The air inside Talisa’s jacket pocket was warm and stale. Kelli had never imagined her life would come to this—a world where her body was small enough to be comfortably held in someone’s pocket, let alone the pocket of Talisa. It was cramped but soft, the fabric of the lining rubbing against her clothes and skin as she shifted around, trying to get comfortable. The faint scent of Talisa’s perfume, a mix of vanilla and something floral, hung in the air. The smell wasn’t unpleasant, but it was persistent, and after a while, Kelli found it overwhelming. Everything was overwhelming now.
Her reality had shrunk. Literally.
As Talisa walked, each of her steps sent tremors through the fabric. Kelli felt every vibration, every slight movement, as though the ground beneath her were constantly shifting. The world outside the pocket was muffled, distant—like hearing a party going on in another room, the sounds and conversations just out of reach. She could make out the dull roar of the subway train somewhere in the distance, the rhythmic clatter of wheels on tracks echoing through the walls of her fabric prison.
With every step Talisa took, Kelli swayed in time with her. The constant movement made it difficult to settle, her body instinctively bracing with each sway. The motion wasn’t violent, but it was unsteady, like being in the cabin of a boat, the gentle rocking never quite letting her feel at ease. At least Talisa was considerate—Kelli had to give her that. She was careful, moving slowly, trying not to jostle her too much. But even so, the power imbalance was stark. Talisa was a giant, and Kelli? She was just along for the ride.
From her position inside the pocket, Kelli could hear the muted sounds of the world outside. The low murmur of voices passed by, fragmented conversations that she couldn’t quite make out. Occasionally, a car horn blared, the sound so distant it barely registered. Footsteps, voices, laughter—it all came through as if the volume had been turned down on the entire city. She used to be part of that world, walking those same streets. Now she was tucked away, hidden from sight like some kind of secret.
The subway terminal came into focus next—a familiar hum reverberating through the concrete walls and into Talisa’s jacket. Kelli braced herself as Talisa moved, her footfalls quickening slightly as they neared the station. Every time Talisa adjusted her stance, Kelli felt the subtle pull and shift of gravity. It was disorienting, the way her weight was constantly thrown off balance with each change in direction.
When Talisa swiped her subway pass, the motion sent a ripple through the pocket, and Kelli had to grab onto the fabric lining to steady herself. The thrum of the train entering the station reverberated through her body, the deep rumble making her feel like she was standing inside a subwoofer. Even though she wasn’t directly on the platform, the noise was still enough to send a slight tremor through the jacket.
She hated this—being small, being so utterly dependent on others. Talisa was careful, yes, but there was no escaping the fact that Kelli was in her pocket. She was cargo, an accessory. A shiver of indignation ran through her, but it was immediately swallowed by a wave of helplessness. This is what my life has become, she thought bitterly. A passenger in someone else’s world.
The train doors slid open with a mechanical hiss, and Kelli felt a brief gust of cooler air sweep into the pocket as Talisa boarded. The sudden movement made Kelli sink deeper into the fabric, and she gritted her teeth in frustration. Her world tilted again as Talisa sat down, the weight of her body settling into the subway seat, and Kelli felt herself press into the bottom of the pocket, cradled by the soft material. She could feel the vibrations of the train as it started to move, the hum of the subway car growing louder as they picked up speed.
The constant rocking of the train wasn’t unpleasant, but it wasn’t exactly comfortable either. Each time the train hit a bump in the track, Kelli felt it, a soft jolt passing through the fabric and into her body. She tried to reposition herself, pressing her back against the wall of the pocket, her knees tucked up slightly to take up as little space as possible. It was stifling in there, the air thick with Talisa’s warmth, and Kelli felt a bead of sweat trickle down the back of her neck.
She could hear the faint murmur of people talking in the subway car, though the words were indistinguishable. It was strange, hearing the world go on without her. She used to be a part of those conversations—laughing, making plans, going places. Now she was trapped, hidden away in a pocket while the world moved on. The distant sounds of the train—wheels screeching on the tracks, the hiss of the brakes as they slowed at each stop—had become the soundtrack to her life.
Talisa fidgeted, and Kelli felt the movement immediately. Her body shifted as Talisa crossed her legs, the pocket adjusting with the change in position. The subtle motion threw off Kelli’s balance, and she pressed her hands against the fabric to steady herself. Every small action Talisa made reverberated through her, amplified in the confined space. Even a slight shift of Talisa’s weight was enough to make Kelli feel like the ground beneath her had moved.
After what felt like an eternity, the train began to slow, and Kelli felt the familiar deceleration as they approached the next station. The brakes screeched, and Kelli instinctively braced herself against the walls of the pocket. She had learned to expect the sudden jerks of the train, but that didn’t make them any easier to endure. Each stop felt like the world tipping over for a second, and her stomach churned with the motion.
The train came to a halt, and she felt Talisa rise from her seat, the sudden vertical motion jostling her again. Kelli gripped the pocket lining as Talisa stepped off the train and began walking toward the exit. Her strides were steady but powerful, each footfall sending a ripple through Kelli’s confined space. The noise of the subway faded as they emerged onto the street, replaced by the bustling sounds of the city above ground.
The steady rhythm of Talisa’s skateboard resumed, the familiar rolling sound of wheels on pavement filling Kelli’s ears. Talisa moved fluidly, pushing off with each foot in a smooth, practiced motion. The wind picked up as they gained speed, and Kelli could feel it ruffling the fabric of the pocket, brushing against her face like a cool breeze. It was almost refreshing, a brief respite from the stifling heat inside the pocket.
But the constant motion never stopped. Talisa’s movements, as graceful as they were, still left Kelli feeling disoriented. Each push of the skateboard sent a wave through the pocket, making Kelli shift uncomfortably, her body reacting to the gentle but persistent swaying. She hated it. She hated how small she was, how insignificant she felt being carried like this. The wind might have been cool, but it only reminded her of the life she used to live—the freedom she once had, the ability to move on her own terms.
Now, her world was defined by the movements of others.
After what felt like another eternity, the familiar creak of a door opening signaled that they had arrived. The sound of the skateboard wheels stopped as Talisa picked it up, the pocket swaying gently as she carried it under her arm. Kelli could hear the subtle creaks and groans of the old house as Talisa stepped inside, her footsteps now muted against the softer floor of the hallway.
The pocket shifted, and Kelli’s stomach dropped as Talisa bent down to set her skateboard aside. Light poured in as Talisa’s fingers gently lifted her out of the pocket, the sudden brightness making Kelli blink as her eyes adjusted. The world around her expanded once again, growing vast and overwhelming as Talisa placed her on the surface of her desk.
“There we go,” Talisa said softly, her voice filled with a casual warmth. “Home sweet home.”
Kelli stretched, trying to work out the stiffness in her muscles from being curled up inside the pocket for so long. She looked around Talisa’s room—at the posters on the walls, the scattered clothes on the floor, the soft glow of the lamp on the nightstand. It was such a normal space, so mundane. And yet, for Kelli, it might as well have been another planet.
She glanced up at Talisa, who was busy putting her things away, her movements casual and unbothered. For her, this was just another day. For Kelli, it was another reminder of how small her world had become.
Kelli sighed, sinking onto the edge of the desk. This is my life now, she thought bitterly. In someone’s pocket, or at their mercy.
It wasn’t fair, but it was her reality. And there was nothing she could do about it.
The struggle of Kelli adjusting to the world post-Smallara infection has been a great read thus far. Her slipping in and out of bitterness and anger at all of it is the most realistic reaction to this virus.
I just hope Kelli has a happy ending because there are to many evil spirts in the world already that need to be defeated lol.
Thanks, that was the goal when writing it.
I like when she could tell when giant Talisa moved and should could tell the sudden movements but not a big fan of all the noises but I guess that’s me not being a fan of city’s lol. I think its sad Kelli has to think about just negative things she has lost because Talisa didn’t think of a way to but Kelli against her skin so she didn’t feel so alone and unsafe. Being surrounded by a larger mammals body like a mother is a proven reptilian brain way to calm a smaller mammal. I hope as Kelli and Kayla are able to talk and bond, Kelli is able to express some positive’s of being a little with Kayla like being able to spend more time with her sister and help her be the best she can be. There is positives to almost everything, you just have to have love around you to find them.
Talisa had no clue she would be taking Kelli though. So its not surprising she woudln’t have a method to do that plus in somewhere as cramped and busy as a subway it would just wouldn’t be safe or practical.
There are positives but Kelli isn’t really focusing on those right now as a conscious choice.
I understand, I just hope when Kayla and Kelli get to say they are sorry to each other and then get a long hug and cry, they both get to find positives in this virus. Like i think I said before, when their is love ones supporting you even devastating events sometimes shows positive results in the adjustments.
I saw this picture on X and thought of how littles are treated by the government and genitech. I hope there is a little rights arch in the smallara story line because I think Kenz & mads, sara, chole, Kayla and Talisa would be lovable people to be involved and everyone loves a fight against evil lol.
Generitech treats littles pretty well. I don’t think you can loop in government and generitech together.
I doubt there would be a little rights movement in the way you are wanting as littles are not that organized or generally together in a sizeable enough number in places were there rights are being restricted.
I don’t mind some of Generitechs actions, but they are still selling humanoids with independent thoughts similar to humans if not smarter instead of giving them like a adoption center with family members having first choice. Making training cheaper with online training and live final exams for lower income family members. They then can make money off of the food and products I cant help it, I have a massive amount of business tech experience and a bleeding heart lol. My wife and I are the crazy people that spends thousands of dollars on our animals simple vet bills to make sure they stay safe against possible stuff that could hurt them lol.
All lifeforms have independant thoughts though. That is not unique to littles. Generitech buys the litltes from the government they don’t set the price of littles. The Government does. Generitech is going to charge enough to cover their costs. They aren’t a charity. They do want to run a business that is profitable despite being good people
The majority of the training cost is in liscensing fees and filing fees that are set by the government. Generiitech has to cover costs however the most expensive parts in regards to pricing are not dictated by generitech. They are once again running a business and also supporting littles in their own ways with things like the little cities which also have to factor in the cost of running.
While generitech does make money off food and habitats, and materials, and clothing and little tech. Outsides food which is priced affordably everything else is an elective purchase.
Canonically there are loan programs and things to help people. They obviously have to be able to afford loan payments.
So while they are selling people they are doing so ethically. There are companies who sell littles unethically and sell them strictly for profit and care not all if its a good home or bad home. As long as the money is right.
thanks for the detailed break down, basically government overreach for money to support its inefficient layered system. At least that’s the same in most universe’s lol.
Sara would never support with a littles rights group, she’s explicitly stated her hatred of the idea, calling them “Underbred humpers” and claiming it’s “sickening” (156).
And is grateful to think her friend Hunter isn’t one of them (104).
It’s a topic Chloe and Sara have to avoid because they’d fight about it.
Although I wouldn’t put Chloe in the underbred humper category either though.
that makes me a little sad.
Perhaps, but I’m guessing Sara uses the term liberally to anyone who doesn’t agree with her, like how SJW’s throw around the word ‘Nazi’ to the point where it has lost all meaning.
The only thing stopping Sara from calling Chloe “underbred humper/stan” is their romance.
does underbred humper mean they let littles pleasure them. sounds like projecting like gay politics & priests hating on gays harder then anyone lol.
I don’t think it’s sexual, I just think she says it to people who like/respect Littles too much for her.
im like Sigmund Freud sexual impulses are so strong it the bases for most of our thoughts lol. Well until the US industry’s for some reason has made the generations after my gen x have low T lol. I’m just glad my family had lots of different hardy fruit trees and we grew our own vegetable’s so I didn’t get messed up by the start of the nasty processed foods that is messing with our health, statically anyway lol.
seeing the new holocaust museum 6 years ago made me sad that our colleges are almost bad for people to go to when they were doing the Nazi and fascists stuff when Ironically they supported people who were by definition fascists lol.
I think the thing that strikes me the most is how Kelli seemed so perfectly adjusted in the main story arc, when she met Jordan. Seeing her like this is so strange, as she is very much a victim here, just like all of the other tiny’s in this world.
As they say you never know what is going on with someone at home. People often put on brave fronts, and masks when they are out in public and interacting with people.
However, you never know how they truly feel when tehy are behind closed doors.
Kelli is much more raw and open as she has personal relationships with these people. SHe had met Jordan and Sara in the Smallara mainline series for basically 5 minutes.
So you are seeing more of what is really going on and not just a from that is being put on.
I think everyone has put on a mask at one time to blend in to a situation in the adventure we call life lol. I hope Talisa gets to enjoy her time finely feeling in charge and important enough to find a little pleasure with someone she as longed for. I also hope Kelli feels a little power being able in her small form being able to make a giant that helped her feel happiness that she never though she would achieve in her life. Even as small as Kelli is, she still holds the power of emotion to help give giant Talisa a heart stopping emotional time that will give her a experience that she never thought she would ever have. That would give Kelli a little less of a helpless feeling because she could control a giant with just words and touch.
1.1) “The air inside Talisa’s jacket pocket was warm and stale. Kelli had never imagined her life would come to this” Is it better or worse than hand sweat/oils
1.2) “and after a while, Kelli found it overwhelming. Everything was overwhelming now.” littles typically do.
2) “The constant movement made it difficult to settle, her body instinctively bracing with each sway” that’d make comfort hard to find.
3) “At least Talisa was considerate—Kelli had to give her that. She was careful, moving slowly, trying not to jostle her too much” That’s good, other Guardians we’ve seen use their pockets as ‘safe spots’ where they can put their littles and not worry about
4) “Footsteps, voices, laughter—it all came through as if the volume had been turned down on the entire city” Her little ears would like that.
5) “She hated this—being small, being so utterly dependent on others. Talisa was careful, yes, but there was no escaping the fact that Kelli was in her pocket. She was cargo, an accessory” That’s not gonna stop, she’ll get more used to it, but it won’t end.
6) “Well, she’s already a little, so that’s half done already.
7) “Every small action Talisa made reverberated through her, amplified in the confined space. Even a slight shift of Talisa’s weight was enough to make Kelli feel like the ground beneath her had moved.” that’d be a horrible trip, I hope Talisa checks in on her soon.
8) “The steady rhythm of Talisa’s skateboard resumed, the familiar rolling sound of wheels on pavement filling Kelli’s ears” One would think Talisa would take Kelli out again for this part.
9) “The wind might have been cool, but it only reminded her of the life she used to live—the freedom she once had, the ability to move on her own terms.” such reminders would be difficult to endure.
10) “Kelli stretched, trying to work out the stiffness in her muscles from being curled up inside the pocket for so long” That makes sense, she was in there for a while and a good stretch would feel really good to her about now.
11) “This is my life now, she thought bitterly. In someone’s pocket, or at their mercy… It wasn’t fair, but it was her reality. And there was nothing she could do about it.” Such is the lot of the littles and the cruelty of this world.
hopefully a little rebellion led by bio weapons made by hidden little scientists can make the world a little less cruel and make people that cant get it, get it. Give them the Cindy treatment
1) probably better as its more just annoying where the sweat and oils would be your clothes damp potentially plus the quick movement would make you a bit cold.
1.2) Its kind of human nature. It would almost be weird not to be overwhelmed.
2) I agree. I feel like it would be like a hammock you couldn’t control.
3) Talisa was trying her best. No one can deny her that. The pocket would be the safest place in a locatio as busy as a subway terminal as you just have so many people moving about and no body cares about anything but getting to their destination. A little would be the furthest thing from her mind.
4) The muffling would be a benefit to her little ears. That is for sure.
5) Cargo seems a bit harsh but you aren’t wrong. She is valued though and cared about.
7) Thats kind of the downside of riding in a pocket. I really wanted to depict the expierence.
8) She is more just wanting to hurry home and holding Kelli while skateboarding is something that requires a bit skill and concentration. She kind of just wants to be skatebaord and not think. Plus she can go faster and lessen the time in the pocket.
10) It would be like getting out of a car after a long car ride. Getting to stretch your legs and such.
11) Kelli will have better moments. Shes being a bit dramatic.
I would think a pocket would be dangerous because anyone could bump and her, that is why I always think having a little surrounded by a humans body some how would be safest place and in a pinch. I can only think about a hand or bra. even a shoulder in a busy area has no protection especially for a shorter person. I am looking at it having designed stuff for safety. I’m trying to think what is the safety redundancy for the little. At least woman have breasts that create heat and are soft enough like built in airbags and enough rigidity to protect a little from any impact to their guardian being impacted. Men don’t have anything other then their hands. I know that’s tech geeky sorry, my mind just analyzing everything. I’m fun at movies lol.
Kelli is going through a lot that I think most would be dramatic though.
When your small everything has a degree of danger. In a subway terminal if a little is being held in the hand.
They are just as likely to get bumped off the hand and fall onto the floor or the guardian has to try to grab them out of mid air and a limb could get damaged.
If they are in a bra they would be subjected to compression, getting crushed. what if the guardian falls they have no way to protect htemselves as they couldn’t move.
Bra’s are relatively restricting as well so breathing would be difficult. The notion of it I feel like is more exciting then the reality of it. I have tended to stay away from it myself because its rather fetishized. Which isn’t a bad thing. But I have also worked hard to be able to tell the stories and make them interesting without going that route.
being in a pocket have some risks yes but so does everything when you are taking a little out. The only way to keep htem completely safe would be if they never left the home.
I have to admit I am a boob guy not a butt guy. I have been blessed before I met my wife to see many types of boobs in bras and if the breasts are fairly large the back of the bra is fairly solid because of the tension strength from compression. if they are smaller then there is room in the middle and movement would not be a lot of net force even for a little. And if the guardian fell the breasts would shield them from impact and the breasts much better then a persons body or the ground. of course a bra with a little harness in the front would help safety a little and enjoyment for the little to safely see the world with out being on a shoulder. In my past work I had to do a lot of post flight safety design changes because of course safety is #1 priority so I tried to bring those learned lessons to your great world and try to help little enjoyment lol. I feel bad for littles so I always look for ways to help them lol. Thanks as always for you detailed feed back. It helps my geek brain lol. Now I have to go back to playing my 41,000 retro game pirate game stick with all the 80s and 90s game consoles lol. Again thanks your and all the other creators are doing great. That’s why I stopped mine because it just wasn’t measuring up lol.
1.1) I could see that, it’d likely come down to preference.
3) The pocket would be safer in some ways but it would be easy for Tlisa to get bumped into and not realise Kelli was hit too, which the hand would make it easier fo her to know.
5) But it is how she really feels
6) “She tried to reposition herself, pressing her back against the wall of the pocket, her knees tucked up slightly to take up as little space as possible.” Well, she’s already a little, so that’s half done already.
8) There’;s logic there, not sure if kelli would agree with the choice though.
11) I do like Kelli being Dramatic, it’s refreshing compared to certain littles who avoid voicing their concerns.
I like littles expressing there feelings and needs also. I think Bigs don’t understand how much they need to make the littles feel safe.
When is Madison’s world going to continue?
I don’t think that’ll be for a while, We’ve got two more weeks of Kayla, then probably more Smallara Prime, and whatever other side Stories Asuka has planned.
LethalLegend is correct. While I do like Madison’s world and it does perform really well. There are a few other series i need to update before I swing back around.
I look forward to what you have teed up next bud.