“I brought you some food Kelli.” Talisa said as she extended her hand out more for Kelli to climb into her hand. The rumbling of her stomach and the memory of how good the food smelled pushed forward climbing into Talisa’s warm hand.
Looking about she realized Talisa was sitting on her bed. She carefully extended her hand down allowing Kelli to climb off her hand and onto the bed. She always hated walking on beds post Smallara. The surface was always uneven and blankets and bedding were always difficult as they created hills and valleys she had to walk on. However she noticed that Talisa’s bed was made neatly and walking on it was relatively easy in comparison to Kayla’s bed which looked like it had always came out of a war and lost.
“I snuck out one of slices beef from my Fajita for you. I wasn’t sure if one whole strip would be to much. I’ve never fed a little before.” Talisa said as Kelli looked at the massive piece of meat. It was way too big for her to eat all of, but she appreciated the gesture and immediately bit into it. The meat was tender enough that even with her tiny jaw she could tear through the meat which she was partially concerned with.
“It’s pretty good. My mom got the recipe from a coworker from Mexico. It’s like a family recipe that she gave us for helping her move some stuff with our truck.” Talisa said looking down at Kelli’s miniature form as she continued to eat.
“It’s pretty good.” Kelli said while finding it harder to tear though the beef with her teeth but it still possible. The flavors danced across her tongue as Talisa beamed down happy to see Kelli eating.
“So umm Kayla said she would be getting you in the morning. Sara was going to give her a ride over here.” Talisa said a bit nervous as to how Kelli would react.
“wait what? I can’t stay here Talisa. I appreciate you giving Kayla and I some space but like you need to call her.” Kelli said more seriously.
“Kayla is still upset Kelli. Not just about this incident but she feels you don’t respect her as a guardian.”
“We aren’t having this conversation. I said call her Talisa.” Kelli said stomping her foot but the fact she was on Talisa’s bed made it awkward as the stomp caused her to move off balance causing her to fall onto the bed. Kelli had a flustered look on her face. Talisa seeing how upset Kelli was tried her hardest to keep a straight face even though the scene was comical.
“Kelli, I’m sorry but no. Kayla has been bending over backwards and she’s not going to say anything, but you are mean to her at times. You order her around to pick you up and put you down and you expect her to jump when you say so. She cares about you Kelli and she knows you care about her. However, things are different now. It’s horrible what happened to you. I wish and I know Kayla does too, that it could have been someone else. There are so many horrible people preaching all kinds of garbage like Cindy Wessen and her stupid podcast.” Talisa said defending Kayla.
“I – I just want to be in control of something Talisa. I have no power and I’m probably harder on Kayla than I should be as I feel like if I relent, I’ll lose myself. I’ll just be Kayla’s pet sister, and she’ll take me round the soccer team, and I’ll be some kind of tiny mascot or something for their entertainment.” Kelli said out of frustration.
“I wouldn’t do that Kelli.” Kayla said through Talisa’s phone as Talisa set the phone down on the bed.
“Talisa you tricked me.” Kelli said.
“You’re both being ridiculous and neither of you wanted to say what needed to be said.” Talisa said with concern and helpfulness in her voice.
“Kelli you aren’t my pet sister. You’re always going to be my older sister. Maybe not my big sister but my older sister and that won’t ever change. I just want to feel heard though and I know it’s hard for you and you’re working through things, but you can still have a life. I want you to come to school with me so you can socialize and can-do things beyond my bedroom.” Kayla said
“Well, I guess maybe I could be more open to your ideas and I’m sorry If I came across as ungrateful and domineering. I’m sorry Kayla. I took out my insecurity on you and that’s not fair.”
“I’m sorry to Kelli. I should have been more sensitive to your feelings and needs.” Kayla said.
“So can you come and get me.” Kelli asked.
“It’s not like Talisa lives just down street Kelli. It will be like afternoon tomorrow when I see her. I have to meet up with Mallory tomorrow morning.” Kayla said.
“We can go get her if you want?” A voice from the background could be heard.
“Who is that? Where are you?”
“Oh, I’m at Sara’s. She picked me up earlier.” Kayla said sheepishly as she laid back on Sara’s bed just before Sara through a jacket at Kayla. “I guess we’re coming to get you.” Kayla said
I’m glad to see Kayla and Kelli talk things out.
They are making progress slowly but surely
0) Welcome back
1) “I brought you some food Kelli.” I was expecting this, but it’s good to see,
2) “She always hated walking on beds post Smallara. The surface was always uneven and blankets and bedding were always difficult as they created hills and valleys she had to walk on” It is interesting but reasonable pet peace to have.
3) “However she noticed that Talisa’s bed was made neatly and walking on it was relatively easy in comparison to Kayla’s bed which looked like it had always came out of a war and lost.” not according to the image.
4.1) “I snuck out one of slices beef from my Fajita for you. I wasn’t sure if one whole strip would be to much. I’ve never fed a little before.” the bigger concern would be if she’s considered Kelli’s reduced jaw strength.
4.2) “The meat was tender enough that even with her tiny jaw she could tear through the meat which she was partially concerned with.” oh nice.
5) “Kayla is still upset Kelli. Not just about this incident but she feels you don’t respect her as a guardian.” Valid concern for Kayla, though Kelli’s seeming lack of respect is probably due to this all being new for her, it’s less than a fortnight since Kelli got home from tha facility.
6) “We aren’t having this conversation. I said call her Talisa.” Kelli being demanding is interesting, she’s clearly not as intimidated by the humans as Jordan or as brow beaten as Gavin so she feels more free to give her opinions and make her wants known, which is good, but this also makes her more entitled and bossy, which is annoying.
7) “Kelli said stomping her foot but the fact she was on Talisa’s bed made it awkward as the stomp caused her to move off balance causing her to fall onto the bed.” get wrecked Kelli, Lol.
8.1) “Kayla has been bending over backwards and she’s not going to say anything, but you are mean to her at times. You order her around to pick you up and put you down and you expect her to jump when you say so” very common for Guardians (especially the ones Kayla knows) to treat their littles the way Kelli treats Kayla, it’s an interesting reversal but still just as bad.
8.2) “There are so many horrible people preaching all kinds of garbage like Cindy Wessen and her stupid podcast.” I love her being referenced in the height of her popularity.
9) “I – I just want to be in control of something Talisa. I have no power and I’m probably harder on Kayla than I should be as I feel like if I relent, I’ll lose myself. I’ll just be Kayla’s pet sister” that would be a very reasonable thing to fear, especially because she’s metJordan and Gavin, she’s seen littles who don’t fight back and how their treated, even if she trusts Kayla she knows Mal and Sara will influence her.
10) “I wouldn’t do that Kelli.” Kayla said through Talisa’s phone as Talisa set the phone down on the bed.” Nice move Talisa, well played, and the phone in the image is good foreshadowing even if it’s turned off.
11) “You’re both being ridiculous and neither of you wanted to say what needed to be said.” She’s right and they know it.
12.1) “Kelli you aren’t my pet sister. You’re always going to be my older sister. Maybe not my big sister but my older sister and that won’t ever change” That’d be good to hear.
12.2) “I just want to feel heard though and I know it’s hard for you and you’re working through things, but you can still have a life. I want you to come to school with me so you can socialize and can do things beyond my bedroom.” which is a good thing to want for a little, even if the communication isn’t great.
13) “I’m sorry Kayla. I took out my insecurity on you and that’s not fair.” – “I’m sorry to Kelli. I should have been more sensitive to your feelings and needs.” It’s good to see apologies that need to be said going out.
14) “We can go get her if you want?” I was surprised Sara’s offering to help a person bend to a little’s wants, I’d have thought she’d be proud of Kayla for denying Kelli instead of giving into her again.
15) So, by my calculations, you’ve only got five chapters left, which would end next Thursday, What’s happening after?
9) my lord i wish she said something about her being easily influenced and afraid of how Sarah and Mal might cause her to change while she didn’t know Kayla was on the phone
1) part of my worry about Kelli is any little being with a person not set up for littles is the idea that littles need pellets to stay healthy and what do wild or hidden smart littles eat to stay heathy because if they are a evolutionary thing(underbred), they must have lived in the wild at one point in history.
2) The more she understands how she is tiny in a giant world and stops trying to be like she was and be a herself but herself being little the safer she will be and more understanding of her new and life long bond with her giant younger sister.
3) Maybe Kelli can help make the room safe with a little older sister check list to help Kelli. Checks lists are something Kelli can suggest to help because she cant physically do stuff she can be a little helpful angel on Kayla with ideas to help Kayla though out her life. She could suggest put her skateboard attitude tore everything because everything is about working harder.
4) I never thought of the reduced jaw strength or even if there were things she cant digest because of her small system like baby’s need a mothers milk or formula because of their undeveloped system. That was why in my attempt at a story I made that the food source because it seem like a undeveloped system match.
5) The Idea of lack of respect come from both sides I believe Kelli doesn’t understand her weakened state and how much she needs Kayla to love and protect her from the giant world that wants to kill her and she need to respect Kayla’s Idea’s and status as her giant younger sister with her life literally in her hands. And Kayla needs to understand what she needs to do to make her tiny older sister safe and happy as a thinking and needing love and similar living conditions as she has and not treat her poorly like the dog bed and ignoring her playing games. Being a guardian is like being a parent and she needs to step up just like Kelli does as a little or dependent like she is now.
6)I agree its good she says her opinion, but she needs to do it in a respectful way to Kayla. I think Kayla needs to physically bond Kelli to her like Sara has Jordan to get her to fall in line more but not lose herself totally. I think Kelli always wanting to be close to Kayla or hug her feet, hands neck or any other part of her will I think be a great way for Kayla to understand her role now also.
7) Kelli needs to know her little place lol.
8.1) Totally agree, little and big should treat each other with love and respect because they are family.
8.2) I agree and I hope Kayla, Sara and her friends reject that evil type of thinking and I think Sara with her great maternal relationship with Jordan and Kayla loving her sister I think could counter Cindy’s message with her popular webcam and could get a very camera friendly Kelli and Jordan become a famous little couple on Saras webcam that her fans can fall in love with and send them things and suggest things they can do if they send Sara enough money lol. Sara could make a mint and Kelli could get the attention she needs and Jordan could be with Kelli lol. Saras little reality show lol.
9) It is a very real worry and Sara doesn’t treat Jordan to bad but Mal and Gavin’s relationship seems odd because what happens when Mal isn’t sexually or physically satisfied with having Gavin as a Mate and caves to her moms pressure to get a Big boyfriend/husband. I’m thinking the new Big mate isn’t going to want the little old mate around and if he stays will not treat him well. I think it was good for Kayla and Sara to hear Kelli’s fear and Kayla saying she would never do that and why. I think Sara hearing that will support her in that goal. I also like Sara seeing Kelli as a friend not just Kayla’s little based on her stepping in and helping Kelli in the pool with he bully and saying Kelli was a friend. I think that was a big moment.
10) Great move to get them talking and having Kelli say what is really bothering her and having Kayla be able to respond to make her feel better and get the Kayla and Kelli reunion talk to happen.
11) Totally agree. I hope they both learn to be more open with their feelings because they are going to be living a long time and close together as sister team and all teams need communication.
12.1) That is a perfect response, she is giving respect and love to Kelli as saying she is always going to be her older sister but also letting Kelli know she is her little sister and needs to be protected and needs to embrace her new reality to move on in life with her giant younger sisters help.
12.2) Great soft and nice way to explain to Kelli why she is doing what she is doing for her own good because as a little, Kelli and many other littles don’t realize what’s good for them because they are overwhelmed by what has happen to them. Big step for Kayla in her being a good Sheppard to her little older sister.
13) It was a big deal for them both to recognize they were doing bad things to each other and both saying sorry because they love each other and want to make things right.
14) I feel Sara has become so into Jordan being like family and her loving relationship with Chloe has softened her heart with littles and I think as I said before looks at Kelli as a friend not just a little. Everyone changes in life as they experience it and I think Sara being a very smart and driven person similar to Kelli will start using her very positive experience being like a proud big sister/mom with Jordan making sure Kayla and Kelli are doing well and of course she loves the idea of her Jordan and Kelli together so I think she even feels a little responsible for Kelli and Kayla now because she is committed to Jordan and Kelli being together and like I said earlier it would make a great Little reality series on her webcam. That would be a sure hit. lol
15) I hope this is the start of a heart felt reunion and maybe Sara getting involved bringing Jordon over with a new big little house that Jordan can show her how it works and why she needs to us it. Sara can set Jordan to be able to be a hero again, maybe even taking a shower with Kelli to show her how it works lol. Knowing how thoughtful Sara is she might even have good tasting pellets and some really nice cloths he can give Sarah to put in her new closets. That would be totally Sarah making her little man the hero in a big way to set up Kayla and Kelli to flourish. I’m excited writing it lol.
0) thanks
1) It’s not surprising based on Talisa’s character that she would bring Kelli food. I agree it wasn’t some kind of massive surprise. Probably would have been more surprising if she hadn’t brought her food honestly. But that would be a bit disingenuous to who she is.
2) Especially when she probably has to walk on a lot of beds now. Much more than she would have in her prior pre-infected life.
3) Its zoomed in a bit so I can see where you would think that. The blanket you see is a throw sitting on top of bed. The actually blanket and bedding is neatly made.
4.1. and 4.2) Its always nice when I immediately answer your questions in story when reading through your points.
5) that is a part of it. Kelli also is used to having a degree of authority over Kayla which now is more up to Kayla. So Kelli moreso out of fear of so much changing does fight to hold onto whatever authority she can as she has so little.
6) Kelli is more headstrong then Jordan. Jordan doesn’t like conflict and is much more of a follower. Where Kelli is leader and has a alpha personality. So she struggles with it more then Jordan does. As Jordan also listens to Kelli in Smallara Prime.
7) Worst time for her to fall when she is trying to show she has authority. But that’s how it goes sometimes.
8) This was the reason I originally created Kayla and Kelli characters as i wanted a role reversal situation between guardian and little.
8.2) I was wondering if you would comment on the Cindy Wessen name drop. This would be her heyday as they say.
9) Plus Kelli has been fearful of being bonded to Kayla and falling under her spell or whatever and being submissive to Kayla.
10) The thought was she just turned the screen off as she didn’t want Kelli to know it was on if she saw the phone.
11) They could do little to argue that point. She has them dead to rights. Talisa the voice of reason.
12) A little comfort for Kelli.
12.2) Kayla and communication will never be her strong suit. Its a hallmark of her character. It could get better but never anywhere near Sara or Ellie or Chloe or Mallory.
13) Now that Talisa broke ice. They can more easily say it to each other without being the firs person to give in.
14) Sara is Kayla’s friends and vice versa. Sara normally goes the extra mile for her friends. Sara hasn’t really pushed many beliefs on Kayla in that way.
15) Kaya goes up to episode 30. So it just kayla episodes next week. and then a couple days into the following week. Undecided what comes after Kayla. I could go back to Smallara prime or another series.
6 & 9) I think Kelli being Bonded to Kayla would be perfect & I would even suggest Kelli bring it up as a way they could have a easier time together because of her belief in herself not becoming completely passive. I would have to agree with her because I think
Kelli being bonded would mellow her out but not lose herself. It would be like her being on a THC gummy’s that we have where I live. She would be just be more loving and excepting of Kayla’s love and support. It’s like being baked with no gross smoking after
taste or drawbacks. I started taking THC/CBD gummy’s for ptsd from dying on my motorcycle and that effect would be perfect for Kelli dealing with being a little. And she has a constant cuddle partner in Kayla when Jordan’s not around lol.
12) good she got her real fear out for Kayla to know and respond
14) I think Sara has grown as a person and to be more caring for littles because of her maternal care and love she shows for Jordan and the mellow love he returns. But I think it’s more about caring greatly about the littles in her friends group. I think she
will set Jordan up again to be the hero with Kelli bring over a big nice little house with Sara hand picked out fits to give her. And Sara would be over the moon watching Jordan show her around how everything works, even the little computer they can talk to
each other on a the pellet dispenser with top of the line yummy pellets.
it would be the perfect way to get Kelli to except a little house and Sarah would get big discounts through her amazing girlfriend. I also have a feeling Sara will come to Gavin’s rescue when Mal is done with him and moved on with a big boyfriend and Jordan
can live with Kelli and Kayla in there little house and Gavin could be with Sarah, his good friend all the time and Sarah could still support Jordan with the Kelli & Jordan Realty show that would be a hit for Sarah because of there both attractive and like
in our reality, it would allow the viewers to be interactive with the couple in a Q&A every few weeks that of course Kelli would mostly do and the viewers could give them gifts to see if they would use them and like in any reality show , Sarah would take
them on adventures and Kayla could help record and Chloe could use it for the family business advertising new products. I’m getting excited again writing about it again like I did earlier, my wife and I watch reality shows together. They are so popular the Discovery
channel that’s all Reality shows forced a merger with Warner Brothers lol.
15) I’m looking forward to the new chapters and with Kayla and Kelli finding a loving path forward and Sarah and Jordan being more involved because like I said earlier I think Sarah is a proud momma for Jordan and considers Kayla & Kelli under her growing wings
of influence that I think is the opposite of Cindy and I think the great love she has with Chloe is making Sarah grow as a Empathetic driven leader with her friends and will trickle down to a bigger online presence through her web show turning into a web channel
I’m guessing ran by Chloe for fun and getting more involved in the family business her way that interests her with the love of her life and hopefully future wife because I’m a romantic, they can have a double wedding with Jordan and Kelli and Sarah can have
Jordan in her had and Kelli can be in Chloe’s hand and when they kiss they make sure Kelli and Jordan kiss at the same time. It would be the wedding of the century if the web channel and reality series takes off. Cindy could never compete with that kind of
positive publicity with such camera friendly couples .
I think while Kelli is next to Talisa’s feet she should give her a nice little foot fub to give her a little thrill for helping being a great go between to get them to back together and closer then ever. lol
I can’t right well but I got lots of ideas lol.
I am glad you’re back safe.
With all the unfortunate things happening with some of our transportation systems I am glad your back with our crazy community lol.
I look forward to you being able to release your creativity again since your work travel is done. Just a heads up I used to always travel with my iPad so I would always have a easier time to deal with the planes and fast speed trains in Japan being able to hook up to my Phones hot spot so my online addiction was fed lol. Taking out my giant engineering Catia 3d graphics laptop was a no go lol.
6 + 9) although Kelli actively doesn’t want to be bonded to Kayla. So she does feel differently. Regardless of what the benefits are its not a desire she has. Whether she can stop it over time is another story but she doesn’t desire it.
14) Sara has grown and changed through her time with Jordan. I think that’s true of all us. New experiences and learnings lead to change and greater understanding.
15) Jordan and Kelli is no sure thing or even canonically a thing beyond just words at this point. I mean Kayla could move away for college or Sara could move away. Obviously Jordan would go where sara went and Kelli would go where Kayla went. So it gets a bit tricky there as far as relationship between Kelli and Jordan.
Transportation is always a pain. Flying is a hassle and then getting around once you get there. I much prefer being able to drive somewhere myself. I feel more in control.
how do little couples like Jordan and Kelli work if Sara and Kyla both are into it. Could they go to a local college and rent a small house close to the collage together with the little couple and also, who would own the little kids if they had them. that would be a interesting hurdle because I’m sure Kelli’s parents would be interested in little grand kids, even with the little racism because technically even with the Little change, she has part of her mom and dads DNA hidden somewhere in them I would think because like any immune system issue that is handed down, it come from the parents building blocks. I have had to learn a lot about stem cell and DNA stuff lately lol. I am interested to see what you come up with
1) Agreed, but sometimes it’s nice to be right.
2) It’s a new issue for her current situation.
3) that makes sense, but it also means it’s not that tidily made.
4.1. and 4.2) I also like it.
5) Yeah, she’s scared and in unfamiliar territory. Her world is inverted.
6) Very true, Jordan can be a bit of a push over. But Kelli wouldn’t last long pushing back against a guardian as impatient as Sara.
7) Indeed.
8.1) It seems it won’t be a reversal for too much longer.
This was the reason I originally created Kayla and Kelli characters as i wanted a role reversal situation between guardian and little.
8.2) Before her fall
9) Very real issue for her.
12.1) and for now, it’s true
12.2) Sara and Mal have their own communication issues
13) It’s a technique.
14) Not yet, but her influence in general will affect her, we’ve already seen Kayla try and emulate Sara such as putting her hand down for Kelli in a wordless command.
15) Oh, lol you mentioned 25 last time. I’m sue it will be good.
A: Welcome back, hopefully was a good work trip and not one full of high sev issues lol
B: finally! i don’t think it’s completely hashed out, but it’s a major start. miles ahead of other gaurdians in terms of communication.
though I do wonder if Talisa’s mom is going to see Kayla and company the next day and get upset about Kelli having stayed the night. that’d suck lol
Thanks, It wasn’t much fun to be had but it wasn’t horrible either. Just busy.
I would tend to agree with you. It’s not fully worked out but they are trending into a better place.
Its mentioned what talisa’s mom thinks before this is done. I believe its in the last episode of the Kayla series.
B: I also liked them talking things out, not done yet, but first steps are important.
C: Talisa could just “go for a walk” and hand Kelli over down the street.
The picture had me thinking Talisa was going to have Kelli massage her feet. I was robbed! LOL
Damnit you’re right!