Kayla 20

Kayla Episode 20: A Smallara Side Story

Talisa froze mid-movement as her mom’s voice echoed from downstairs. “Talisa, dinner’s ready!” There was a brief knock at her door, followed by the fading sound of footsteps.

Kelli blinked, the sudden shift in atmosphere snapping her out of her thoughts. She hadn’t realized how late it had gotten. The soft glow of the setting sun was beginning to filter in through Talisa’s window, casting long shadows across the room. Time had slipped away unnoticed, and Kelli felt an uncomfortable pang in her chest. She wondered how long she was supposed to stay here, a tiny guest in the unfamiliar space of one of Kayla’s friends.

This wasn’t like being at home with Kayla, where she at least had some semblance of familiarity. No, this felt different—more awkward, more uncertain. Being left behind with Talisa was uncharted territory. She trusted Talisa well enough, but there was something undeniably strange about the entire situation. She felt more vulnerable, more exposed, and more out of place than she ever had.

“Sorry, umm… let me find a sweatshirt or something,” Talisa muttered, breaking the silence as she rummaged through her closet. She pulled out a more relaxed set of clothes, including a thick, oversized sweatshirt. As she slipped into it, the door to her room suddenly burst open with a loud bang.

“Talisa” A young girl shouted from the doorway, barely giving Talisa a second to react.

“Get out of here! I’ll be down in a second. You can’t just barge in like that!” Talisa snapped, her voice tinged with frustration. She grabbed a stuffed animal off her bed and hurled it toward the door, which the younger girl quickly slammed shut in response. The muffled sound of giggling trailed off behind the door as Talisa sighed in exasperation.

“Sorry about that,” Talisa said, turning back to Kelli, her cheeks a little flushed. “That was my cousin. She’s staying with us for a bit. Basically, a little sister, but way more annoying.”

Kelli chuckled softly, though the laugh was more to ease the tension in the room than from actual amusement. The interaction had left her feeling even smaller somehow, and the reminder of how young Talisa was—only fifteen—made her acutely aware of the strange power dynamics between them.

“I get it,” Kelli said, offering a small, empathetic smile. “I have a whole new appreciation for all the times I let Kayla and you tag along with me back in the day.”

Talisa smiled nervously, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she moved toward the desk. She was trying to act cool, but Kelli could sense the undercurrent of anxiety that ran through her words. The truth was, they had never been equals—not in school, and certainly not now. And while Talisa was trying her best to be friendly, Kelli couldn’t shake the strange tension that lingered between them.

“I was thinking…” Talisa began, fidgeting with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. “I don’t want to leave you here alone, but if I don’t go downstairs for dinner, my mom’s going to throw a fit. So, I thought maybe you could ride in the hood of my sweatshirt?”

Kelli raised an eyebrow, the suggestion catching her off guard. “You want me to ride… in your hood?”

Talisa bit her lip, clearly anxious. “I promise it won’t be long. Thirty minutes, tops. I’m not even supposed to have people over right now, and if my mom knew you were here, she’d freak out.”

Kelli frowned, weighing her options. She didn’t exactly relish the idea of hiding in the hood of Talisa’s sweatshirt, but what choice did she have? The alternative was being left alone in Talisa’s room or dealing with an upset Kayla later. Besides, Talisa had been kind enough to let her stay here. It wasn’t like Kelli was in a position to make demands.

“Fine,” Kelli said after a moment, her tone resigned but not unkind. “You’re doing me a solid anyway. The last thing I want is to be stuck with Kayla in a bad mood.”

Talisa’s face lit up with relief, and she quickly moved to gently scoop Kelli up. The sensation of being lifted was still something Kelli hadn’t gotten used to, but she tried to stay composed as Talisa brought her up to the hood of her sweatshirt. Looking down briefly, Kelli took a deep breath before hopping into the hood.

The fall was short, but as soon as Kelli landed, she tumbled backward, struggling to steady herself. The thick, soft fabric of the sweatshirt felt both comforting and disorienting beneath her feet. The oversized hood was surprisingly spacious, though every slight movement Talisa made caused Kelli to sway back and forth like she was on a small boat in rough waters. Talisa’s short hair, only inches away, seemed much farther from her reach than it actually was.

The sweatshirt itself easily supported Kelli’s meager weight, but the subtle, almost imperceptible bouncing as Talisa moved made it hard for Kelli to find her balance. The world outside the hood seemed distant now, muffled and blurred, as though she had been tucked away from reality, hidden in this strange pocket of fabric and warmth.

“Is everything okay, Kelli?” Talisa asked, her voice tinged with concern as she gently patted the edge of her hood.

Kelli blinked, trying to adjust to the surreal sensation of being carried in the hood of someone’s sweatshirt. “Yeah,” she called up, though her voice sounded much smaller than she intended. “I’m fine. Just… trying to get used to it.”

Kelli had never felt quite this small before—not even when she first woke up in the facility, realizing what Smallara had done to her. Being in Talisa’s hood, cradled in the oversized, slightly rough fabric, was a whole new level of disorientation. She wasn’t just small; she was hidden, almost tucked away from the world, like some forgotten object. The world around her was muffled, a distant hum of sound and activity, while her immediate surroundings were defined by the confines of the hood and the scent of Talisa’s perfume clinging to the fabric.

Talisa’s hand gently lowered her into the hood, and for a brief moment, Kelli felt weightless, suspended in the air before she landed softly on the cotton folds. She tried to steady herself, but the material was too pliable, too loose, shifting and swaying with every breath and every movement Talisa made. The hood wasn’t uncomfortable—if anything, it was soft and warm—but it felt like she was standing on a hammock, her footing uncertain, constantly having to adjust to the rolling motions beneath her feet.

As she sat back and braced herself, the sound of Talisa’s heartbeat, faint but steady, pulsed through the fabric and into Kelli’s ears. It was oddly calming, a rhythmic reminder of how close she was to Talisa’s body, how reliant she was on her for stability. But as comforting as that sound was, there was no ignoring the fact that every step Talisa took, every subtle shift of her body, sent Kelli’s world tilting precariously.

“Are you okay back there, Kelli?” Talisa’s voice was louder than usual, as though she was trying to project it behind her, making sure Kelli could hear her over the ambient noise of the house.

Kelli cleared her throat, gripping the edges of the hood tighter as the fabric swayed again with Talisa’s movement. “I’m fine,” she called up, though her voice sounded small, even to her own ears. “Just trying to get used to it.”

And that was the truth. Kelli had been through plenty of moments where she had to adjust to her new size, but this was different. The hood offered no solid ground, no real stability. She was at the mercy of every movement Talisa made, and that made her feel more powerless than ever.

The sound of footsteps echoed through the house, muted and distant from inside the hood, but Kelli felt them through her entire body. Each step Talisa took sent a soft but noticeable ripple through the fabric, like tiny earthquakes, making Kelli sway in place. She tried to shift her weight, to find some balance, but the hood was too deep, too loose, and her feet kept slipping on the uneven surface. Every time Talisa moved her head, the hood pulled tight in one direction, then loosened in another, and Kelli had to brace herself to keep from tumbling backward.

She could hear Talisa’s breathing now, soft and steady, the rise and fall of her chest beneath her. It was a constant reminder of how close she was to Talisa, how inescapably connected their movements were. The sensation of the hood bouncing lightly with every step was dizzying, and Kelli found herself instinctively gripping the fabric with both hands, trying to ground herself as best she could.

Talisa’s scent was stronger here, too—more concentrated than when Kelli had been standing on the desk. The faint sweetness of her perfume mixed with the warmth of her body, creating a cocoon-like atmosphere that was both comforting and suffocating at the same time. Every breath Kelli took was filled with the lingering traces of vanilla and something floral, but beneath that was the unmistakable scent of skin, of warmth, of a person who had been moving and living in this sweatshirt for hours. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it was overwhelming, like being enveloped in a living blanket.

As Talisa started down the stairs, the motion became more pronounced. Kelli’s stomach lurched with each step, the sudden drop and rise of Talisa’s movements making it feel like she was on a rollercoaster. The sound of Talisa’s feet hitting each stair was muffled, but Kelli could feel the impact in her bones, the vibrations running through the fabric and into her tiny body. She gripped the sides of the hood tighter, her heart racing as she tried to adjust to the constant sway. The world outside the hood felt distant, like she was sealed off from everything except the rhythmic thudding of Talisa’s footsteps and the soft, warm pressure of the sweatshirt around her.

When Talisa reached the bottom of the stairs, Kelli felt a brief moment of relief as the bouncing stopped, only to be replaced by the swaying of Talisa’s body as she moved through the house. The hood dipped and swayed with each step, and Kelli had to press her feet against the fabric to stop herself from sliding down. The weightlessness made her feel untethered, like she could be thrown in any direction at any moment.

“Talisa, honey, did you set the table?” her mother’s voice called out, breaking the relative silence that had settled over the house.

Kelli could barely make out the words, muffled as they were by the layers of fabric, but she felt the vibrations of Talisa’s quickened pace as she responded. “Coming!” Talisa’s voice was louder, more hurried, and Kelli could feel her entire body shift as Talisa moved toward the kitchen.

The swaying became more pronounced, and Kelli found herself clutching at the hood’s fabric with both hands, trying to keep her balance as Talisa bent down to help with the table. The sudden dip made Kelli’s stomach flip, and she tumbled slightly backward before catching herself. The world around her felt unstable, like the ground was constantly shifting beneath her feet.

From inside the hood, the sound of clinking dishes and muted conversation filled the air, but it all felt distant and unreachable. Kelli could hear it, but it was like she was listening from the bottom of a well, the sounds muffled and distorted. She felt like she was in her own little world, separate from everything happening around her. It was unsettling, this sense of being hidden away, unseen, while life continued on without her.

“Thanks for helping, sweetie,” Talisa’s mom said, her voice warm but hurried. “Dinner’s almost ready.”

The world dipped again as Talisa stood up, and Kelli’s heart skipped a beat as she was jolted by the movement. The hood shifted with Talisa’s every step, and Kelli had to press her body into the soft folds of the fabric to keep from slipping further down. It was disorienting, being so close to someone’s body yet completely isolated from everything happening outside. She could hear the sounds of life—people talking, the scrape of chairs against the floor—but it was all filtered through the thick walls of the hood, making it feel distant and unreal.

Kelli closed her eyes for a moment, trying to block out the constant motion. But even with her eyes closed, the sensation of swaying and bouncing didn’t stop. She was acutely aware of how small and fragile she was in this moment, completely dependent on Talisa’s every move. Every shift of Talisa’s shoulders, every step, every breath—Kelli felt it all, like she was riding a wave she couldn’t control.

“Talisa, go get your cousin,” her mom called out again, and Kelli felt the sharp turn as Talisa spun on her heels to head in the direction of her cousin’s room.

The swaying intensified as Talisa moved faster, and Kelli’s grip on the fabric tightened. Her hands ached from holding on so tightly, but she couldn’t afford to let go. The dizzying sensation of being carried like this was enough to make her feel nauseous, but she forced herself to stay still, to breathe through the discomfort.

The worst part, Kelli realized, wasn’t just the constant motion. It was the feeling of being completely powerless, completely at the mercy of someone else. She had no control over where she was going, no say in what happened next. She was just… there. Hidden, tucked away, like some forgotten accessory.

Kelli opened her eyes again, staring up at the inside of the hood. The fabric loomed above her, dark and heavy, and she felt a strange sense of claustrophobia creeping in. The space was too tight, too close, and the constant smell of Talisa’s perfume only made it feel more oppressive. She wanted to move, to stretch, to escape the confined space, but there was nowhere to go.

And as Talisa finally reached her cousin’s room, Kelli felt her stomach drop once more as the world tipped forward. She closed her eyes again, bracing herself for whatever came next, knowing that for now, all she could do was hold on and hope it would be over soon.

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1 month ago

That shot of Talisa’s hair is amazing! I also have a feeling that Kelli’s gonna get found despite Talisa’s best efforts to keep her hidden.

Reply to  Nodqfan
1 month ago

Thanks, time will tell if Kelli can stay under wraps

1 month ago

That’d make me feel so freaking sick lol

Also, I know it’s probably hard for Kelli to tell, but she’s currently with the one person that would never forget about her presence lol

Reply to  C M
1 month ago

I wouls most definately get a bit motion sick. If I was laying in the hood it might be better as it may feel more hammock like

Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

for real. it’d probably be really relaxing if talisa wasn’t moving around. I’d fall asleep in that case lol nothing more soothing than warm, cozy, and being suspended while listening ot someone heart beat.

Lethal Ledgend
1 month ago

1) “Time had slipped away unnoticed, and Kelli felt an uncomfortable pang in her chest. She wondered how long she was supposed to stay here, a tiny guest in the unfamiliar space of one of Kayla’s friends” The bad news is I think it;s overnight, the good news is I don’t think they have school tomorrow so Talisa won;t neet to take Kelli there to return her to Kayla.

2) “That was my cousin. She’s staying with us for a bit. Basically, a little sister, but way more annoying.” Kelli knows all ablt little sisters, but normally cousins aren’t as annoying because you see them less.  So is little cousin named?

3) “I have a whole new appreciation for all the times I let Kayla and you tag along with me back in the day.” Do you mean when you dragged them around to your social events?

4.1) “Talisa smiled nervously, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she moved toward the desk. She was trying to act cool” Oh Talisa that is not your strong suit.
4.2) “The truth was, they had never been equals—not in school, and certainly not now” but the power has shifted, not remained with Kelli being superior and staying there.
4,3) “And while Talisa was trying her best to be friendly, Kelli couldn’t shake the strange tension that lingered between them.” That’s not the change in power causing that, mate.

5) “I don’t want to leave you here alone, but if I don’t go downstairs for dinner, my mom’s going to throw a fit. So, I thought maybe you could ride in the hood of my sweatshirt?” Talisa explaining he situation and options is good to see.

6) “Talisa had been kind enough to let her stay here. It wasn’t like Kelli was in a position to make demands.” also not a lot of things she could demand anyway.

7) “The oversized hood was surprisingly spacious, though every slight movement Talisa made caused Kelli to sway back and forth like she was on a small boat in rough waters” it would be uncomfortable, like an exaggerated version of the pocket, but at least Kelli consented first.

8) “Is everything okay, Kelli?” Checking in on Kelli is good, but she’ll be no contact during dinner.

9) ‘She wasn’t just small; she was hidden, almost tucked away from the world, like some forgotten object” It’d be different to just being in the pocket earlier because this time the intend is to hide her.

10) “Talisa’s hand gently lowered her into the hood, and for a brief moment, Kelli felt weightless, suspended in the air before she landed softly on the cotton folds” wasn;t she already in the hood?

11) “the sound of Talisa’s heartbeat, faint but steady, pulsed through the fabric and into Kelli’s ears. It was oddly calming, a rhythmic reminder of how close she was to Talisa’s body” The soothing sound of a heartbeat works on babies too.

12) “Are you okay back there, Kelli?” Checking in a gain is good, though having to speak up to communicate with Kelli won’t help with the sneaking

13) “She was at the mercy of every movement Talisa made, and that made her feel more powerless than ever.” poor Kelli.

14.1) “Talisa’s scent was stronger here, too—more concentrated than when Kelli had been standing on the desk” body odour and haircare products, lovely/s
14.2) “Creating a cocoon-like atmosphere that was both comforting and suffocating at the same time” is an interesting take for Kelli
14.3) “It wasn’t unpleasant, but it was overwhelming, like being enveloped in a living blanket.” that’d be an experience like never before.

15) “Talisa, honey, did you set the table?” She just got here.

16) “The swaying became more pronounced, and Kelli found herself clutching at the hood’s fabric with both hands, trying to keep her balance as Talisa bent down to help with the table” the more active Talisa gets, the worse this will be for Kelli.

17.1) “She felt like she was in her own little world, separate from everything happening around her” The little experience.
17.2) “It was unsettling, this sense of being hidden away, unseen, while life continued on without her.” it’s not like Kelli would have had much effect on Talisa’s house hold previously.

18) “It was disorienting, being so close to someone’s body yet completely isolated from everything happening outside” that’d feel almost surreal as it unfolded.

19) “Her hands ached from holding on so tightly, but she couldn’t afford to let go” what would happen if she let go, she’s in a hood, basically a giant pocket, It’d be less comfortable, maybe but she’s still safe.

20) “The fabric loomed above her, dark and heavy, and she felt a strange sense of claustrophobia creeping in. The space was too tight, too close, and the constant smell of Talisa’s perfume only made it feel more oppressive.” Kelli may need to renegotiate next time Talisa checks in with her.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
1 month ago

19) it probably sways a lot more for a little and she’s trying to keep steady. I know I’d do that if I were her. I’d have been sick almost immediately lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
1 month ago

I do wonder how many Littles get motion sickness, guardians are trained to prevent it, but it never comes up even with untrained people holding littles.

(I’ve got a line about guardians cleaning vomit out of their pockets and purses I’m trying to work into a fan fic)

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
1 month ago

i’d assume it happens a fair amount. even among the unranked guardians i would think it happens. those movements that are imperceptible to the humans are immediately picked up by littles, so it wouldn’t be so crazy to think they’d be more sensitive to moving to fast and unsteady and whatnot.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

2) Ok, what’s her name?

4.1) it often is
4.2) Even if she doesn’t society does.
4.3) Lol (but that’s a terrible last name)

5) good of her

6) I mean there isn’t much she could actually get.

9) True but my point is that she’s actually being hidden not just transported

10) Lol

11) Aww, and it’s a heart that loves her which makes it cuter.

12) I see

13) unfortunately, very true.

14.1) They’d be the saving grace.
14.3) potentially like a massage.

17) It would but not trapped in a hood.

18) Well, that’s just a family meal.

19) Valid

1 month ago

1) one observation is, Talisa keeping Kelli hidden and secret opens up the opportunity for somebody in her family like her cousin to physically play around with her to the point little Kelli gets hurt because nobody knows she is on Talisa’s back so they don’t hold back any strength which good be deadly to a little.
2) Kelli not in her giant sister Kayla’s care opens up how much she relies on Kayla’s guidance and protection because even though Talisa is trying, her living conditions are not set up for caring for a little and having to hide her even makes being there worse. Every motion of Talisa’s body is rough and her placement not Ideal for making a little not get thrown around. Another serous down side to Kayla making a selfish decision as a guardian and as much as Talisa is super nice and try’s, Kelli is not in a Little friendly environment if her mom cant be told Kelli is there. And at any moment a big in her family could do a physical contact with her that they wouldn’t think about but could harm Kelli because Talisa being short leaves the hood open for her mom to push her without thinking to another part of the kitchen. This Careless guardian act is something Kelli could bring up because she is left not just Kelli open to injury, but what would happen to Talisa or what ever family member seriously hurt Kelli without knowing she was there. That would scar them for life. At the same time she can say she really feels lost without being with Kayla so please get me a place that she can chill without putting her in possible danger. She signed up to be a guardian, now she needs to suck it up and act like a young adult she is at 15. As a guardian for her sister she is making life and death decisions every day so she needs to get her emotions together or say she say the needs help from her parents if she cant handle that currently because Kelli is so venerable that even a slight mistake from a big could be the death of her sister that in the governments and her friends and family’s eye it would be her fault because Kelli is her responsibly to keep safe so young our not, with great power she has over her sister and having a little to be more popular comes great responsibility. I just hope it don’t take Kelli being mentally or physically harmed for Kayla to under stand she needs to grow up and is not a child any more like many do her age all over the world.
3) The many physical comments, especially about warmth of Talisa’s body and hearing her heart beat and it being calming is something Kelli should ask Kayla for more physical attention because almost all mammals are social and need physical attention, especially smaller versions for the mammals like children and even some more vulnerable females.
4) I really hope Kayla and Kelli are open to changes so they can be one team and Kayla steps up and put Kelli’s safety first instead of her lifestyle like all parents should and Kelli needs to understand she needs to listen to and be a active part of Kayla’s life and if she needs something or has a suggestion that she believes would help them as a sister team for life she needs to be nice and ask her nicely not bark at Kayla because Kayla is the boss and deserves respect.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 month ago

1) If I remember right, isn’t she only 5.3 so I would guess her mom is still taller then her and the hood would be in the shoulder/ back area where most moms shove their kids to get them to a close place.
2) If she wasn’t being selfish, she was being a bad guardian whose job it is to keep her little sister safe and even if Kelli protests its Kayla’s job as a good parent to tell her she has to do x because your safety is my responsibility and I get not wanting to be a third wheel and wanting to give Kayla some space, this is why she needs to ask her parents for money for their daughter Kelli that even though she is a little, her mother carried her for 8 months, gave birth and raised her and needs a little house with furniture and a little computer and pellet dispenser to keep her safe when she cant be on her physical body. This is a another place where Kayla needs to grow up and be the young adult she is and tell Kelli nicely but firm like any parent she needs to be in her little house and I still think she can have a door that goes outside with the light and a little fence Kelli is told to stay behind and if she doesn’t then door will be closed until she does as she is told for her safety. I’m guessing a addition to her desk can be Kelli’s house and yard with a white picket fence around it for safety and a line if Kelli crosses she get punished with the door locked, that way Kayla can always keep a eye on her little older sister. I do believe Talisa is trying to be a good friend to Kayla and Kelli but additionally to what I had said before, her house was old and I’m sure has lots of holes and hiding places for spiders and other bugs that can hurt Kelli so any time away for Talisa could be bad and who is to say there is no bug in the hoodie hiding? Any way I do hope Kayla steps up and reduces the risks she is placing on her charge which is what Kelli is now and I hope Kelli gives Kayla more respect and relies how much being close physically makes her feel safter and less lost having her giant loving sister close and also Kelli needs to gives ideas to Kayla in a steady but child to parent respect way so they can work as a team and Kayla will see how Kelli helping her makes her life easier with home work and social issues.
3) I am working on the major issues I see that cause glowing issues in safety and and Kelli’s happiness. The lack of not asking Kayla AND Kelli’s parents for money to get a little house and computer to keep Kelli safe and entertained when Kayla is not giving her attention and so Kelli can take care of her basic hygiene like showers, brushing teeth and getting ready in the morning. and a real little bed not a insulting and cold hearted dog bed that her boyfriends only bad move, laughed with her about the pain and insult she did to her sister which see is in charge of her care but was lazy and uncaring to get a dog bed. I look at it as a parent which you said that is why they call them guardians got their child a dog bed to sleep on instead of a real bed. I think every thing Kayla or any guardian needs to be looked at through that lenses. I don’t agree with Sarah’s outlook on littles but she is a outstanding parent to Jordan, making sure he has everything a good parent would give their kid, even making sure he eats his pellets before she gets real food to make sure he gets his vitamins. I understand Kelli didn’t want to be in a cage which i understand but I think the solution I put up above would be easy and I’m sure their is a lot of options and the store that is less cage like and safe. Hell their mom could go shopping with Kelli for it and Kayla could modify it if she didn’t like curtain things lol.
4) see 2 & 3 that I think are not sweep under the rug moments, but major issues. I will bring it up again, what would you do if you went over to someone’s house and saw their kid didn’t have a bed but a dog bed. Would you think they were a good parent. Or their kids had no way to entertain them selves. Littles especially Kelli by Kayla are to be treated by guardians as kids and the best rated guardian Sarah does that to a T.