Smallara 528

Smallara Episode 528: A Giantess Story

Sara’s fingers continued their slow, deliberate strokes through Jordan’s hair, and despite himself, he shuddered. The sensation sent a wave of warmth through his body, but it was an involuntary response, and that made it worse. He wanted to pull away, to tell her to stop, but his body betrayed him, melting into her touch.

His rational mind told him that this was the bonding at work. Kelli had explained it, and she’d said how Littles, especially ones under a Guardian’s care, formed a deep biological attachment. Sara was his anchor in a world that was now too big, too loud, too overwhelming. It was more than emotional; his body needed her.

That was what scared him the most.

Sara was only half-paying attention to him, laughing as she spoke with Ellie, fingers still absentmindedly stroking down his back. Every gentle pet reinforced his place in her life, not as an equal, but as something belonging to her.

Jordan felt heat rise to his face. He liked it. Not in the way he used to enjoy things, but in a way that was primal, instinctual. A part of him wanted to fight it, but another part, one growing stronger every day, leaned into it.

Sara giggled suddenly, breaking him from his thoughts. “Who’s being a good wittle man? Yes, he is. Yes, he is.” Her voice dipped into baby talk, and Jordan tensed.

“Can you not?” he muttered, shifting uncomfortably in her palm.

“Aww, why not? My wittle Jordy likes it.”

“I don’t,” he said quickly. Too quickly.

Ellie smirked as she leaned against the counter. “Yeah, you do.”

Jordan shot her a glare, but she just laughed.

“You should see your face,” Ellie teased. “You look all relaxed, like a puppy getting belly rubs.”

Jordan’s hands curled into fists. “I’m not a damn dog.”

Sara hummed thoughtfully. “No, you’re not. But you do get all wiggly when I pet you.”

“I do not get wiggly.”

Sara just smiled, dragging her fingertip down the length of his back again. He shuddered before he could stop himself, his body arching slightly into the touch.

Ellie snorted. “Totally wiggly.”

Jordan groaned and turned his face away, ashamed at his own reaction.

Sara let out a pleased sigh, bringing him up closer to her chest, pressing him against her collarbone in what felt like an affectionate hug. “I know you get embarrassed, but it’s okay, Jordy. This is normal.”


That was the word that kept cropping up.

Normal that Sara carried him everywhere.

Normal that she fed him.

Normal that she dressed him.

Normal that she decided where he went, who he saw, what he did.

It was insidious, how quickly things became normal.

“I think he likes it because it makes him feel safe,” Sara said casually to Ellie.

Ellie tilted her head. “I dunno. I think it’s deeper than that. He doesn’t just feel safe with you, Sara. I think he feels right with you.”

Jordan stiffened. “I’m right here, you know.”

“Yeah,” Ellie said, smirking. “That’s the problem.”

Sara laughed, the vibration of her chest reverberating against his tiny body. “You’re so mean, El.”

Ellie shrugged. “I’m just saying, we’ve all seen it. You take care of him, and he thrives with you.”

Jordan scowled. “I do not thrive.”

Sara held him up slightly, tilting her head at him. “Don’t you, though?”

Jordan opened his mouth to argue but hesitated.

The truth was, he was doing better than a lot of Littles. He wasn’t struggling for food or shelter. He wasn’t trapped in a government facility, treated like a product to be sold. And as much as he hated to admit it, Sara was good to him.

But that was the problem.

She wasn’t treating him badly. She was treating him kindly, just… not as an equal.

Ellie reached into the fridge, grabbing a bottle of soda and cracking it open. “Y’know, I heard Mallory finally ordered Gavin’s collar. Bet he’s thrilled.”

Sara giggled. “I know. He was pouting about it yesterday, like so much.”

Jordan tensed.

Gavin was in the same boat as him, but unlike Jordan, Gavin had been dating Mallory before he shrank. When he first caught Smallara, he thought Mallory would still treat him like her boyfriend. Instead, she treated him like a possession.

And now he was getting a collar.

Just like the one Jordan already had. Well maybe not just like it Jordan thought.

Unconsciously, Jordan’s hand went to the tiny, expensive leather strap around his neck. Chloe had gifted it to him, a luxury item with embedded tracking tech. Sara had told him it was for his safety.

Jordan wasn’t sure if that was a lie or not.

Ellie noticed his expression and smirked. “You’re thinking about your collar, aren’t you?”

Jordan crossed his arms. “No.”

Sara’s fingers came up, brushing against the leather. “I think it looks cute on you.”

Jordan swallowed hard, torn between wanting to rip it off and knowing that was impossible.

“It makes him look owned,” Ellie added.

Sara smiled. “He is owned.”

Jordan’s stomach flipped.


There was no sugarcoating it. That was the reality.

Ellie took a sip of her soda. “You ever think about getting him tagged?”

Jordan’s head snapped up. “What?”

Sara hesitated. “Like… microchipped?”

Ellie shook her head. “No. You know, like a tattoo. It’d be kind of cute.

Jordan’s breathing turned shallow.

Sara waved the idea off. “Nah, I don’t need to. I like Jordy having some independence.”

Ellie shrugged. “Fair enough.”

Jordan exhaled shakily.

Sara looked down at him, her expression softening. “Relax, Jordy. I’m never going to do anything you don’t want me to.”

He wanted to believe her.

But the problem was, she didn’t understand what he didn’t want.

Ellie yawned. “So glad the weekend is almost here. I can’t wait to sleep in.”

“Yeah,” Sara said. “I know what you mean.”

So, is Jordy going with you girls to Chloe’s Party?” Sara’s father asked?

Sara smirked. “Of course. He is my plus-one.”

Ellie laughed. “More like plus-point-one.”

Jordan groaned. “I hate you both.”

Sara giggled, lifting him up to nuzzle against her cheek. “You love us.”

Jordan didn’t respond.

Because the worst part was…

She might be right.

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4 days ago

Even if Jordan could get the collar off, chances are he’d regret it the second that a bird, bug, or any animal tried to kill him, and he’d have no distress button to call for help, especially since underbreds’ vocal chords aren’t loud enough to call for help.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Nodqfan
4 days ago

He already doesn’t have a distress button on his collar though, if he was in danger and Sara wasn’t in the room he’d have no way of contacting her.

Lethal Ledgend
4 days ago

1) “The sensation sent a wave of warmth through his body, but it was an involuntary response, and that made it worse. He wanted to pull away, to tell her to stop, but his body betrayed him, melting into her touch” that’d be a hard thing to deal with, mentally rejecting something while physically wanting it.

2) “Every gentle pet reinforced his place in her life, not as an equal, but as something belonging to her.” That’s how she’s always seen him, it’s just him getting reminded.

3) “A part of him wanted to fight it, but another part, one growing stronger every day, leaned into it” like an alcoholic trying to sober up.

4) “Can you not?” – “Aww, why not? My wittle Jordy likes it.” – “I don’t,” – “Yeah, you do.” so he’s trying to actually communicate with Sara, and she’s outright dismissive, this is why I find it hard to fully blame him when he doesn’t communicate.
5) “No, you’re not. But you do get all wiggly when I pet you.” An involuntary physical reaction does not equal consent.

6) “I know you get embarrassed, but it’s okay, Jordy. This is normal.” yes, it’s very normal for her to ignore his wants and needs for her own enjoyment.

 7) “It was insidious, how quickly things became normal.” That’s very true, especially with how quickly the world welcomed slavery back for Littles.

8.1) “I think he likes it because it makes him feel safe,” he doesn’t like it, he wants it to stop
8.2) “I dunno. I think it’s deeper than that. He doesn’t just feel safe with you, Sara. I think he feels right with you.” It’s actually shallower, it’s an involuntary physical response.

9) “Jordan opened his mouth to argue but hesitated.” He’s still not communicating, but Sara doesn’t take criticism well, so that may be the smart choice.

10) “The truth was, he was doing better than a lot of Littles.” He’s also doing worse than a lot of Littles. (although I do think it’s thematically appropriate that he falls in the middle of my list.)

11) “But that was the problem.  She wasn’t treating him badly. She was treating him kindly, just… not as an equal.” That is a problem

12.1)  “Y’know, I heard Mallory finally ordered Gavin’s collar. Bet he’s thrilled.” Mal’s probably bough some high-end fancy on that Gav had no choice in picking.
12.2) “I know. He was pouting about it yesterday, like so much.” That’d’ve been cool to see, him talking about how much he hated the imminent collar.

13) “Gavin had been dating Mallory before he shrank. When he first caught Smallara, he thought Mallory would still treat him like her boyfriend. Instead, she treated him like a possession”  I get the vibe from Mal that she’s always seen her boyfriends as possessions, it’s just more overt now.

14) “Sara had told him it was for his safety.  Jordan wasn’t sure if that was a lie or not.” It wasn’t a lie, but it’s not the full truth either.  It’s also legally mandated and exists to reenforce the view of Littles as pets as less than humans.

15) “It makes him look owned,” – “He is owned.” Make’s sense he’d be disgusted by that remark, especially hw satisfied they likely sounded saying it.

 16) “You ever think about getting him tagged?” – “What?”- “Like… microchipped?” Ellie probably knows he’s chipped already, and the tag on his collar is tagged enough.

17) “No. You know, like a tattoo. It’d be kind of cute.” fuck you Ellie, don’t suggest shit like that.

18.1) “Relax, Jordy. I’m never going to do anything you don’t want me to.” that’s not even close to true you lying bitch.
18.2) “He wanted to believe her.  But the problem was, she didn’t understand what he didn’t want.” the other problem is she just blatantly ignores it when she does.

19) “Of course. He is my plus-one.” – “More like plus-point-one.” Damnit, that’s actually funny.

20) “You’re thinking about your collar, aren’t you?” yeah, you’re talking about collars right above him, and it’s a symbol of his oppression permanently attached to him, it’s be on his mind a fair bit.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
4 days ago

1) sounds like some dates I went on lol.

2) With his new tiny weak body he needs someone to take him in like a orphan child to be protected and his needs taken care of in the giant new world he lives in and being treated like a baby and bonding with Sara a beautiful woman with means and a beautiful girlfriend is the best case for him. He will never have to deal with a guy that wont care about him only a loving Chole. I don’t see anyone in any of the current chapters having it better.

3) No reason to fight loving the person that takes good care of you and loves and protects you.

4) She is treating him l like the child he is. He does like it and his body is telling him that leaning into her touch. She knows more about littles then anyone in any chapters so when it comes to little biology Sara is talking to a clueless Jordan and is trying to educate him like the child he is. I hate to say this but with Kayla getting schooled up by Sara I think Kayla will know even more than she does now about little biology and will have to start slowly being more of the parent to Kelli who knows very little like Jordan about what she is. Of course Kayla will need Saras help to get Kelli secretly bonded to her so she will be more open to Kayla trying to keep her safe and happy

5) it is pretty close lol

6) I think this is Sara knowing more what Jordan needs as a little than he does so I think its ok. It would happen all the time with new littles.

7) I like the need of pairing littles but not the slavery and exploitations with fees and expensive training that could be online for free. And of course the ownership part instead of just saying they are a dependent like a child is.

8) I think he loves and feels safe with his Giant loving protector, his old self that still thinks like a human and not a little is protesting but his little body is rejecting his old human thoughts.

9) His little brain might be winning against his old human thoughts that make him unhappy.

10) I cant think of any littles that gets as much love and attention as Jordan and has everything and more that he needs.

11) I think in the world of him being a little and not knowing much about being a little and needing everything done for him, like a parent to a child. They aren’t equal and sometimes she needs to do what’s right to keep him happy and safe even if he doesn’t like it.

12.1) True

12.2) First step for her moving on from a pet to a human boyfriend.

13) I agree but I still think she will get pressure to move on and get tired of a pet boyfriend.

14) I think Sara was telling the truth but left the part of making them look like pets out lol.

15 -16 ) Agreed

17) I love Ellie but being branded is gross.

18.2) If she thought it would make him safe or it was illegal not to she would do it.

18.2) That is a communication problem I hope they get resolved like Kayla and Kelli are trying to do.

19) HA, funny and true lol.

20) I agree, I don’t like the collars. A belt would work just as good if not better but of course it wouldn’t humiliate the littles as much as the government wants.

Last edited 4 days ago by washsnowghost
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  washsnowghost
3 days ago

1) Lol

2) He’s also been abused by Sara, she has treated him poorly, she’s not in the habit of treating him in the dreamy way you’ve described.

3) He’s not fighting a “loving the person that takes good care of him” he’s fighting Sara

4) He’s not a child he’s almost a decade older than her. Sara doesn’t treat him like a child, it’s somewhere between slave and pet.

5) No it’s not.

6) That makes sense for keeping him away from animals. Not for this.

7) On that we agree, I don’t see why a little and a human can’t just be associates without one having to literally own the other.

8) I can see that, he is still trying to end it though.

9) His little brain might be winning against his old human thoughts that make him unhappy.

10) I cant think of any littles that gets as much love and attention as Jordan and has everything and more that he needs.

11) and if not for the abuse she’s pulled for her own amusement, I’d be more trusting of that.

13) I don’t think they’ll be a couple forever either.

14) lying through omission is often considered still lying

17) It’s a common thing to do to slaves.

18.2) true, (though the illegal thing isn’t her fault.
18.2) me too

20) I still think watch is the way to go, but I take your meaning.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 days ago

1) It’s hard for sure, he’s fighting himself.

3) He should be thinking of himself as a person, be3cause he is, the problem is the people around him trying to gaslight him.

4) Sara would know his body’s reaction can’t be taken as definitive proof he likes it, it was almost definitely covered in training, his words should overrule his involuntary action.

5) Dogs and cats can make it known if they consent to petting or not, though I think Sara would respect Mocha’s consent more than Jordan’s. Those laws are fucke up

(I don’t think you agree with these rules)

6) Just the ones she can exploit for her own gain.

7) That’s true, there are dozens of countries where it’s still legal.

8.2) Which is valid of him. Not everything not consented to is unpleasurable, but it is always bad to violate someone’s consent.

9) No, but n the real world, women can’t throw a man in their purse for saying no, or lock him in a sound proof terrarium when she doesn’t like what he’s saying.

10) I wouldn’t call her kind, or even gentle. He beliefs are pretty messed up, even in her world there are people with much healthier views of littles, people Sara hates with a passion (with one exception). She’s have lived in our world until she was like ten though.

11) Concessions would need to be made, like any disability, but taking their rights away still feels so wrong.

12.1) Nice according to Mal. I’m willing to bet Gavin won’t agree.

12.2) fair enough.

15) oh, lol

17) When I heard that my mind went to the slave tatoos used by the Greeks, Koreans, Vikings and Arabs, that’s why t pissed me off.

18.2) Jordan only agreed in a “better the devil he knows” situation, plus he has no real reason to think the out she gave him was genuine, after all the lies and manipulation he’d endured from her. and it’s never gonna be on him when Sara treats him poorly.
Sara does have a lot of improving to do, she’s freely admitted that these laws aren’t fair and that she takes advantage of him, she just needs to realise that those things are bad.

19) it was funny, felt weird being snapped from frustration at them to laughing so quickly.