet before the lawncare business got established”  Damn, she’s really going after Cindy here.
13.2) “Now it’s you who will learn a lesson you desperately need. It’s called humility. I’d tell you to look it up but who knows if your little brain can still read.” She’s just having the time of her life with this.
13.3) “Don’t worry when we heard you were cleaning sinks my family wanted to give a gift to you. We got you a cleaning harness so a little can clean the inside of a toilet. The harness makes it easier for you to climb up and down the walls and it also protects you from any accidental flushings.” Now that is just cruel, Gotta be Preema Tech cause even Genritech’s gotta have a line somewhere.
13.4) “I hope you think of the Cruz family every time you use it.” Man, I love the way Cindy’s sins are being put on full display.

14) Why is Madison in the image if not in the chapter?

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

I look at the girls as adults not minors in the context of the story so I love when the girls give Greg love in front of Cindy to make her jealous. I think they should cuddle him in front of her to make her even more jealous to show her how people that treat people with love are treated with love even if they become beholden to the former charge.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

1) she’s too little too late.

3) Ava’s right, she’s in the position she deserves.

5.1) I’m curious how a little rights advocate would react to this news.
5.2) indeed

6&7) not a good showing for Cindy, Ava’s right to be pissed.

8 1&2) sometimes I wonder how Greg and Cindy got together, they are fundamentally different in so many ways, he also pays little attention to her opinions and beliefs.

9) That’s good, to many time people meet hatred with more hatred, which solves nothing.

10.1) except Charity and Sara are worse then Cindy and Ava respectively.

11) She probably does blame Cindy, and Greg, which she takes out on Cindy.

12) it’s good to remind her who’s fault everything is.

(I’ll get the rest layer)

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

13.1) oh 100% I’m sure she’s chomping at the bit to give Cindy orders.
13.2) was she really that bad, or just kind of a bitch, like did she damage their business or was she just rude to them.
13.4) of couse, it’s what I’ve been wanting to happen to Sara since pretty much when I started reading.

14) I see, I’m still looking forward two what you mentioned back in the comments of MW S2 E25.

2 months ago

Great chapter!

1. Ok Cindy! You racist butch! Even though I feel sorry for her! Ava is right she needs to learn humility

2. Greg asking what is she talking about? Did she hide her bigotry from him

3. So Ava is a bithch to Cindy but nice to Greg ok I can deal with that

4. Is Madison in the room as she’s in the image?

5. Do you have a time frame on when season 3 will be back

6. As much as I want her to learn humility I hope she doesn’t have an Accident on that harness, Madison would t forgive herself

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Dlege
2 months ago

1) SHe was already racist against littles, what’s the surprise other humans aren’t immune?

2) Love can make people overlook such issues.

3) That seems to be the running theme, though it this case Cindy was a bitch to Ava’s folks and Greg was Nice to them.

5) in 2025, lol

6) I’m sure she won’t die in a flush, Assuming Madison even uses it in the toilet. But you’re right, the guilt would eat Madison alive.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

if one of the parents die while doing something the kids told them to do they would be traumatized for life just like a parent would be if their child was hurt doing something they told them to do. I don’t care what anyone says, that trauma never goes away. I was a pretty hard core country kid and I freaked out when my daughter got a deep cut play on our bed lol.

J - Vader
J - Vader
2 months ago

Oh Cindy ….why must you make things harder here for yourself……I think Dr J need to have a conversation with you (me lol) don’t worry guys I can fix I swear just need to have long, long, long, looooooonnng conversations about how we can be better in mind and body

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 months ago

and one of the greatest basketball players of all time

2 months ago

I love this weeks writing and Cindy is still a messed up person and needs Kentz to teach her how to love everyone like Greg like a good parent she is now. Having had the pleasure of working with immigrant’s from all over the world in our country and others and my position being against illegal immigration is based on their wisdom. The Cruz family sounds like the Latin family’s that shaped my life when I was working jobs through college and even in aerospace and now in my area. Very family focused, good hard working people that immigrated the right way. The ironic thing is that the people that are for illegal immigration and treat people from others countries different are white snobs like Cindy. They just want cheap labor. I love this weeks writings and I hope you have Cindy do the Nails of the Cruz woman so she can show them the respect they deserve and Cindy gets Karma for thinking she was above them and now the look down and pet and cuddle her and treat her with the love she didn’t them. I love the quote I heard that said” Judge a person how they act when they are in power not when they are on the Bottom” and that has almost been a ten commandment for me as I was blessed with success in life. Cindy needs to I love this weeks writing and Cindy is still a messed up person and needs Kentz to teach her how to love everyone like Greg like a good parent she is now. Having had the pleasure of working with immigrant’s from all over the world in our country and others and my position being against illegal immigration is based on their wisdom. The Cruz family sounds like the Latin family’s that shaped my life when I was working jobs through college and even in aerospace and now in my area. Very family focused, good hard working people that immigrated the right way. The ironic thing is that the people that are for illegal immigration and treat people from others countries different are white snobs like Cindy. They just want cheap labor. I love this weeks writings and I hope you have Cindy do the Nails of the Cruz woman so she can show them the respect they deserve and Cindy gets Karma for thinking she was above them and now the look down and pet and cuddle her and treat her with the love she didn’t them. I love the quote I heard that said” Judge a person how they act when they are in power not when they are on the Bottom” and that has almost been a ten commandment for me as I was blessed with success in life. one of the girls don’t pee on her while she is cleaning lol

Reply to  washsnowghost
2 months ago

sorry messed up with a double ctrl V lol

2 months ago

Part of me wants Ava to pick up Greg and cuddle him in her chest and cheek so he can feel the love she has for him through the heat from her body and her kind words. That is what I would aspect from a loving Latin woman. And the cuddling and love the girls show Greg Infront of Cindy would make her jealous lol.

Last edited 2 months ago by washsnowghost
Lee Han
2 months ago

Madison’s world summed up as TL:DR

Cindy is an self righteous idiot. Greg is a good man. Both of them shrunk due to disease becoming a different type of human who Cindy championed to discriminate against. Their children (and friend by extension) are products of their environment with their own ideologies trying to navigate the new dynamic in their own way. Cindy has burned all but 1 bridge (Greg) and is unable to fully cope with the situation. Greg is trying to find the best way to navigate it despite the challenges and is also very well liked and held in high regard. Even to others who would normally hate Cindy. Everyone is struggling and Cindy is the main reason why it’s more difficult than it needs to be.
Madison takes after her mom and Kenz takes after her dad. Greg is the favorite parent.

TL:DR (TL:DR): Cindy sucks. Entire store is common Greg W.

One thing I noticed is despite knowing that the wessen kids still have their own lives it seems as tho Greg and Cindy have a very massive effect on their kids even subconsciously and that’s quite impressive. Hope you have a great holiday. Wish I could say the same but I’ll be working dealing with drunk people, car accidents and fist fights. Hope we have a Christmas story tho. Might make the presence in my ambulance a bit less crappy.

2 months ago

So Cindy is a racist, hmmm, it’s a little surprise as she already against littles . But Greg is so blind!

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  smoki07
2 months ago

Love can do that to a man.

2 months ago

Omg this was incredible!! Need more of her