Talisa skated along, her heart racing slightly as she felt the weight of Kelli in her hand. She hated that her palms were getting clammy with nervous sweat, but she didn’t dare shift her grip. This was Kelli Wallace she was holding, and the last thing she wanted was to make her uncomfortable. Talisa had seen others pull off more advanced techniques, like letting their Littles walk on their shoulders or ride in the crook of their arm, but she wasn’t confident enough to try that. The idea fascinated her, though, seeing someone like Kelli, perched on her shoulder, the wind tousling her hair as they zoomed through the streets. She had seen people do it before, and it always looked so cool.
But she wasn’t there yet but maybe someday.
Kelli, for her part, could feel the increasing slickness in Talisa’s grip, the mixture of sweat and natural oils seeping into her clothes. It was uncomfortable, and she shifted uneasily, standing up slightly in Talisa’s palm, hoping that a change in position might help dry her out. She peered over the edge of Talisa’s hand as the world whizzed by, a blur of colors and sounds.
What would’ve been an utterly bizarre situation not long ago, being carried like this, was now becoming an odd sort of normalcy. The streets were busy, full of people, cars, and the occasional skateboarder, but no one stopped to stare. Littles were everywhere in New York these days, nestled in the hands or pockets of their guardians. What had once been an unimaginable change in the world had quickly become just another part of life. No one even batted an eye at seeing Kelli, a once powerful and independent woman, being cradled in Talisa’s hand like she weighed nothing.
Kelli peeked over the edge again, watching the ground blur beneath them as Talisa sped down the sidewalk. The sense of motion, the rush of air around her, was exhilarating and terrifying all at once. The sheer speed Talisa could generate on her skateboard was dizzying to Kelli, who hadn’t felt such movement in what seemed like forever. Even Kayla’s walking pace had become overwhelming to her shrunken form. Now, speeding down the street in Talisa’s hand, Kelli felt both small and powerless in a way that made her stomach twist.
A trip that Talisa could make in minutes—a few blocks, maybe—was a journey Kelli could never complete on her own. Without Talisa’s help, a simple walk down the street would be impossible for her now. The idea of being completely dependent on others, on her sister and her friends, was beginning to weigh heavily on her. She’d known, intellectually, that her life would never be the same after the infection. But the reality of it—the daily, inescapable reliance on people like Talisa—was sinking in more deeply than ever before.
Kelli’s mind raced as she looked up at the sky, her thoughts swirling. Perhaps I’ve been too shortsighted, she admitted to herself. Kayla had been trying to help her. Going to class with her, as much as Kelli hated the idea, wasn’t just about dragging her around. It was a way to get her out of the house, to give her a glimpse of something beyond Kayla’s room or the family living room. It was Kayla’s way of trying to give her back some semblance of a life. But Kelli had been so consumed with bitterness that she hadn’t seen it.
“We’re nearing the subway, Kelli,” Talisa’s voice broke through her thoughts. “I’m going to put you in my pocket, just for now. I don’t want you falling if I get bumped or anything.”
Before Kelli could protest, Talisa gently swept her into her jacket pocket. It was surprisingly roomy, though still snug enough to make Kelli feel safe. It wasn’t the first time she’d been shoved into a pocket or a bag, but this one was better than Kayla’s purse. The fabric was softer, less confining. “Sorry about this,” Talisa added, her voice warm with apology. “If I’d known, I would’ve brought a backpack or something.”
Kelli could feel the subtle shift as Talisa stepped off her skateboard, the motion of her legs a distant sway from inside the pocket. There was the familiar sound of a credit card swiping through a subway reader, followed by the beeping of a turnstile. The noise of the city dimmed as they entered the subway terminal, replaced by the hum of underground machinery and the chatter of commuters.
To Talisa, this was just another day. She swiped her unlimited ride pass like it was second nature, tucked her skateboard under one arm, and moved through the bustling station. Public transit was her norm—her parents had always made sure she could navigate the city on her own, whether it was by subway, bus, or skateboard. But today was different. Today, she had Kelli Wallace—the Kelli Wallace—in her pocket.
Talisa felt a small thrill shoot through her at the thought. She remembered watching Kelli from afar in school, always so effortlessly put together. Kelli had been the kind of person who drew others to her like a magnet—funny, popular, someone everyone wanted to be around. Talisa had never been in that orbit, always watching from a distance, wondering what it would be like to have even a fraction of that confidence, that presence.
And now? Now Kelli was literally in her pocket. It was surreal. A few weeks ago, Talisa would’ve never imagined a scenario like this, but here they were, navigating the subway together—well, Talisa was navigating, and Kelli was along for the ride.
As she stepped onto the subway car, Talisa scanned the area. The car was mostly empty, a few scattered passengers reading or listening to music. It was a quiet ride, which was unusual for this time of day, but Talisa wasn’t complaining. She sat down, her pocket settling comfortably in her lap, and glanced around. The subway hummed to life, the train beginning to move, but her thoughts were elsewhere.
What must Kelli be thinking right now? she wondered. It was one thing to hold her hand and guide her through the city, but to carry her, to be responsible for her… Talisa had never felt so empowered, and yet, so aware of Kelli’s vulnerability. Kelli, who had once seemed untouchable, was now relying on her. The power dynamics of their entire world had flipped, and Talisa wasn’t quite sure how to feel about that.
But as the subway car rocked gently with the motion of the train, Talisa realized something: for once, she had Kelli Wallace’s attention. Kelli had asked to go with her. Not Kayla. Not anyone else. Her. And that was something she would never have believed possible.
It sounds like the beginning of a wonderful friendship between Talisa and Kelli.
Pretty sure their friendship began years ago, like shortly after the friendship between Talisa and Kayla.
1.1) “She hated that her palms were getting clammy with nervous sweat” Oh, Kelli would too
1.2) “Talisa had seen others pull off more advanced techniques, like letting their Littles walk on their shoulders or ride in the crook of their arm, but she wasn’t confident enough to try that” well she is untrained, it could be dangerous.
2) ‘It was uncomfortable, and she shifted uneasily, standing up slightly in Talisa’s palm, hoping that a change in position might help dry her out.” That’s a fun way to add Danger.
3) “What would’ve been an utterly bizarre situation not long ago, being carried like this, was now becoming an odd sort of normalcy” that’s what happens to littles overtime
4) “The streets were busy, full of people, cars, and the occasional skateboarder, but no one stopped to stare. Littles were everywhere in New York these days, nestled in the hands or pockets of their guardians” isn’t this still September 2020?, Aren’t littles still a fair bit away from being common place?
5) “The sheer speed Talisa could generate on her skateboard was dizzying to Kelli, who hadn’t felt such movement in what seemed like forever. Even Kayla’s walking pace had become overwhelming to her shrunken form” that would be quite a bit of speed for a little.
6.1) “A trip that Talisa could make in minutes—a few blocks, maybe—was a journey Kelli could never complete on her own. Without Talisa’s help, a simple walk down the street would be impossible for her now” THat’s their brutal reality. So much of what humans can do with little to no effort is now impossible to them.
6.2) “She’d known, intellectually, that her life would never be the same after the infection. But the reality of it—the daily, inescapable reliance on people like Talisa—was sinking in more deeply than ever before” These realisations are just gonna keep coming.
7.1) “Perhaps I’ve been too shortsighted, she admitted to herself. Kayla had been trying to help her” she has been shortsighter, Kayla has been helping, but it’s understandable why that’d be hard to see for Kelli, though it’s good she’s realising now.
7.2) “Going to class with her, as much as Kelli hated the idea, wasn’t just about dragging her around… It was Kayla’s way of trying to give her back some semblance of a life.” not too different from the dragging Kayla around Kelli did pre infection.
8.1) “We’re nearing the subway, Kelli… I’m going to put you in my pocket, just for now. I don’t want you falling if I get bumped or anything.” That’s almost good cumication she just messed up on the last part where she listens to the other person’s response.
8.2) “Sorry about this… If I’d known, I would’ve brought a backpack or something.” Good apology, but again not listening for Kelli;s response.
9) “It wasn’t the first time she’d been shoved into a pocket or a bag, but this one was better than Kayla’s purse. The fabric was softer, less confining” that’s a silver lining
10) “Kelli could feel the subtle shift as Talisa stepped off her skateboard, the motion of her legs a distant sway from inside the pocket” that would be interesting for littles to feel the different motions of different movement methods.
11.1) “her parents had always made sure she could navigate the city on her own, whether it was by subway, bus, or skateboard” that’s good parenting, I grew up on a farm, I still do this day can find City’s confusing and difficult to navigate.
11.2) “But today was different. Today, she had Kelli Wallace—the Kelli Wallace—in her pocket.” it’s almost like Kelli is a minor celebrity to Talisa.
12.1) “Talisa felt a small thrill shoot through her at the thought. She remembered watching Kelli from afar in school, always so effortlessly put together. Kelli had been the kind of person who drew others to her like a magnet” oh how far she’s fallen.
12.2) “Talisa had never been in that orbit, always watching from a distance, wondering what it would be like to have even a fraction of that confidence, that presence.” I feel like if Talisa had walked up to Kelli, she’d have been welcome in that orbit, just from the vibe I get from Kelli.
13) “As she stepped onto the subway car, Talisa scanned the area. The car was mostly empty, a few scattered passengers reading or listening to music. It was a quiet ride, which was unusual for this time of day, but Talisa wasn’t complaining” Is there gonna be a subway encounter? I feel like this is setting up a subway encounter.
14.1) “What must Kelli be thinking right now? she wondered.” A mix of anger at you for shoving her in your pocket, and curiosity at ‘what alternatives you had’, like ‘what accommodations has the subway made for littles?’
14.2) “It was one thing to hold her hand and guide her through the city, but to carry her, to be responsible for her… Talisa had never felt so empowered, and yet, so aware of Kelli’s vulnerability” Well, as the saying goes, ‘what empowers one woman, oppressed another’.
15) “Talisa realized something: for once, she had Kelli Wallace’s attention. Kelli had asked to go with her. Not Kayla. Not anyone else. Her. And that was something she would never have believed possible.” I’m really sorry Talisa, but that’s just because you were the only option there, If Sara, Ellie, Mal, Chloe or Judy were there, she’d likely have preferred them.
appreciate your notes lol busy day at work but this pretty much is how i feel on everything
1) Are you telling me Kelli doesn’t love Talisa sweat and skin oils soaking into her clothes. I for one am shocked over that revelation.
But real talk. that would be worst especially because o fhow fast they are moving comparatively Kelli would probably be getting cold.
1.2) Its definitely outside her wheelhouse. Probably not the time to test and learn.
2) Although as a little its probably something she is also getting used to in some ways. As she would have been moving around in Kayla’s hand a lot.
3) Being a little is all about finding new normals. Kelli would be getting a lot of them.
4) New York is one of the more progressive hubs. In America trends normally start in the likes of New York and California then work there way into the U.S.
So things like littles are much more common and the further you move into the interior of the united states the less likely you are to see them.
5) Jordan has commented similar about Sara. Being on a skateboard would be a further feeling the speed then in a car.
6) That is definitely something that is the new normal That littles each day would be experiencing. All kinds of normal things that they can’t do anymore.
6.2) That would be hardest its one thing to know and understand but another thing to actually live and experience it. Kind of like death you can imagine and understand what it would be like to lose a parent. But until your parents actually die you are never prepared for that hurt.
7) Most realizations do take time. Seeing what Kayla was trying to do for her now is a positive. Better if it was earlier.
7.2) THat is a really good parallel. In some ways while not intentional Kayla’s version of revenge. THe dragged has become the dragger.
8.1 & 8.2) That was intentional as i wanted to highlight her inexperience. Where she is trying but not fully doing things right.
9) Most littles will experience this though. Especially depending on climates and weather.
10) In time being able to identify the movement jus based on the motion I would think
11) Its a good life lesson have. Especially in a city the size of new york. Being able to find your way home is key.
11.2) Well she does hold Kelli on a pedestal. Just like she does Sara and her friends. THats why she was making such a big deal about Kayla being friends with them.
12) Although you could argue Kelli is more popular then Kayla.
12.2) She would have but Talisa would have probably never been that bold. Shes more bold then Kayla but not that bold.
13) What do you mean by subway encounter?
14.1) The subway has zero accomodations for littles. Its the guardians responsibility to transport there little safely. The subway bears no cost or responsibility.
So if the person wants to use a pet carrier, a hand, a pocket a bookbag, etc its solely upto the guardian.
14.2) Universally pretty much.
15) Oh thats 100% true. If Sara, mal, ellie, etc. were also there Kelli would be going with them. Talisa was just the only available option. As Kayla wanted space.
1.1) surprisingly enough, no she doesn’t like it.
1.2) probably not, certainly nor without Kayla present.
2) well, some progress is good
4) I see, I can imagine it’d also have a higher infection rate due to all the foreigners from more infected countries.
6.1) that’d be maddening.
6.2) yeah, but for a while it’d be multiple realisations a day
7.1) yeah, she’s getting to see her sisters efforts.
7.2) yeah, I didn’t mean it as a revenge, more of a “You were helping me, I’ll help you
8) I like that she’s trying, I can imagine she’d take the feedback well
9) one of the reasons I’m against Sara using her pickets as punishment is that come winter Jordan will need to be in them more often for his own safety, bit if he associates them with punishment he’ll stubbornly refuse while shivering.
11.1) yep
11.2) lol, though it’s sweet in a way
12.1) you could, especially with how she’s booted Kayla’s popularity.
12.2) good to know.
13) will she meet someone on the subway she’s not expecting (could be good or bad)
14.1) so much for “progressive hub”
14.2) indeed
15) I hope Talisa doesn’t realize this.
not sure if Talisa is starting to go on a power trip, just excited that she has Kellis attention, or excited to have a little temporarily, or all three.
Though given her personality thus far, I’m guessing its mostly the last two. she seems really nice and caring. There might be a rush from having that kind of authority over someone like Kelli, but I’m willing to bet she’s too nice to really let that get to her too much are take joy from it.
Why do I feel like talisa has had a crush on Kelli? Her friends older sister? It’s like she’s enamoured with Kelli, admiring her from afar and now she’s in her grasp…
that is what I wrote also. I sense a Kelli work out climbing Talisa Nude body or Talisa asking Kelli to feel what size she thinks her boobs are for a bra lol.
1)Talisa had never felt so empowered, and yet, so aware of Kelli’s vulnerability. Kelli, who had once seemed untouchable, was now relying on her. The power dynamics of their entire world had flipped, and Talisa wasn’t quite sure how to feel about that.
This I believe Talisa can help Kayla with enjoying the empowerment but still having empathy with what Kelli is going through and how she can help Kelli without compromising her safety.
2) The idea fascinated her, though, seeing someone like Kelli, perched on her shoulder, the wind tousling her hair as they zoomed through the streets. She had seen people do it before, and it always looked so cool. And now? Now Kelli was literally in her pocket. It was surreal having someone you looked up to small and clinging to you as a life line and for everyone to see she relies on you for affection and safety has got to be a power boost to her ego and confidence. I still think a easy carrying solution to keep littles warm, so they can see what’s going on and so their big’s can show them off is to give the littles a little child harness in the front of the woman’s bra. Their hands are free and their littles are safety warm an the big can do anything without worry. And it can be a fashion statement with different designs, you know Sara and Kelli love their fashion lol. And it would be easier for non trained woman to little sit.
3) moving through the bustling station. Public transit was her norm—her parents had always made sure she could navigate the city on her own, whether it was by subway, bus, or skateboard. But today was different. Today, she had Kelli Wallace—the Kelli Wallace—in her pocket. being a west coast kid and having visited NYC 6 years ago, most of the subway was kind of gross compared to the subways in Moscow Russia. I am wondering if it got worse like after covid or better after the smallara virus broke out and made it safter for young people like Talisa to ride the subway?
4) Talisa felt a small thrill shoot through her at the thought. She remembered watching Kelli from afar in school, always so effortlessly put together. Kelli had been the kind of person who drew others to her like a magnet—funny, popular, someone everyone wanted to be around. Talisa had never been in that orbit, always watching from a distance, wondering what it would be like to have even a fraction of that confidence, that presence. Again Talisa feeling a kind of fetish rush I guess of having someone who used to be so popular, small and at her Mercy has all the marking of a Talisa trying a girl on girl experimental time with Kelli that most girls do in high school and college with of course is a strictly girl thing lol. I would think many people of both sex’s would see a explosion is sex fetish events legal and not legal with the virus nocking down many people who were popular, or good looking like Kelli and Jordan. Ellie not having a little fun with her crush doesn’t seem real because he is a living doll of her old crush and I’m sure sara wouldn’t care. There is a reason sex has been the #1 thing on the internet since it was made public. Its one of the #1 drivers in the human brain and as much as the smallara world try’s to down play it, making it easier for section of humans to have a easier time having sexual gratification of any kind is a sure thing and they don’t look like animals as much as the government and press like to push that. People will just tune them out like are world does. Back in slavery days may woman slaves were passed around to their friends and family because like littles they were considered less human and property. And of course there was tons of mixed race children born all the time, some from our founding fathers but I would guess that wouldn’t be a issue with a little-human fling lol.
5) But as the subway car rocked gently with the motion of the train, Talisa realized something: for once, she had Kelli Wallace’s attention. Kelli had asked to go with her. Not Kayla. Not anyone else. Her. And that was something she would never have believed possible.
Very normal reaction for Talisa to have a woman she thought was the most beautiful woman in the school and who she was envious of Kayla having her as a sister. Having Kelli wanting to be one on one with Talisa and in another chapter again saying how small, perfect and beautiful she was gives me the vibe she likes woman and guys which in my dating experience is not uncommon for woman. I dated a girl that liked good looking girls and in the 90’s we called them lipstick lesbians because they were beautiful and liked other beautiful woman and at rock concerts and bars would get a lot of attention and free drinks lol.
6) I think Kelli self reflexing on her own resistance to Kayla trying to help her is a big step for Kelli to say she was sorry also, not just Kayla. Again I think they would make a great team in the future if Kelli could be on Kayla’s body like a second opinion and give encouragement in a loving way though not a harsh put down way.